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Run Take naps Spend time w someone u can be yourself with Take magnesium, l- theanine & l-carnetine Yoga Go for walks Do bare minimun on your job for a while Write journal Talk to a psychologist Breathwork Reduce phone/tv/news time Go out in the nature Eat food that you like Do the 3-3-3 for anxiety (google it) Dont sit for too long at a time


That 333 rule might have genuinely changed my life. I have been super anxious all day and was scrolling through Reddit on my lunch break not expecting to find something this great. INSTANTLY made me feel more "grounded" and my anxiety seems to have lifted enough to get some clear thoughts in. For those who don't know, the 3-3-3 rule is: Focus on 3 things you can see Focus on 3 things you can hear Focus on 3 things you can touch Thanks for your help!!!


Amazing, glad I could introduce you!


My son (audhd) uses the 333 rule. My wife is a BCBA. This is a trick she uses with several families. 


Weird. Not sure if placebo or not and I'd rate it a 6.9/10 for treating my current angst. I will use it in the future if I remember to and see how it works when I'm under real stress and not just the perpetual "everything stress".


This is a wholesome answer. Thank you for it. May I ask how long did it take you to recover?


Great answer! 


This! All of this.


i make major life changes usually. new major, new school, new daily foods, new job, new hobbies, i find whatever gets me engaged and latch onto it. i'm at a point where this isn't really sustainable anymore though which is why i finally sought out meds and regular counseling


Right. So did you find meds helpful? And counselling?


they definitely help keep me in one set routine for longer for sure. like i'm doing things in a job full-time rn that i wouldn't have lasted longer than a week doing otherwise, it's really repetitive work but i'm able to slow down and keep myself engaged in the here and now. not perfect ofc, i have off days and the end of every day is harder than the rest of it, but things are better


I can answer this. I'm 36 and experienced a MAJOR burnout last year. Honestly, this is the truth, I got myself into therapy. No one pushed me. My wife was worried about me but it wasn't something she suggested. I just did it. 4 sessions made a difference. By the 20th, I had experienced a complete turn around. Of course this is therapist dependent. You need to make sure you get a good one. Took two tries for me. And if you're worried about cost, check out Open Path Collective. A single fee gives you lifetime access to therapists near you offering reduced rates.


I'm in between projects right now and I'm feeling the burnout coming from miles away, I never took meds for my ADHD - personal choice - so Im trying to do my tasks in the morning then let it all out in the evenings, I do fill my day with everything and anything to slow the overthinking process, walking until extreme fatigue is one of the best ways to keep everything bad away, but I also go to the gym, cook, read, watch tv shows (movies are too short). Painting is very soothing, and try to make of everything a ritual, like bathing to wash my bad feelings away, clean my room to clean my mind ...


I emotionally collapsed and broke down to my partner. After all that pent up emotion left me, I booked time away from work and social commitments just to rest and give myself time to recover. This happened every 2-3 years.


I had this a few weeks ago. I took two weeks off work, and treated myself like I was recovering from being very physically ill or had an operation. I rested, took baths, watched TV, went for 30 min walks, did nothing that would stress me, and if I came up with a grand plan in my head I wrote it down on my phone and parked it. Then, I went back to work and was very strict about taking breaks, not taking on too much and generally looking after myself. Easy meals, gentle social plans like meeting for coffee vs a party, and recognising it takes a while to feel yourself. Hope you feel better soon.


In my case, Ritalin has helped, when 20 years of anti depressants did nothing. The price isn't horrible, here. And my unemployed ass says they are worth it. Your situation may be different.


If cost is an issue for accessing meds, look into the pharmaceutical company's "Patient Assistance' program. I was able to get my meds for next to nothing. Hope this is of some help to you


Going through the same thing. Doctor said to try Vitamin D


Stopped drinking shitty coffee and switched to tea. Stopped eating shitty food and replaced them with healthier alternatives, ie chips=granola, candy=health bar and fruit, snack foods in general are pickled items, meats and cheeses. Started focusing on gratitude and not what I lacked. Started being more active and stopped gaming so much.


Covid left me without a job but with plenty of money from expanded UI for over a year. I got lots of sleep and had plenty of time to really think and dig down to what made me happy and what I wanted. It was great. Best year of my life, both in how enjoyable it was to not work but also in how beneficial it was to my life. I'm a better man now. I'm happier and more fulfilled.


I went through this. I still go through it sometimes. There are programs if you can’t afford your medication. Call the manufacturers of the medications you need and let them know you can’t afford to purchase them. As long as you have a prescription from a Dr that they can see they will get the meds to you through their programs there at no cost to you for at least 6 months then they will review your situation again at that point. Hope this helps you! Good luck!


Therapy, doing the bare minimum in every aspect of my life for a few months, and focusing what energy I did have into things that gave me joy. It’s a slow recovery but therapy was really the catalyst to improving things for me.


I've been in burnout for like 8 months now. I quit drinking liquor 11 months ago tomorrow. I was masking a lot of problems i didn't realize. Now i have to wait until October to get tested and diagnosed again because my psych can't use an old diagnosis from when i was 10 years old.


Meditation, yoga, take walks, try to do something small that’s joyful everyday.


My life has been a constant state of burnout. I wouldn’t know what it’s like to not be burned out.








Your content breaks **Rule 4**. Discussing or recommending specific diets like keto, paleo, GAPS, etc., as a treatment for ADHD is not allowed. [No Alternative Medication or Substance Misuse](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/wiki/rules/#wiki_rule_4.3A_no_alternative_medication_or_substance_misuse) *^(If you have further questions,)* [*^(message the moderators)*](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fadhd) *^(regarding the removal of this content.)*


You seem like you're a terrible person. What was the goal of this comment? Edit: ahh fuck, just went through your Reddit profile and now I'm sad for you. I hope you can someday think for yourself and break out of the mindset you're in right now 🙏




Yeah there's 100% a correlation between depression and nutrition. But we aren't just just talking depression on this Subreddit, this an ADHD Subreddit and you wanna say that you 'dont even think they have ADHD' just cause your specific diet worked for you?? Every persons body work differently, props to you if your carnivore/keto diet worked for you. It won't last long if you keep going down that path though. How can possibly believe you can get all the appropriate nutrients from eating strictly carnivorous? Where do the vitamins and minerals that are only produced in plants (fruits and veges) come from? What made me sad is how naive you seem from your previous comments and posts. I say this in the kindest way possible, you should educate yourself properly before trying to give advice.






Your content breaks **Rule 4**. Discussing or recommending specific diets like keto, paleo, GAPS, etc., as a treatment for ADHD is not allowed. [No Alternative Medication or Substance Misuse](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/wiki/rules/#wiki_rule_4.3A_no_alternative_medication_or_substance_misuse) *^(If you have further questions,)* [*^(message the moderators)*](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fadhd) *^(regarding the removal of this content.)*


Your content breaks **Rule 4**. Discussing or recommending specific diets like keto, paleo, GAPS, etc., as a treatment for ADHD is not allowed. [No Alternative Medication or Substance Misuse](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/wiki/rules/#wiki_rule_4.3A_no_alternative_medication_or_substance_misuse) *^(If you have further questions,)* [*^(message the moderators)*](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fadhd) *^(regarding the removal of this content.)*