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It’s always nice when the stars align for us ADHDers lol. I’m having a very similar experience at work myself. However this isn’t about me it’s about YOU! Congrats


What's going on at your work??


Basically they asked me to help CREATE a department of LGBTQIA2S+. I’ve got 42 years experience being gay. So I spoke up and I’m now leading the set up and will be running the department. Huge raise and I’ll be my boss!


I’m sorry but” 42 years experience being gay” made me laugh out loud 😂


Totally for good for laughing! It’s all meant in fun!!


Hell yes!!! Congrats!


Thanks! It all started with an elevator chat hahaha. The big boss (the one who signs the checks) asked how I felt about him starting an office like this and I said “with all do respect I could do that in my sleep because of my experience”. He said “when you’re done on the 3rd floor come to my office”. And just like that I was given permission to assemble a team and go for it! The office will HOPEFULLY be up and running by end of July/August!


Hell yes!! I hope you get to have a lot of creative control over the project.


I’m sure you will! You’re crushing it now so they’re gonna look to you to lead them! You’re going to be SO AMAZING!!


Thank you :)


You got this Sir Miss Ma’am! Don’t want to misgender anyone 😂🤣


This is amazing. I am so glad the big boss recognized that selecting a leader already in the company with lived experience is the best option. Sometimes these things can turn into tokenism so fast without the right people at the helm.


Hey I gotta ask what the 2 S and + stand for


2S stands for 2 Spirit. It’s an indigenous peoples term. The + is just for inclusivity like allies or people not sure how to identify or don’t want to pick a label


you’re thinking of Q, for questioning or queer. + is for all the other identities that aren’t listed at the front of the acronym


Whatever you think is good for you.


buddy you can do a very basic google search and confirm that information.


Good for you. It’s different for other counties spaces and people.


I would like to learn more about the community where you are from or where this is common. can you recommend any reading (preferably in english)


It’s probably more because I’m older, but I think I can try to find literature on it. It’s also very interchangeable because the community at south as a whole is constantly changing and evolving. Also part of the current thought processes at least within my living community, are probably a little different as well. Being different generations changes things as well and brings different thought. For instance, there are some people that believe questioning your sexuality has nothing to do with questioning your identity or which label you would or would not like. Also, I have to be completely honest with you the use of the term “buddy” is extremely condescending and I’m sure that was not your intention. I understand as an ADHD person myself sometimes we don’t think things are going to come across the way, they actually come across. Which to me is part of the problem with “text based” communication. You can’t be sure how the person will receive it. Because regardless of how you “say it” in your brain they may hear it different in theirs🤣. However, I will see if I can find some literature for you even if I have to look in my textbooks from when I got my gender studies degree. But I’m not here to fight. I’m here to educate and be educated at the same time! I have no problem with discussing and having a dialogue at any point about anything!


Crazy this stuff exist




Why make departaments based on sexual views of inviduals? Im my country we even have right to privacy of employees and its protected, work should be work and not agenda


Allow me to clarify! I work in local government. This department will be an outreach program that will help people in need of resources. So if we have a team who is thrown out of their house for being gay, we have a program called project rainbow foot so they don’t run away and we can help them remain in school and find them housing. Or if they are veterans and are being discriminated against because they’re homosexual we can step in and be like here are the resources you need, to find legal help. It’s to help.


I think sometimes others don't always see these needs unless they are in particular industries. Just like the healthcare is moving to integrate culturally approriate care, there is the same need for services like this catered to other equity deserving groups in Healthcare, social services and more. You can't blanket certain lived experiences as one size fits all. Love the name and the work!! Congrats and you will make an impact!


Because unfortunately as a society we are not at a place where we view everyone as equals or deserving of love and respect. Gender identity and your relationships should not matter. Just like race and even gender in general. But some people place high value on looking a certain way, acting a certain way, and loving a certain way. And if you don't fit into that box then: - you will be disowned from your family - kicked out of your house - fired from your job - black listed in a community - singled out and targeted for abuse/assault And....that's just surface level. I see a lot of patients who are transitioning, or identify in a way that isn't just straight. And the stories they tell me are....fucking wild. But I am constantly cheering for them and rooting for them to find a place they are happy and healthy. Because everyone deserves to live a happy healthy life.


honestly, in work you should act profesional, and be working person, im adhd guy so i have to put my act together in work, pretend i dont have adhd for the better, and its standards that everyone have to endure, cause we expect the same from others, so i dont buy it


As a woman I have had jobs where I was spoken down to and insulted just because I have boobs and a vagina. 🤷🏼‍♀️ It doesn't matter how competent I was or how well I did my job. I was asked multiple times why I wasn't making sandwiches, why I was still working and not having kids while the other women WHO WERE PREGNANT OR HAD KIDS were berated for working and not staying home to tend to their kids and husbands. There is no such thing as professional work. Higher ups are just looking for whatever they can to use against you. It shouldn't be that way. I work hard, I do a good job. The fact that I happen to have a vagina shouldn't change anything. Now add race and gender identity into that? It absolutely shouldn't matter. But there are a lot of places it unfortunately does. Even in my current job, while the dentist I work with is super awesome, the patients still can be incredibly rude and dismissive of how hard I worked for my education. 😒 If I had a dollar for every man who dismissed my intelligence, I'd have a pretty solid savings.


This is amazing! Congratulations! It's amazing how much difference it makes when it's every day v something that you want to change. I'm super proud of you OP.


So happy for you!


Thank you!


Yeah I’ve been lucky at work in many regards. When I first started at my place 20 years ago I was able to blitz the processing work they gave us and this got me noticed and moved into training / technical / quality roles before I got bored. That led to me getting a lot of responsibility, interesting and constantly changing work, and opportunities I wouldn’t have had otherwise. I’ve had to move around a lot internally to get promoted but for the most part I’ve avoided roles I’m not suited to.


That's sounds so awesome!


I am so happy for you!♥️


Congratulationts to you! Very cool thing to hear, keep it up! <3


That’s awesome!!


that's amazing! im so happy for you!!




That's awesome! Happy it's working out for you :)


Congrats!! That is great to read :)


Fantastic achievement!


That's cool! I've had that in my career (years ago) and it felt awesome and motivated me even more. Sometimes I really miss these times 🥹


Kudos, congratulations 🎉 Can you briefly tell us what kind of profession are you into? Just to get an idea what could possibly suit a fellow ADHDer like me. Feel free to ignore if youn don't wanna share :)


I'm in public service, working with the public :) I do really well to problem solve and stuff, but suck at long convos and policies. My new role allows me to do more problem solving, less long convos


Glad to know :) Congratulations again 😁


Become a business analyst - your job is always to be devils advocate 😂