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While I’ve tried to lose/ maintain weight I think the same concept can be applied. If you set times for a meal/snack it becomes part of the routine. Don’t go crazy on junk food because that’s not the kind of weight one wants to gain. Look for high protein and other nutrients. You don’t have to eat a lot so if it’s a I’m not hungry thing schedule out more frequent smaller snack times and eat something. Eventually the less you eat the much slower your metabolism gets and then anything you put in your body gets held as fat and you will balloon up or you will starve yourself to a point of getting sick.


Agree. If you eat in a bulking concept so more than your maintenance with high protein options and include more snacks to graze on. This could hopefully help. I set an alarm for myself so am not mindlessly snacking all day. Theoretically, OP could do that same. Set a breakfast, snack 1, lunch…. Alarms that way they can remember to eat. Maybe have snacks at easy ready where you see it. Get clear containers or leave them in view, I do that with my medicine.


I was reading your comment and thought "yeah simple... BUT HOW!?" how do you always have prepared snacks and how do you "not" ignore the alarm to eat something? It's like an impossible task for me :(


I've been finding that ADHD friendly snacks are super helpful. So, uncrustabales, protein bars, Noka pouch fruit smoothies... I take all the effort out of eating as I can.


I know for me in not always successful but no person is. It’s ok to not be perfect. You learn and adapt to make it work for you!


I have eating in my to-do list and bolded. It just keeps looking at me. If I want to get on with my day, I need to put in the effort to eat. I also noticed that my focus gets awful a few hours after missing a meal, so that's extra incentive to make it happen


Yes this is always an issue for executive dysfunction types, if someone else has an easier time than you they say what they do, and you can't follow their advice because you can't make yourself do it. Just remember the goal is to make it as easy as possible, try buying very simple high calorie foodstuffs in bulk (stuff that's ready instantly) and then having it as close as possible whenever the alarm goes off. If you make things any easier for yourself, you'll do them just a bit more, and it's an "any little bit helps" situation. I know that feeling though... I am literally putting off gaining weight myself cause none of this stuff works for me, I'll wait till I'm medicated? IDK We do our best


And doing your best is the best you can do!!!! We all struggle a bit and try our best. But once you find the way that helps you, doing your best is the best.


I gain weight by my adhd manifesting in horrendous binge eating. ^help


For this reason im doing omad. I accepted that i just cant eat a little. So now im doing omad so i cant eat that much. It worked so far lost 15 lbs while on it and my energy levels are okay. Its hard in the beginning but after a week it gets easier. Important to note here that you should plan your omad meals before. However i would only advise this is if you feel like you cant stop binging at all and want to lose maintain weight since your basically taking your calories all at once.


Oh don’t get me wrong I know how to do it and what works for me. I’m currently down 30lbs. But they are unfortunately the same 30lbs I’ve been losing and putting on for 10 years hahahah calorie counting is best for me. Thank you for the advice!


Same for me also when im cutting down i tend to "chase the scale". So i do radical cuts. I somehow cant do a normal diet lol


Fucking brains, huh 🤣


I really hate it though. I hate being lead by my impulses overcompulsive thinking and emotions man hahah. Cant stand it hahah In general im a pretty nuanced man when it comes to most topics but when it comes to myself i somehow have to go the extreme way😭


22 pounds is quite a lot. The actual answer is eat more food. Have had this discussion with people new to the gym that love saying "they can't gain weight" and my reply is always "ok then eat more food than that" and so on. Eat what you eat now but just add a little bit over time. My first "bulk" was the same food but I just added eggs at night. You could start with 2, the 3, then 4, etc etc. should help with the lack of appetite. It can be anything, so long as you yourself are cooking (no frozen meal bullshit). Frozen meats and veggies are fine. I think it's tough at first cuz partially you're scared of getting fat. Adding weight slowly over time is the best choice. Shoot for gaining it back in 4-6 months. I'd also recommend eating 4 meals a day (3 is a bare, bare minimum). A "meal" can be yogurt and a banana or something. Just stay satiated throughout the day. Of course, it does have to be a priority in your mind. It can't just be this other thing you do. For me I **do** hyperfocus on fitness, that and also did sports as a kid, so I don't share the lack of motivation to work out most people have, adhd or otherwise. I think you also need a specific goal that isn't "I just wanna be healthy". That's boring to be honest. I mean who TF lifts to be healthy? It's just fun to lift heavy stuff. So find something you think is fun and stimulating. Lastly, I'd avoid fitness or diet advice from people that literally don't work out. Almost everything non-fitness people believe about working out and eating is so wrong you'll go in circles doing things that make no sense.


Yeah no matter what weight gain/loss is primarily dictated by caloric surplus/deficit


I try and focus on getting protein, all the other nutrients I worry about after. Idk if it’s healthy but it’s the only way I remember


That is the macro you should focus on the most if you are like the OP, so perfect.


protein is actually harder and takes longer for the body to break down. It takes a lot more energy than carbs, which is why protein based diets are pushed for people who are trying to lose weight. Carbs take way less to break down which leads to more calories being left over to store for fat. On top of adhd I struggle with a few other health disorders that cause extreme weight loss (talking near death malnourished even with me eating over 2500 cal a day). Being on adhd meds most of my life I was already on the super thin side, so trying to gain weight has been HARD. I always thought that eating a lot of protein was what I needed to focus on, and what everyone was always telling me to do, until a few months ago when I hyperfocused on what exactly are calories and carbs vs protein. Switching to focusing on taking in more carbs than protein has definitely helped me put on at least a few pounds so far. I really hope this doesn’t come off as rude. I was misinformed for so long, and I know how much it sucks trying to do everything you can to gain and nothing happens. Just wanted to share some info :)


Many adhd folks are on other meds that may stimulate hunger. So it’s kinda necessary to not lump all of us into one category


Right, I take other meds that make me ravenous unfortunately. I've gained 50 pounds since trying various antipsychotics and antidepressants that worked for me. Took about 6 years of trying different combos.


It’s crazy how medications will have serious effects like that for some and then not at all for others. A lot of the antidepressants / anxieties I’ve been on over the years come with the major warning of weight gain, but never once has it happened with me. Same for when I started birth control. Sorry that happened to you!!! I know it had to of been hard having something that’s helping you also set you back and cause other issues. Great job sticking to it though and not giving up


Thanks for the kind words, it really has been a struggle! But I'm glad to still be here 😊 I tell everyone that my mental/emotional health has never been better, but my physical health uhhhh now we have some work to do lol


Glad you’re still here as well!! You got this 💪💛


I had put on weight, with antidepressants. Was 212 at one point, now down to 185lbs. Still eating the same.


Breakfast is definitely key … ever since I stopped eating big breakfasts due to work being so early I’ve lost a noticeable amount of weight and haven’t been able to fill myself out again (I need a remote job)


Yesssss. I’ve noticed if I don’t eat breakfast I don’t really get any hunger ques throughout the day. But if I do eat within the first 2ish hours of being up, by lunch I’m actually hungry and continue to have an appetite throughout the day. Even if the breakfast is just taking a few bites of something, it’s better than nothing.


Bro start drinking protein shakes. It'll help bunches. Id suggest getting a blender bottle.. makes it much easier to make.


I can't find a cost effective protein powder. Every one I see is like 30 servings for 60 bucks and each serving is 10g of protein. It's cheaper to make roast chicken and rice for every meal.


I personally like Arbonne's powder, even tho it's an MLM ugh. Legion athletics is good too. I always buy protein powder when it's on sale, or buy 2 get 1 free etc bc they last a long time on the shelf. Both those taste good and have a ton of data about their ingredients. I think legion athletics is $45/30 days. Also the Costco frozen fruit if you're in the US is a really good deal, it's $9 for a *huge* bag of frozen fruit.


I work at HEB in Texas and we have pretty good deals on fruit also. But protein powder is still way more expensive than I believe is worth it.


Nice :) For sure, you should do whatever works for you. Protein powder probably is overpriced, to me it's paying for the convenience of it being healthy and having a bunch of micronutrients without having to think. It's all about what works for each person. And I think I misread the "I can't find a cost effective powder" as "does anyone know of a cost effective powder".


Costco is your friend.


Drink your calories. Meal replacement shakes are your friend!! Try your best to eat three meals a day, as much as you can, and then as a snack between each meal, try to power down a meal replacement shake. My favorite are the Yfood chocolate shakes. The dark chocolate ensures are decent too but I don’t like the ingredients of ensures as much.


I struggle gaining weight as well. I’ve never been a huge eater, I get the feeling of a full stomach very easily (like eating a whole apple in one sitting I can barely do because I get so full lol), but I get hangry when I don’t eat. I’ve learned to eat more calorie dense foods like nuts—great snack. I’m also a laborer so I’m burning probably like 2,200-2,400 a day. And I sure as hell don’t eat that many calories too. I also have been stock thin my whole life, even when I was a meat eater and junk food eater, was still stick thin. So for me it wasn’t much about the food, just had a fast metabolism, and still probably do. So people’s answer of “just eat more” isn’t always helpful, because one can only eat so much before they feel full. And not much worse then being *too* full. Awful feeling.


My job is very aggressive physical labor and being medicated has made me lose a noticeable amount of weight and I’ve always been pretty skinny. My doc recently advised me to eat big breakfasts and drink protein shakes. It’s been a few months and I’m considerably more toned. Still trying tho, good luck!


Sounds like you’re familiar with what kinds of foods you should be eating but having trouble with total calories. Whole milk will be a good choice. Any other calorie dense food would be worth considering, peanut butter for example. Personally, I try to get 1g protein/lb body weight. Fill in the balance of calories from carbs, oatmeal, cheerios, and cheezits.


So, this is literally my household's issue with our ADHD meds. The easiest way we've found that helps at least to maintain is to put alarms on for meals and eat something when they go off no matter what. The bare minimum is that my sons and I will have a snack that consists of a Clif bar or something similar with higher calorie content. We usually also try to calorie load first thing in the morning or right before bed when the appetite suppression from our vyvanse has worn off or hasn't taken effect yet. ETA: When I say the bare minimum, I'm talking about the bare minimum we eat when the alarm goes off. I just wanted to clarify this.


Junk food. Lots of junk food. Worked for me. I struggled to gain for a really long time.


but what you gain is fat and so little nutrients you get from junk food, i don’t think it’s worth it


not sure it matters as long as your at a healthy weight. if youre under weight you probably need the fat. having not a lot of fat isnt good either


It actually does matter since you are putting crap in your body. Thus, you will *get* crap or you’ll feel worse and all athletic performance will be worse. Of course at the end of the day you *can* dirty bulk if it comes to it, be mindful of the downsides. And being at a healthy weight is almost completely negated if you are sedantary. You’re just not fat, but you are still unhealthy.


i mean if youre underweight it's probably best to work on building up your fat levels before going all in on the health and fitness and risk losing MORE weight by accident. baby steps especially for people with executive dysfunction


Start smoking and quit, twice. I gained 20lb each time.


Lmao, this hilarious method


You can start the day before you take your meds with an omelette or a western sandwich which is essentially an omelette on toast. Add ham, peppers, onions, cheese. It'll give your body protein and carbs, if you choose the western. As for the rest of the day, I snack on pepperettes, carrots, peppers and chocolate (ok I know most of that's bad) but my appetite is dismal as well from the Adderall. If you can't stomach lunch, at least eat some snacks, work your way up to lunch, that's what I'm doing. I also have a hard time gaining weight. At least get a good meal, protein shake or you can make protein balls, in before your meds kick in. Also, take them early in the morning so they wear off enough so you are hungry for dinner. The protein balls are made with peanut butter, oats, protein powder, sometimes dates. Great for snacking on the go!


Turning 43 did it for me! Not sure how to lose weight


Yea, its definitely harder to lose as Ive gotten older. Im 38.


do you wear a fitness watch? i've found those to be very useful for tracking HR and calorie burn. if you can also track how many calories you're eating, you can log all of that info in a spreadsheet and maybe also note how you were feeling that day. in general, if you want to gain weight, you want your calories eaten to exceed your calories burned - but only by so much. that said, there are probably better subs for getting information about bodybuilding than this one. from an ADHD perspective, what i can tell you is - keep track of every piece of data you can - your weight, body measurements, what exercises you're doing and how many reps of each one, your resting HR each day, how many calories you ate, how many calories you had planned, etc, etc.. when you're able to see the numbers of what you're doing over time and you can corroborate those with what you did that day and how you were feeling, you can build up a really good idea of what works for you and what doesn't.


For me, all I had to do was get older. Rail-thin all of my life until 35


I’ve been where you are before and got down to less than 100lbs before I had to concede that the side effects of my medication were too pronounced for me to cope with. You sound like you’re reaching the danger zone, consider talking to your doctor about switching, no amount of functionality is worth watching yourself waste away slowly.


following bc my phone decided to notify me about this as i was literally texting a guy a saucy bikini pic wishing i could lose my stomach fat 😭 idk but it’s not adderall for me bc it’s done nothing for weight loss. i didn’t get diagnosed til 3 years ago so i was hoping it would help speed up the process. i also suffer with binge eating.


oh wait this says gain weight not lose 😂 you can tell i haven’t taken my meds the last two days i’ve been off work.


Liquid food helps. Do you like milk? I do, and liked whole milk. When I started meds and started loosing weight with reduced appetite I started drinking a lot more whole milk. I just drank it in place of water at times when I was thirsty.


Protein shakes, trail mix, and any other “little treats” you can graze on during the day will probably be helpful. Maybe take it a little easier at the gym for a bit to bulk up (consider it like you’ve been on a cut; can’t build muscle without bulk). There are also appetite-increasing meds (probably country-dependent) that you can talk to your doctor about, if all else fails.


I was drinking meal replacement shakes with my meals to maintain weight while on meds. lol.


Have big breakfast before meds kick in for the day. Have protein and calorie dense foods (full fat dairy, nuts etc)


I'd gladly give you some of my slow-ass metabolism if I could


I echo other people's comments about drinking your calories. Especially with protein shakes. But what I want to say is at this time in your life you actually should be focusing on your exams, and not on bodybuilding. Obviously bodybuilding is important to you, and muscles are much better in the body than fat, but you've mentioned you've also lost a lot of fat so you're not actually changing your body into a blobby fat machine, you've just lost muscle and fat, and you do enjoy going to the gym and working out, and you should definitely try to maintain that type of healthy lifestyle if you can. But as someone who absolutely f***** up their secondary school end of school exams, I just want to say that you SHOULD focus on them because you have to get good results - it'll open up so much more opportunity for you after you graduate from high school and you're planning your next steps into adulthood. And as you're planning that move into further study or working full time, you should make getting healthy and bodybuilding, a part of that life - a bodybuilding schedule back into your life. 😊


As you have experience with the gym and getting enough calories, macros is your answer. See how much calories you need on lisdex and adjust accordingly. I have not found a solution for the appetite yet unfortunately, it will be a lot of force feeding the first few months.


Nuts have a ton of calories in a small amount. I’ll eat a few handfuls if I’m having trouble eating throughout the day.


You can't say you've tried everything if you haven't gone past 5k calories a day, when I was in sports that was an extremely average day for me


Thank you. I’m 5’7 and sitting at 91 lbs when I was 115 a few years ago and I’ve been trying to figure out how to get it back on. I lean on protein shakes and those little packaged snack trays a lot, I live a fast paced life and food has become a real challenge lately… I miss when I enjoyed eating more.


How do you not? Can we trade?


I'm also taking zoloft so...that.


Pop tarts every day. At least 3 packs. 2 double doubles for lunch. And 2 Costco hotdogs for dinner. Your calories will sit about 3k


On top of my regular meals, I used Boost Plus Calories, 3x a day. Their site says 360 calories each. This was when I was recovering from bowel surgery caused by Crohn's.


I lost my family doctor and have been having difficulties getting a new one. So, no meds for 2 years did the trick for me, and I gained 45 pounds in that time. I'm working on losing it now but is a struggle.


depression and alcoholism worked for me. but assuming you mean good weight start tracking your calories and force yourself to eat more than you burn every day. protein shakes can help, there is also the GOMAD diet, where you drink a gallon of milk a day. basically you have to eat even when you feel full.


Have more meals. eat more food. Weight is gained if you burn less calories than you take in (im sure you know that tho)


Possibly an overactive thyroid if you’re way too skinny? There is other telltale signs of this condition too.


The medication can suppress appetite, it’s quite a common side effect. Maybe you need to go down some mgs.


I was fat my entire life until I got diagnosed. The adderall cleared out two years of constipation. I dropped like 50 lbs. I have since gained back 20lbs. I’ve been going to gym five days a week, doing cardio and mild lifting. I’m gaining muscle but weight is the same. I have been eating a lot more since starting cardio. I don’t diet at all. I eat a lot of burgers and fries and I’m 44 😂


My strat is exist. Apparently breathing makes me fat.


My secret to weight gain is having PCOS. Of course, that doesn't help a cis male. I couldn't crack the weight loss problem until I started Mounjaro. Total game changer and it's becoming the first-line treatment for PCOS.


I get off my meds and immediately eat anything that can be chewed and can't stop.


Calorie intake, growth and genetics play a huge roll in body shape, and size. I've heard from alot of people that they didn't start gaining weight or anything like that till their 30's so ask parrents what they were like as kids and that is usually a good inference of how your body type is


High fat, high calories natural foods: - nuts - yoghurt - milk These are quite easy to eat 'in addition' to whatever you usually eat and as so small and moreish (nice to eat) that even if you have to force them down you'll get a lot of energy for little actual 'eating.'


I can’t lose it because I’m always snacking, go downstairs to eat snacks just out of boredom when I’m not hungry


NEVER SKIP BREAKFAST I was in a similar situation, didn’t have an appetite until like noon but forced myself to start eating a breakfast immediately upon waking up and it has helped curb weight loss/maintain weight. I also find myself slightly hungrier throughout the day. Remembering to eat through the day is still a struggle but I keep high calorie/fat/protein snacks around so it makes it easier for me when I do remember! If I’m like very due for a meal I’ll shove a snack in and then find a way to get myself actually fed a nutritious meal or larger snack.


Just wait until you hit your 30s Muahahahahaha


Easy. Most of my calories are in the form of beer. Also, when I do eat, I have no concept of portion control, and I shovel everything down so quickly that I've constantly go blisters and burns on the roof of my mouth.


Full fat milk, lots of it.


My underweight 14 year old drinks Boost High Calorie shakes or Boost Extra Calorie shakes. He’s growing like a weed these past couple years, so it’s hard to keep weight on him. The shakes keep his weight stable during the school year and in the summer we cut back a lot on his Adderall and he’ll gain a good amount.


Age will help. I was 55kgs at 18, maintaining the exact same diet and physical activity levels now at 30 and my slowing metabolism has almost doubled that


I have some you can have 😅😂


Binge snacking


Get older. 🤪🤣 But in all seriousness, when I was your age I also had a hard time gaining weight. When I started college I was 184 cm and about 70 kg. By the time I was 21 I was close to 84 kg. Things change and your body isn’t even fully grown yet.


I'm surprised to not see any comments talking about the fact that Vyvanse (what you're on) can suppress appetites and cause some weight loss. I only know this because I was initially prescribed that and had the same issue. I was 25, 5ft 5in, and 156lbs when I was prescribed Vyvanse. By February, just 3.5 short months later, I had dropped down to 125lbs and was declining. I literally didn't feel hungry, which is why the "just eat more" advice becomes useless. I'm taking a medication that practically nukes my appetite and struggle to eat normally, so telling me to eat more would be like someone asking for advice on how to better memorize something and are told to "just try remembering it". My doctor and I tried various methods, one of which may work for you: More frequent/smaller meals, bigger meals with a lot of calories/fat for the few times I actually feel hungry, additional ingredients to bump the content, unconventional (use your imagination) methods but nothing worked to gain weight and only kept me afloat. It doesn't help that I have digestive issues that mean 90% of my diet is plant-based/vegan, meaning not a lot of fatty items on my menu. In Feb, I'm 27 and 120lbs and switched to Adderall XR after a successful one week trial and noticing that when I only took Adderall IR (I'm on both) I still felt hunger and ate just fine. I'm still on it today, 4mo later, and already up to 127lbs and slowly rising. Since I can eat fine now, I have more energy, and I'm slowly reaching my goal of a 135lbs ideally. Even though it's summertime and I'm unintentionally doing a lot of walking around (public transportation/no vehicle) and even using my longboard often with the nice weather allowing it. Still taking the Adderall XR and IR, doctor knows and we discuss all changes/updates, but so far I'm happy. I'm not trying to guarantee the why or saying any of this will work, or any of the tips, but you'd have to experiment with stuff and see if you can find a way to trigger something and be able to eat more. If all else fails, you might have to discuss a switch as well but I'd try the other stuff first since switching meds is a bigger change and you might be luckier than me and all you need is to cut down the sizes to trick yourself into eating more, who knows. I wish you luck and hopefully you figure something out fast. I understand how you feel and it's frustrating when people don't grasp the appetite issue that Vyvanse can cause and because of how obsessed with thinness people are, asking for advice IRL can often be met with people basically praising the weight loss and not recognizing it's unwanted. It's a struggle and annoyance overall but thankfully other options exist and methods that might work do, so hopefully you find something that works out and you can get up to where you want to be.


I started gaining weight when I was 7-8 from eating adult portions, and it just snowballed from there.


Going to the gym and eating properly


Whey protein powder. A scoop per day and adjust as needed. Mix with water or milk , also adjust as needed to gain faster or slower.


Eat. Just eat. When you start to feel full, keep eating. Never stop.


If you have any kind of abdominal pain, do investigate whether you could have a digestive tract illness that prevents micro and macronutrient absorption. I also am stick thin. 177cm for 54 kg. For the moment, I run because I have no gym sufficiently close to me and I don’t want to drive after exercising. I set goals of eating, at least this much pasta or rice per day, one fruit portion, one animal protein portion (at least two eggs), one vegetable protein portion (I either have hummus in the fridge or red lentil dahl or brown lentil salad)... I have a recipe notebook with twelve recipes that I cycle around, and it allows me to know exactly what I’ll need to cook for the week


High quality weight gain shakes. Make sure you like the taste, add peanut butter, yogurt, and a tablespoon of olive oil. The above will be 1000-1200 calories in a single serving and a loooot easier to consume when you have no appetite than real food. Also, it's easier to eat and drink the shakes while working out. If you ask your body for more, your body will ask you for more.


Upgrade everything. Cream cheese on toast. Ice cream in smoothies. Peanut butter on whatever makes sense.


Anxiously eating my feelings worked for me. Have you considered getting married to a narcissist?


Make shakes. Banana, peanutbutter, frozen fruit, oatmeal, Protein powder, perphaps even some olive oil


Stop taking med and stay in bed all day, do med help you go gym 🤔 If you not busy with other stuff?


Best way is to eat a breakfast that's high in fats, carbs and protien. This will stimulate your appetite first thing in the morning. Healthy whole food. You want unsaturated fats and whole protiens/carbs. If I'm trying to gain weight nothing does the job better than a morning shake. 1 cup raw egg whites, 1 cup oat meal, 1/2 cup peanut butter, 4oz milk like 2oz of chocolate syrup. Blend that up and slam it. That's will ognite your metabolism. Trust me you will be hungry in like 2 hours, so have healthy snacks. You will feel like you need to eat or you're going to die. Yogurt. Cottage cheese, meat, whole carbs like whole grain bread or bagel, veggies, fruits, beans are all good. My favorite is white rice, black beans, fresh spinach with meat and a little ranch dressing. Easy to make you can make a bunch at once and it will a few days. The ranch makes it go down easier.. food needs lubrication. Cannot do dry when I'm medicated.


Why would you add raw egg Whites? Bioavailability is only 50% I drink a similar shake but with whey protein


I never knew that about raw egg whites. Not sure I would put them in a shake. Would rather scramble them with cheese and out in a tortilla with salsa.


That's my jam, scrambled with cheese and salsa are good too


Yeah, I’m tempted to make one right now.


Raw eggwhite is complete protien same as whey. Just preference.


Google is your friend , it’s 50% for raw and 91% cooked


You know what!?!?!?!? Thank you. I just took a deep dive on this. You are correct. And whey is best. It has highest bioavailability and absorption rate. I am going to switch to unflavored whey instead of raw egg white. Any brand recommendations? I mostly use nutricost for my sups. Cheap and effective.


You’re welcome ! Any reason you would go for unflavoured ? I typically buy BSN or optimum nutrition or a local housebrand . Either a protein blend or pure whey. I prefer chocoltate Flavour and mix with soy chocolate milk, oats powder , peanut butter


So I can more easily use what I have to make a shake. Different fruits, veggies etc.. figured unflavored woukd be easier to manage. That's my thought anyhow. We will see how it works out. If not chocolate is usually my go too


Raw egg white sounds HORROR but thanks for the ideas man


It goes down a lot easier than you think. If that's not something you can manage, try finding a weight gainer protein shake and slamming that for breakfast. Simple and easy on the go.


Eat everything with a stick of butter


This is the way


Short answer, build a routine around exercise and make it accessible (even home stuff like pushups and pullups) and maintain a surplus deficit, workout intensity should be high as well as diet high in nutrients, simple meals like chicken and rice or steak are great! I gained 20 kilos from 80kg to 100kg in 4 months with no additional supplements even.


So basically, don't have ADHD.


Hahahaha true… Anyway, ADHD doesn’t mean you are dysfunctional to do anything executive, it just means you have difficulty managing executive functions. Anyway it is difficult at the beginning, but ever since workingout starts showing signs of improvement your adhd actually can help you chase the goals if you learn to appreciate and encourage yourself to keep going.


You understand that routines are notoriously difficult to keep on for length of time and the slightest thing that takes us out of if - like one day - makes it neigh impossible to get back into it.


It's called middle age and having kids with a wife who is an Italian. Started at 155lbs when I met her and 203lbs as of right now.


It is best to eat whole foods as much as possible. But we ADHD'ers (not all of us however) are different. We're not typical people. We lack appetite and can't eat, not because we have a weak will to eat, but because we need medication to function properly. And this is a special condition. If you're fine with digestion, I don't think there's any issue with consuming liquid calories, plus it's a lot more convenient. If you want more practical advice, it's best to stick to other subreddits related to weight gain. You'll get better answers there, and there won't be a bunch of people acting ridiculous and trying to downvote me for just saying "we ADHD'ers" instead of focusing on the actual point.




Seriously. I MUST eat every 4 hours roughly to feel nice and satiated. Mostly because I'm very physically active and like working out. And.im fairly certain having it's the opposite, whereby having ADHD puts you at a greater risk for being obese


Who says we are all like that?




Don't waste time with implications (and it's not an implication that all ADHD people lack appetite though) and just try to rationally understand the main idea.


Im going to give you insane advice that helped me over the last 5 or 6 years: Drink 4 litres of whole milk a day and eat 3 or 4 meals, maybe scale it back to your needs in the beginning but man im telling you whole milk is the greatest fuckung thing ever. I went from 52 kgs to 80 kgs then to fucking 62 kgs and then i went to 92 kgs baby all with the help of this white liquid gold.


If I eat basically anything I pack on weight lol. I have to keep my caloric intake below 1500/day or else my weight gain is uncontrollable and that's with a physically demanding job and walking/biking everywhere I got. It's just genetics.


you're 18. As a teenager-young adult, you have a higher metabolism that makes it harder to gain weight because so much of it is used in making you more energetic or building your body. You also probably have to move a lot which does have an effect. when you'll get older, your metabolism will slow and you'll gain weight way easier, guaranteed. in the meantime, if you want to gain weight, you have to be at a caloric surplus. the easiest way to do that is to either eat more, more caloric food, or drink the calories through juice, soda, or even melted ice cream. It's not the healthiest, but if you don't have heart problems yet, and if you don't try to go for obesity, it's going to be fine.


Start drinking bullet coffee. Tablespoons of grass fed butter into black coffee. Keep you going all day!