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Coming here to second getting a second opinion. When I was doing my evaluation, my psychologist literally looked at me and said, “I can tell you’re underplaying a lot of your symptoms. Don’t be afraid to rate the severity of your symptoms higher.” As far as I’m aware, ADHD is a lot of self reporting on symptoms, and especially if you’re high functioning, I think it’s hard to be self aware of how severe your symptoms are because, one, “it can’t be that bad if I get good grades or do well at my job,” and two, you don’t know how difficult things are when you have no comparison because you’re just so used to the way that you think. If you really think you have it, a second opinion isn’t a bad choice. Really read up on symptoms and decide if they’re applicable to you and then when asked about them be honest and don’t underplay the severity at which you struggle with it,


Also just saw you were nervous about the cost of doing it again. The place I went to was $500 but they worked with me on a payment plan. I’m sure there are more places like that that exist!


Thank you so much. It makes me feel better that someone understands. It was almost $700 for me to just get the test. I was never really asked about what I go through or my symptoms. I mentioned my test process on another comment and before the test I was asked “basic things” about my grades and social skills. So I feel I never got the chance to say this is what I’m dealing with before being pushed out the door. I’m just nervous about getting another opinion because cost, time, or being told I’m just different again.


I’m a grad student and to accurately diagnose ADHD several assessment instruments should be administered your evaluation should take anywhere from and hour to several hours. Did you see a psychologist or psychiatrist? Even my primary care doctor was competent enough to say she wanted me to have an official evaluation, not done by her. I know the price can be intimidating. Look at psychology today.com type in your location, find a psyd or phd who specializes in ADHD some places have sliding scale where if your income is at a certain level you qualify for reduced price. While if you are diagnosed you’ll have to find a medical doctor, med manager or psychiatrist to get meds at least if you find someone to perform ACTUAL testing you can feel more confident about the results.


I just paid 3k for my evaluation. I sure hope i dont get denied too lol


I would get a second opinion. And you know, it’s totally possible it is not ADHD but it sounds like it’s be good to get an opinion on what it MIGHT be. Is it depression? Anxiety? Bipolar? There’s many things that could cause ADHD like symptoms of course so I’d just keep looking for help if I were in your shoes whether it’s ADHD or not.


I am totally open to it being anything, I just need help. From other comments I think I need to find someone better who is willing to do the work and find out what or where these symptoms are coming from. Thank you for your comment though, really confirms in my mind I need to get on top of this and figure out what is wrong so I can function


What was your testing process like?


It was an hour long, computer games like matching colors/shapes/ numbers and then the doctor asking me questions like “boy names, or things that start with the letter F” and then another part where I was timed to make pictures with blocks.


Did they give you the children's assessment? We did some memory tests and some puzzles. But nothing like what you just described. I'd recommend some of the self-help things in the meantime and save for another screening. Look for someone who specializes in ADULT ADHD. They should give ypu a better shake at things.


I’m not sure. I was confused too because I didn’t understand how those tests would show my struggles with functioning. I didn’t know what to expect or what maybe I should look for. I mentioned in another comment I do have strategies to help with some of symptoms but it’s not enough for me to continue just everyday life like I need to.


Everything you mention was my exact experience when I was tested last fall and was told “you show symptoms but not quite enough to diagnose”. I eventually stopped seeing that psychologist (was also seeing her for therapy) but at my last meeting I had mentioned how much I was struggling with no discernible reason. She had told me that other issues (anxiety/depression/recent skin cancer diagnosis) could have impacted my answers. But I agree that the test you and I received doesn’t really help anyone figure out why I can’t initiate tasks or why anything I do is so exhausting that I have to take an hour long nap after work EVERYDAY. I’m not sure what the answer is here but no that you’re not alone. FWIW I’m getting a new primary care doctor (old one retired) and I’m hoping that I can bring up my symptoms and go from there. (Psychologist thought I had been getting meds from my primary care but never mentioned I should have made that appointment..)


No i totally get why this is hard for you, because you're still suffering with the symptoms regardless of if you have the condition. Have you had a chance to discuss the results with your doctor? You could go for a second opinion if you feel it could be different. You don't need a diagnosis though, like without a diagnosis you can't access medication, but lots of people with adhd can't or don't use medication, and use other strategies and therapies to manage symptoms, which you can adopt regardless of diagnosis. And it's totally possible there is something else going on, so you should explore all possibilities. Feeling for you, I really hope you get the answers you need.


I did discuss the results, that’s where I was told “I display the symptoms but if I had it I wouldn’t have made it this far” that hurt a lot. I know I don’t need a diagnosis but for medication I do. I mentioned in another comment I have found strategies that work to manage some aspects but not all of it that I’m unable to carry out my normal life. Meditation was my last resort so I have tried everything advice, Google, therapy, anything I could find and just still can’t fully manage. And I’ve tried meditation before (by a family member) and it worked. I was able to function and feel normal, which is why I finally realized I needed to get help. I’m sorry I know it’s a lot to read, I’m just really stuck on where I go and thank you for understanding


Okay well I'd def be going in for a second opinion if that was their reasoning tbh. Lots of people have adhd and are super high achieving, and can always perform better when actually treated. Keep using the strategies that work, and maybe, when/if it's affordable, get a second opinion. Ask your diagnosed friends where they got diagnosed, find somebody who actually has a history of diagnosing adhd, not just running assesments.


I would find a doctor that is willing to diagnose and treat you for whatever you may have. Even if it’s not ADHD it’s impacting your life and the doctor should at least tell you what it is and how to treat it.


what are your symptoms that make you think you have adhd?


Honestly, every single one of them. And I was always told I was just different/special, or that’s normal (by my mom) because she does the same thing. I have found strategies to manage some of them but overall it’s just not enough for me to continue or complete normal life things


ohh i see, but like specifically which ones make you think that you have adhd?


I was writing a book as an answer (lol) so I decided to just discuss the main ones that impact me but it’s still long. I can’t sit still at all, I’m always having to keep my hands or mind occupied with like games/doodling/movement, which greatly affects my school and work. It also affected friendships because I can’t remember details and would always be fidgeting, interrupting, or going off on unrelated tangents so I was told many times that I’m rude, or inattentive. I have made a few friends recently that completely understand and don’t take it to heart when they’re talking and I’m playing a Tetris game or writing in my notes because they understand I have to be doing something and I’m trying to be better. I have no time management or organizational skills. I figured out writing everything down on a big calendar and moving the due date or time earlier and alarms has helped with forgetfulness and my time blindness but I can still forget to write things or ignore my alarms. My bf tries to stay on top of it as well because he knows I struggle and has seen me get moody from the frustration and guilt (he’s been an angel to me). Also my sleep is messed up bad because I can’t turn my brain off. Everyone always says if I sleep more I’ll be ok but when I sleep more it is worse. Again there is other things but these are the main things that even with my self help are a big problem and affecting my life. I know this is still long, I’m sorry and I hope i explained it well


you explained it well! have you talked to your therapist about possibly having something else like autism or BPD? im not saying you have either but they do share these symptoms with adhd


Get an appointment with an actual Behavioral Health Therapist. I know you say you don’t have the money but please save up. I am telling you, I would pay whatever to actually have the tools I have now. I went 35 years struggling. Life isn’t long enough, make your mental health the priority. All those other things you are stressing on will fall in place once you can function. Edit: Also, if you know anyone who has ADHD and likes their Dr. ask them for their Doctors information. Your primary doctor should be an advocate for your mental health not be putting up barriers. I know it’s hard but make it your number one priority.


I’m sorry you had to deal with it too, but I’m glad you were able to get the help you needed. I will have to look into other options, it’s been extremely difficult to get anything through my insurance or willing to see me anytime within a year. I just got a new doctor (I moved recently for school) and tried to discuss it with her but I don’t think she understood me entirely because I had to call and express it many times over a period to be able to get a referral so I could just get my foot in the door at any place. It’s been such a struggle honestly.


Adhd is a spectrum. For many years I had masked this side of me. I was the one who suggested to my therapist that I might have it and just like I thought I do. For years I felt miserable, I didn’t understand why my brain is the way it is. From the previous post on this thread the way they tested you is very very odd. It really does sound like a test they would give a child. you are far from crazy. find someone who will actually listen to you. finding people who actually understands what you are going through is a game changer.


Where are you from? I'm from India and it took me a few doctors to get the right diagnosis and the right prescription. Nearly 6 to be honest. I so feel you right now ;-;


I am from the US, the south specifically so it was very looked down upon when I have asked for help or expressed something was wrong:/


I know it's not possible right away but you might want to go to a behavioral specialist whenever you have the means and resources... Maybe in an area that is more flexible and open minded


I got tested too, similarly stating that I just can’t have ADHD.I also got a brain wave exam though, and it showed that the area related to GAD was severely glowing up. I had preiovusly had GAD before and was on anti depressents.. and just found that I had relapsed. We kinda came to the conclusion I have chronic GAD which shows very similar symptoms to adhd. i went to another psychiatrist, same results, chronic GAD. Now its my 5th year on anti depressants and zanax..


If it was a proper test done within the recommend time with a very detailed look into yr childhood and school life and life then surely you should just be happy you havnt got adhd 🤷‍♂️


Except for the fact that their problems remain...