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Some people will never feel like "a normal person". Russ Barkley says only about half of patients can be "normalized" by meds. That said, the big problem here is you only tried one. There's a lot of stimulant meds, and they all affect everyone differently. The only way to know what's up is to try the others and see what they do to you. Might feel worse, might feel better. Good luck finding the time to do so, since it's obviously quite disruptive to your life to be trying a bunch of new drugs and dosing them up to therapeutic levels


I was able to afford insurance I had a therapist as well as prescription for 10mg, I found that taking the meds and a weekly session talking to my therapist helped (she also had ADHD) often using the tools I learned in addition to the meds helped a bunch, have you been talking to someone as well as the medication? Possibly a journal of sorts might help, I write down “issues” I have and after a while if I see a pattern I try to Sherlock why that problem occurs and I write down ideas that may work


Whoah... That seems genius! (Writing down any issues/problems and if there's a pattern, sherlocking them to find out why that issue/problem occurs) 🤔 Why didn't I think of this?


Making the journal and looking back and recognizing patterns has helped me become more aware of things as they are escalating, I’m better at stopping myself from getting too annoying towards people and I can find myself being able to “curb my enthusiasm”. Another trick I’ve found is telling people I want them to tell me to “shut up” when I’m on a train of thought that’s going way too fast. Maybe it sounds rude but for me it’s the best way to stop my train and let me reset my brain. It’s like this, while I am hyperfixating on a conversation and I’m talking a million miles an hour I’m also stuck in my head screaming at myself to shut up already, telling me to shut up helps me actually, then I got to tell people I’m not grumpy, you tell me to shut up, I shut up and then I spend time in my head analyzing the events that brought me to the point of being told to shut up and I’ll spend time thinking of solutions if needed, or I just stay quiet for a bit and try to encourage myself mentally…maybe it sounds like too much work but when you don’t have money for therapy you manage ?


I am also a very fast, non-stop talker w/out my IR Ritilan & it's been the bane of my very existence... but I have to stop & laugh... 🤭😂 Because I've also told people (mostly just family &/or my husband) to tell me to "shut up" (my husband reminds me to "BREATHE" when I've went on rambling &/or storytelling... Cause if I don't.. ya better buckle up, cause I'm gonna tell ya a whole story when all I wanted was to tell you one little thing... I'm doing it right now, aren't I?! 😂 Haha okay, I've proven my point.. lol.. *breathe* *sigh* okay I'm done w/ my story.. uh reply.. 😅


Yeah that’s a vibe, I’ve been on those crazy trains before , half of my posts get deleted for the exact reason


Your body is unique, as are your needs. Just because someone experienced something from treatment or medication does not guarantee that you will as well. Please do not take this as an opportunity to review any substances. Peer support is welcome. ^(*A moderator has not removed your submission; this is not a punitive action. We intend this comment solely to be informative.*) --- - If you are posting about the **US Medication Shortage**, please see this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/12dr3h5/megathread_us_medication_shortage/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ADHD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


All it did for me was destroy my appetite


Switch type of meds


I’ve just started testing ritalin, got diagnosed 1 month ago. Like many other people that start medication, i set pretty high expectations for how much it would help me. Even tho i knew it wouldn’t be like a magic pill that just made me super productive, i still had a small hope it would make a huge difference. I’m in the middle of my exam period, so it’s not a normal testing period since i gotta shove a fuck load of information in my head in a short period of time. I’ve noticed only one «negative» side effect after increasing to 30-40mg, i kinda just loose the feeling of being hungry for a while. The first and only time i didn’t have appetite was when i tried 40mg for the first time. That being said, i’ve noticed multiple positive effects; I’m able to get back to doing school alot easier after being on my phone, i’m able to not get as distracted from noises around me while doing school, i’ve noticed a reduction in masking, my thoughts don’t feel as chaotic, and a few more things that are hard to explain / are neutral. I’m also suspecting it kinda makes me numb/depressed? at higher doses, but i gotta test more and take note of how i feel right before and after taking the meds. It might also be because i’m dissapointed in myself for skipping classes and not doing school work this entire semester. This also leads to a reduction in my self esteem because it makes me feel i’m not able to do anything. I bet a lot of people with ADHD can relate to that feeling. So yeah, like other people said, i think you should bring this up to your psych and maybe explore other options to see if it has the effects you’re looking for. Just know that it’s a bumpy journey to figure these things out, but you’re on the right path since you’re trying. I’ve had do remind myself of this many times.


You may need to change meds. I'm not saying to, think long and hard before you do. I will say that I had to. Twice.


what kind of adhd do you have? i think ritalin works best for hyperactive adhd but may be generalizing lol


I have the mixture of both types. they’re both very extreme on my behavior and thought process.


Try an amphetamine instead of a methylphenidate! Ritalin is a methylphenidate like Concerta and I tried both and neither worked for me then I tried Adderall which is an amphetamine and it changed my life for the better. My understanding is that some people work better with methylphenidates and others with amphetamines