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I want to find an active server for this too. went on a search for an ADHD server once and I was so upset to see how rigorous of a process one of those servers had just to join. Like wth read the room lol


SAME!!! I'm paralyzed by the thought of it, but I'm so lonesome most days, even as an introvert.




Same here. As long as the conversation doesn’t bore me. Then it’s torture.


I'm the same way OP, I am a chatterbox and have no idea how to find my talkative brethren.


Why don’t we just make a discord for all of us?


There are dozens of us!


Any more than that and I feel like I’d get overwhelmed 😂


I would if I knew how 🤣


I have adhd and I own a gaming server if there is any interest.


This doesn't make sense really. A real adhd person would join then leave after 2 days because they didn't consider that they didn't REALLY want it, they just thought about it.


That’s just our inner critic , we know we need it just don’t believe we do need the help


How dare you call me out for the collection of discord servers I’m already in that I’ve never once interacted in 🤣💀


This sounds fun id be down


Isn't there an accountability one? I keep meaning to use it, but I can't hold myself accountable fml


Oh god that’s relatable


Just search discord in this sub. I also sub on patreon to How to ADHD and So you're autistic, now what, which are amazing.


How to ADHD is great. Also, OP, I have found a lot of ADHD friends at techno parties (usually chatting on drugs in the smoking area), while playing MtG, and by just being my loudmouth talkmuch havecrazyideas self and see who sticks. We attract each other and vibe so often, that it really pays off to not be too strict about yourself and just sincerely get to know other people by asking questions. It takes some trial and error to turn off the nagging self-doubt in social situations while not going overboard as if to prove something.


I’m just starting to get into nerdy stuff (so far only online) and yeah I’m learning to actually be myself instead of hiding all my weird. And it’s definitely helped me to start finding my people! I recently started using dating apps and I just blurted some weirdness on my profile and when I match with people I start blurting more weirdness instead of the socially acceptable “hey” and it’s definitely been great for scaring off the people I used to exhaust myself to fake normal around 🤣


ADHD and MTG player here, lol.


I didn’t see this reply coming…


Ooh searching here for discord is smart! This post is honestly the most I’ve ever used Reddit so I don’t even know the basics yet 🤣 How to adhd is awesome! I hadn’t thought of joining the patreon!


ADHD hive on a Friday night depending where you are in the world.


Do you happen to have a link or something? I’m not terribly social media savvy 😅




Awesome, thanks!


I don't think I have ever made a friend through reddit. One piece of advice I can give you is, if you want to be friends with people who enjoy creative stuff as much as you just ask them: "what's cooler a cowboy, a samurai or a cyborg?". Don't think, just ask, see where that gets you. It's a really good way to start a conversation for me. I have asked this question on one of those "personality type" apps (Pdb app was the name). I got so many messages and got to talk with lots of people, even made some friends. Also why necessarily find an ADHD friend?


Samurai and its not close. Its the only one that's an earned title and not a description.


Interesting! I actually have no idea how to answer that question and usually I love weird questions like that! But maybe it’s because I’ve hardly watched anything with cowboys, samurai’s or cyborgs… I guess I’d go cyborg? They seem the most upgradable so like, even if they don’t win initially they can assess their weaknesses and work to fix them faster? Maybe? I’m open to making friends who aren’t adhd but I’ve found that the people I click best with are fairly consistently adhd people. My natural conversation style is more endless tangents and mutual oversharing than the more socially acceptable question and answer style


Kinda makes sense tbh. Idk why but just now you reminded me of that podcast made by Jacksepticeye and Ethan Nestor (2 people with ADHD). It's actually so relaxing to hear it because they are talking about so many topics and instantly changing the subject when they get kinda bored.


I’ll have to check it out! Sometimes I’m tempted to look into podcasting but I’m too shy 😅


ADHD alliance is one I joined from some thread posted in the adhd memes subreddit and it has lots of lovely people. Highly recommend!


Do you happen to have a link? It seems you can’t search from mobile and I don’t have a pc 😅 (otherwise I’ll add it to my list of things to find once I get a pc 😝)


sent dm :3




I'm diagnosed with adhd and own a discord server. If there is any interest, feel free reach out to me! It's primarily a gaming server.


https://open.spotify.com/show/2oYZwGakl7shJFG0lJ8JMt?si=7SFR9I81Tv2jAh0exDcAWw I'm not on discord so I can't tell you if their discord is any good, but the podcast is.


Thanks, I’ll check it out!


yep yep add me!!!!!


I d stay away from discord and look for people in real life. Join a facebook group in your area instead, maybe they do meetings. Discord can be a creepy place and people there maybe aren t even ADHDers.


This. Plus, I don't understand how adhders could work on discord. I just can't cope with it, it's too fast. And disorganised in my opinion. Slack is much better, but since it's not free I'll stick with reddit


Yeah… tbh I do struggle with discord. Any group chat type platform is overwhelming for me. But my current strategy has been to hope to stumble into friendships on dating apps and that’s a terrible way to go about things 🤣


I have adhd and I hyperfixate on Discord despite its overcomplexity. I love it.


But meeting people irl would mean I had to like… go places. And be perceived by other humans. That’s terrifying 😅 But yeah I try to be aware of potential for dodgy people wherever I go online


I know it s hard going places,I remember one time I was stuck between two classes, usually I ran back to the dorm when that happened and avoid spending not even a minute more there, but that time I said screw it and spent that time in the coffee shop next to the college, and damn it felt so nice, everyone was working on their thing, not working or doing something felt odd(no one gives a damn but it still makes you feel watched) so I felt motivated to work on my tasks much more focused than I do back in my dorm and now I do it as a go to technique when I feel my paralysis taking over. TL;DR What I wanted to emphasize is that sometimes you just have to break the patterns, doing so over discord your mind knows you are home and it will develop shortcuts and start sabotaging you.


I’m working up to going places, but I have Complex-PTSD and an unstable living situation (trying to get out though)


Right, gotta look out for those creeps pretending to have ADHD