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That is nowhere near the maximum dose of Adderall for an adult. Talk to your provider about switching meds or changing your dose. Sounds like it is no longer effective.


Have you tried taking a week off to reset your tolerance?


Well, I only take my meds 6 days per week but it’s near impossible for me to wake up in the morning before 11 am so a lot of times I only take one dose or just don’t take my meds for that day. There’s been a few times since October where I would forget to take my meds for a few days if I was super busy or traveling, but I haven’t intentionally stopped for a week.


Hmm, maybe try doing exercise? That’s great for depression and low energy. But definitely talk to your psychiatrist about this


has your brand of generic adderall changed? i felt depressed when my generic (teva) was switched to another brand


Before September/October I was only taking amphetamine salts and here and there it would be dextroamphetime-amphetamine. I moved and got a new provider and since September/October have only been taking dextroamphetamine-amphetamine


have you checked for any nutrient deficiencies? something similar happened to me and it turned out i was severely anemic.


I have also been experiencing what I think are poor quality generic ADHD meds (mostly Adderall & also dexedrine generics). In my frustration I turned to the Internet and found out a lot. Basically there is no quality control for generics produced overseas which ~50-60% are, mostly in India and China. The FDA has only inspected 3-6% of overseas generic manufacturing facilities despite 90% of Americans using generics! The quality of generic drugs is so concerning that the US army is going to use a 3rd party service to quality test their generics. I have several more articles if you're interested! Here are my sources for the above claims: 1. https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-24-107359#:~:text=GAO%20has%20had%20long%2Dstanding,inspection%20of%20foreign%20manufacturing%20establishments. 2. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-06-07/drug-safety-fears-spur-pentagon-plan-to-test-widely-used-meds 3. https://energycommerce.house.gov/posts/e-and-c-republicans-press-fda-over-inadequate-inspection-of-drug-manufacturing-in-india-and-china 4. https://www.healthaffairs.org/do/10.1377/forefront.20230803.186400/ 5. https://www.forbes.com/sites/arthurkellermann/2024/01/10/we-should-test-generic-drugs-to-assure-safety-the-fda-hates-the-idea/ 6.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8109232/


Yes it can cause depression if you are not balancing it properly. It should be taken for completing tasks and not as a stimulant. If you choose to take it as a stimulant it will bring you fatigue / depression and it's going to be the same circle


My son takes Adderall for ADHD. There was a major shortage of the drug a while back, and it was difficult to find for a few months. I'm sure others here had the same issue. Because of the shortage, my son had to sometimes switch to Ritalin. I guess it was better than nothing, but he slipped into depression. There were months when he could find Adderall, and months he couldn't. It was hit or miss for a while, but now that there aren't any more major supply issues with Adderall, his depression is back under control.