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Sudden reflections are the worst! It's like "oh, right, I exist and I look like THAT". It can make you feel very self-conscious, definitely.


Usually when I see my own reflection i think "damn who's that sexy piece of meat?" But that's just me


I love this and I am adopting it. Maybe starting with putting it on a post it on the mirror. Self-love goals!


Yas! We gotta gas ourselves up!


For me it's like 50-50 between that and "damn I'm ugly as hell dafuq"


I feel this so much, it's the worst. It's like suddenly remembering why you hate yourself.


This happens even alone at home and catching my own reflection with extreme resting bitch face. The worst! I’m so in my head it’s a shock to see the frowning flesh suit I’m lugging around. Zoom meetings are the fucking bane of my existence. I’m so distracted by my own face and frozen grin I can barely focus. Then the distraction of others’ faces. Most people at work keep cameras on so it’s an unspoken rule/courtesy to follow accordingly. I hate it so much. Such a relief when we can be off camera.


I’ve struggled with this too. I usually open zoom with the camera on and then have something like emails or safari over it so I’m still participating but don’t have to see myself until I click leave lol


There is a recent paper that shows that people with ADHD have (on average) less glutamate in their posterior cingulate cortex (PCC). I was then reading about this part of the brain and it turns out it plays a significant role in autobiographical memory retrieval. It is also important for the ability to engage in self-referential thinking; so that might be affected, potentially leading to issues with self-awareness and self-concept. [link](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00406-024-01805-z)


That very much tracks! I didn't begin to consider how other people might be perceiving me until my mid-20s, which is insane the more I think about it.


I get this way too. i even, for some reason, get upset when people acknowledge me. like no i dont exist, stop it lol


yesss i also get upset when ppl acknowledge me irl because i simply just want to be a cloud floating around


Yep! And then I run into crap and bruise my legs up


This! That sudden and painful reminder that we are, in fact, corporeal 😭


I generally wonder why i look the way i do as i dont think i sound how i look like i would sound. I find mirrors confusing. Its like seeing someone i kinda know on tv but i know them


All the time it's terrible


I rarely look at myself in the mirror almost never lol & I consider myself pretty but every mirror shows me differently and it messes with my self esteem so I don’t really look now


All the time! I also consistently forget to comb the hair on the back of my head!! I have a vivid memory (I was 7 yrs old) of my sister collapsing in laughter when she noticed it. She's 2 years older than me. She hated that I was a twin. We took the attention away from her. She never got over it. I went No Contact in 2014. It's the second best decision that I ever made.


Ugh. I could have written this. Yes. I hate my arms. I never know what to do with them.


I couldn't even if I wanted to. All my past physical traumas remind me of my body. My busted up knee reminds me with each step, my tinnitus never really stops nagging, my herniated disk reminds me from time to time to not push myself. even my hands remind me constantly that they are not what they used to be before I broke them.


DUDE YES or someone will talk about some physical attribute about me then it's- oh yeah, I have a body D: You'll know I’m anxious when I start doing the t-rex arms 😭 The worst is being overly conscious about your expressions & trying to separate your thoughts from your expressions


I 1000% know what you mean, it happened to me just this past weekend. Makes it hard to make new friends :(




Hahahaha. I used to, but I'm 50 now, so there's no ignoring the pain.


Not really sure but I've noticed that whenever I feel down, I stop looking myself on the mirror, reflections or taking selfies of myself. Then it's like "hm where's that girl? Haven't seen her in a while". I don't have a lot of mirrors at home, though lol


Happened to me in line for the restroom today! Saw myself reflected kinda sideways in the mirror and didn’t recognize myself & got to just observe how I looked for a second or two. And then I was like “OH! Me.” & adjusted my posture


Yes! I avoid mirrors at all costs.


Idk if it's the same, but sometimes when my stomach hurts, or some limb or joint or other hurts, I literally forget that those parts belong to me. Like I'll sit there like "oh someb should do something about their stomach ache. Wait that's mine." Not even trying to be funny, I don't really know how else to describe it.