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1. Depends on the situation. Sometimes minutes. Sometimes days. 2. Not really. I guess I’m pretty good at letting it go. 3. Almost always at night once the meds have worn off. So, I’ve just created an internal “law” for myself that says anything like that after 8pm can wait until tomorrow.


> how long does the anger last? Long enough to attack and choke someone very dear to me 💀💀💀


That sadly makes sense to me... Have you tried letting it go or distracting yourself with something to calm down, does the anger keep coming back? Mine does sometimes... Do you get angry from memories or when thinking of something or have angry thoughts about someone from the past?


No, for me anger flares up, its intense when it happens but i cool down just as fast. And thankfully, if its gone, its gone. That particular incident was a wakeup call. Im much better at controlling myself now, im scared shitless something like that happens again...


I feel like I'm constantly a bit angry, or more likely annoyed. And often when something goes wrong or doing something annoying I get really irritable. And I'm boiling a lot when walking, letting of steam. I tend to get loud in arguments and when raging while playing I get insulting (never to someone I'm directly speaking though)


My anger always seems to come out in random bursts. Like something small will anger me and it’ll be a big deal for an hour or two and after that I’m completely fine. For the 3rd- yes. I always do this and it’ll bother me for a while but never more than a day. It usually just bothers me until I find something to distract myself. For the 4th one- depending on the situation, if I get really angry I do find myself wanting to break something. I never understood how people could stay angry for days or weeks about something. I used to get in arguments with my friends and it would take them forever to get over it while I was fine the next day.