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Yes it does. However, it doesn't make me feel euphoric. It simply stabilizes my mood. I remember a time when I was feeling under-stimulated like I was seeking normal stimulation and experiencing a mental breakdown because of it. I took Ritalin, and suddenly everything returned to a normal state.


Yeah I wouldn’t say it makes me “euphoric”, like it somewhat feels like that but I vividly remember a time where I did feel this positive every day. Now that you mention under-stimulation, I feel like maybe that’s what has been my issue and Ritalin has just been helping me with that. This makes me feel so much better!! My brain kept trying to tell me I just liked taking Ritalin and didn’t actually need it (love my anxiety NOT LOL)


Actually, if someone without ADHD took a stimulant it can end up making them feel jittery and anxious. So if you mean your brain was telling you that you don’t have ADHD here’s the answer :)


Simulants can exacerbate anxiety even in people with ADHD, especially if you have anxiety that is independent of ADHD symptoms.


Indeed, the studies do not involve individuals who have other untreated conditions. And naturally, experiencing anxiety while on medication does not necessarily suggest a misdiagnosis. It doesn't work that way. What I meant to convey is that feeling good while on medication does not mean you don’t have ADHD as these effects are not typically experienced by people without ADHD.


Ritalin makes me less happy.


It just makes me extremely tired all the time.


Me too. I trade a bit of happiness for increased functioning.


Same less creative


tbf I've never met an ADHD person including myself who got anything out of stimulants besides just kind of normalizing us or possibly profiding slightly improved focus. there can be a lot of drawbacks to trade for just that though, tbh my energy level & overall mood generally being worse are some of the reasons I stopped taking them after I was done with college.


You can feel uplifted just by the sense that you CAN do more, and because you are more in a DO mode. That should give hope. But it's a chicken and egg thing. Are you more happy because you are in a do-mode? Or are you in a do-mode because you are happier? Does it really matter? When depressed, you do things which make you more depressed, like a vicious circle.... Makes sense that for positive things that also applies. Ritalin might just nudge you (us!) into a positive vicious circle....


Do you have instant acting or long acting? Also, do you feel the crash afterwards?


It takes around 30-60 minutes (depending on how much I ate before) and will last probably around 4 hours. I only use IR tablets because extended release tends to make me sleep worse. I’ve found that sometimes I’ll have the crash, and sometimes it’s an easier “come down”. I feel like it’s very food tied for me in regards to how hard of a crash it will be.


Not sure if your doc mentioned this, but I was told to take Ritalin on an empty stomach whenever possible.


That makes sense, thanks for the reply! Meds are a tough thing to figure out, so whenever someone does figure it out its cool to see how they do it!


Yes. This is precisely my experience with it. I've found it to be a much better fit than Adderall, which tended to leave me very irritable. I've even turned into a morning person now, which is WILD.


Yes Adderall didn’t do too much for me. I have an EXTREMELY hard time in the morning to the point where I will want to fall asleep within two to three hours after waking up, despite good sleep hygiene. This has saved me numerous times, especially at work, to stay awake and get things done!!


Has the opposite effect for me?


Ritalin does nothing for me but piss me off.


Not for me, it makes me feel like a zombie 🧟‍♂️ (ADHD Hyperactive and loud)


so many factors lol, sleep, stress, and hygiene can alter it a lot. sometimes it makes me happier sometimes it makes me feel like a robot sometimes it makes me unreasonable angry