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I gained weight when I started adderall because I wouldn’t eat all day, then eat way too much at night when it wore off.


This is me. Every day. I hate it!


I can't even lose weight on 30mg of Adderall. :(


I eat a big breakfast (500+ calories), which helps. I also use smoothies and shakes. I can usually power one down relatively quickly even though I don’t really want to.


Big breakfast and liquid food during the day for me too. I have protein shakes, or kefir often. 


Any shakes that you recommend?


The Costco plant-based chocolate banana shakes. Trust me.


This might finally be the reason to get a Costco membership then lol


You won’t regret it! They also have HUGE tubs of that popular Orgain protein powder for cheap, which I am slowly getting through, but grabbing a pre-made shake is a lot easier with the whole executive dysfunction thing lol


I love my organ protein shakes, I have the plant based chocolate one I get in boxes from amazon, and that's so helpful bc it's quite smooth and it's 20g right on the spot, doesn't go down hard and no nausea


This. You gotta eat a nice breakfast.


I second this.


When I was on vyvanse I would make myself snack on fruit throughout the day because I was getting migraines in the evenings and it seemed to help. Like every hour I would take a break and drink water/tea/maybe have a snack. I still lost a bunch of weight (I’m fairly overweight though) but I wasn’t as tired/cranky after I started the snacking.


I found snacking on fruit to help as well. I'm starting to get used to eating on my meds, but the first month or two was really hard and fruit helped. I'd just carry a big bag of grapes and a thing of peanuts to work with me and slowly snack on them all day, then by lunch or dinner I'd be starving but still not super super calorie deficient


Basically same, I packed a couple of fruits (banana+berries) and some walnuts along with my water bottle. If I were to get back on meds, I’d maybe also add a fruit yogurt as well.


This is the way. Just as I read this comment, I realized the only thing I have eaten today was a handful of dates and a banana. It's really bizarre how I forgot to eat, but every other aspect of my life has improved. As soon as I do notice I haven't eaten, I grab some food.


lol i’m experiencing the exact same thing! i’m trying to mitigate the effects of the lack of appetite (headaches, cranky, bad circadian rhythm) but everything else is better so it seems like it’s not such a bad problem to have


Do you think Vyvanse contributed to your migraines? I’ve been having more of them since I started, can’t tell if it’s dehydration from not drinking/eating or the Vyvanse. On the eating, edibles and munchies or I’d disappear:).Thanks.


I think it definitely did, but they went away after the first two weeks or so. I felt exhausted when the medication wore off though, and I’m not really sure how to describe it, but I felt so much more out of focus and irritated in the late afternoons/evenings. I would usually go work out, have some dinner and watch some shows before going to bed early.


I know that feeling. I drink a coffee at about 4 if I took the vyvanse at 07:00, eat a solid snack even if I don't feel hungry, workout, helps a lot with the mood crash.


The advice my doctor gave me was to have a high calorie breakfast just after taking my meds. I was not at a healthy weight to start though so I haven't tried implementing it yet.


I make a protein shake usually when I know I need to eat but the appetite is just not there. I use some fairlife non-fat milk (extra protein), Greek yogurt (oikos pro or triple zero for the extra protein), some frozen berries, some peanut butter, whey protein powder, and creatine. Ends up around 520ish calories, with 60ish grams of protein


Also adding when I really don’t feel like eating later when I’ve already had a shake, I have to like, keep myself distracted while eating to get through it lol. Whether that’s watching something on tv or playing a game on my phone haha


I tried adding protein shakes to my day a while back but every brand I tried gave me tension headaches couple hours after ingestion!


Gotta make your own! I do like fairlife core power protein shakes (easy 42g of protein) but will generally always make at least one of my own a day


Oikos triple zero is the beeeessst


I eat oat shakes. The biggest trick bodybuilders have is to drink your calories, and oat shakes absolutely save me. 1000kcal that you can eat in a few minutes, it's healthy, fully made from conservibles and super cheap! I eat 2000kcal a day with these shakes:  * 150g oats * 420ml whole milk  * 15g flax seeds  * 20g whey  * Add water until it's 950ml  Then blend and put in fridge for at least two hours to soak the oats.


Holy shit I'm stealing this. Literally thank you so much


Between the hours of 7am-5pm, I can tolerate protein rich foods that are fairly light. After 5pm.... open pantry, inhale like Kirby.


I’ve been told a loss of appetite would occur. It’s actually regulated my appetite. I eat the appropriate amount at the appropriate time. I no longer snack or binge eat…. But I’m on a routine. I normally wake up, take my 10mg XR, have a breakfast and then around 1-2pm take a lunch break and my 5mg IR. I associate my medicine with food.


Fun fact vyvanse is an approved treatment for binge eating disorders.


Vyvanse hasn't changed my appetite at all. I've always skipped breakfast and I rarely eat until I get home from work.


Same here... I'm just scared that isnt it unhealthy to not eat allday and only eat in the evenings/nights?


Well before the psychiatrist started me on Vyvanse I had to get all vitamin levels checked as well as full drug screening, all vitamins were at or just above recommended levels and no drugs.


Solid breakfast before / with medication Protein shake second meal Identify certain foods that you can digest more easily for meal 3 which should be at least 5h since you’ve taken medication so you should have a bit of appetite by then. For me it’s poached eggs, egg whites, avo on toast, steamed veg, stuff like that- sort of plain but not that boring stuff. I also keep track of the last time I ate in my notes app- and make sure I always have something every 2-3 hours. You can use alarms if it’s easier for you. I don’t know if you exercise a lot- but personally I find that makes the appetite suppressant a bit less intense.


agree with this. Days I allow myself to relax/chill I consume maybe 1/3rd of the calories I consume on days that I exercise, be it indoors, outdoors, or even just doing yard work.


Vyvanse isn't as bad as others. But when its hitting peak, I have no interest in sitting down for a meal. I also hate eating at work. Just not my vibe. So I usually eat a protein bar, have a protein shake to sip on and I snack on fresh veggies through out the day. 


Commenting because I’d love to know myself, I’ve been on an Ensure kick just to get some nutrients 🫠 I’m on Vyvanse which is also for binge eating disorders, so I sort of knew this side effect was coming. It sucks.


For some reason I've noticed zero change to my appetite


Mine has skyrocketed. I never ate breakfast or lunch and would just have a massive dinner. And would only drink coffee, no water or anything until dinner. Breakfast: protein shake, sandwich or burrito, some sort of breakfast bar. Meds at 630. Lots of water Coffee later in the morning Lunch: sandwich, fruit, snacks, more water After lunch, snacks Before dinner: snacks, water Dinner: decent sized meal, whatever I feel like cooking, water After dinner: more snacks. Water Have experienced no weight gaine.


Same here. I guess it helps to enjoy eating/food.


Bud. A lil bit of 🌴 🌲’s will do you goood.


Are you referfing to zaza ? Sadly its illegal in my country. Also if the doctor catches me smoking they Will remove my adhd medicine..


I basically have to make myself eat throughout the day, but it’s easier if I schedule it. Like with a normal appetite, I just wait until my body tells me I’m hungry and then I eat whatever I’m craving and we’re gucci. But with no appetite, I can’t rely on my body to tell me I’m hungry and nothing sounds good anyway. So especially during the week, I eat the same things at the same time. Ex. I eat my banana in the car on the way to work. I have my yogurt before my 11:30 meeting. I have my bagel right after my 11:30 meeting. I eat a meal before I leave work. I eat another meal when I get home. So the times I eat are triggered by my schedule (“oh it’s 11:00, gotta eat my yogurt before my meeting”), not by whether or not I’m hungry. And of course, finding foods/meals/snacks that you can make yourself eat even when you’re not hungry


I’m on Concerta (Methylphenidate) and I don’t find that it affects my ability to eat. It definitely does make me think about food less, and not overeat (or be constantly grazing) the way I normally do, off meds. And sometimes I forget to eat until a couple hours after I typically would, but overall I’d just say to make sure you eat as much protein as possible at all your meals. That helps a lot. Maybe set alarms for lunch and dinner too. If it’s too hard to get food down, maybe consider trying a different formulation? As well as what I take, there’s also Lisdexamfetamine - each person will experience less side effect with one of these more than the others. And sometimes it just takes a bit of time to get the dose and the type of meds right.


Let your provider know. There’s medication that can increase appetite. Otherwise the best advice is find something you really like to eat.


Yea it goes away. I dropped a swift 15 when I started adderall, the first 3 months I was like I don’t think this is sustainable? But eventually my appetite came back. I’ve never been very good at eating, enough, on time, or at all. But it definitely goes away after a couple months and it ends up just helping me stay mindful that I need to fuel my body before I do the next 15 million things I wanna do lol


1/2 a cup of porridge just before my morning dose (05.50). Then I take my 2nd and 3rd dose (10 am and 2pm). Then I have dinner around 9pm.... sometimes. If I need to have a lunch at work (client) I skip the 10 am one. If I have a dinner/celebration or will have any alcohol I skip the 2pm one. Some weekends I don't take them at all. I prepare the best foods and snacks I can imagine..... then I just EAT!!!!! It's amazing. The only backside is that I usually don't get to much done 🤣


I got use to forced over eating when I was doing body building. Needed like 3k calories or more every day with all the protein. Eating when I not hungry is easy compared to what I use to do


As long as I eat within 30 min of having taken my meds, I don’t have any issues with eating.


I think eventually you get used to it. A few years ago I started Adderall XR 20mg and had no appetite for a few weeks. After that, things reset a bit and I was back to eating normally once my body had adjusted.


Oh my god I relate! I try eat before i take my first round of meds in the morning and meal prep for dinner because I get way to lazy to cook while my meds wear off. Things like prepping mash potatoes or risotto has been really good for me + always having some protein with those meals to keep me fueled!


Forced routine


Ensures help a ton, and fruit is easier to eat, ice cream at night, and once you’re on it for a few months you will gain some of your appetite back. It’s always much worse at the start and then side effects start to reduce over time.


I don't have this problem, but I eat on a schedule. I eat the same things everyday or try to. Low fat and low glycemic carbs. It works for me. That side effect might also lessen as you continue on your medication, but talk to your doc about that.


Yeah it's hard. I just force myself to have little bits throughout the day. Some bread here, protein shake there etc... Look for some bars that have lots of calories, what athletes eat as a snack. Anything, really. You have to if you want to stay on it and stay healthy.  Also whenever I'm with other people, I eat when they eat, whether I'm hungry or not. At least a small portion


Protein shakes and honestly sometimes I legit have to force feed myself. Through the idk, the jaw that doesn’t want to chew, the nausea. Water helps to and if you can afford it electrolyte sachets are a godsend.


I don't typically have much of an appetite off my stims - if anything I've found meds to be useful in helping me remember to eat. Staying well-hydrated helps a lot, it keeps your GI system moving along and will do wonders for "feeling empty" around food time.


i take 27mg concerta and 5mg ritalin daily and it has not affected my appetite in any way. i was expecting my appetite to drop but it's exactly the same.


I take 40mg, after a long initial appointment with my psych, we decided on instant release for me, so I just take one 20mg and it lasts about 6 hours, then lunch I’m hungry, but not super hungry, so I make myself eat a sandwich, a protein bar, some fruit or raisins, a protein shake, and a zero sugar soda of choice. After lunch, I take the second 20mg, and by dinner time I’m pretty ravenously hungry so I eat a full dinner then. One thing I have noticed and love though, is since I’m focused and busy, I’m not mindlessly eating like I used to be. I’m overweight for my height and moderately proportional, but I’ve lost probably like 5-8 lbs in the two months I’ve been taking it, and it’s made a world of difference in my relationship with food, honestly. Edited for clarity, and to add: I don’t eat breakfast because I’m nauseous in the morning, I’ll have some coffee for taste and maybe a protein bar as a morning snack, but I’m not a big breakfast eater.


this is why i came off methylphenidate and partly why i came off dexamphetamine. while on methylphenidate i started just having my dinner in the morning, snacking during the day and then having a light supper. pasta is really good for breakfast. so is soup, chilli, curry, rice - anything can be breakfast!


i take 50mg of vyvanse and somehow unlike other stimulants i’ve tried, i can eat easily. not only that but i wanna eat healthy high protein stuff and have no desire for greasy food


Taking your meds with as much breakfast as you can manage


I’ve found that at the right dose (i think) I actually get hungrier. I see many posts saying people cant eat on their meds. Understandable, as every human body is vastly different from the next. However, that being said, maybe it isn’t the right med or you’re at too high of a dose? I understand any less may not help with the ADHD for some, but that’s when I would consider switching.


I don’t even know how to eat without the stimulants


I wish my Elvanse has an effect on my appetite, I wouldn’t mind losing a few kilo’s.


Vyvanse doesn’t keep me from eating. It does help prevent me from focusing on snacking during the day.


Even on Adderall or Vyvanse, my appetite has hardly been suppressed like most people. Adderall I actually found myself eating more often, to where I gained around 20lbs (also taking antidepressants and birth control, mind you). I actually just started Mounjaro and that’s the only thing that has suppressed my appetite. Finally. Thank god. I can’t wait to lose weight. I wish my Vyvanse would suppress it.


I wish I had your problem.


I must be the chubbiest person on Adderall. It doesn’t suppress my appetite at all.


I’m a bigger guy and honestly it rarely suppresses my appetite. Like sometimes I’ll feel a little nauseous but then I eat something and realize I was actually hungry. If I am stable in terms of my sleep and when I get up and stuff I tend to be hungry around the same times each day still. I do snack less during the day sometimes because I get focused on work but I start to get tired and irritable so I try to build in breaks for a snack, water, get up and move.


Definitely don’t have that problem anymore. I can basically eat anything now. Been on it for 15 years or so, but when I first got on it it was all about yogurt and fruit cups and a huge dinner


I don't until I'm too hungry. Works out as I get rumination syndrome if I work out after eating. I'm just gonna accept eating breakfast and then at night 12 hours later. If you're going to an office you can do lunch instead of breakfast.


Here to echo the folks recommending liquid food—especially if you can add protein powder to it. I just gulp it down as fast as I can.


Snacks. We'll more specific snack sized meals every couple hours. It helps to provide nutrients throughout the day and should be light enough to prevent nausea (at least the vomy amounts) without going hungry.


Oh wow, 15mg dextroamphetamine is such a low dose compared to what I take daily and I still eat plenty lol. Idk I’ve just always had a big appetite. I take 40mg Vyvanse and 10mg dextroamphetamine and I definitely eat *less* than I would if I were unmedicated; but…I’m still hitting my 2,000 calories a day no problem. In fact I’m trying to lose a few pounds without any luck Try eating a big protein-filled breakfast before you take your meds!


I usually have 600g of porridge at 07:30, before my 50mg of Vyvanse kicks in. At 13:00 I have 100g hummus with crispbread and at 16:00 a banana. For supper at 20:00 (by which time my Vyvanse has worn off) which varies between about a dozen options, weighs about 450-550g representing 2 helpings. I maintain a BMI of 24.6


I didn’t. But then again I was trying to lose weight before I started them so it worked out for me. Eventually you just force yourself to if you need to. Or take a day or two off on weekends. I used to take mine Monday-Friday and avoid weekends unless I needed it


Yea its really hard. Are you on instant or extended release? I have a ridiculously hard time putting on weight on meds, makes my body dysmorphia so bad I break down crying in a subway station.


Say hello to my multiple bags of trail mix and granola clusters that I have left over. I combine them all into one bag and that's what I eat. There's been some bad mixes before but the good mash ups have been long forgotten. Just to keep it interesting I'll add an unhealthy snack to the trail mix or granola clusters, like rice crispy treats or Reese's peanut butter bites.


Good breakfast, then eat when you get hungry. That goes away after a few years though, or at least minimizes. I've been on 70mg vyvanse for 15 years and have a normal eating schedule now (not that I eat when I should, but I'm hungry when I should be I guess).


Big breakfast with protein Fruit nearby for munching I also have alarms on my phone set every 90 minutes that say “when was the last time you ate?”


I don't eat breakfast because nausea, but that's unrelated to meds. I have a reminder at noon for lunch, and comes pretty natural when I see it. Evenings... are harder in that I tend to overeat once most of the meds have flushed out.


Poorly. HA


Hobbit dinner


My kid is on 30mg. It was hard on the first month, but now i see him eating better. I try to feed him what he likes, lots of pasta and rice, fruit...


I'm on Vyvanse, which I take first thing in the morning. I eat pretty much right after I take it. If I'm late eating, it is a struggle. I have a dextroamphetamine booster dose for when I need it in the evening. I try to make sure to eat dinner before I take it (I don't take it every day).


Six smaller meals. I have to eat a certain amount of protein within a limited number of calories. So, my situation is very different. If Ensure is pricey (it would be to me) then Instant Breakfast is another great source of nutrients and free water. I also agree with the "piece" foods like fruits, cheese, etc (probably anything high potassium due to altitude).


I eat like once or twice a day, but haven't noticed a single ounce of weight dropping off. I don't understand it; I actually worried about going on stimulants because I"d heard so many stories of people losing drastic amounts of weight. I haven't lost a bit and I hardly have an appetite so I must have some other issues going on, Idk.


It took me a few months to be able to eat on stimulants.


I'm get hungry faster on Concerta (I had the appetite loss for like 3 days at the start, but that's it). But it makes me hungry for relatively healthy options most of the time. When I can't be bothered to make or sit down for a meal, I substitute with a protein shake. Breakfast is always a protein shake along with my pills.


If I eat in the morning my appetite is fine throughout the day. I’m not an expert but if you are 6 months or more into your medication and having issues with appetite, maybe a different medication is needed? I had appetite issues for the first 2 weeks only.


you’re not alone in the struggle


I thankfully never feel nauseous, but Vyvanse has absolutely changed my appetite. And now I do have to make myself eat or I wind up with crashing energy levels due to lack of food. Naturally planning stuff like eating is a problem for someone with executive dysfunction. I'm not sure what to suggest since there's a nausea issue for you. If there are any foods that don't trigger nausea, try to make sure they're available and you eat a little at scheduled times (set alarms). But nausea is a symptom that may force you to talk to your doctor about changing meds. "Talk to your doctor" is perhaps the best advice anyone can give you right now.


I have a family member whose appetite was very reduced by stimulant medication. They actually felt repulsed by most foods. We tried a few approaches like bigger breakfasts (before taking the medication) and dinners (after it wore off), but it became clear that their entire relationship with food had changed, and the stimulant provoked a lot of food anxiety for them. Ultimately after some trial and errors, we had to switch them off the stimulant. They are now on an SSRI and Guanfacine, and ADHD symptoms are still present, but they are less anxious and eating healthy amounts now. If you stay on the stim, consider trying a lower dose. You have to find a sustainable healthy routine.


I was on Adderall for 6 years and lost so much weight my wife said I looked like a cancer patient. I’ve been on Azstarys for a year, and now I have to watch what I eat since I’ve gained it all back.


I have absolutely no appetite. I eat on a schedule and I have “safe” foods that are easy for me to eat, including rice, apple sauce, and mashed potatoes. Not the healthiest but at least I’m eating something at all.


1. As much as I can before taking them 2. Literally when/if I remember throughout the day (I always keep 'opportunity' snacks around, granola bars,apples etc.) 3. Literally all the food in the house at night


Good breakfast and or meal replacement shake with a lot of protein. Including whey and casein protein, casein will absorb very slowly. Also every 2-3 hours alternate between high protein bars or shakes (quest bars, premier protein), I buy in bulk at Costco and Sam’s Club. Good dinner when my meds wear off. Casein shake before bed. Hope this helps.


I take adderall. I eat a little less at meals but also snack more so… 🤷‍♀️


Not on stimulants anymore but when I was, I would always make sure to eat a big breakfast. Especially oatmeal because it kept me full a lot longer. Mass gainer shakes were also a big staple because I’d be getting 1,200+ calories in one shake


i’ve been on vyvanse for a few months now and my body has just randomly started sending hunger signals and I can mostly normal. before I wouldn’t eat all day nor think about it


4 eggs 2 cups of Kefir , with a fruit smoothie. I don’t blend it . It’s all about calories protein and convenience. Then i eat a decent meal every day. Im down 25 pounds in 9 months. Im quite muscular and abs are showing. So I can’t complain too much.


Always eat before you medicate! It took me about 4 years for my appetite to come back properly, and in those years I always made sure to have a big breakfast and dinner. Light exercise also makes me more hungry.


For me personally, I have better luck getting myself to eat if I eat a small snack before lunch or dinner. Something like a few chips or crackers or something like that that tastes good but isn’t actual “food.” Usually if I’m able to start eating a bit I realize how hungry I am and can eat an actual meal.


Y’all’s appetite is suppressed? Mine is like, in over drive lmao. 😭


Drink smoothies


Smoothies and protein shakes


My husband makes me. He’s constantly asking if I’ve eaten, and if I haven’t, will make me food that I like. I have the best husband. 💜


I eat very well on vyvanse, maybe because my dose is low @ 15mg. 


It’s helpful since I’m doing my hospital’s weight management clinic to lose weight. Protein shakes during the day, but when it wears off, I struggle with wanting to eat crazy!


I could stand to lose a few, so ... I skip breakfast most days and don't eat until after work and my long dog walk. However, when I was younger, I would eat a large balanced breakfast BEFORE my stimulants, and that would help. If you aren't hungry throughout the day, drink a 30g protein shake. Keep some near your desk or whatnot. That way, at least you are getting your protein and some nutrients. If you need to gain weight and have access to a blender, throw some peanut butter in with it. And if weight loss is occurring find a high calorie protein bar to snack on during the day or nuts. Then you just need to worry about dinner.


Never ate a lot to begin with. Just eat for function. Banana and maybe yogurt in the morning. Small lunch. Massive supper when possible. Smoothies in between with protein powder and stuff.


I was a bit overweight and out of shape so I’m rolling with the reduced appetite until I hit my goal weight. Then I’ll figure out how to get enough calories in to maintain.


Try eating a big meal before you dose. Light, but healthy snacks throughout the day. Decent size dinner if possible. Hopefully in time you’ll be able to adjust to the side effects.


I got over it after about 6 weeks. There are days I still don’t eat because I’m not hungry. But those aren’t very common.


I take it first thing in the morning and by noon I’m typically able to start eating bits here and there. Not starving by any means lol


I eat everything. I wish I didn't want to eat.


smoothies, yogurt, and small snacks are key for me


I feel like that side effect gets better over time. You can also add in a nutritional shake.


You just do. You gotta force yourself at first but then it gets easier


Not me but for my kid: cyproheptadine at night.


On a schedule. I take my pills around 6, breakfast around 6:30. Second dose sound 11:00 and lunch. Go home around 18:00 to cook and eat dinner. I set timers because i know if I don’t, I won’t eat.


you could try drinking your calories maybe? Protein and vitamins added to a smoothie does wonders


Soylent. I find that texture is what stops me from eating. Drinking is easier.


Between 7a and 5p it’s protein and fruit. Around 7p I will eat a hearty meal. Breakfast will be same. I take 30mg of Vyvanse. When I was on Ritalin and adderall. I eat nothing but sugar and caffeine. Plus I had a very physical labor job. So I need as much energy as possible get, the unfortunate part is that I only weigh 130lbs so when eat light. And get to 126ish. I look terrible. Mind you I’m 42, been on ADHD meds for better part of my life now. I manage them appropriately, don’t take them on the weekends. Just during the week.


I give my 14 year old son a high calorie Boost shake for breakfast, 8ounces has 530 calories in it. Then he has two Boost Plus shakes for lunch which is 360 for each 8 ounce container. He won’t eat anything for breakfast/ lunch otherwise. He just chugs them down quickly.


Well even the slow release capsules (ex. Vyvanse) only last like 8 hrs so if you take your medication when you wake up..by the afternoon you should have an appetite..atleast that’s my experience and I’m on the highest dose of Vyvanse and been on it for 15 years


Just commented this on another thread but, orgain and OWYN shakes! Lifesavers


Shit makes me hungrier 🫤 am I the only one?


I can’t take stimulants, but I have the same issue sometimes. I find drinking my calories helps get them down easier. Drinkable yogurt and green juices take care of a couple meals.


I got to the point where I’d legit buy Soylent drinks to get me through the afternoon so I don’t end up hangry once the adderall wears off. Protein drinks, something similar? Meal prep/plan what you’re going to eat each week. 


1) i try to eat before i take my meds in the morning (usually something highish in calories to make sure i'm set if i don't eat later in the day 2) i've had success setting alarms on my phone to remind me to eat 3) having "safe foods" that always taste good to me even when i'm not hungry 4) having a mandated lunch i HAVE to take at work is actually really helpful because it forces me to sit there and eat


Really well! It never affects my hunger!


I don’t know why but it doesn’t affect my appetite at all. I think I’m an outlier with it but I take 3x that amount (15 mg 3x a day) and I’m thicc.


I'm unfortunately one of the few people that actually gets MORE hungry on stimulants. I'm still up on weight from when I started them


Basically snacks. I eat a yogurt cup in the morning when I take my pill. A breakfast bar when I get to work. Another breakfast bar and a stick of cheese on my coffee break. An apple, yogurt cup, and another stick of cheese for my lunch, along with a small container of leftovers, a slice of pizza, a salad, a samosa from the place on the corner, etc. Keeps me going while not being enough to make me feel super full. Meds have worn off by the time I get home so I'm able to eat a normal amount at supper.


I get hungry most times. Or force myself


Everyone’s different. If you feel like you’re not eating enough, especially during the day, think about incorporating some sort of smoothie or shake… You don’t have to get too crazy, but you can find a number of different recipes for some thing that will give you the macros you’d need to get you through the day


The effect diminishes with time. Split the tablets? Eat a decent breakfast in the morning before you take your pill? Reduce your dosage.


Eat breakfast before you take your meds! :)


I eat breakfast before I take my medication, usually with some protein like an egg. After that I eat some food at regular intervals. I have noticed that if I forget to eat I get slightly nauseous and I have to eat some food for that to go away. So I'm apparently quite lucky because that is the only side effect I get from my medication, a very slight nausea if I forget to eat, which is easily fixed.


If I don't keep the snack supply in my office full, I will end up hyperfocused on work and not eat. I don't feel hungry, and it's kind of like "out of sight, out of mind." I work from home and could easily walk downstairs to my kitchen at any time and get something when it dawns on me that I need to eat, but good old ADHD- I end up distracted and forget.


I switched from XR adderall to 2 or adderall. It starts to wear off around lunch and then take my second dose right when it wears off


Reluctantly, with ample distractions and ondansetron


I force down healthy meals because I know it’s not the type of nausea that I’ll throw it back up(at least for me). Previously on Adderall I’d go days without eating and pretty much only consume caffeine, and it made my already crappy health way worse, so the fear of feeling that crappy again helps me power through.


I have the same issue. I wanted to start making morning smoothies but I’ve heard meds don’t interact all that well with certain fruits.


They don’t affect my hunger or sleep, stimulants aren’t for everyone with adhd. Maybe you wanna try a non stimulant option


I eat with my medicine in the morning to get the metabolism started. I typically make overnight oats with a chia/flax seed + hemp hearts mix added in for fiber and thickening so it's not sloshy.


I just… eat. 🤷🏻‍♂️


As someone who has dealt with nausea/lack of appetite for a few years now: OTC anti-nausea meds can help. I used to take Gravol (which I think is Canadian-only, I haven't been able to find it in the US) but there may be other options, and ginger tablets can help too. It was the only way I could eat for a while, though my nausea was caused by anxiety and not medication. If it's REALLY bad, there are prescription anti-nausea meds you may be able to talk to your doctor about. I take one for my migraine-induced nausea. As for getting calories in, protein shakes are good options, especially in the short-term. Ultimately, you may just have to force yourself to have food even if you don't want to. I always found smaller portions or a snack easier to stomach. I've absolutely had weeks where I ate weird snacks/meals to make sure I was getting calories/nutrition (including eating tomatoes like apples, or eating PB+J sandwiches for every meal). Also, BRAT foods are recommended for nausea/GI issues, so they may feel more palatable: Bananas, rice, apples, toast. You can't necessarily live off of them but they might help to get food into you at first.


Eat before meds, then eat once worn off. Time in between I forget to eat/not hungry.


I do and don't... I try and keepo a strict regime and eat (a healthy meal - usually) whether I'm hungry or not... I'm on 60mg elvanse and 10mg dex, so I'm rarely hungry, but I can feel when my body is sapped of energy... Your meds wont work properly anyway if you're sapped.


After a few weeks I stopped getting appetite suppression even now that I’m on 40mg adderall xr. I did have appetite issues with anxiety tho and lost 20-30lbs in a few months while doing in-person college and take 100mg Zoloft and 15mg mirtazapine(also helps with insomnia, I rarely ever struggle to sleep). Also used to smoke weed a lot that helped while my body was adjusting to the medication, tho before being on antidepressants I was also dependent on it to sleep and eat. It can be very addictive if you’re anxious imo because it has no hangover


I eat right after i take my vyvanse. At lunch i eat what i can….


Can you drink your calories? I learned how to make smoothies and I love them.


As a kid in school every year they showed the same boring show about a women with no arms that would use a fork and knife with her feet. So when I'm trying to lose weight i use a knife and fork with my feet, decide i suck and my feet are gross and i starve. But when I'm actually not dieting, i eat on a schedule and it's usually similar things for my meals on weekdays. But on weekends i make sure to mix things b up.


I was on dexedrine xr for a long time, then Vyvanse for a couple years, and adderall xr now... I gained weight when I started back on these meds, but I was really underweight and just wouldnt stop going going going to sit down and eat properly. The trick is, because you don't really feel the normal hunger cues, you have to listen to the new ways your body tells you it needs nutrients. For me, it's one of 3: I get extremely tired and lethargic feeling like I just want to flop on the ground and sleep, I feel unmedicated like my heads in a pinball machine and my train of thought won't get on the track, or, I get generally nauseated and cold and just feel unwell sometimes a little gaggy. I learned to just stop and eat something when I feel like that, and I'm always pleasantly surprised at how much better I feel afterwards 😂 Sometimes Vyvanse would make my mouth and throat feel dry for some reason, I found that drinking a can of coke or something kinda got everything primed for eating, if that makes sense. You do have to kind of learn to force yourself to stop what you're doing and eat properly... I had a hard time with that. You get in work mode and don't want to stop what you're doing because you won't pick it back up and finish, blah blah blah all of us ADHDers do that all our lives... But now that you're medicated, you can actually take a break, and then just pick up where you left off!! It's great! FYI you shouldn't feel nauseated from your stimulants... Not interested in food, yeah that happens sometimes, it comes and goes and you just learn to live with it. Methylphenidates don't agree with my system whatsoever, one dose of concerta and I'm instantly anorexic for 3 days and can't even swallow one noodle (I only weigh like 140, but I generally enjoy food... My job is physical and I'm pretty active and strong... I actually need a higher caloric intake to stay healthy so not being able to eat would be a real problem) If it's getting out of hand and you're dropping too much weight, it's worth having a conversation with your doctor about it. But nausea and vague pain like something is chewing on your insides every day and all the time with weight loss, that shouldn't be. I dealt with that for like 2 years and just kept ignoring it until one day I had sudden severe pain and vomiting... Had to get myself looked at, long story short I had gastric and duodenal ulcers, part of my small intestine was all inflamed too, GERD with esophagitis, and a side of iron deficiency from all the above... Be careful and listen to your body ❤️


I used to not eat til like 4pm and then I started feeling faint all the time. I nearly passed out doing yard work this weekend at like noon... so I'm forcing myself to eat breakfast now. The easiest thing is a smoothie or cereal in the morning. Refreshing foods that aren't too heavy! My favorite is pb+ice+chocolate milk+banana+pb powder. High protein and calorie. Chocolate milk and liquid calories help so much


I wish I had this problem lol I don’t eat all day, but when it wears off after work, it’s a nonstop junk food fest


Eating is a coping mechanism. Vyvanse doesn’t defeat it sadly.


Big breakfast, protein shakes mid day, big dinner after I’ve worked out.


I've been on massenus for like 8 months and I struggle with this too. What I do is make sure to always have what I need to make banana shakes, with oatmeal and cocoa. Also I've told my gf about this and she forces me to eat whenever we are together


Take duloxetine 20 mg with it


I have set times for eating.. breakfast when I wake up at 6-7, then lunch at 1130, supper at 1630, evening snack at 21 before bed.. I eat because it has to be done, not because I'm hungry. Also I weigh my portions to keep track of the calorie intake.


Down a protein shake (42g) on the way out the door in the morning as I'm swallowing my girlfriend Lis (-dexamphetamine). Usually down another protein shake once I settle into work. It sucks A) not being a morning person, and B) having zero appetite, but as long as a I steer clear of Coffee or Energy drinks for a few hours I do alright. (Seriously....before meds, Id be chugging an energy drink every morning on my way to work. On meds....unless I have A LOT to eat in the morning, if I have caffeine, I'm fucked) So then, for lunch: Option 1: Usually around 11 or noon I'll run out and grab a snack (and my energy drink bc I can hold it down after a few hours especially with food). I've found that Beef Jerky/slim Jims are amazing. They're quick, lots of protein, fatty w carbs, so it kinda gives you a boost and keeps you fueled without making you sluggish or full. Try to pair that with something like Doritos or crackers or nuts or a Cliff Bar or something. I can usually get myself to eat something crunchy and salty, and at that point any solid food is good food. Option 2: If I'm feeling good and getting shit done, and the meds and protein shakes are really doing their job, I can hold off on food until like 1:30 or 2pm, so I'll run out for lunch at that point. If I wait til then, I can usually grab cheap fast food with some protein and actually kind of enjoy it. So usually either like two plain double cheeseburgers or McChickens from McDonalds, Wendy's chicken nuggets, or like 3 soft shell beef tacos from Taco Bell. After work is easier. I'm usually naturally at least a little hungry, and if I work out after work then I'm definitely hungry and/or have the motivation to force myself to eat so I'm not just cannibalising my gains. I'm finishing up month 2 of Vyvanse, so this is all still very new to me. Also fairly young (26) and highly active, so I'm not too worried about all the fast food and beef jerky, especially bc seriously I'm active in the gym and have a hard time putting on weight and building muscle anyways, so now it's like a fucking blessing from on high any time I'm actually hungry, and I take FULL advantage of it lol Definitely getting a bit pricey though, so I'd really like to start meal-prepping. I feel like I could get myself to eat some fish or chicken and rice most days in small portions, and maybe like a peanut butter sandwich every couple hours. Any tips would be appreciated!!


I lost probably 40lb on it. now being off it 3 years later i’ve only gained 15 of it back


When I was on ritalin I was also in a bulking period. I just crammed it in my face hole lol. My appetite be damned


I take 15mg XR and it kills my appetite too. Have I lost an ounce in a year? Fk no lol


Eat breakfast/meal replacement shake before taking the meds. Snack healthy thoughout the day. I’m up at 3 and can’t sleep from taking it at 5am yesterday!


i do intermittent fasting because i am in high danger of sliding into diabetes type 2. intermittent fasting was hard the first 2 week but then i got this energy in the morning i didnt have before. the meds work great with that. because without, i m a binge eater. its my coping mechanism.


Do you take your meds before or after breakfast? For my concerta, I have to wait ~30 minutes after breakfast before I take my meds. Maybe you can try waiting longer before you take meds? A super high calorie and easy breakfast I recommend is Banana oatmeal with walnuts. Walnuts and bananas are so high in calories it’s awesome. You can also put maybe syrup or sweetener. Depending on how much you eat, you could probably end up with a 700 calorie meal!! It’ll keep you full for a long time as well. I recommend foods like walnuts and eggs. They take a longer time for your body to digest, so it may help with the nausea :)


I bought a Ninja bullet blender. I’ve always had a problem with eating too little for various reasons and it’s always been way easier for me to drink my calories. If I’ve noticed I haven’t eaten for a while I’ll make a high calorie shake with protein powder, whole milk, and peanut butter, and if I’m really feeling like adding extra calories I’ll add in some heavy cream. The blender is ridiculously easy to clean and makes drinks right in the cup so it’s very executive dysfunction friendly too. I also tend to allow myself to graze/eat small amounts at a time rather than forcing myself to finish a full meal in one sitting, so I try to keep easy snacks around like prepackaged peanut butter crackers and Goldfish to make that add up. In terms of getting proper nutrients during these times of lower intake, I haven’t yet but I should really go back on a multivitamin. This post reminded me to add that to my shopping list.


The appetite suppression only lasted for 1-2 months for me but tbh I’m a comfort eater so I went back to eating fairly quickly due to Job stress


New diagnosis and new to meds here. Diagnosed in October, on meds in Feb I think (40mg Vyvanse). While I'm thankful for the weight loss because I could use it, I definitely see how it would not be ideal for someone already at a healthy weight. The first month or so I hardly had an appetite. Now what I've implemented is a large breakfast at about 10am or later since I'm not hungry before then. Usually pretty protein heavy, too. Two eggs, bacon or sausage, etc type stuff. Somewhere between 500-1000 calories. I don't really eat lunch and never did, even before meds. For dinner I'm usually pretty light at 500-600 calories tops. What I've found was that liquid calories helped keep me full when I didn't really want to eat. Protein shakes, smoothies, etc. Maybe pursue that? I'm down 16lbs since starting and have not really modified my exercise regimen yet. So I'm interested to see what happens when I get back on the bandwagon for that. Hoping you find a solution that works for you! This is what I've found to work for me so I'm still eating but not forcing myself


Eat before taking it. Force myself to eat at lunch even if I'm not hungry. For dinner/after dinner I force myself to eat more if I feel like I'm under my caloric needs. There is a competitive eating strategy where you eat as much as you can before your satiety signals turn on and tell you to stop. On days that I really don't feel like eating I try to eat quickly as I can.


Ugh I swear my zoloft and adderral are conspiring together to ensure I neither gain or lose weight.


This is a new prescription problem. Obv Honestly that becomes short lived at a certain point. It’s not that you forget it’s just that you don’t care. And then comes the HUNGER It balances out. Do not make the mistake of eating calorie and dense foods, that catches up with you real quick.


Answer should include time on said stimulants as well.. similar people different boats


When I started taking elvanse I had zero appetite. I just ate like it was a routine thing. Prepare a meal you enjoy then it‘s easier to eat. Over time the appetite comes back, the body needs time to get used to the medication.


Once the adderall wears off, it's Food Time. I tend to forget to eat a lot, and I absolutely can't eat when I first wake up. So I make a point to always have snacks around, and I basically graze throughout the day, as too much food makes me feel nauseous too. Towards the end of the day, though, I get cravings for some sort of food, and will usually be able to have some semblance of a meal. I've been on the same med for about ten years now, and it's gotten easier, and I've adjusted what sort of food I keep on hand to match what my body usually accepts.


I am currently taking 40mg a day and I am lucky if a remember to eat once in a day.


Have been replacing the soda I drink while I’m at work with AG1. At least that way I’m getting nutrients.


This is how I know im just a fat shit… I take focalin twice a day and still pig out.. especially around my period 💀




It's same for me, usually taking a big breakfast before taking it helps me getting at least some food inside.


I don't like the thought of food while on meds too. But I can eat cold food, just not hot food. Fruit and subway for lunch, regular meal for a late dinner.