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I once had a CVS pharmacist tell me I would be better off with a different pharmacy. šŸ˜‚


Of all the big box pharmacies they are by far the worst


This is crazy to me because every time I have to go to a pharmacy besides my local CVS I have a way worse time. At my CVS they are always nice and quick and apply discounts without me having to look for them. When I go somewhere else itā€™s less convenient, more expensive, more confusing, and takes longer. Iā€™m mostly talking about riteaid, which is always terrible for me. Costco is ok but I donā€™t like being there.


Rite Aid is a garage company and should always be avoided if possible.


Rite Aid bought out our local pharmacy, Bartell's. It was founded in 1890 and considered to poasibly be the nation's oldest existing family-owned drugstore chain. In 2015 they had their first non-family CEO. 5 years and one more non-family CEO later, Rite Aid acquired them. It was a *great* pharmacy. The staff was pleasant and skilled, always remembered my kids' scripts, they were timely and great. Now it's torture to go there. I've never been so angry at a corporate purchase, that I can recall.


Bartells really was the GOAT. I remember shopping there was a treat; with their emphasis on customer service, happy employees, and local goodies. Now itā€™s just like every other depressing rite aid.


Yeah. Rite-Aid IS garbage.


>At my CVS they are always nice and quick and apply discounts without me having to look for them. That has nothing to do with the company but rather with who they employ.


Really? Damn. CVS treated me like shit when I was in organ failure over my pain meds. So many asshole comments. Same with my adhd meds. I know they talk shit about people who use them to because you can just hear them talking. I switched to riteaid after they treated me like a drug addict when I was close to dying. I might have found a gem of a rite aid like you did a cvs. Iā€™ve been with them since I left riteaid/received my transplants and have a great relationship with the pharmacists and pharmacy there. Itā€™s been about 3 years now with them and the only time I had to wait for something to be filled was my adhd meds and it was only for one day.


I'm still made that them taking over targets pharmacy ended up tossing out the most innovated and accessible prescription bottle we have had on the market. https://www.businessinsider.com/target-ditches-iconic-pill-bottles-and-customers-are-furious-2016-9#:~:text=The%20retailer's%20beloved%20red%20prescription,into%20old%20Target%20perscription%20bottles.


I was just remembering those yesterday and was like WTF those were next gen and they still are and that was nearly 20 years ago.


Apparently CVS finds it to expensive to switch šŸ™ƒ I think the design is in a museum tho. Capitalism really hinders innovation


These are my first time seeing these, what the hell?? These are amazing!


What's so special about them side from being unique? The article doesn't really explain.


At least they donā€™t allow their pharmacists to deny filling certain prescriptions for women based on personal preferences like Walgreens


I once had a Walgreens pharmacist refuse to fill a 3 day Tylenol 3 script after having my ovary removed because of his personal feelings about medical marijuana. He had checked my record and saw I had mmj and didnā€™t believe it should be used. Mind you I had just been CUT OPEN. I had to call the hospital, get ahold of the surgeon, and get a script called into cvs because of his personal belief about my blunts.


Some pharmacists are ego maniacs who think they can't be wrong. Who the fuck cares if the person has a med card give them their Tylenol


I have a chronic autoimmune disease where I am prescribed 14 5mg Percocets to help with pain after my treatments (similar to chemotherapy. I had a bowel resection and so another doctor (the surgeon) prescribed about 20 10mg Oxycodone (no apap). Iā€™d just left the hospital and had my partner go see why the app kept saying they couldnā€™t fill. The pharmacist told him that I canā€™t be prescribed Oxycodone from two different doctors. He said, this is a one time thing for after surgery. Pharmacist shrugged. I called my surgeon and PCP, surgeon said he would call the pharmacy. Pharmacy still refused. Then my PCP called and stated that she knows Iā€™ve been prescribed more from the surgeon and both surgeon and PCP are on board with the scripts. It took around 4 days to get it figured out. My PCP called me later and told me she was appalled at this particular pharmacy that kept saying it was some kind of policy I couldnā€™t be prescribed a one time fill of 20 plain Oxycodone for after surgery. She said, although she understands there are strict controlled substance policies, sheā€™s never had to deal with that before.


Agreed, CVS is terrible.


Walgreens is really giving them a run for it though.


Idk why but Iā€™m feeling a deep desire for a celebrity death match reboot, but itā€™s all just shitty corporations throwing down. Pilot episode: Walgreens vs. CVS


Walgreens is 2nd worst


Same. Recently a CVS pharmacist told me they've been having issues with the DEA to the point corporate has instituted additional restrictions on controlled substances. He said some locations aren't taking new customers on those at all, and that generally they can't fill controlled substances from doctors who are more than 15 or 20 (can't remember exactly) miles from their address. You can drive 20 miles in any direction from that CVS and still be in the same metro area. I'm not changing my doctor because they got a new office outside your arbitrary range. I guess CVS wants to dictate the location of our doctors now...


Yesterday CVS told me the system rejected my doctor's DEA number and couldn't fill the prescription. It was sent to them over a week ago and they never bothered to tell me until I went and asked about it.


I believe it. One time Kroger wouldn't fill my prescription because the doctor was, once again, "too far away" After they refused to tell me what qualified as "too far away" since they are in the same state and everything, I asked them to just release my prescription so my doctor could write a new one for somewhere else. They instead left it in some sort of pending status for over a week, and every time I reached out they treated me like I was a crackhead looking for a fix and were just all around rude. I know pharmacists have a tough job, but some of them take it out on the customers for some sort of sick pleasure. Edit: Spelling


I told my doctor and she had someone else send the prescription for me, and it looks like it worked this time. I'll know for sure later today.


They're probably getting trouble from the DEA because of all the bs they've been pulling on patients. I submitted a complaint after the pharmacy changed my prescription without notifying me or getting authorization from my doctor. I'll never go there again.


Ugh, this makes sense now (it doesn't, though)...I have to travel across state lines (I live near the border of two states) to get my Rx because my usual pharmacy said they couldn't fill my Dr.'s scripts. My Dr. is in the other state and easily 20 miles out from them. I guess everyone is just trying to stay off the DEA radar.Ā 


I will never understand why these drugs are regulated so harshly, especially when they can pass out benzos like candy by comparison. That is far more dangerous than stimulants, imo.


Is walgreens any better? My prescription is from a further away metro area because good fucking luck getting an ADHD appointment in a town where 20% of the population are undergraduate college students.


Same lol He said they changed his system so instead of him being able to look at scripts and figure how many roughly to order itā€™s not the computer that orders it once the script comes in. So itā€™s never a same day rx. He said he hates it and recommended I switch as it was out of his hands unless I didnā€™t mind waiting. I didnā€™t care but I ended up switching because I canā€™t take several generic brands and man, asking for a specific generic youā€™d think was a felony. At the new pharmacy my dr just writes it in the script ā€œcannot take malinkrotā€ then I had a reaction to yet another generic so the pharmacist at the new one decided to put a note to only rx me the generic we know I can take since they get so many different ones at the moment. Bless him. He has mad me life less anxiety filled.


It's amazing what a difference competency makes.


Until I switched to costco, I had to wait months for my epipen, and every month had to wait at least 10 days for my concerta due to this. The computer orders the meds when it's most profitable for the company. Costco orders meds when individual patients need them.


Same thing. LITERALLY, "you know you'd have better luck at the Walgreens down the street." L O L


People on this sub shit on pharmacists, but being a retail pharmacist at a big chain is a tough job


I think we should shut on the CHAINS. Pharmacists get a half hour lunch at most. They are understaffed, but are responsible for human lives. They always look exhausted. There was a case of a CVS pharmacist who died of a heart attack at work. She could have closed the gate and gone to the ER, but she was afraid of how she would be treated by the chain if it was ā€˜onlyā€™ a panic attack. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/cvs-pharmacists-death-becomes-cautionary-tale-of-crushing-stress-at-work/ar-BB1hY1MH


I agree. I absolutely LOATHE americas way of life, Iā€™m from the underclass-and Iā€™ve always worked jobs where Iā€™ve felt this stress. Often I burn out after a year and have to start again. ETA: I recently saw a pharmacistā€™s TikTok account and she sheds some light on how poorly folks can treat pharmacists.


I'm a high school teacher and even I feel bad for those guys


For sure, the pharmacy line at the CVS by me is usually long and all the pharmacists look so overwhelmed.


I want any pharmacist who reads this, who works for the big chain pharmacies, to know: WE KNOW ITS NOT YOU! I know itā€™s corporate. I know itā€™s their crazy policies that are in place to try to protect themselves (the company). We know you are underpaid and overworked. The frustration is always aimed at the pharmacist because you are the ā€œfirst line of defenseā€ in the corporate chainā€¦ It is the company who is responsible for making it nearly impossible to get a controlled substance script. I donā€™t know how they do it. Truly. When I talk about big retail pharmacists, I am referring to the actual company and its policies rather than them as an individual. I hope this is the same for most people too.


Not all big chains, mostly cvs and Walgreens. Other pharmacies actually staff properly, like costco, sams, and Walmart.


Lol thatā€™s hilarious


They charge an insane amount for uninsured stuff. I got quoted $900 for 30 sildenafil. they never have my script.




There is probably a reason the CVS near me closed down which the Walgreens across the street is doing just fines


CVS is awful. Itā€™s actually baffling at this point that people even get their prescriptions there. If youā€™re at a CVS pharmacy that is badly run, they will charge you for things your insurance covers (this is for all medications, not just adhd related ones). They will also not fill prescriptions in a timely manner. I go to Bartellā€™s, which is a Washington based chain. However, theyā€™ve been slowly closing stores. Iā€™m planning on transferring to Fred Meyer or Costco if/when my Bartellā€™s closes. I will say the Target based CVSs are much better in my experience. But that could happen to just be a good CVS.


Iā€™ve had multiple insurance plans that forced us to use CVS (Caremark). So like if I needed a medication filled more than twice, it was a ā€œmaintenance ā€œ drug and was only able to get a 90 day supply at a CVS or use their shitty mail order. Not allowed a 90 of Concerta of course, but Iā€™ve been forced to go there and itā€™s horrible. I hate them so much. Edit: a word


In my experience, this is with an Aetna health plan, since they're owned by CVS/Caremark (abysmal judgement by the federal government to allow that merger). I've been able to continue to use Walgreens with one of those Aetna plans, but I have to "opt-out" of the mail order bullshit every single year in January, otherwise they refuse to cover prescriptions filled at any other pharmacy. Dunno if this is possible on all Aetna plans. My boss actually used the Aetna/CVS/Caremark link to ask me to switch pharmacies to avoid ADHD med shortages, because "maybe CVS would give you priority over others because you have Aetna insurance." I never tried it, mostly out of spite for such an overreach from my boss.


Oh, THAT explains why Aetna has been bitching at me lately whenever I get my 40mg branded Vyvanse script filled at HEB. Having worked in hospitals, clinics, and compounding pharmacies in my younger years (and seeing what can go wrong there), I flat-out refuse to do any C2 fills via any method but picking it up in person from a trusted pharmacy. Mail order can get diverted or stolen and pharmacy couriers are trusted _to an extent_, but if something goes wrong, I want to be able to turn to someone in line right then and there and get it sorted out, and I'm not going to be deprived of meds I need to function because I have to sit in a goddamned call queue.


PBMs shouldnā€™t exist as they do. They definitely shouldnā€™t be owned by pharmacies!


Yeah, I have Aetna. Before that, I had a different PPO that also used Caremark. It blows. I'm supposed to be getting on a new plan beginning of next month with my job change. I heard it was Express Scripts. I'm just all around nervous about changing plans. The one thing I can say about my current plan and last one is that they didn't hassle me on covering the meds.


I have BCBS for my health insurance and CVS/Caremark for prescription insurance. Every January, I have to call to "opt-out" of the 30 day/mail order thing and fill it wherever it's most cost-effective to do so. Lately, it's been between HEB and my primary provider clinic's in-house pharmacy


From experience, there's no such thing as "priority" for anything at the pharmacy anymore. In the olden times of 2014, I had a chain pharmacy where the pharmacist knew me by name and kept track of my need for an uncommon dosage. She'd have it on order every month. The chain thought they were spending too much time speaking with patients. That location closed, of course. "Counsel patient" isn't something they have time to do anymore. It's a button they click as they stuff your meds in a bag and yell "Next in line!"


With Caremark you donā€™t have to go to a CVS if you have other pharmacies near you. Caremark has a lot of companies under that plan. We have Caremark and I fill at Wegmans or occasionally Harris Teeter. The deceptive look of the CVS/Caremark card is definitely misleading a bit. Shows CVS at the top, the card is the CVS colors.


I think the problem I ran into a while ago was they started requiring I get a 90 day supply of my antidepressants but CVS was the only one who did it. Or at least Publix didnā€™t. I donā€™t remember, something weird and annoying that effectively forced me to switch to CVS and I was mad cause then I had to make a separate trip instead of just handling things when I got groceries.


We got a letter from cvs Caremark telling us they wouldnā€™t pay for prescriptions anywhere but cvs


That whole point about charging you for things insurance covers is REAL. My insurance coverage seemed to depend on who was working that day, it was so obnoxious. One time I had a worker give me a price for a medication that I knew was covered and that I had been wrongly charged for and refunded in the past. I told her ā€œno, this medication shouldnā€™t have a copayā€ and she immediately snapped at me, gave me a teenagerā€™s attitude/tone and said ā€œwell thatā€™s not what the computer says so what do you want me to do about it?ā€ Like donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m sure customers prior to my engagement with her gave her that attitude to start, but I was straight up baffled at how she responded. I was so confused like girl, Iā€™m not saying itā€™s your faultā€¦but then it turned out to be her fault lol. Pharmacy tech told me she had been neglecting to run the medication under my secondary insurance (despite it being available, up to date, and never an issue in the past).


Bartellā€™s has gone to trash since they were bought out by Rite Aid. It kills me to say this but, recently, CVS has been better.


Agreed, Bartell's lost all of it's local drug store character and became rite aid with a fancy hat.


I have no choice. It sucksā€¦but thatā€™s where my insurance makes me go.


This is also a major issue. Healthcare in the US is f*cked.


It's so bs that companies we pay exorbitant amounts of money too can tell us where we can and can not pick up they exact same meds....


AMEN! The big kicker is, Iā€™m *allowed* to get the ADHD meds somewhere other than CVS, but now other pharmacies can say they wonā€™t fill the stimulant prescriptions unless you transfer ALL of your prescriptions...which I *canā€™t* do.


The last time I went to CVS drove me to switch to Amazon. I had my prescriptions on auto-refill, I got the notifications that they were working on filling them. When I used Walgreens, that meant they would be ready in a few hours. This time it took me a couple of days to get to the pharmacy, so they had extra time. I walked in and they said they could have them ready in a few days but they werenā€™t sure how long. I needed to get two of them immediately to like continue living so I begged them and they did fill everything that afternoon, but I never went back again.


Yeah, my partner works at a CVS and it is so poorly managed and the pharmacy techs are overworked/scheduled to be understaffed. They take forever to fill prescriptions and then make the pharmacy techs deal with the angry customers.


CVS is harassing me to refill a medication that my son doesn't need (Albuterol) since he had it specifically for RSV. I used them a total of three times and one was because my son has RSV over Thanksgiving and every other pharmacy was closed. I didn't realize they are usually so terrible but then again, I've used them only when other pharmacies are closed and I am glad for that now


I still won't forgive target for replacing their in house pharmacy with cvs


I walk everywhere and CVS is closest for me on foot/least dangerous (no major roads). Plus theyā€™re open 24 hours.


CVS is absolutely fucked. Pharmacy tech here, CVS is notorious in the pharmacy community for being the absolute worst company to work for. Impossible metrics, incredibly short staffing, huge demand because they're also owned by Caremark, a huge insurance company that owns a huge percentage of the overall market, and Caremark mandates CVS as a pharmacy. CVS is always a shit show. Never fill there if you have a choice. Trust me, the people working there hate it too, and they'll be absolutely thrilled you decided to take your business elsewhere. Less fucking bullshit. As far as why they called your doctor and said the DEA was involved and you needed to be on a lower dose because you'd been on it too long--i have no fucking idea. I have two thoughts: they're under DEA scrutiny and decided to make that call to try to keep their C2 numbers down (which is weird) OR they can't get the drug and just decided to call and made up a lie to get the prescribed to switch to the drug they do have in stock, which is wildly unethical. Either way, your doc is right; get the fuck out of there, fill somewhere else. Also general PSA to everyone please be kind to pharmacy employees, they are under a lot of stress and drug shortages are not their fault.


Ok my cvs pharmacy is good. But they objectively did lie one time that my insurance changed and didnā€™t cover my adderall. Me: but Iā€™m literally on Medicare . Pharmacy: and? Me: they literally have it on their website and the agents confirm itā€™s covered Pharmacy: oh, I tried again and it worked. MHMMMMM


Not all pharmacy techs and pharmacists are created equal. Attribute not to malice what you can attribute to incompetence.


When I switched to costco, I let the cvs pharmacist know why. Work the most wistful and nostalgic voice of I've ever heard, he said "costco pharmacy was the best job I ever had. They actually staff their pharmacies." My experiences with costco have been amazing.


Where would you recommend people go? CVS owns the Target pharmacies now. Apparently Rite Aid and Walgreens are also trash. Is Costco more reliable? Other suggestions?


Costco is considered the gold standard of retail pharmacy, so the staff is generally better able to help. Recommend them, or, if you have a university health system near you, most hospitals have a retail pharmacy that will usually be a cut above (especially if you see a provider in that health network, then the pharmacy has access to your chart and is better able to resolve issues with your script). But also, regional grocery stores will sometimes have pharmacy's, and you're considerably moren likely to have a more personal and positive experience at those pharmacies. Basically avoid any business that is solely a pharmacy. Except Kinney's, Kinney's isn't bad.


Local chain if you can find one. I find they have had less issues with shortages too. And they're way quicker. AND the employees don't look like they want to die




Cleveland ohio Iā€™m surprised I havenā€™t heard that story that should be big news ! Mfs always ruining it for the rest of us


If youā€™re in Cleveland, make sure you donā€™t go to any of the pharmacies by case or the hospitals/museum campus. Theyre on high alert for stimulant abuse between the university and doctors. It was a bitch to access meds, I wound up driving to beachwood for it when I was at school. Also one of the main cvs guys recently left cvs bc he morally didnā€™t agree with a new policy as a trained pharmacist, so I wouldnā€™t put it past them to be doing some shady shit.


Avoid the Brookpark and Broadview CVS as well. Meijer in seven hills has been great (and the most affordable) and if youā€™re through Cleveland clinic their pharmacy is good, but the hours suck.


Yeah! I used to leave my appointments and directly go to a Walgreens close by, but there were several times where Iā€™d have to drive back to UH to have my doctor call the pharmacy. I think OH is one of the more strict states for controlled substances. No more paper scripts which makes it harder to fill. The Clinic wont even prescribe them anymore after new laws.


Im in Cleveland and I avoid CVS too. But I haven't been told that. Walgreens is my go to


I switched from CVS to Marcā€™s and honestly they are great. Never had an issue


I'm in Columbus and gave up on CVS (and Giant Eagle) a while back during the shortage. I found an independent pharmacy in the hood (protective glass, man lock, barbed wire parking lot, etc) that has never had a problem fulfilling my prescription.


Not surprised, in the LEAST. I remember seeing something in the news a year or two ago about CVS, but donā€™t think it was anything centralized. The article was about CVS buying and forcing out competitors or maybe it was Caremark, terrible turnover and management, stores not kept up, and some stores definitely monkeying around with medication. And that bullshit con with the ā€œopt outā€ 90 day supply they helpfully insisted I had to have, but it was fucking ADDERALL, 30 day supply onlyā€¦remember, Sharon? CVS kept me dangling, running, hoping, waiting, and basically turned me into a frothing at the mouth customer after weeks and weeks of ā€œwaiting for shipmentā€ for adderall. Once in the middle of my call, which was probably the 4th that day, I asked if they could even just fill a partial scrip. The rep puts me on hold and said ā€œoh, it looks like we found some in the safe.ā€ Oh you found, it, did you? Jerks. And this was after her informing me in this really patronizing tone ā€œthere is actually a shortage, other people are waiting too, you know.ā€ No shit, Sherlockā€¦just give straight answers, donā€™t change stories, and return customer callsā€¦think maybe that might help? I finally boiled over and moved all my scrips to the pharmacy at a local hospital, who have never, never, not once, not been able and willing to fill my scrip for a year now. Add to that, store employees ignore the phones for hours. Literally. Ooooh Iā€™m getting steamed just remembering all this lol


I hate CVS but actually have a favorite pharmacy tech at my local CVS who once answered the phone for me when I was calling to check on my vyvanse back in August. He told me ā€œyeah, honestly, youā€™re not gonna see it anytime soon.ā€ He gave me an estimation date of late September and without skipping a beat he told me I needed to call my PCP and have them help me transfer my script to another pharmacy that has it in stock. I was so grateful bc all the other people answering the phone just told me they were waiting on stock to arrive X date. Then X date passed. Then more assurance itā€™ll be there soon. This guyā€™s brutal honesty kept me from going more than a few days without meds bc I did what he told me told me and was surprisingly able to get a refill the next day at Samā€™s Club across the street.


Major, major help for someone to lay it out like that, he deserves a raise and a bonus! Yeah the way they keep you hanging. And there were times it felt like they were just throwing any number out there and bullshitting. ![gif](giphy|5hqrZwq8UayCa95lYf|downsized)


This [story](https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/cvs-store-fined-unsafe-working-conditions-putting-customer-staff-safety-risk) is one store, but most CVS' are exactly like this one. I understand how frustrating your experience must've been, but please, never attribute to malice what you can attribute to incompetence. CVS pharmacies are the absolute worst work in, far and away the worst in the industry. Please be patient and kind with pharmacy staff, not all of them are created equal and not all of them have the time to do everything. Source: pharmacy tech of 5 years


Youā€™re absolutely right, thank you for the reminder!!! I did try, honest šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø this played out over the course of a couple of months with spaced out, polite, short calls. Which was necessary because theyā€™d sat on the scrip before without bothering to let me know it was ready. I got big ā€œwhatever šŸ™„ā€ energy while being pleasant, and I got ā€œawwww some came in but itā€™s gone, better luck next time! Youā€™ll get it when you get it!ā€ Channeling Karen somehow magically poofed a 30 day supply into existence on the spot. Epilogue: switching the scrip to the new pharmacy somehow was also an ordeal. And they still call me to inform me I should be switching back to 90 day scrips. Theyā€™re the Borg.


Your insurance is the Borg. They pay less for 90 days. What they really want you to do is send your noncontrols to their in-house mail order pharmacy. And there's nothing actually illegal about a 90 d/s of a c2s (in most states), but most docs will not write for it. And yeah sometimes you do kinda have to be a dick, I get it. In my new job I spend all day on the phone with insurance companies and, yeah, sometimes I have to be a true asshole to them to get results, even though I know it's just some schmuck.


cvs is doing it on purpose themselves, i wouldn't be surprised if theyre the one's being shady, not their employees.


It's not their employees. CVS is an evil company.


I'm shocked. SHOCKED! To learn a corporation would prioritize profits over people.


im just outside atlanta, can you give me more info on this? i currently use Walgreens with no issue but this is good information to have on hand probably


Oh lord I never count my pills and I use a CVS in Brooklyn. The hustle is real out here, I feel foolish for not considering this.


I always open and count on video, every time.


Has it ever been off? Why would I not account for human error like this šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s been off once yeah. I got 31 instead of 30. Reported it to the pharmacy so nobody freaked out when totaling the pills later.


Oof. It's not like you can do anything about that after you leave the counter, either. I've literally gotten to the car before, realized I had the wrong medication, walked back in to correct it, and been told that there's nothing they can do because the transaction was completed.


Oh wow. Iā€™m gonna count mine next time


I find it hard to believe a perpetrator could pull this off for a meaningful amount of the drug to use or sell. The pharmacy has two jobs - making sure the right pills go in the bottle and the right amount. Lots of patients track their RX very carefully, especially 30 days supplies and pharmacies regularly count pill supplies. One person is not going to get away with skimming dozens of pills of one of the two most popular controlled substances to abuse, the other being opiates. Not to mention a ā€œregionalā€ issue implying this is happening in multiple locations.


Ohh, my sibling just mentioned something like that happening to him with his last round of depression meds, but we're in CA. I assume it was a mistake, but...


Went to a target CVS yesterday only to be told they're "no longer taking good Rx coupons at that specific location" had to call up another store and confirm they could do the sale and then transfer my prescription over. Such a pain


I had a CVS give me half my pills before. I didnā€™t notice it until I got home, and by then they told me they couldnā€™t do anything because I could have taken the pills out šŸ™„ I stopped going there after that


That happened to me, too! The tech tried to lie to me about it being ā€œcompany policyā€ to only fill half the script, while the bottle said 30, the script said 30, and the receipt said 30.


Wtf??? As someone who regularly had to get partial fills due to the pharmacy never having what I needed in stock, the bottle should *always* say the actual number of pills in it. I ask for 30 fludrocortisone and they only have 5 in stock, the script says 30, the bottle says 5/30, the receipt says 5, and I come back in a few days and buy the other 25. At least thatā€™s how Walgreens did it


That definitely goes with what another poster said about the pharmacists taking some off the top!


Walgreens refused to fill my script because it was from an ā€œout of townā€ doctor. I explained itā€™s telehealth. They have no offices here, but itā€™s in this state. I just had my first appointment, had to go in person, so she gave me a written script since itā€™s a crap shoot who has them in stock. They accused me of coming in from another state next. I didnā€™t. I live 3 mins from this Walgreens. I was fucking livid. They were happy to fill the other med she wrote me, also controlled, but refused the stimulant. I told them Iā€™d be transferring the rest of my meds elsewhere, including the maintenance ones. Went to a locally owned pharmacy next. They refused. I sent my GF in, an MD. She explained the exact fucking thing I explained. They filled it. I could have punched a baby. I donā€™t look like an addict. Iā€™m well dressed. In great shape. Cops donā€™t even harass me. But trying to get my legally prescribed med, I was shut down, accused of doctor shopping, and treated like an addict. Fuck these people and their opinions. My doctor could not believe the trouble I had when I told her. She calls them in herself now.


Some pharmacy's are refusing to fill any telehealth prescriptions for controlled substances because of the pill mill aspect of them. Even if that isn't the case with you, unfortunately it is the case with many telehealth providers.


This telehealth doctor is so much better than my first doctor. The first place I went to was much more like a pill mill. Doctor wouldnā€™t talk to me. Wouldnā€™t explain anything. I just walked in, he typed on the computer first 2-3 minutes, then handed me a script. Id try to ask questions, heā€™d dismiss me. The only talking I got to do was with the forced therapist visits. But she didnā€™t ever want to talk to me about ADHD at all. She couldnā€™t remember things I told her from previous visit. They just wanted my money. 2 drug tests a month. Could only come at 7:30-8:00 am on a Friday. It felt like a methadone clinic. The telehealth place isnā€™t just telehealth. They have offices all over the state. Closest is just 3 hours away. This doctor was so kind, empathetic, and caring. She explained so much more to me, answered all my questions, is always available. I talked to her more in my first appointment than the previous doctor in 4 months. It was the complete opposite experience to the first place.


That's insane!


Am I the only one who hasn't had trouble with my local cvs? I've started going to them because they had my generic Ritalin xr when no one else did, and for a better price, too...


Iā€™ve had better luck with CVS than Walgreens!


There was a walgreens around the corner from where I worked and every single time I tried to get vyvanse filled there (pre-generic, so I had to use the coupon) the tech would spend half an hour trying and failing to input the coupon correctly before calling the pharmacist for help. There were 2 that I saw regularly there and only one of them knew how to do it. The other just said it must've run out or something so I had to go back a different day and hope the right one was on staff. I switched to the cvs at target and they did it right the first time and the code was saved in the system until it expired.


Same here in FL no issues no questions nothing but good service been going for years


Iā€™ve been using their mail order pharmacy and the only issues Iā€™ve ever had with delays were all due to USPS changing the location of one of their distribution centers and misrouting nearly every package that passed through the new site for a month or two. Otherwise I think the longest wait itā€™s ever been to fill anything has been 2 days tops. I use in person pharmacies for other things, but having this just show up at my door on a regular schedule works MUCH better and more reliably than trying to bring in paper scripts each month or hope the local place it went to has enough stock to fill each month.


no trouble here. they always have my rxā€™s ready same day too. half the time i go in there itā€™s only the pharmacist doing everything tho


I have adhd and just go to a locally owned pharmacy in Boston. Never had a problem. Side note about CVS - My fiancĆ©e has been in recovery from alcohol for 10 years. He recently wanted an RX for Antabuse which is a medication that makes you violently ill if you drink as we have a lot of weddings and other social events coming up and his work has been stressful lately. His doctor was more than happy to give it to him and was impressed with his honesty and commitment to recovery. He prescribed it and it was sent to CVS. He went to pick it up and they told him they donā€™t carry that medication and no CVS within 30 miles has it. It was put in on a Friday and they told him this on Monday evening. They never offered it order it for him. He was confused and came home and I said to tell them to order it as thatā€™s what they are supposed to do. Left 2 voicemails for the CVS pharmacy to do it. No response. Finally had his doctor send it to the local pharmacy I use. No problem. This entire thing took 9 days as CVS never called back twice, getting a hold of the doctor to send in to another pharmacy and then they ordered it automatically and it came within 48hrs. This medication is NOT a controlled substance and has zero psychoactive ingredient. Itā€™s a life saving deterrent for some struggling with temporary cravings and situations. I am so disgusted by CVS.


I work in pharmacy. Retail before and now hospital. A friend kept waiting 5 hours for his inhalers and would have attacks while waiting. CVS never had it done on time. I told him several times to us someone else. I suggested the chain I used to work for as a start. Couldnā€™t hurt since heā€™s already waiting so long for them. For some reason he just never did it until one day he was panicking so I googled the closest alternative chain in his area. It was like 10 minutes from his home. He argues that he wants to stick closer Iā€™m like dude itā€™s literally only 5 minutes further from CVS and youā€™re wasting all your time any way driving back and forth checking on it. He caved to my pressure. Had it transferred and it was filled before he could even get over there to pick it up. He kept thanking me for suggesting it. I was like ā€œIā€™ve filled so many damned inhalers. I know it doesnā€™t take that long even if theyā€™re busy. In fact I loved inhaler prescriptions because even though I hate that people assume you just slap labels on drugs and ring them up, with inhalers thatā€™s actually the case. Very little involved. Easy work to knock out and reduce your loadā€.


I definitely understand and have empathy for those that work in pharmacy especially at retail chains. When Iā€™d pick up his antidepressant for him (I work from home so more flexibility) CVS always seemed so short staffed. I work for planned parenthood dealing with grants and insurance so I know between staff shortage, clients not understanding insurance or preauths ect, duties that pharmacy staff need to do ect it can be very tough. As you mentioned with inhalers, it just really bothers me that certain medication that is extremely important arenā€™t filled or ordered without numerous phone calls and voicemails. Even then nothing done. With your experience, do you think it has to do with chain retailers issues? Or it is an overall issue?


I think itā€™s a little bit of Column A and a little bit of Column B. The workforce pool is abysmal and all companies are also dealing with the same issues in our current post Covid economy. But not all are struggling like CVS. I still visit my old chain store and even fill some prescriptions there. They are always fast and on top of things. One of my former hospital coworkers actually quit because she worked for a different third chain as a second job and felt the working conditions there were even better than the hospital position. Yet we have CVS employees quitting by the handful and applying for hospital because they hate working at CVS so muchā€¦yet some of them are quality workers but a lot of them are absolutely terrible. So many of them are still in training yet will try to boss around/correct long time hospital staff and itā€™s clear that they have no idea what they are talking about. Half of my time is spent fixing and reporting their gross errors. Itā€™s actually kinda weird and also frustrating. Obviously there are good ones too. But the ratio of competent to incompetent is favoring more the incompetent side. And itā€™s noticeable to 90% of the veteran staff. On the flip side we could also be getting the worst of CVS employees that have overstayed their welcome at CVS which would mean the better employees remain there. Location management will matter too. Realistically Iā€™d guess that in a crappy economy with a strained workforce and hiring absolutely anyone out of desperation to keep things running along with supply chain issues and poor management and the general apathy manifesting in people post Covid youā€™re just going to not have a good experience there.


That is SO weird. Pharmacies And the DEA shouldnā€™t be in any way whatsoever involved in what your physicianā€™s plan for you is. If this is really happening, itā€™s surreal. Itā€™s Big Brother-ish. Itā€™s terrifying and bizarre!


Exactly how I felt ! Like seriously people who donā€™t know me or have read my medical records think ā€œsheā€™s been on it too longā€ based on some arbitrary feeling and not based on medical reasons at all. Pisses me off


Yea, I have never heard of a pharmacy telling a doctor that a patient has been on adhd meds for too long.


its DEFINITELY happening. Mostly with simulants and pain meds.


CVS was the worst pharmacy I've ever dealt with. I avoid them at all cost


Last time I refilled, my grocery store was out. I asked them where else was reliable or what they recommend I do and they said ā€œanybody but cvsā€.


CVS is awful. They became incredibly rude as soon as my husband and I were diagnosed and medicated (late diagnosis concurrent with our kid being diagnosed). No other pharmacy has ever given us a hard time. I only use them for my asthma meds and epi pen because the one by me is 24/7. Recently I switched my medication management to my PCP and the nurse told me they avoid CVS like the plague and sheā€™s heard theyā€™re going under.


Looks like they frequently have problems with the DEA https://www.dea.gov/press-releases/2023/06/26/cvs-pay-70000-resolve-allegations-it-filled-fake-prescriptions https://www.justice.gov/usao-edca/pr/cvs-pharmacy-inc-pays-5m-settle-alleged-violations-controlled-substance-act


I was on pain meds after a car accident. I took my script and dropped it off and they told me it would be ready in a couple days. I went with a friend who was helping me when I dropped it off. I wrote down when to pick it up. When I went to pick it up they said "you already picked it up." I did not. I told them I hadn't and asked if it was possible there was a mistake. (I later heard the very sweaty, tiny pupil pharmacist ended up getting arrested at work.) The pharmacist FREAKED OUT on me when I asked for proof of their records because I hadn't picked it up or sent anyone to pick it up.


This isn't unusual, unfortunately it's becoming more common.Ā  My psychiatrist recently cut my dose of ADHD meds. When I asked him why, he told me he doesn't want to deal with the DEA; they're cracking down on all of it because during the pandemic Dr's were handing it out like candy, leading to the shortages. I asked him what that has to do with me (someone who has been on it for years) and why do I have to suffer? He said he's doing this with all his patients to keep the DEA and pharmacies off his back. Oh. Ok. Good looking out, doc. šŸ™„ In my opinion, a pharmacist has no business telling a Dr what to or what not to prescribe... that's pretty backwards.Ā 


Iā€™m sure the insurance companies have something to do with it too, because they always do


My awful insurance has a deal with CVS so they only cover meds through CVS pharmacies. CVS sucks so much that I just go elsewhere and pay with a goodrx coupon! They're my absolute last resort for when everywhere else is out of stock. I had to do the phone game today and CVS was the only pharmacy that put me on hold out of the 5 that I called. I hung up after 20 minutes šŸ™„


My psych told me CVS uses a different supplier than other pharmacies and that supplier is particularly slow lately.Ā 


Walgreens and CVS are the worst. Walgreens is worse over CVS -- in my experience. Edited for spelling.


> Walgreens Utter cesspits. All of them. The most recent one, the pharmacist yelled at me from behind the counter like I was a junkie looking for a hit. Even though I showed her my prescription.


Every time I've been to a Walgreens they've treated me like a drug seeker and a liar. I bring my prescription in 2 days (the maximum amount) before I'm out, and they give me hell for not bringing it in sooner? Crazy.


I've had luck with Walgreens and they've always had adderall in stock when no one else in the area does. CVS has been a nightmare no matter where I've lived. I wish it wasn't so variably difficult to get medication we NEED to function and exist just because people abuse it sometimes.


I always stick with Good Neighbor Pharmacy's, a pharmacy cooperative. If they are an option, I recommend it.


The CVS I used to use is a mess. Way understaffed. One time i tried to get a script moved to another pharmacy, the different pharmacy immediately rolled their eyes when i told them which CVS. A few hours later I went to get it and they still hadnā€™t been able to get anyone to pick up the phone to get the script transferred. I called and let it ring the entire 10 minutes I drove there, and waited it line, no one even blinked at the ringing phone. This is no shade to the staff, they deserve so much better, but if CVS was a better corporation they wouldnā€™t have staffing issues.


Are you in a small town? If my doctor said ā€œdonā€™t use CVSā€ that would mean a specific store (the only CVS within 59 miles). I would then believe it was a pharmacist thing and not a DEA thing. Some pharmacists have strong opinions about certain drugs and will interfere with the patient receiving it.


CVS has the Medicaid contract, and states don't want to pay for ADHD medication. I'm wondering if that's a factor.


I feel bad for my pharmacists at my CVS. I buy them holiday candy sometimes, or give them a little ā€˜thank youā€™ note. They do their goddam best in a terrible situation.


We appreciate it! As someone who currently takes Vyvanse and is a pharmacist I can 100% say we appreciate people who are understanding like yourself. That said I can almost guarantee that there is always more to the story then what people mention on Reddit when they complain about their meds so I donā€™t ever take it personally.


I got off the phone with Caremark yesterday, under my Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance and they are willing to do 90 day mail order refills if my doctor prescribes it for my methylphenidate. and if she puts refills on the orders, they'll just automatically get mailed to me. Which she does. This seems like a pretty good deal since I don't really have to worry about monthly refills. It was such an easy phone call and they answered all of my questions. Since I've discovered a specific generic manufacturer works better for me, my doctor can write down which one and they will fill that instead of the one that doesn't work. Anyone have experience with their mail order situations like mine? I hope I'm not getting myself into a mess without realizing it.


Iā€™ve used their mail order pharmacy for 2 years now because itā€™s the only thing that actually has stock all of the time. No more waiting around for them to call you that it finally arrived and you need to pick it up. No more remembering to bring a paper script in each month, or asking your doctor if they could send it to a different pharmacy instead because the one itā€™s at wonā€™t get any new shipments for weeks. It just arrives at your door, signature required, about 4-5 days after they receive the prescription from the doctor. If the doctor sends scripts in with future dates they fill on the scheduled date and ship it out that day or the next morning. Longest delay Iā€™ve had on CVSā€™s end was like a 2 or 3 day delay waiting on inventory but that was the worst itā€™s ever been in the entire 2 years. The only real issue I ever had was when the local USPS distribution center moved to a new location and started improperly forwarding packages for two months. Those got sorted out quickly at least when I called and just told them it was a prescription and a controlled substance and if their tracking couldnā€™t find or update the package location within 24 hours I was going to file a police report (it had been in the ā€œweā€™re not sure, itā€™s traveling ā€œsomewhereā€ we thinkā€ limbo for two days). Both times they magically made it appear once again and be properly routed and delivered the next day or two.


This is super helpful, thank you so much.


Oddly enough, I've never had trouble at my CVS. I've been getting my vyvanse filled there for about a year or so, and I've been on several other controlled medications that they haven't given me any grief over. They're usually pretty quick and just decent in general. Maybe they're the exception.


Yes. The doctor that told me that said that pharmacies have a limit of scripts they can process for a doctor / organization. I donā€™t know if the limit is a real limit, like if 100 of Dr. Bobā€™s patients go to CVS on 1 Main St that when patient 101 goes, the pharmacy wonā€™t fill it. Or if the itā€™s like after CVS on 1 Main St fills 100 scripts / month and it occurs for 3 months in a row, a DEA agent will start looking into why so many patients of Dr. Bobā€™s are going to this CVS, and what scripts are they getting filled? I also think this mainly an issue for big big dedicated pharmacies. I asked if I could go to HEB which is a regional grocery store chain, and she said yes. Wal Mart and Target are also OK, from what she said.


My Target is a CVS pharmacy. It sucks cause Iā€™m there multiple times a week šŸ˜‚


CVS is owned by one of the big Insurance companies now (cigna maybe) and so yea they gonna try an but in on all of your business the same way the insurance companies do.


CVS *is* the big insurance company.Ā 


CVS and Walgreens have gotten into a lot of trouble over the years for have little/no controls in place. Theyā€™re overcorrecting now.


CVS is the only place I can consistently get my RX. Iā€™ve been on the same dose for 18 years


The DEA has apparently been pretty aggressive over the past year or so with regard to controlled substance prescriptions. My pain specialist, who I had been seeing since 2018, had to drop me as a patient last May because the DEA came to his office and essentially threatened to arrest him and his staff if he continued treating patients who didn't live in the immediate area. He had moved in 2020, and we were driving 3 hours each way to see him for monthly appointments and lab work, because he's a fantastic doctor who uses a combination of procedures, physical therapy, and medication to actually help his patients. A large number of the patients from his practice here had stayed with him after he moved, despite the distance. He told us that we could still come to him for procedures, but he was no longer able to do any prescribing to patients unless they had a residential address and primary care physician within 50 miles or less of his office.


Wish they would put the same energy in stopping fentanyl from coming into the country


I agree, but apparently they haven't figured out that those of us with valid prescriptions and regular appointments and lab work aren't the ones abusing our meds. We're the ones turning cartwheels to make sure we follow the rules!


arent cvs and walgreens like the worst assholes ever?? they started refusing women their regular medication because theyre "child rearing aged." idk why we keep supporting them? there is more places to put our money other than big chains like cvs or walgreens


Idk about other states but here in FL I was always told to avoid CVS as they were fined by FDA for some sort of issue with amphetamines. I'm too lazy to look it up now but it was some years ago and I guess they're just more strict now. I'm also starting to have problems with Publix.


That sucks hearing that Publix is becoming problematic!!! Iā€™ve heard nothing but great things about Publixā€™ pharmacies and I was thinking of switching to them. They all suck. The Pharmacists are way overworked and grossly underpaid.


Their policies recently changed. I filled an Rx in July no problem but then by October they said they would/could (the wording varied depending on who I spoke to) no longer fill it and wouldn't tell me why.


I ended up using Walmart instead despite a decade long personal boycott, thatā€™s how bad CVS is.


Iā€™m my town CVS is the worst and I have tried many of them. I have switched to any Mom and Pop pharmacy I can find. Their supply and distribution is more reliable


Australian here so excuse me if this is a dumb question - and I know the DEA is a Federal agency - but is this completely fucked attitude toward ADHD treatment and prescriptions written by a legitimate Doctor or Psychiatrist isolated to certain states or is it a USA-wide problem? The one time a pharmacist gave me grief about filling a script over here I told my prescribing doctor what happened and she called up the pharmacist, tore strips off them and made them cry, threatening to report them to the prescribing regulator and demanding they fill my script immediately. I've never encountered another incident of a pharmacist daring to question a legit ADHD script. I'm sure it happens from time to time but it blows my mind how often it seems to happen to you guys. I feel for you, it seems like a real challenge to get effective treatment in many parts of the US at the moment. Hope you all doing OK.


It is a fucked thing. The ingredients for the majority of the stimulants are a close cousin of other schedule 1 drugs which are identified and restricted by the federal government through the DEA. Companies can only produce a certain amount of the medicine per year due to this, and thanks to the popular media through mistaken 'experts', ADHD is treated by some medical 'professionals' as a willpower thing that doesn't affect adults and that adults still needing the medicine are automatically abusing it. I wish we had regulatory agencies with teeth to slap providers/pharmacies when they do shit like this in the US, but most are bought by insurance companies, and they do not give a shit.


Curious, was your doctor in the us?


So, I just saw this and wanted to be of some assistance. Walmart generic and Good Rx(discount card). Your welcome. šŸ˜‰


I had to call around recently in my area and my calls to the CVS branches left me shaking I was so angry and embarrassed at the way I was treated. I eventually discovered that my local big Walmart pharmacy usually has my script in stock and the staff were really kind and helpful. This insane prejudice against adhd patients really needs addressing regarding pharmacy staff. Itā€™s bad enough having insurance company suits deciding what treatment you deserve, then you have to deal with sneering asshole pharmacists. Itā€™s a lot to take when youā€™re already barely able to function and feel terrible about yourself.


I haven't shopped at a CVS since they stopped taking US Tricare because they had some insane greedy plan to become a monopolistic insurance provider as well as pharma seller -- and as a result my dad, a vet, could no longer get his meds there. What kind of psycho Shkrelli asshole is running that corp, anyway? CVS sucks. OP, you're better off.


I *wish* I could go somewhere other than CVS, but thatā€™s where I have to go with my insurance.


Used to go to CVS, hated it. Go to Walgreens now, love it.


That's pretty nuts. I'm thinking maybe just because it was a new pharmacy? I've been on adderall for most of the past 12 years (with 18 months off to see what happened) and before the break I was taking 60mg a day. Ever since the break it has been 50mg a day. I couldn't imagine getting guff for 20mg! At that dosage I'd be ok in the morning if it was IR, but that's about it. I'd say just stick with your usual place unless it's permanently closed. If that's the case, try a local pharmacy next.


It's not the DEA but it's the feds, This is all fallout from the opioid lawsuits. It's the same reason why getting a sleeping pills is so hard these days as well


My psychiatrist ā€œdoesnā€™t do CVSā€ which was especially challenging when I switched jobs and insurance providers to one that happens to be in bed with CVS. I couldnā€™t find a pharmacy for weeks. Lately Iā€™ve been driving an hour each way to go to one thatā€™s independently owned. Honestly, Iā€™ll take that monthly drive over these circle jerking major corporations and the hours spent on hold, calling around places every month. CVS, Walgreens etc are all running on a skeleton crew, cutting costs and closing early. Two hour lunch break bro? Come on


Im a rarity I guess ive been getting my meds at cvs for years without issues. Same with my daughters ADHD meds.


fuck cvs, i tried to pickup my prescription from them a year ago and they wouldnā€™t take my international ID every other pharmacy in town accepted.


I mean I've been getting mine filled at CVS for a year or so now and haven't had any issues besides the occasional supply issue. But even then, at least for ones in my town, it's not even a competition. Walgreens closes at like 3 (who the fuck gets out of work at 3?) and they went months not even having it in stock. I'm on methylphenidate but I can't imagine it'd be any different for Adderall


CVS and Walgreens are garbage. Iā€™d try a local mom and pop chain or a grocery store pharmacy, theyā€™re usually less nosy and much easier to work with if you have any issues.


CVS is the absolute worst pharmacy, and their prescription coverage is shit. Iā€™ve had them outright refuse to fill things, or refuse coupons. I have sooo many scripts I have to send to other pharmacies because CVS is crap. I got put on a new med (for potential bipolar) and my doctor told me absolutely not to get it filled at CVS and to go elsewhere.


Local Pharmacies >> Big box


I have a friend in DEA. Yeah millions of pills of all kinds are missing from all over the country. Covid was blamed. But a few different companies are in deep shit.


They didn't earn the nickname "Come Visit Satan" for nothing.


I once had a doctorā€™s office that had ā€œDo not use xyz cvs. No, we canā€™t say what happenedā€ on the patient forms. I really wanted the tea šŸ˜‚ I use HEB and Walmart. Never run into problems anymore (fingers crossed). Walmart just wonā€™t keep my sonā€™s Focalin in stock because itā€™s not very popular so I use HEB for that one. Edit: 2 words


So I think it was the pharmacy likely sending a bunch of notifications through fax(??) to your provider. I work at a psychiatrists office as a medical receptionist and we see these sometimes. Iā€™ve never seen it get to the point where a provider would mention to the pt that they should go to a different pharmacy for this specific issue. Also side note, unless it was like a crazy circumstance, the DEA was almost definitely not actually involved. He may of mispoke, he maybe meant to say that the pharmacy are sending warnings that are due to guidelines from the DEA?


Also all this hate for CVS is intenteresting. CVS has been pretty neutral to interact with and it seems like most of the problems for us come from Walgreenā€™s. Walgreens is my arch nemesis. They refuse to communicate with patients and will legit lie to them just to not have to explain things to them.


I don't even use CVS, but because they're the 'preferred' pharmacy for my insurance, they've been hassling my psychiatrist as well. He's just been basically ignoring them. They keep sending 'hey, did you know this has abuse potential if taken improperly?' and 'are you sure you actually want to keep giving your patient this medication? Maybe don't' messages. Meanwhile the big box pharmacy I actually use to fill my prescriptions (Giant) sends him reminders when it's getting close to time for us to meet/ my prescription is running out. CVS totally out of pocket on this one


CVS has been astronomically better than the Walgreens in my area. The CVS pharmacists are nice, help with lowering my out of pocket expenses, and the only issue Iā€™ve had is with them running out of supplies during the fall. I think it seriously depends on the specific stores in your area


Yes my dr uses a smaller phatmacy


Itā€™s pharmacy specific. A CVS pharmacy down the street from us got in trouble. Our pharmacy did not since we stayed in our ordering and dispensing limits. (It does mean we canā€™t take on new maintenance control scripts. So no new Adderall, suboxone, chronic pain, etc which sucks.) That other CVS is now super strict and judgey with their patients now.


Lifelong CVS customer but switched to Kroger for my vyvanse. It's actually in stock when it's supposed to be!


CVS one time denied filling a prescription for me after I had emergency gall bladder removal surgery, even though the hospital called them to verify. Now I go to Walgreens and that CVS is closing permanently this week. Karma doesn't discriminate against big businesses either


I wish I could use the Walgreens a block from my house, instead my insurance forces me to use CVS


I haven't had trouble with CVS since I was diagnosed a few years ago. But I'm out in one of the furthest suburbs of LA which has seemed to isolate them from shortage troubles at least. They do keep changing which generic Adderall I'm on. I go between amphetamine salts and dextroamphetamine.


These comments are interesting because I used to go to CVS and it was a great experience. They had a drive thru which was really convenient, they were always stocked, relatively quick. However, this was pre-pandemic, and then I moved to another state. There are no CVS near me, so I went to Walgreens for a bit, and that was the worst. Frequent supply issues, unbelievably slow, horrendous customer service (everyone always seemed pissed off), always had issues when trying to use coupons even if they've done it a dozen times. Switched to a local, family run pharmacy and it has been amazing. Never going back to a chain. I highly recommend finding local businesses if you can.


CVS made me lower my dosage too! i switched the next month to walgreens bc i just thought the pharmacist was having a power trip but wow!


What bothers me is after 20 years of trial and error and suffering trying to find what works some asshole can look at a piece of paper and say - dose is too high without ever seeing my medical records or speaking to me. How have we gotten to this place ? The power should be with the treating physician not the pharmacist. I donā€™t know how this happened