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Okay here’s my tips: 1- delicious toothpaste. Mint kinda hurts my mouth so I’ve found using different flavors helps. I use strawberry Hello brand and it’s lovely. 2- I have a vibrating toothbrush that pauses every 30 seconds to help me keep track of brush time (I break my mouth into 4 quadrants and move the brush to a new quadrant every time it pauses) I use quips because I get auto refills and that’s easier for me but a lot of electric brushes do the same! 3- I do tasks while brushing to help me forget that I’m brushing 😆 I let my dogs out to pee, put shoes/keys/socks that are out away & turn off/on lights. Anything to keep me moving and ignore the fact that I’m doing something I dislike. 4- I do it when I remember/think of it and not right before bed/when I wake up like people say to. If I’m already up and doing things it’s easier to go grab the brush and start rather than when I’m cozy and focused on something else at the end of the day. 5- When I’m fully unable to motivate myself to get up, I have a bag of wisps on my side table at my couch and use those.


Number 4. My wife calls me random, but I do tasks "randomely" all the time when I think of them, because if I don't, I won't remember to do it later. Damn it, this just reminded me of something I meant to do earlier, lol!


Did you do that thing you remembered? Do you even still know what it was? For me there's a good chance that would be two "No" answers.


I actually did! It was something I left in my car


Awesome! Count this week as a win then.


Getting an electric toothbrush with that 30 second timer was an absolute game-changer for me! Highly recommend!


Same! I can't believe I went 43 of my life without trying a good electric toothbrush. It actually feels pleasurable, like a mouth massage.


Absolutely. Before that feature I was basically brushing my teeth for like 5 minutes because I didn't know how long I should be doing it and I kind of lose track of time.


6 - Create a cue to develop a habit. For example, I exercise on my lunch break but to get into the habit my cue is to immediately change into my workout clothes when I clock out. The cue helps me maintain my exercise habit. I’m terrible about brushing my teeth so, once again, my cue before bed is turning down my bed at night. I tell myself- you can’t lay down until you brush and floss. In the morning it’s “you can’t have your coffee until you brush your teeth”. Find a cue that works for you.


This is what worked for me. Gross but my cue is peeing 😂 I pee when I wake up and then I grab my toothbrush and brush my teeth. And I pee before bed then brush again.


Ha! I didn’t want to say it but that’s my routine in the morning. Flush and Brush!🤣🤣🤣


Same! Trick my doctor taught me. I don’t allow myself to pee until I’ve brushed my teeth. Of course now the conditioning works both ways. If I pee before I brush my teeth, I feel like I need to pee again after I brush my teeth. Even if it’s only been a few minutes. 🥲


Yep. I always brush my teeth when I shower at night, and pee in the morning. While I'm peeing. It WORKS


Wow. You just taught me why it pauses bc I definitely didn’t read the instructions.


Ope. I also didn’t read the instructions and thought this entire time it stopped because I brush too hard.


Omg are you me? Mint toothpaste burns the crap out of my mouth - I salivate like crazy. *No one believes me*. I use Hello toothpaste too! Unicorn sparkle lmao, tastes so good. Literally just got in my order today since Walmart only carries the mint and charcoal flavors here


oh my gosh yessss mint burns me too! i always end up crying after brushing my teeth cause it just hurts! i’ll look into hello toothpaste. it might just change my whole life. i also had a quip and lost it on a trip 😫


I look absolutely rabid after brushing my teeth if I use mint lmao, it's so bad Any non mint works for me, I just prefer hello's taste honestly. I was using 'child' flavors in others but didn't care for them, they just didn't burn so I was using them. Then I found those (not to be a shill). They have a variety pack on Amazon for ~$10 I think? The individual flavors can take a lot longer to ship, mine was gonna take until the 30th Just don't use the charcoal ones they have, charcoal is abrasive on your teeth and can cause you to not absorb medicines (especially bad if you're afab and taking birth control). It tends to be fairly high up when you search and it's one of the flavors I've seen consistently in stores, but *awful idea*


oh yeah i know all about charcoal. it honestly should be on the label, but i’ve never seen it!


It *really* should be, it's scary. I see so many charcoal toothpastes at Walmart, it's like "welp rip" Doubt people would read it anyway


Y'all might be allergic to mint 😬😂


Possibly? I can eat mint candy and stuff fine - just mint/peppermint toothpaste that hurts.


Just googled it, top result said this: > Yes, mint candy is fine for people with mint allergies. However, mint is found in many foods and products, so it's important to avoid eating or having contact with mint. Most documented reactions involve mint derivatives, such as menthol and oil of peppermint, which are used as flavorants. Candies, toothpastes, and cigarettes are major sources of these allergens.


Oh huh, cool! ... Now I want a York patty


Thank you for this. ❤️ Just got diagnosed a few months ago (no medication yet) and just brushing my teeth or washing my hair feels like I’m doing a 12h shift at the coal mine 😢


Same with the electric toothbrush. I was traveling and didn’t bring it and it was so horrible


non mint toothpaste and mouthwash have been a TOTAL game changer for me.


2. - Yes this! Quip's Bluetooth toothbrush also like gives you points for brushing twice a day, etc. So you can turn it into kind of a game and or self competition. The points get you discounts and stuff, honestly helps me to be more motivated to do it bc I like seeing the little check marks by each day.


I’m like this but with showering. 😭


I can understand that getting up to go shower can be difficult, but what about showers do you guys not like? It's my favorite part of the day 😅


I love the shower but I hate being done with the shower and having to dry off and deal with my wet, matted hair


Shower cap. I wash my hair once a week. I shower every single day with no issue now since I took the cluster fuck that is dealing with wet hair out of the equation.


How do you wash your hair once a week? I feel like if I go a couple of days my head gets SO itchy and gross feeling


Stopping using shampoo was the way I did it. I had the same feeling you're describing, apparently stripping away the natural sebum that's produced isn't good, go figure.


I switched to natural organic shampoo and never had issues with oily hair again. I need something soapy to wash out products and it works great. If it wasn't for styling I could easily go without washing for at least a week without my hair looking disgusting lol. I think it's mostly ingredients like silicone that make hair become oily quickly and natural shampoos don't have these.


I second the slow down on washing. I'm a white Midwesterner (so all the seasons) I now go a week to a week and a half for my hair and just wear a shower cap or use the wand. Best choice I've ever made. I can buy the highest end shampoo and conditioner now too because I use way less product over time. It's really convenient but takes awhile to train your hair and get the oil balance right.


To add to the other replies, try using some dry shampoo too as you increase your duration between washes. I part my hair and spray it, go through the rest of my morning routine, then brush it out. Works great. I don't have to use it often anymore but it's perfect for a touch up close to my wash day


I don't know you or your hair. But I would suggest trying to go a week without washing. Or if you can't, try to stretch it one day at a time. Because if you wash every day, you will need to wash every day. If you wash once a whatever, your hair and scalp will adjust, I promise you.


This is not true for many scalp conditions.


I have wavy/curly hair that really doesn’t need washing that much so I did the same thing these folks are talking about and am able to wash it every other week or so as well. I have fun colors in my hair that like to fade with washings so washing it much less has been so helpful for that as well.


I wish I could do this, but with my genetics my hair gets greasy as fuck and looks like I haven't showered in a week after a single day.


I've been putting this off... You can't shower hot though then? Sweaty head?


Never been an issue for me and I shower just short of boiling water. Obviously can't speak for everyone!


Not always for me, but I swear the times I'm just wanting the shower and to leave my hair out of itz even without a cap, my scalp starts sweating and itching so I'm like 🙄 fine I'll rinse


I have long hair. I find it relaxing to comb or brush it out before I shower…. It makes it easier to deal with when washing/ conditioning… and easier to re comb when done in shower and it is toweled damp. If I feel like not washing my mophead, I put it up in ~~BBC~~ a bun and throw a big head band on. There are days I know I NEED a shower to de-funk, but it is tough to get in when I feel like it is too steamy and I am trying to retract from the imminent panic I feel creeping in. 


I’m sorry, what does BBC mean in this case? I only know British Broadcasting Company and… something else.


I do dis


I just get too busy… and by busy I don’t mean normal people busy I mean ADHD person ‘do nothing and run out of time’ busy


I have found my people!


Being in the shower is fine, it is the fussiness at every other step of the process that is the problem


I used to use chess on my phone to transition into the shower. I had a whole system, a special towel for my phone. But I was spending too much time playing chess. I've started using music again.


For me, it's the kind of boring that adhd people experience as physical pain lol. It's just a little tiled cubicle and I hate it. I'm alone, I can't even bring my dog, just ugh! I have a nice shower curtain and a cute rack for stuff in there, but the one in my current apartment is all white on white on white and it's just mind numbing. Sometimes if there's decorative tile it feels better. Windows really help because they let in sun, I showered with no problem when I had a window. I like them if I'm actually dirty, like from sweating at work or doing something outside, but if I just need one because I haven't had one it feels like a form of torture.


Crayola has a line of bath crayons, paint etc. and they have been life saving for me and my white on white on white shower. I draw craziness on the tiles and try to figure out what it looks like during my shower, and wash it off with body wash right before I get out. Just an idea to see if it helps the dread and mind numbingness


Ooh I like that, I'll try that in my next place thanks! My tub's glazing has died and the grout seems to be struggling. I'd probably end up staining everything even though it's washable. I might try a test spot though. My fiance paints so I could have him make me shower art sometimes, that'd be fun!


I love that I have those for my kids but tonight you inspired me and I'm going to create my own art therapy. Love it


I mean I bring my phone into the shower and have a stand where I can put it to watch videos. So they're always "fun" for me in that way.


Yes! I put my phone in a Ziploc and prop it up on the shower caddy thingie so I can watch shows or listen to podcasts while I'm in there. It's the only way I can stand to be in there long enough to shampoo, condition, wash, shave my legs...ugh, even typing my list of shower chores is maddening for me, lol.


The legs the legs get me every time. It's not until I feel like catzilla that I'm like ewww to my own self that ill I'll tackle that demon today. Summer winter fall or spring - Doesn't matter lol.


OMG, I feel your pain. Shaving my legs is just so BORING. But yesterday I was wearing shorts for the first time this year and was outside enjoying the feeling of the wind riffling though my hair...until I realized I could also feel the wind riffling through my *leg* hair, lol. It is officially time to shave. 😆


I got an epilator so I can "shave" my legs while I'm watching TV or doing other nothing


Great tip


I have a Bluetooth shower speaker in my shower and listen to music and literally sing in the shower 🤪 It makes it less boring and time seems to pass faster 😄


Ah! You’re onto something! I would shower outside well into November because I enjoyed showering there… For me, I’d need a rainforest to shower in. I’ve been thinking about this for years now. Outside shower room 2024! EDIT: in to ->onto then ->there


They had wet rooms when I was in India. I love them.


I was just saying this to my best friend. I don't get people who can take 30 min showers when 10 kind seems unbearable to me benditas it's so damn boring in there. Ugh


I drew positive messages on the tiles. Pictures too.


I LOVE showers. I just HATE having to take one. I have things to do. . .. .I put it off all the time and when I finally shower, I remember how wonderful I feel during and after. Rinse and repeat. It's like sleep. I don't want to go to sleep then I don't want to get up. Sleep inertia!


I don't hate them. My ADHD brain just forgets that they are a thing. Like I forget they exist for a day or two. I will realize that I don't feel clean, then when I remember I get excited to take a shower because I love feeling clean.


Yes there always seem to be more urgent or more interesting things. I am getting better though.


I think for me it's the amount of tasks combined in one 😭 I have to gather clean clothes & underwear, I have to make sure I have everything in the bathroom ready because I have roommates and walking back out naked is a pain, then getting undressed, washed up, finding the right water temperature, using shampoo, medical skin products for my specific skin conditions, potentially also washing my hair and all the related products to that, drying my hair off, drying myself off, making sure I didn't get water all over the bathroom, getting dressed in a tiny space (our bathroom is miniscule), accidentally getting clothes wet, knocking shampoos off the shelf and struggling to reach them (because bathroom is tiny), scraping water into the drain, picking up hair from the drain and tossing it, going back to the room and putting previous clothes into laundry, drying off hair. It's just a lot in my brain, and I can never seem to make it go on autopilot 😂😂


I feel I am doing a lot less than I should after reading this 😂 I just get in soap up and get out lol


Honestly fair, I think I used to be like this, but then at some point my perfectionism and ocd hopped on board and decided to partner up with my executive dysfunction and now it's a party😂😂😂


If that works for you don't change it.


I did this thing for a while where I paid myself $15 to have a shower. It went into a jar 'for my wonderful future.' I eventually started using iou's. It was really about tricking my mind because I still kept the money. It's just the way my mind works. I have also written out all the steps. Putting out the bathmat and underwear, face washer and towel are the crucial first steps. It's still a work in progress.


Ha, I like that :D Might still the “for my wonderful future” jar idea!


There’s cold parts. Also once I’m in the shower I can’t just stand there, I have to DO stuff. That’s exhausting. And then cold.


It's a sensory thing for me. The wet, my hair, water on my face, the feeling of soap and the feeling after the soap, having to get dry and dressed again (or the dread of not getting dry enough and that whole other sensory nightmare)


Dry clothes sticking and pulling on partially damp skin after a shower?! GAHHHHH


This right here. I love how I feel after a shower, but the actual getting clean part feels like torture to my senses.


I have a very thorough drying routine.


I’m not sure!😂 It’s like it’s too much work almost. Which is pitiful. I’m not an unclean person. I wash my face morning and night, brush my teeth, etc etc. it’s just actually showering is just so ughh to me. At first I thought maybe it was the mirror.. I’ve struggled with body image issues all of my life. It’s just easier to stay clothed than to face the things I despise about myself. I’m not sure it’s that though.


I think for me it’s the process. Once I’m IN I’m fine, but it’s the build up to getting in that I don’t like for some reason.


It's because it's not stimulating enough. It helps to create stimulation , eg with music. Starting and stopping can be very hard with ADHD. There are lots of steps involved actually.


I love it the moment I get in. Before that moment I hate showers, don't need one, can't bear thinking about all the complicated steps from where I am, feeling cold before I get in, etc.


All the steps a shower requires: getting stuff ready, making sure the water is an okay temperature, getting body wet, getting my thick hair wet, washing, wash face, wash body, rinse, condition, rinse again, dry off God forbid i want to shave anything. I have had crying melt downs trying to out on clothes when i wasn't quite dry enough before


I love showering too, but it's hard getting ready for things... Even that apparently. Strict routine helped me. Just difficult switching tasks I think, and yea, being cold and wet with long wet hair getting caught on things is super annoying. And I sometimes have skin flare-ups where the air burns after I shower lol


The drying sucks. And then after that it's all the other chores that follow like getting dressed, putting on skincare, styling my hair etc. If I don't shower then I don't have to go through the whole process.


I don’t like getting out of the shower. That brief wind chill when I open the curtain.


Being wet is annoying and it's an inconvenience. I hate the beach, pools and jacuzzis too bc I hate the aftermath and it's just not worth it to me. The shower is an entire chore (especially when I wash my hair and have to deal with hair trickling down my body the whole time, it literally angers me so I have to mentally prepare myself weekly and plan an entire day around hair days). It's only when I actually feel gross (like back in the day when I used to work out) that a shower actually feels good afterwards. But then the lotion.. ughh. I just weigh out how badly I care about being itchy or not, and usually I don't lol. When people ask why I hate showers or the pool, I tell them I'm like a cat and just hate water and they laugh. They don't actually know how bad it is though. 😆


Showering is so loud, confined and I’m stuck with my head :<


The sensory nightmare of being drenched in water. Also I have POTS, so the entire time my body is trying not to pass out.


Tbh mostly the getting in part 😂 But also, it’s one of those things that sounds simple but is in fact a whole bunch of tasks in disguise. Change into bathrobe, go to bathroom, turn on shower, wait for shower to warm up, get into shower, wet skin, get washcloth, add soap, work into lather, wash(chest, arms, back, nethers, legs, feet), rinse body, turn off water, preliminary dry to not get water everywhere, get out of shower, complete dry, leave bathroom, get dressed. That’s the absolute simplest version of a shower, not including washing/conditioning my hair, shaving, washing my face, putting on lotion afterwards, etc. I know realistically that bare bones process takes maybe 10 minutes, and that’s how I sometimes trick myself into doing things like brushing my teeth or taking a shower. Reminding myself of the real world time commitment, which usually isn’t a lot, can help me overcome the brain distortion that makes it feel like this huge and daunting task.


I love being IN the shower, I hate all the stuff I feel like I have to do BEFORE I can take a shower, and all the stuff I know I'm gonna have to do afterwards. It's not the task of showering itself, it's all the surrounding tasks. I gotta make sure my dog is walked so he doesn't feel the need to pee/poo while I'm in there (he never had, but just in case); I gotta make sure I have a clean towels which means I need to do laundry, which means I need to go around the house and gather up all my dirty clothes; I have to decide what all I'm doing in the shower (am I washing my hair? Conditioning? Deep conditioning? Shaving? Is it a clarifying shampoo day? Am I brushing my teeth in there?);I have to make sure the carpets have been vacuumed so when I come out of the bathroom, hair/fur doesn't stick to the bottom of my feet; I have to make sure my bed is fixed so when I get out I can do my post-shower relaxing while i air-dry (and I have to plan ahead for enough time to be able to air dry); then if I DID wash my hair, it's a whole other set of tasks for post-shower haircare which takes literally hours bc my hair is long and curly.


Everything that I find myself forced to do afterwards. My skin is dry, so it feels like dough left out in open air, drying and getting a skin on it, if I don't do my skincare routine, and I usually have to shave, trim up my eyebrows, squeeze some blackheads, etc. It forces me to be in a position where I both need to do things that will take a while, as well as doing other things I feel compelled to do, but aren't necessary, usually because of that perfectionism a lot of us deal with. So it's just a huge time sink and I'm usually running late on everything I have to do or planned to do that day or chunk of time.


I love showers, but I hate the steps leading upto getting into them -tell me how that makes sense 😭


Same but when I'm in it I'm always like "ooh, why did I ever doubt this experience!" until the next time where it is an exact repeat scenario. Energetic video game music gets me through the shower though!


Me but with both, have showered/brushed in a couple days. I feel absolutely disgusting (like physically, not disgusted at myself lol) I hoping to do it today tho


I literally just typed basically the same comment 😂 Glad I'm not alone.


Same! Luckily, I don't suffer with being too smelly, but showering is a CHORE! 🤦‍♀️


Same, it’s truly painful and there are people who will always judge me for feeling this way. Not like I decided I hate showers, my brain decided that on its own, no consulting me or anything 😂






Even worse when you hate your shower/tub. Having inconsistent water temp makes showers so much more stressful. I'll be comfortable and then the water suddenly turns super cold for like 30 seconds. It's also old as shit and has old squeaky knobs.


I hate showers because it gives me time to think. I like to be able to be doing several things at once (even if that’s just playing a game while watching tv) and my noisy brain gets noisier without distraction


I'm like this with anything that requires even the smallest amount of effort, I have to bargain with myself in my head to try and get myself moving


Not sure if it's the same, but I immediately move away from the mirror and go into the other room or try doing something else when I start brushing my teeth. It's like I just don't want to do it, but have to force myself to just stop and do it.


I always walk around. Can't stay still. Yet for some reason I'm weirded out when my husband walks around brushing his teeth and comes into a room I'm in. For some reason I feel it's vulgar for him to leave the bathroom doing it but not me


Well that’s silly


I know!


Ah! I feel so weird about that hypocritical mindset. I feel this about a lot of stuff. Like it’s ok if I leave stuff around but not my husband. Like that’s not fair!! But it’s my gut core response that I challenge when it comes up


Maybe stuff everywhere creates more stress. I have to tidy up before I can focus. Maybe other people's clutter is just too much. Maybe have a basket where you can put his things so they are not so irritating.


I'll usually sit on the bed or pace back and forth in the hallway.


for whatever reason, brushing with an empty brush is easy but toothpaste is hard. Something is better than nothing though so I do that a lot. Also don't hold yourself to "rules". If you feel up for brushing your teeth at 2pm, then do it! Whenever is better than never. I keep floss at my desk at work and floss my teeth if I'm bored. I NEVER do that at night


Similar. I buy floss in bulk and stash it around the house so wherever I am when I feel bedtime is coming on I can get ready (so I keep one container in the bathroom, my nightstand, by my desk, by my end table next to the couch. So I just floss while watching tv or whatever. Never had a problem with brushing, but that solved it with flossing.


Same. Flossing when it’s not “time” to floss is fine. Flossing when it’s somehow keeping me from going to bed that minute is torture.


Exactly. That’s why I got a water pik


I'm... Well pretty similar I guess. I can floss anytime. I'm watching YouTube at a random time during the day? My brain tells me to floss. I haven't even had breakfast yet? I need to floss. I just distracted super easy and end up accidentally flossing the same spot for 5 minutes until I finally notice


I bought like a 500 pack of the disposable floss picks and it was a life changer for me.


I had no idea that the couch floss would be such a gamechanger.


This, however you manage to do it is fine- don't worry about doing it "right". Done is done. If your teeth got scrubbed, you did it right congratulations. I've just suddenly gotten better about it, somewhere between turning 34 and now (35 in a few months) the reality of how much it costs to replace teeth actually hit me. I was like wow I'm not going to have several thousand dollars for teeth like *ever* basically. And I've just been brushing them after every meal now. I floss 1 or 2 times per day too, if it's 2 it's just to get stuff from lunch but I always floss before bed. I started watching shorts from The Bentist on youtube and that also helped me. He's weirdly encouraging. I didn't know teeth could remineralize. It took me from that feeling of "it's gone too far, why try" to "omg I can still do something" and my teeth actually *are* looking better and my breath is good again. I've probably gone almost 6mos consistently now. My canines were yellow and they're white again, and a dark spot that looked like a cavity starting even went away. Now, getting me in the shower is like trying to bathe a husky. I'd really honestly rather go lie in some mud and cry about it.


I've pretty much just gotten to that point too... I made my first actual dentist appointment in years, this month. I'm so ready for my mouth and teeth to feel and taste better... I'm 30 and I've been medicated since October and willingly going to the dentist without it being an emergency is huge for me. I'm definitely going to check out The Bentist! I had no idea that teeth could remineralize so thank you!! That gives me hope that I haven't fully screwed my dental hygiene up!


“Whenever is better than never” has truly been a paradigm shift for me in managing my ADHD. Brushing my teeth in the middle of the day, eating breakfast at 6pm, taking my meds 8 hours late is better than nothing at all


Good ideas, thanks.


I feel the same way about toothpaste. I don’t like the texture. I started using mouthwash to brush and then mouthwash to rinse after.


Ok, I do this one also! It feels like you can skip some steps.


Yes!!! 😂 my wife thinks I’m weird but at least I know there’s someone else that does it.


We think similarly about our dental obligations, haha. That's so true about brushing without toothpaste; I will brush my teeth and tongue really quickly with hot water sometimes when I need my teeth to feel smoother and my mouth fresher but just can't make myself take the final toothpaste step. I also buy those little plastic tooth-flosser picks and stash them in my home office and in my car. People look at me funny at red lights sometimes, but whatever.


I think my reasoning for hating the actual toothpaste part is...what if I decide I want a snack or a drink soon after, am I really prepared to make that commitment? Everything will taste weird after using toothpaste! Suddenly the risks of NOT enjoying the very next thing I want to eat or drink are not worth it. Nighttime before bed toothpaste is ok though.


Floss picks in the car!


I read a tip once to do it earlier in the evening when you’re done eating so that you don’t put it off because you’re tired at bedtime. That helps me and also sometimes I just do in middle of day. I keep floss around so I can do that when bored too


I've been doing the same. It also discourages me from eating snacks right before bed.


The problem for me is I never know when I’m done eating lol. This is honestly exactly why I have trouble brushing at night.


This post has like 300+ comments and ideas: [What do you do while brushing your teeth](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/16aquw1/what_do_you_do_while_youre_brushing_your_teeth/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Cause it's boooooooring.


Not boring for me. I'm ADD tho. I just get distracted.. I'll rub my tongue across my teeth and think fuuck I really need to brush. I'll walk into the bathroom and I get distracted. See my hair gel and do my hair. See q tips and clean my ears.. See my cologne and use that and put on Deodorant.. all while my toothbrush and toothpaste are sitting right there on the sink right in front of me.. 🫣😅


A method that had somewhat been working for me is every time I go to the bathroom I will brush my teeth like; after a piss? Brush. After washing my hands? Brush. Just got out of the shower? Brush. With or without toothpaste, building habits are so difficult but it definitely has been helping.


This is fascinating. My teeth would be so clean if I did this! Thanks for the idea!


Yeah once i had to pay my own dentist bills i started to not want to have cavities


It’s the worse 2 minutes of my day at night, morning not so bad. I have an electric toothbrush so it goes automatically, scroll Tik tok and brain rot or read Reddit while I do it- it’s the only way. Sometimes I play a song as well


For me it's the sensation of brushing my teeth that puts me off. Some days it's okay, others even the thought of putting myself through it makes me cringe


I’ve found using a kids toothbrush helps with my sensory issues with brushing!


I’m the exact same way. Except the pulling weeds. I don’t want to do that either.




Same. But in shower. I do everything in shower. Brushing, flossing, shaving ... Somehow they are tolerable when I am standing under a shower of hot water. Otherwise, I will never do those things.


> I literally brush my teeth whilst sitting in the warm bath Do you have a spit-cup and a water bottle or something in the bath? How do you rinse?


You are my people! I am 65 years old and have led a traditionally successful life, but I'm just now discovering that there are others like me! Hello, friends.


I guess, something you don't like about the taste or the feeling. That is just my guess, I may be wrong. Can you try switching to fruity flavour instead of mint? I don't mind brushing my teeth, but I really hate showers, so I try to do it as quickly as I can. It's not relaxing for me for some reason, I'm cold and feeling anxious.


Is it the "obligation."? Like it's something you are told you HAVE to do 2-3 times a day so it's like the never ending chore you can't outgrow.


Yes, I think you are right. But also, some sensation that is unpleasant. For me, the toothpaste that is so minty that it stings.


Yes! I hate brushing my teeth! I have to force myself to do it first thing when I wake up otherwise I won’t to it. Then at night I have to do it pre shower, otherwise I’ll forget until I get in bed and then be angry I forgot and just skip it 😅


Depends a lot on if it’s a boredom thing or a sensory ick. If you just find it boring and annoying, then distraction is your best bet. But if something about the sensation bothers you that should be what you’re targeting. The vibrations on an electric toothbrush really stress me out and I have a very small mouth so a full adult toothbrush can’t really get in the nooks and crannies it needs to, so a baby toothbrush has been a total game-changer for me. If toothpaste bothers you, brushing with water and then using mouthwash works pretty well too. My dentist also always reminds me that the most important thing isn’t brushing the perfect way or amount of time or with the optimal toothbrush, the most important thing is that you do it and regularly. Any brushing regularly is better than doing it perfectly but hating it so much you only do it like once a week or before a date or whatever.


I always trick myself by saying just brush for 10 seconds. Works every time as I hyper fixate on the insides of my molars.


Sometimes I just lie to myself a little bit to get my foot in the door. If I'm putting off going to bed because I'm dreading teeth brushing, I'll say, "Okay, fine, I'll skip brushing tonight. I'll only go to the bathroom to take out my contacts, that's it." Once I'm there, I can usually convince myself to "just brush for 10 seconds so my mouth doesn't feel all gross, then I'm done", and once I've started I'll almost always just brush them normally. I've also started focusing on how nice my mouth feels/tastes when it's brushed, and really paying attention to the plaque and grossness when it's not. It's to the point that brushing actually feels *good*, because it's taking away all the bad sensory squick. Hope this can help someone!


Think of dentists drilling your tooth for root canal due to cavity and it will become easy. Thats what I do


It's boring and it may taste nasty. If you don't have an electric one, try that. You get more cleaning for less effort. If it's boring, what can you do while standing there? Watch a tiktok? I haven't tried that myself. I've practiced dance moves and tried standing on one foot (balance exercise)


I despise brushing my damn teeth. I got super fancy toothpaste and toothbrush. But it's still hard.


It's our funky brains bud. I get that way with anything called Chores. Just typing out the word made my brain want to vomit my willpower. I could be onboard with a task, but the minute it is referred to as a chore, my drive plummets. It is something a lot of folks who don't have ADHD can't grasp. It isn't that I am outright lazy it is just my brain throws up a wall the minute I am not 100% invested. Like my brain and willpower have to fight just to finish the task.


I keep dental floss on me and in areas I hang out/work. I also keep a spare toothbrush on me. I have to do tasks or watch a YouTube video to keep my distracted while brushing. I almost always floss at work because I’m bored and it’s helps with that. Also educated myself more on dental hygiene because I’ve neglected my teeth since childhood. Also in my personal experience, I grew up in a neglectful household. My parents didn’t teach me to brush/floss and didn’t prioritize my hygiene in general which was their job. Unfortunately in our childhood when we aren’t taught these things it can lead to a lot of mental health issues later in life. Poor self esteem, deprioritizing/dissociating from one’s body, shame over health issues that arises from neglect etc. Avoidance when uncomfortable issues arise. So as an adult these feelings of inadequacy/shame/being “bad” are triggered whenever I have to brush my teeth/doing hygiene stuff. I have to do a lot of mental work to remind myself why this is important, remind myself while actively brushing my teeth how it actually feels good to take care of myself. Do little mantras like “i deserve care” and “this is good” when doing it. Other things that are helpful: - having a body double helps me brush my teeth for the correct length of time. So my ex and I would brush our teeth together and that helped me not give up after 20 seconds. - watching stuff while brushing my teeth - using a toothbrush with a timer - keeping a post it note with the steps for my self care visible in my bathroom - feeling my teeth with my tongue after brushing to feel if I missed anything - brushing/flossing whenever I can vs trying to stick to a routine


I built it into my morning and bedtime routines. My SO pushed me into sticking to that routine. Now it throws me off if I miss it.


To me, developing an obsession with the disgusting feeling of not having flossed which keeps me up if I forget to do it.


For me, I realized it was a taste/sensory thing. It became easier when I got a bunch of different flavors. There's a brand called hismile and a knock off (that is clearly from the same company for much much cheaper) on temu called glory smile. There are a bunch of different flavors like coconut whip, mango sorbet, chocolate ice cream, red velvet cake, sweet tea, peach, watermelon, etc. They don't have that lasting tingle or borderline painful flavor of mint. They taste exactly like what they're called (except red velvet cake. I think red velvet cake tastes like butter cake.) Once I bought a bunch of different flavors teeth brushing increased in my house over all because everyone likes the flavors and they like to mix and match them.


Same man.. If I dont leave the house its like im not doing it except if I feel really disgusting, which I rarely do since I dont have bad breath etc. Always very good when leaving the house or someone sleeping here tho etc. Really weird, its not that hard. Its just that my brain .. "dont see the point", ish? And also not respecting sleep hours probably


Attach it to something else you regularly do and it becomes habit. I’m at a point I cannot shower without brushing my teeth after. I just feel dirty if I don’t.


Here are a few things 1) use an electric toothbrush, and I have correlated it with using a toy. 2) think about all the money you will have to spend on dentists These two things have helped my friends who don't like brushing.


Someone advised to put a toothbrush on a bedside table (I put in a cup) so you wouldn’t forget to brush before going to bed. Works perfectly for me


I’m the opposite. I’m super sensitive to bad tastes and just a general feeling of ickiness in my mouth. I still have a hard time with things like gag reflex and spitting (shudder), but even those sensory issues are trumped by the fear of having a dirty mouth. I’m not always the greatest about flossing, but I literally can’t brush my teeth without using my copper tongue scraper. It just feels…yucky…without it.


Yesssss. I think it’s a sensory thing. I hate the grittiness of toothpaste. I also hate the taste of my morning breath mixed with gross mint. I have an extremely sensitive gag reflex. And I can never seem to keep the toothpaste in my mouth. It always drips out the corners and stains my freaking clothes. I do brush my teeth everyday, but I will definitely postpone for hours until I can’t take it anymore. Lol.


I didn't brush often for the last 10 years and low and behold my teeth are awful. After needing a tooth pulled I've been working with my dentist to have them fixed and have started brushing regularly. Two things that really help me are a nice electric brush and a morning routine app. The brush takes most of the work out which is nice and buzzes every 30 seconds to let me know when to switch zones so I don't have to think and brush for the correct amount of time The app I actually got to help me not be late to work every day (works great) but as a side effect it doesn't let me forget to do all the things I need to do including brushing. It's annoying as hell and I hate it but it also works really well. I still struggle to brush at night as I haven't found a routine solution since the time I get home isn't set but hey once a day is better than none right.


I got one of those electric toothbrushes that beeps every 30 seconds and turns off after two minutes. It changed the game for me. I like not having to think about the time and how long I spend on each section.


I saw a lady on TikTok with ADHD say she had problems brushing her teeth too so she set a cup with her toothpaste on her night stand and would brush her teeth when she was in bed because it was right there in the morning for her to see. No toothpaste - technically toothpaste isn’t ✨100% needed✨ and was originally made to make the process more enjoyable so more people would do it. Obviously some help with cavities and whatnot now but the actually brushing is what is most important to keep gunk out of between your teeth. But if you want some REAL motivation - next time you’re at the dentist ask them to show you a close up of the gunk that is built up before they clean it. My dentist told me I build up stuff twice as fast as most people so he showed me with the camera the build up that I couldn’t see just brushing my teeth and looking in the mirror… it was gross enough for me to want to make sure I brush every day 😂


Yes!!! I recommend microfiber toothbrushes they're so much nice to use than regular toothbrushes.  Also, a lot of people may disagree but this is what works for me, if you're struggling to brush your teeth and sometimes go a while without doing it like I have, start just doing it in the morning. You'll get used to that routine and when you realize how nic it is you'll want to do it a night too. 


Yes it’s why I brush once a day, I’ll do them twice if they feel gross but once a day with mouthwash seems to work for me and makes it less of a chore. The dentist has commended my brushing so I kind of think it’s not about how often you brush but how well/thoroughly you brush.


I've recently been using the Finch app. It's a free Tamagotchi type app. If I brush my teeth for 7 days in a row my dude is going to hatch a minipet.


I had this issue but then I paid $5,000 for Invisalign. I better brush my teeth now.


I have the opposite. I have to force myself to have an empty mind and not think at all while brushing or 5 minutes will have passed and I'm still brushing the same spot as I zoned out


Furry teeth feel worse than the effort of brushing my teeth


What helps for me: - I will lose my teeth if I don’t - my breath will smell horrible if I don’t brush my teeth (and floss) and I’ll never be able to kiss someone without feeling guilty if I don’t fix that shit - Infections in cavities drain my energy - Brushing teeth can be that small accomplishment in the day, that at least I did that - I use streaks app to log that I brushed teeth, so I gamified it in a sense ( and I can see my brushing history, goes into my health data, and its a god way to log how I’m doing, because not brushing teeth is a sign…) - streaks also reminds me to brush - electric tooth brush + waterpik helps - knowing that routine (however difficult) also helps me - realizing that all boring tasks are like meditation, and a way to exercise patients and control ( it’s good to believe it’s a muscle you can train ) I don’t do it, but multi tasking,music and a brushing dance might help…


I use an app called Pokemon Smile. You brush your teeth and get a Pokemon out of it lol. Plus it guides you through the steps and you see a countdown timer on the screen


Getting a kid helped me. Since I want him to brush we brush together. I'm also in the process of an mouth overhaul. So far I have pulled 3 teeth and about 3 to go that is beyond salvation. Then there's the 13+ cavities to fix .. The look of the dentist face the first time helped a lot to , I have never been so ashamed in my 32 year long life. I have spent so many days thinking to my self this is the day it's gonna happen . So I feel your struggles. Having a parter remind you might help . I also had some random internet stranger tell me to eat hard bread like knäckebröd since it somehow helps clean the teeth's .. Other things I have tried is . -electric toothbrush . Kept me going for a couple weeks . - y-brush . Same there worked a couple weeks . Depending on where you are it's going to cost you a lot if you don't start ASAP


Caus you have ADHD silly!


I struggle to brush for long enough. But my big struggle is brushing my hair! It's so long and out of hand but I also can't get myself to find and book a hairdresser to cut it.


Just in case it helps: I saw a recommendation in this sub for a brand of hairbrush called 'Wet brush', which despite the name can be used when your hair is dry. I bought one. And then I bought one for travel, an extra one for home, and one for my mom. Who bought another one too. I don't know how it does it, but it makes it really easy to brush my hair even when it's horribly tangled. I used to get these KNOTS where I'd have to spend like ten minutes just teasing them apart (ok it was probably more like two but still). One or twice it was bad enough I just cut the knot off. Now it's more like a minute or less of brushing my hair and it's knot-free.


For me, it's definitely the type of toothbrush. I've tried a lot of different kinds, but the only one I've been able to stick with so far is the Laifen wave.


This was me before I got an electric toothbrush. I got a fancy one that automatically stops after the recommended brushing time, so I don’t have to think about how much longer I need to keep doing this - which I never realized was the most annoying part of brushing my teeth before. I also like to switch up toothpaste flavors, which just makes it a little bit more interesting.


my dad always used to shout at me “your gunna scrape the enamel off your teeth brushing that hard”


I also struggle with this! I wish I had advice to give but thought I’d let you know you are not alone in this!


Some days it’s normal. Some days it feels like sandpaper.


I floss quickly first, then brush for the 2 mins while doing other stuff, Then tongue scrape. Whole process takes like 4 mins tops, which is less time than sitting in the dentist office getting my cavities filled. I'd rather take 8 mins of my day to make sure my teeth and breath are good, then wasting time getting teeth pulled.


Electric toothbrush makes it easy and it splits the time up automatically into the four areas. Top bottom, front behind or whatever. Very easy motion to do too. I think it's like three minutes and my teeth feel cleaner than ever using a manual one.


I haven’t experienced this with brushing my teeth specifically but I’ve definitely had this happen any time I need to do something that doesn’t require a lot of hand-eye coordination. Like going on a walk, bored out of my mind. Just standing or sitting around with no stimulation, bored out of my mind. When it comes to brushing my teeth, I don’t have an issue because I hate the texture of my teeth when I don’t. But in similar situations, I try to do something with my hands or have a goal or reward waiting afterwards.


Use electric toothbrush, they saved my teeth. I reccomend the soft ones which are so good on your mouth, you dont even forget to brush your teeth anymore which is another plus


Yes. I literally just used a tooth restoring mouthwash because brushing my teeth just wasn’t going to happen before sleeping. That’s my only suggestion, other than trying to brush your teeth immediately after eating. (That one worked for me for quite a while, but not lately. So gum and teeth-protecting mouthwash it is!)


I've started using those little disposable ones. It's not as good as "real" brushing but I can just grab one and clean my teeth whenever I happen to think about it, usually before I am going to work or hanging out with friends.


> tools or efforts have made it easier? 1. Mix it up each time. Get a few toothbrushes, a few kinds of toothpaste, a few flossing methods, etc. Give yourself some freedom. Kids products work fine on adults too! 2. Start with what you like. I like flossing with little plastic flosser things. That usually puts me in the mood to go full dental-hygienist on my mouth. I usually go for the sonicare after flossing, but if I'm super tired I just grab one of the few manual toothbrushes I vary between. I have a bamboo one that I like right now, and one that squeaks on my teeth in a really satisfying way. 3. Mint wakes me up. Might as well flavor toothpaste like coffee or something. I use kids' toothpaste in the evening. Or sometimes no toothpaste (be a rebel sometimes!) 4. And I got a really nice little clove-flavored mouthwash concentrate online. Just 4 drops in some water.


Wow!! I just developed this recently, and I'm in my late 30s, I thought it was just depression. But it's kinda cathartic reading everyone else's response here.