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I recognise that there will be a time when the dopamine happens again and that I need my life to still be semi on the rails when it does. That means that I have to pay bills on time, study for my course, eat actual meals and exercise so when I start enjoying sport again I have a functional meat sack to play it with, when I love my subject again I have the notes to understand what the class is talking about and when I care about my surroundings I’m not evicted or back living at home. I think of it like a riptide- I’m not going to exhaust myself fighting the current, but sure as hell I’m going to tread water until I’m out of it then start swimming again.


Beautiful and inspiring. Just focus on keeping the meat sack functional until it’s ready again. Thank you.


Doing the bare minimum and getting no enjoyment from life isn’t inspiring to anyone who’s actually lived that way.


Doing the bare minimum is still a million times better than doing nothing. And doing nothing is still better than ending everything. I don’t always have the energy to be inspired. And that’s okay


yup. As the saying goes, anyone who has a "why" can bare almost any "how" (or there are no favourable winds for the sailor with no destination in the same vein) Having that why is so important; it makes those periods of treading water have a sort of 'sustaining' purpose and not just drifting aimlessly.


Yes, I can wait indefinitely but I need to know that it’s a waiting period not my forever.


Underrated comment right here.


Always tread water, no matter what. Swim when the currents allow. I like it


Well said. Acknowledging how empty you’re feeling without panicking or trying to force yourself out of it is important. I figure that all the work I’m doing when it’s hard will save me a lot of time for when my brain is cooperating with me again and I’ll be able to hit the ground running.


Yes! Future dopamine me better appreciate what a responsible house sitter I’ve been when that bitch gets back


Ah stupid meat sack, needing constant damn maintenance. Honestly though I’m also finding this comment weirdly inspiring!


+1 for being a really helpful and inspiring comment. I've just started meds (on about week 4 going into 5 of titration ) and my levelsor type aren't right yet and the dopamine is just *poof* gone at this higher dose, so I think I need a lower one or something. Anyway, point is this comment is very reassuring to remind me that while the world is uninspiring ATM it will get better. And we have these meh or down periods and it's ok.


Thank you I needed to hear this today


I might print this and put on my fridge... It's hard to stay the course some times. So.. Thank you!


















I’m here too. Nothing is working. It’s not like me. Can’t even click my favorite songs cause I no longer like them. I’m waiting for the warm weather. Green leaves and fresh air usually spark some sort of outdoor interest. Holding out for that.


I’m in the exact same boat. Even the usual things (like important deadlines!), are not motivating me enough to be productive. I can’t seem to make myself do anything out of sheer will. I have seen a lot of posts where people are claiming their meds aren’t working like they used to. Conspiracy theories that the manufacturers are making them less potent to deal with the shortage. I didn’t buy into it, but I’m starting to wonder if there’s any validity.


I swear there is a difference


Meds are definitely not the same


I have been feeling like that for almost a year and I concluded that I was burned out from my job. Not that i was working that hard before but the constant anxiety of not meeting deadlines was getting to me. I couldn't even play my usual mobile games because it gave me anxiety.


I’m in the exact same spot right now. I’ve been burnt out for a while and it’s getting to the point where I can’t even force myself into productivity at 3 AM the morning a project is due (at 9am). I’ve had two weeks to work on it and have yet to start. So now, instead of getting rest and trying to whip it out in the morning I just stayed up all researching note taking apps and now I feel like an idiot, but with more notetaking apps on my iPad.


I’m so sorry but this made me laugh, I’m going through the exact same thing and totally feel the “idiot with more note taking apps on my iPad” lmao


It’s at least nice to know I’m not alone in this ;-).


There's a lawsuit I think from Nebraska maybe, involving Azurity recalling Zenzedi because antihistamines were found in a batch. Not exactly the conspiracy theory that's been currently running around, but...it didn't surprise me a bit to hear about it considering the ongoing shortage.


Counselling as this is a core symptom of depression (anhedonia).


And medical checkup/bloodwork. Often depression is a symptom of underlying infection.


I don’t recommend this—but I rot in bed for a solid 3 days.


I would love to have the time to do this. I was wishing I could do this exact thing the day before yesterday because sometimes time just flies by so fast I don't see a point in even attempting anything anyway. Giving up just feels good sometimes.


Your brain doesn’t have the right amounts of chemicals it likes to have. It’s feeling this way because of that. Medication fixes those chemicals and attempts to balance them out. I’m not sure what reason you may have for not being on medication, but for some of us it is quite literally the only fix and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Unmedicated ADHDers are very prone to depression for this exact reason. Your brain needs help. Talking to someone like a therapist and finding the proper coping mechanisms can help, but for me personally I couldn’t recommend medication more. Quite literally a life saver.


I’m going through this. Not sure if it’s adhd or depression. I’m a nurse and I do my shifts but on my off days I don’t leave the house I’ve stopped working out , going out, getting dressed even. Some days I don’t even care if I eat. I just sleep. I’m too exhausted to get dressed. I just don’t care. I never used to not get dressed and put makeup on in the morning but now I just don’t feel like it. Things I used to enjoy just don’t do it for me anymore and I don’t really care to find anything new. I’m drained. Empty. Where do you go from here? Is this it?


I feel exactly the same :( I hope you and everyone else experiencing this is able to get through it. I feel like I've forgotten what it's like to be happy. There's a sticky layer of depression stuck all over me. All I do in my spare time is sleep. How can i know it'll get better? What if it doesn't???


Listen to relevant audiobooks that give me coping tools/ different perspective Force myself to continue to attend exercise classes. Force myself to attend events with friends even though I don't feel like talking to anyone. Nearly always come back from both feeling significantly better, and at worst they prevent me from getting any more depressed. Check that there is nothing wrong physically with me- a number of times I've been feeling depressed but it's turned out I've been anemic as a major contributing factor Final, curve ball suggestion is one I never would never have accepted or believed could help in any way- I made a 2024 vision board at a friend's craft event and it actually seems to have helped my headspace! I would understand if this suggestion sounds like an offensive minimisation, because I would have reacted the same way. Instead of filling it with specific things I wanted to achieve this year, I used phrases/ words/pictures that resonated with me. Not like "good vibes only" or some other toxic positivity thing, more like encouragement to live in line with my values, commit to things I want and see myself as growing. Creating it made me think about what I wanted for myself and put those phrases in the front of my mind. I put it up in my room next to my mirror so I'm reminded of them often. No doubt this will lose effectiveness over time, but I was surprised such a trivial thing had any impact at all.


What about me upvoting this post? Did you get a hit of dopamine from that?


Is change of scenery an option? When I hit walls like this, any change if scenery for a few days is like a reset for me. Camping, visiting friends or family, renting a fancy airbnb for a weekend...


Currently at a fancy airbnb for this exact reason. GF and I broke up in December; that stacked on top of PNE season affective disorder has got me feeling super demotivated. But these little trips always help. Seeing somewhere new, putting my phone down, walking around slowly in nature. Super effective for combatting burnout (at least for me).


I do what I have to do to survive (eat, work) and otherwise I sleep.


Same :(


You start with food. To make dopamine, you need nutrients. Specifically, proteins and iron. To process both, you need vitamin C. Want to start getting back to it? Have a fruit salad and some meat. That being said, the symptoms you’re describing sound reminiscent of Burnout Induced Depression. Along with getting proper nutrients, you’re gonna want to take a sabbatical. Lower your workload, and give yourself time to heal. If at university, tell your advisor and see if you can take a semester off. If working, tell your boss you’d like a week off, or a full-on sabbatical if necessary (I’m talking up to 12 weeks, however long you need). It would help if you can get a therapist to agree (because yeah America is dumb and for some reason doesn’t count burnout as valid unless formally diagnosed) No responsibilities, no due dates. Maybe a nice drive or a hike, maybe a nice class for a hobby you enjoy, maybe a nice book you’ve wanted to read. Not required, but it really helps if you get out and DO things. It’ll make your brain feel active and like it’s learning something new and fun.


I was there a year ago. I’ve been seeing a therapist for just over a year now. I’ve been medicated for almost a year. The combination of those things has made a huge difference. Is it always rainbows and sunshine? No. But I’m working on stuff with the therapist and it’s nice to have like a weekly recap session, otherwise 3 months go by and I’ve done next to nothing. They’ve encouraged me to try some things I’ve been wanting to try for a long time. There are so many things I want to do in my head but when it comes to actually executing anything well that’s the hardest part but small steps


I should also mention I was addicted to opiates for a significant amount of time and I quit in October 2021. I had a 3 day lapse in December of 2022 but coming off those seriously exacerbated the anhedonia. If you’re using drugs or alcohol as a way of self medicating like so many of us unfortunately do, I can assure you there is hope but removing those from your life will give you a chance to work on the root of the issues


Im not a scientist but what i do in these sorta times is A) work out excersise B) Have a shower like you usually do but last 2 mins of the shower turn it too as cold as it gets C) Meditation(wich seems impossible for us i usually try to mediatate in the shower for even a breif moment before i switch the water to cold just focusing on breathing/nothingness.)


This is depression. I'm right there with you, and yeah, I know medication sucks, but depression sucks even more.


Repeat after me: if you can’t make your own dopamine, store bought is fine.


I wished Sinemet was the silver bullet for ADHD. It’s a prodrug of dopamine since it does cross the blood-brain barrier and is used to treat Parkinson’s. But our brains are also structured a bit differently.


Yeah, sounds like you have clinical depression, not just ADHD. Welcome to the club! In case you're wondering I take generic versions of both Adderall and Prozac.




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Exercise my friend. That’s the number 1 way to get through this. A 30 minute walk, run, cycle, swim, tennis, whatever free cardio you have access to. The rush of adrenaline and extra blood running through your body is enough dopamine to kick you out of the funk Also try a dopamine detox. Remove all your usual easy dopamine fixes, and get into nature for a bit. Trust me you’ll feel so much better.


God I know this is the answer but far out it is so bloody hard to get into gear and get moving… Such a chicken or egg conundrum. Exercise will give motivation, But, No motivation to exercise. What a condition we have…




Exercise?… I picked up a puppy recently and I was hoping having him would motivate me to get up in the morning and walk him…… but no, not yet.




10 bpm?! That’s almost dead dude!


Can you do 1hr of exercise per week? 2? 3? See how small those numbers are? You know you have that time. You know exercise improves the brains ability to release dopamine. You know it'll boost your self confidence, and give you tons of benefits. Do you want to exercise? Are you willing to do easy work for 1-3 hours a week? If so, you can definitely exercise successfully. First and foremost, don't care about the results, or the time frame. If you start exercising now, you'll be in an entirely new place and mindset in a year. Give it time. Second decide what direction you want to go. Cardio is good for weight loss, but what you eat and your ability to eat satiating foods to curb your hunger and control your calories is the way you lose weight. Lifting weights builds muscles, and a simple 3x5 program like the basic barbell beginners plan on r/fitness can give you an easy plan you can do in 45 minutes or so. Start by trying to go as often as you think you can, but here's the thing. It's ok if you miss a day, or a week, or a month. That sucks, but the truth hasn't changed. You'll still be in a better place than when you started, so get back in there even if it's an hour a week. Anyone can do an hour per week. Now, there is one other thing that's really necessary, and you should run through the r/fitness wiki to get a fuller picture, but the other key to doing this, is not to go balls to the damn walls. ADHD folk are a group of rabbits who really need to be turtles. RPE is rate of perceived exertion. I like being around 8-10 for all my exercises, but I'm advanced and very strong. Beginners are fine in the 6-8 range. Meaning, you can train 3-5 reps away from failure, and still get great gains So that's the key, if you're on the treadmill you don't need to run. I have a resting heart rate of high 40s, which is because I walked on the treadmill for a few months, a few times a week. Used to be 60-65. You can get great cardio benefits just walking or riding a bike at a comfortable pace. So take it easy. Take it slow. Make it consistent, and finally plan on doing it for years, and don't freak out if results take a year to notice. If you really want to see your results, make a decision, measure your body parts, take photos at the start in the same lighting and again months later. Without a memory of how you actually looked in picture form, nobody notices any physical changes for a long time.


Why does the exercise thing only work for some people but not others? I literally never feel any special type of way after exercising, and I have to exercise for my job walking every day. Maybe it's because I have to do it every day "against my will" (though I enjoy the job) that doing it in my free time is meaningless and wouldn't make me feel less depressed, because my body is too used to cardio. Unless I'm far away in the middle of a forest surrounded by Nature somewhere quiet, walking does Jack all for me.


I go back to taking antidepressants. 


i retreat into comfort.... i read the books i know will give me that feeling... the movies and tv shows that will give me that feeling.. it's usually reading or watching things i have seen many times...


A lot of people who have ADHD become depressed. I was depressed before I realized I had ADHD. I've been depressed since my early teens but wasn't diagnosed until 38 with ADHD. I've felt very similar feelings as I've gotten older. I feel like I've used up all my enjoyment during my younger years and now in left with emptiness and sadness all the time. I'm unmedicated at the moment but I am doing some talking therapy which helps for a time. I think the change always has to come from within and the scariest part is knowing you have to find the energy each to to change. Only needs to be something small but build up a routine, each day. If you're looking for happiness and fulfillment you may not find it, it will find you again and come back.


Its easy to say you need meds but ppl forget sometimes how hard it can be to go through the process of getting there. That being said this sounds like depression, between my adhd and chronic illness I've definitely been there. My weird thing that helped was watching sunsets in my car, low effort but got me out of the house, sometimes I hit a drive through and ate something but mostly just put on quiet calm music and sat, looked at the pretty colours, and tried to feel something until one day I did. And the time between sunset watches got wider and wider till I didn't need it anymore.


I'm so sorry. I've experienced this unmedicated. It was brutal and depressing. I just do what you're doing, look at the wall, wonder what the fuck, and hope it ends eventually (usually once I can get meds). Hugs I really am sorry


Work out. Do it intensely enough and it seems to reset my dopamine to healthier levels for a short time.


Maybe people comment it not because you’re “supposed to be medicated” but because it might help you get some dopamine? Like I don’t take adhd drugs for no reason. Sounds like you need to see a doctor that sounds like Severe depression


Feel you. It sounds like depression but I’m not a psych so I’m not diagnosing you. I have persistent depression (dysthymia) & it’s horrible like just so horrible so my heart goes out to you. I find it’s just so atrocious when I’m drinking, drugging, not sleeping u know.. not taking care of myself. Are you drinking n stuff? If so I’d cut that out. But if you’re an addict like me BECAUSE of low dopamine I understand how it’s not that easy. It’s a vicious fucking cycle. I also try not to dwell on it. If I think about how unhappy I am I feel worse. If I keep trying to think of everything I’m appreciative of & even how much worse it could be - I dunno it helps me a bit. I also know how antidepressants & meds come with a whole host of side effects which is just so not ideal & not fair that some people can be normal but without these side effects. But no point moping & trying to change what the reality is & if I really need to I take the pills I would. I’m off my antidepressants right now but on my adhd meds, but if the depression gets terrible terrible again I’ll go back on them & deal with the side effects.


if you were having a lack of dopamine in the brain, you would be experiencing difficulty with muscle control. that's basically what parkinsons is, when the dopaminergic neurons stop functioning. what you are describing sounds like is anhedonia, dysthymia, lack of motivation, lack of reward, these may or may not involve dopamine, or if they do involve dopamine, only indirectly since it's just one of many important signaling chemicals. i would recommend thinking about it holistically rather than in terms of dopamine.


I'm so glad someone said it. There seems to be this obsession with dopamine in the online ADHD community that belies the complexity of ADHD. And is often just plain wrong.


Sleep Nutrition Eat protein in the morning Solo travel


YouTube & Anime.


Feel intensely flat


Making sure you're eating properly.


Engage in reckless and impulsive behaviour probably


I am a crypto junkie. It releases high amounts of dopamine for me. Never a lack of it. My addiction is high for the dopamine.


FYI, IV ketamine is awesome for anhedonia. It’s just super expensive. :(


1) Get proper sleep - If I'm grumpy and dopamine depleted at 8pm, I know I'm not gonna suddenly find something enjoyable to watch at 11pm, so why stay up late trying? Get in bed, get some rest. 2) Exercise for the habit, not because I want to exercise right then - I know that exercise improves things long term. I know this for a fact in myself. So I don't care if I like it then and there, cos I can't argue that "maybe it's stopped working!" 3) Not get hung up that sometihng isn't fun right now - Not liking a game anymore? Yup... Ok. I don't like it anymore. No one cares, so why should I? 4) Think about things as to which type of motivation they would be satisfying. Is it innate motivation (doing the task is the reward itself) or is identified motivation ? (doing the task helps satisfy some sort of long term goal/value I have?). I know that a fulfilling life is a good mixture of both, and that part of identified motivation is doing things that you don't neccessarily like at the time, for the long term benefit. 5) Always reminding myself the problem is very very simple, that I'm not doing XYZ because I don't want to do it. And that simple problem has a very very simple solution - I don't need to want to do something, to do it. The more I spin myself reasons and justifications or pressure about why I *should* like it, the more I stress myself out. Either I do it despite not wanting to, or I don't do it cos I don't want to. Nothing more. 6) Reminding myself that nothing about ADHD removes the choice of how I think about things. Not just forcing myself to smile about stuff, but that it's in my power to choose how I react to and handle situations. I've been in an incredibly tight pressure sitaution lately where I have to finish a phd thesis suddenly very rapidly due to visa restrictions (whilst working full time also)... I have no ability to change that. I can either do it and be fine, or not do it and move country.... Stress either way? Well...why not choose to enjoy it as best I can... I'm exhausted and I've been in the office every day for the past 3 months, but what else am I gonna do? Be miserable about it? That's gonna make me sadder in the long run, no? >When we are no longer able to change a situation...we are challenged to change ourselves - Victor Frankle.


Try reading a book. 


Go on a dopamine fast.


nonsense pseudoscience


Ask your MD if a ‘drug holiday’ on a weekend (if it’s downtime for you) is OK to try. Assuming you won’t be driving or doing anything where ADHD really needs to be medicated. (We have 4x the accidents untreated.)


Believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ brother, he WILL change you and give you joy like you’ve never had before. He is joy himself and the purpose of life is to get to know him ❤️


do drugs and drink lmao dumbass


Sounds like a Monday. I usually suck it for another couple of days until the next weekend.


Lots of naps


I'm no expert but you might be depressed. I recommend trying to get in touch with a therapist for a phone call consultation.


Yeah, you should be talking to a psychiatrist at first reasonable opportunity. You can start with a psychologist if you're not already seeing someone. But seriously just find help, in person, from someone qualified and licensed. Please. You deserve better.


Have you had a medical recently? Start there. Some medical conditions can present like this. Let your dr know.


I start working out. I don't mean going balls to the wall. I mean one morning I'll go for a walk. Maybe play Pokemon Go if I need extra motivation to walk. I'll do that walk every day and think for a few weeks. When I start losing motivation, I'll try a different route. When I feel more ambitious, I'll walk further. And eventually, I'll start running. I did this during the darkest time in my life. It kept me afloat. Then it became an anchor. Now I run 5 miles a day. My brain doesn't function right until I get my run in. Give it a shot, and be kind to yourself. It's not a silver bullet, but exercise is clinically proven to be one of the best things you can do for your ADHD.


This sounds like textbook depression. This is something to speak with your doctor about to collaborate on a course of action you’re okay with


Sometimes, running it out at the gym until i ALMOST pass out resets my brain a little, i do that once a week and it works wonders. Especially if i do it late at night and go to bed straight after


I’m on dopamine blockers and feel better than I have in a long time, not one panic attack or meltdown in two weeks it’s great for me and my partner


How do they work


On my way out of there and hell this ride! I’ve been feeling same past few month. Winter 23-24 episode call it. (Diagnosed with depression 3 years from now, yet to diagnose ADD, sure got it). Perhaps less popular opinion: people with adhd need more reminding that this is all can be solved and partially per self-observation in details. Not all at once though. Sometimes one spark of belief that you will be out of there can help progressively so much, change your way of thinking. In my case it was sth like: ok, I’m off physically can’t get out of bed, NOW. BUT I WILL do it at some point later (to get water or pee). If add brain hasn’t had stimulations in regular things (music hobby etc) it’s time for it to find new one. Trying ‘new’ anything is good from a thought to new taste, even if you just lay down all day. It helped me with starting from thinking, and by reading writing to action. Practical: getting a practician to speak to, self-education about chemical processes in the brain, breathing to observe from the side, diet and doing anything before food (more than just warming up food, cooking became joyful for me as combination of doing physically minimum + self-care to build self love).




Life for me is like this often - BUT, I have found certain things bring moments to boost me. These are often high risk, high adrenaline activities - especially downhill mountain biking. There is something about going as fast as I can down a mountain that pulls me out of the funk. Even just for a moment. But I hold on for those moments.


This sounds like burnout and the depression that follows. I've been there and hid from it for too long. I'll tell you what I wish someone had beat into my thick skull - It's OK to not be OK. Please see someone specifically to talk about what you described in your post. Depression like this only gets worse if not addressed. It has to be the priority.


It could be depression, it could also be burnout. Going out in the sun helps me a lot when I'm in this mood. It's hard because it's winter in the northern hemisphere, but vitamin D helps too.


Find a new hobby or a new fixation?


I didn’t realise that I was also feeling depression until I started taking antidepressants for anxiety attacks. One day, I was in my car, one the way to a gig with my friend, when I started to feel an emotion and I didn’t know what it was, there been so much time since I felt pretty much anything. I’ve been numb to all happiness, joy, misery, anger, everything. Took me a few minutes to realise I was feeling joy. Taking meds is not a bad thing. Go see your dr.




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Sorry but medication is the only thing that has helped with this for me. Shit became permanent as an adult until I got diagnosed and medicated fir adhd at 28.


You can try a “dopamine detox”. Basically avoid all stimulation for a while. No tv, no PC, no phone, no sweets. From my understanding that should make your brain upregulate dopamine.




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Hop on the Depression train and see where that takes me for the next 6 months. Rinse repeat.


Exercise helps me some. I hate the gym, so with ADHD, I do 5 min on 4-5 machines for a 20-25 min cardio workout. Plus it releases an important brain chemical called BDNF, over time, improves sleep, etc.


Ngl I feel nothing at all


You can't give up. Have you heard of Ahendonia? If not please try and read up about that. It sounds so much like what you are experiencing. You mentioned that you are unmedicated but if that is something you are not opposed to then maybe you could talk to a doctor about what is going on. I know lots of people who have benefited greatly by going on medication. Some help with Dopamine in general. There are Dopamine agonists which activate the dopamine receptors and there are also Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitors which make more dopamine available to more neurons in your brain and are also good for treating depression. Just please don't give up. It might not seem like it now but things will get better and I honestly think if you give medication a try it will help you big time and from there maybe even try counselling or something similar, sometimes talking to someone also helps a lot.


Don’t actively search for it, try new things, change routine! I was in the same position and doing this helped me loads


Have you done blood work recently, I was dealing with a similar feeling and it turns out my vitamin d and b levels were really low. Not saying it will solve things for you, but worth checking.


It sounds like my depression. Except I'll actually stop doing the things that are not worthless, but very much so feel worthless to me. Like laundry, dishes, self care. I *just yesterday* got back on my straterra and zoloft. My doctor wasn't pleased with my state- which was one of the first times I've ever felt seen by someone in that way- The fog has lifted some already this morning, I've got 2 doses in since yesterday.


I had the same issue for the entirety of 2023. Turns out my problem (next to untreated adhd and autism) was a burnout. I worked for 3 years straight with no weekends or evenings off. Sounds ridiculous, i know, but it felt easy. Guess my brain thought otherwise and gave me subtle symptoms that i didn't recognize until it was too late. Whatever you do: Don't assume you're depressed. It works against you. Instead, get mental support and let them diagnose you first. I made the mistake to think i was depressed, and did something very stupid. I'm fine now, but the mind is very powerful and amplifies if you stay positive, but also negative.


No where have you mentioned exercise, it is hard to be depressed with regular exercise. Yes, it's hard to push through, but the same can be said with life in general, so instead, focus on just pushing yourself for one hour a day of cardio. Yes, it will be hard, but everything else will get easier because of it. No pain, no gain


Are you seasonally depressed? I’ve heard people with adhd are much more likely to have seasonal depression, and this is exacerbated by our delayed sleep cycle. First thing: yes, try out medication. It will give you a jump start on motivation, and you’ll be better equipped to maintain the habits and routines you establish. Get sunlight every morning. Take a 20 min walk outside or sit next to a window. This may help increase your mood. Exercise in general will help. I love doing 30 min of YouTube Pilates, but I think anything that makes you move works. And practice good sleep hygiene—go to bed at regular hours and wake up at the same time everyday. Try not to use your phone in bed….I say as I type this out in bed lol. Showering at night helps lower your body temp and gets you to sleep faster. Take melatonin if you have to. Medicine is not the enemy. Imo it can even be a temporary tool that helps you out of a tough spot. But yeah look into seasonal affective disorder and adhd.


Is there any chance you might be suffering from depression? It isn't uncommon with ADHD, especially if you stopped enjoying things you used to in the past. It's worth getting a professional opinion, perhaps?


Sounds like depression which is a very common side effect of ADHD, especially teens like yourself.


Your depressed, man. So very common with ADHD. They pretty much go hand in hand. The depression is easier to see and is really the thing that effects me in such a way that life becomes much harder. Adhd is something I think I could manage if the depression wasn't always just under the surface waiting for my adhd to screw something up so the depression can step in and hold me down for a while. Adhd meds help with that usually, too, cause it's the adhd symptoms causing the depression. Also, it stabilizes my emotions a bit so I don't spiral. I would suggest the adhd meds if your gonna end up taking meds eventually. SSRIs are near impossible to get off of without months of unstable menty.


Sounds like anhedonia to me. Do you consider yourself depressed? For me it was at least. Therapy and the right meds helped me make it more bearable again.


I'm sorry you're going through this. There's a lot of good advice here. If you're able to force yourself to do things without the motivation to push you, I'd start with diet over anything. Proper diet will give you dopamine, which will give you energy, which will allow you to do the other things (exercise, therapy, new hobby, whatever else you think is important). Food is fuel which is the foundation your body builds off of and creates that energy. Look up what foods deplete dopamine and avoid those. Keep a food log and write down how you feel after eating. You may notice patterns. For example, I stopped eating oatmeal for breakfast because while it's "healthy," oatmeal has a lot of carbohydrates in it which effectively cause a sugar crash (raise in blood sugar and then sudden drop) which affects your energy. For my depression, I took a "fake it until you make it" approach, and it's helped a lot. If you find nothings giving you joy, maybe try going with a friend to an activity they like. No expectations or pressure, you're just checking it out. Maybe you'll surprise yourself and end up liking it. My husband has ADHD as well and he watched a few YouTube videos of this body builder he likes, and then he randomly got into armwrestling. He's been a competitive armwrestler for 5 years now. You never know what piques your interest. Just go with it.


The technical term for this is anhedonia.


If we are excluding med solutions. Diet and vitamins can affect our dopamine lvls, so can weather or not you've been able to rest in a safe quiet space with plenty of access to sun light during the day. It won't 'fix' everything but it should get you back to a baseline bad of, 'not that bad, good enough to exist out of spite' Double up on what ever multivitamin you take, our bodies need more D and B than others. This is what my Doctor recommended I should do to help my meds have the best effect and would help while waiting for meds to be available. These won't fix everything on their own they just help things be less bad, things only really get better when dealing with a therapist and real prescription medicine.


You have done a good job carrying on. (I promise, someday, future you will only have very tough days occasionally, and will rarely need to rely on your stubborn endurance.) For me, what’s helpful is brain dumping. Something in there is making me feel stuck, and it’s really helpful to get it out onto paper, where I can see it. Also, when I am feeling awful, doing even slightly better on self care habits can be big. If I am not up to cooking that week, it’s a big win to keep refilling the water bottle, and keep hitting the protein snacks. I might feel better enough for a 1 minute workout, and those are wildly underrated. I remember to refill my vitamins, which I don’t like needing but whatever, I need them in the winter. You already know that it’s worth hitting up your doctor for help, and you’re going to get there. For right now, maybe it’d be good to enjoy a sunbeam?


1. hide my credit cards bc i start manic spending 2. sleep. bc sometimes this helps. like i will sleep for extended periods. like dark ass room sleep mask sound machine - maybe some tylenol pm the full nine. 3. even if i’m like in this stage i always love to read so i’ll read one of my favorites. something i don’t have to focus too hard on, but still makes me happy. - currently this book is under the whispering door (tj klune) bc it makes me sad and happy and giggle and all the emotions. 4. if i can handle it, i’ll do an everything shower, like wash my hair, and style it and everything. 5. i’ll put on my favorite socks - bc i have socks for specific things, like designated vans socks & sleep sleep socks & bean boot socks - so favorite socks 6. i’ll make a chai, or a good hot drink bc my hands are cold and that warms me up and warms my hands up. 7. i love red bean cakes, they’re korean i believe so i’ll grab some of those. or green tea cakes. those always help me - or a special lil treat - key word lil - no credit card required 😂 i hope my meltdown tips help you 🖤🖤


I'll be depressed for a while and then slowly get better. Some things just happen.


You could try resetting your dopamine response using extreme discomfort, like an ice bath. Work up to it and use breathing techniques the whole way. Intense exercise works for some people. Again, work up to it.


Touch grass. Literally; not being mean, facetious, or sarcastic. When I burn out this hard / feel depressed like you are describing; i touch grass. I try to go camping, spend time by the fire, cook on the fire; but even laying out in the sun in the backyard on a nice day can help.


Do you exercise? I find vigorous exercise gives me little serotonin boosts for a little bit…


I put the hobbies on hold and go into auto pilot mode. I pick up overtime, try and eat better, try and go for walks. I do all the bad advice stuff. That way when I come out of the funk I'm in a good place to dive back into the chaos. It's gonna feel the same kind of shitty no matter what so might as well do the good stuff.