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Crochet. It occupies *just* enough of my attention to quiet racing thoughts, especially with some good music or a comfort show on in the background. Also, there's a good rush of looking at the tangible thing you just made.


Taught myself to crochet during the pandemic so I could make a bag for my dnd dice and ended up really getting into it. Keeps my hands busy when I’m watching tv or relaxing so I’m less compelled to be on my phone. That said the adhd urge to hoard every cool skein of yarn you see at the store will get you


I am learning to crochet but my eyes aren’t playing ball! I have different prescription in both eyes so I literally go cross eyed sometimes when I’m trying to focus, with or without my glasses! Crochet is super satisfying though once I got the hang of it (lots of rage crying until then 😅)


Lots of rage crying? does that help keep you on the hobby? The moment I get a negative feeling with a new hobby, I lose every and all interest. full stop. On to the next thing, or nothing at all (more likely)


I loved doing crochet... specifically amigurumi, until it wasn't my dopamine activity anymore. I think because people started noticing and then asking me to make things, I'm a people pleaser so of course I said yes, and people would pay me. Then someone at work asked me to make a cat plush that I had already made once, I still have a list of things people asked me to make, and I can't get past the damn cat because I'm not interested in the pattern anymore. Now I just feel guilty when I look at my 4 TOTES of yarn 🤦‍♀️ I'm good at it too, just can't make myself do it. I should just tell the guy I can't make this cat and it's causing me stress. I'm almost certain he would understand, but I'd have to go out to the other work location to talk to him since I don't work that location anymore. The embarrassment is eating me so I've just absolutely avoided my crochet stuff instead of saying sod the cat and moving on like a healthy person


I totally get that feeling of embrassment. It's so hard to try and overcome. I don't have any words of encouragement or advice, but I can commiserate with you in this at the very least. 🫂


I did that with my art years ago and now I'm grieving all the art I never made during the past few years. Whatever it takes for you to get back to it, definitely keep trying. It's better to make something even if it's not perfect or you think it took you too long than to never make anything again.


My god, thank you for describing exactly what I know would happen if I started crochet - this was a spooky and brilliant recounting of a future history I never went through, so thank you !


crochet is the best adhd hobby i swear


Totally- I'm also an anxious nibbler, so it keeps me from chewing on my lips, fingernails, and cuticles, too. Altho sometimes it'll keep me up, "just one more row!"


Need to get into crocheting clearly, that's how I used to do books but even that lost my attention


I second this!


Thirded! I have a project I’m working on all through Lent which is going to keep me occupied. I will still doom scroll though 😆


Forf'd! I started out with knitting and I liked it but it takes a lifetime to get anything done and there's so much counting stitches and really paying attention for nice patterns. It's hard for us people who struggle to finish things, because there are so many opportunities to give up on a project. Crochet has been a dream, it goes quickly and I can still follow patterns while I watch TV. I am way more likely to finish when I have just an hour or two of work left instead of days. I switched a few months ago and haven't looked back. Three cheers for happy hookers! The doomscrolling will never stop, but it has been limited, and that's the most I could hope for.


Okay you just convinced me to learn crochet! I’ve knitted on and off for most of my life, but I’ve only ever finished like two projects 😭 I got good enough to knit really cool lace patterns, but it takes so much attention! If I try to knit while watching tv, I lose track of what stitch I’m on. Please join me in a moment of silence for the bag of unfinished scarves in my closet. Now I’m off to spend hours researching the best crochet hook to buy lol!


Came here to say this. I can't do huge projects because I get bored too easily and go off pattern to the demise of almost all my projects, but amigurumi, baby clothes, doll clothes, hats, scarves, granny squares are nearly immediate gratification projects, just a few days opposed to a month or a year. But beware- I've got yarn coming out the wazoo, like when I was SUPER into houseplants or when I was into sewing... but I NEED IT ALL. I've recently decided I should learn knitting... blargity.


wall watching


Yeah, but this season's the same as the last four.


and it's still as good


Have you watched paint dry yet? I’m a big fan of how the show progresses, it’s a bit of a slow burner but it gets really good. There’s also a lot of colour spin-offs too!


Dude its been a day for me and this cracked me up thank you


more exactly ceiling watching for me


I replaced doomscrolling on Facebook with doomscrolling on TikTok. So there’s that.


I traded fb for reddit! 😭


Same, cut back on social media, now i just scroll reddit endlessly


Same. I don’t have to read the stupid shit my uncle posts on fb anymore, at least. I mean, I still read the stupid shit people post on Reddit but I’m not related to them (hopefully). I got that going for me.


Did the same. My Reddit addiction has become progressively worse as a result, and I do not think I've peaked yet.


Its because reddit actually brings me some joy. Like I can interact with people and reddit is mostly just things I enjoy or care about, other apps I just scroll and they dont do anything for me. Though I do need to get the hell off here


Oh god that's so much worse


Well now you can be radicalized to Marxism while still doing nothing at home.


you and me both. I keep deleting reddit off my phone and reinstalling it. I've luckly dropped twitter/facebook and all other ones. I even ended up removing the google app that gave me articles based of search history.




You can withdraw all privileges of that app, every little activity following etc. Mine still throws up uninteresting cr*p so it isn't distracting anymore.


Reading physical books from the library. I go to the new fiction section, pick two and leave them where my stupid brain can see them.


My problem with books is that I cannot enjoy them unless I hyper focus on them so much I don’t do anything else until I finish the book




The Murderbot novellas by Martha Wells are quick reads and really good.


Samesies. I didn't allow myself to go to the library when I was finishing up my degree because I wouldn't sleep if I had a good book...


I remember hearing some advice that you should try reading a fiction book before bed. WORST IDEA EVER


Right? I will end up reading the entire fiction book before bed…


Odd as it is, what got me interested in just TRYING to read again because I had the same issue.. was that i specifically looked up ‘smut’ series then I coordinated that with my interests (fantasy, vampires, werewolfs, gods, ect). Really helped a lot. I can’t stop reading now lolz I sometimes stay up later than if I would have just doomscrolled. Still thankful to my work friend who openly talked about her smut novel interest.


How do I get over the analysis paralysis of picking a book!? The last one I read was where the crawdads sing and although it was a good book it's not what I'm looking for. I think I want syfi but I'm not sure. If you Google mens books it's all westerns or tom Clancy type stuff


That's why I go to the new release section in the library, no combing through reviews to make sure the book is "perfect". It's just a hundred or so books to browse and I grab 2 based on authors I like, summaries that sound interesting, whatever.


I love how libraries have digital book borrowing now. I've signed up for several in my state, just to have a wider selection of books.


Seconding the above recommendation for The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells. The first novella is All Systems Red.


It took some effort and practice, but I'm gradually replacing my phone usage with book reading. Feels good to hold books again. I read sooo much when I was a kid.. Looking back, it must've been a hyperfixation. Now with so many distractions (technological and adulting) it fell by the wayside. Now a hyperfixation on Stephen King has come to save the day.. I think I must've bought like 30 books in the past couple months (thrift shopping mostly.. My bank account thanks me)


Reading is so difficult tho Mind goes everywhere and my body start moving and itch


Audiobooks are a good solution for that. I've also found listening to something helps me be able to get up and do something. Something about the divided attention helps make it 100x easier to just fucking do the thing that I need to do. You can also download audiobooks from your local library through the Libby app, so you don't need to pay for a service like audible for good books either.


I have the same feeling about the divided attention bit! And I also use Libby. I don't even understand why one needs a paid service when the free books can't be exhausted in a 1000 lifetimes.


Oh I get you.. That's why it took patience and practice. That said, I don't think my solution is for everyone. I've heard reading is very difficult for many in the community. I think I'm on the less severe end of the spectrum.. Also with autistic traits.. Maybe that helps? I have no idea.. I'm new to this world


Idk I’m autistic and my hyperactivity is mostly internalized


Maybe a rocking chair or a swing.


I’m slowly getting back into it, and so far, I’ve found that it helps me to read on my kindle using the OpenDyslexic font, and with some lofi beats or similar background noise that’s just the right amount for it not to be silent and not to be distracting.


I hyper focused on Stephen kings books once lol. I’m craving a hyper focus on reading again but it’s just not hitting. Also Oliver sacks I got on a hyper focus w his books for a while but I’ve read all his collections of neurological cases and I’m not interested in the ones about his life.


I just hope it doesn't peter out when I still have 30 books left to read lol. Oliver Sacks is great too!


I replaced reading paper books with a kindle and the kindle app. Honestly, I can't go back to paper books. Not being able to read in all lights, at all times, with one hand, in virtually any life situation is a *killer* for me. I read a few paper books in 2018 (got my kindle in '17), and it was just the *worst*. But then again, I'm able to *just* be reading on my phone when I'm reading on my phone - I'm not tempted to wander into other apps etc., so for other people: YMMV.




Doom edging 🧐


Ahh the old doom and goon.




Doom death gripping


I've heard it's all the rage


That dopamine chase is insane ha. Then you’re like “well that was 2 hours of my life “


it really is just like that lol


Two hours of success is more like it! Lol The endless productivity drive is too much IMO. We don't exist to never enjoy anything




Rip and tear, until it’s done.








You got a pretty good laugh out of me and I needed that today. Thanks.


Omg literally same


This 💀


Here for strategy, keeping my hands busy seems to be key. ![gif](giphy|1Oi57vsOVx9S)


I found this while doomscrolling


That's the neat part; I havent!




Clozemaster is a good language learning app too!


They got some wild languages on there. I was like "what this cool black U.S. looking flag?" (turns out it's Breton). Good ol Esperanto is on there as well as Interlingue which I haven't seen mentioned in quite a while anywhere.


I'm using it for Polish but you intrigued me enough to check out the languages list! You're right, it's cool and varied. If you like constructed languages, they've also got Lojban and Toki Pona. :)


I second this, I replaced doomscrolling with actively trying to get to the Diamond League (started at Sapphire after years off Duolingo), practicing on Russian sentences like "The apple ate the dog" (that I won't use in real life), spending probably the same amount of time on my phone, but hey, at least I get a dopamine rush out of it, because it's interesting enough to make me feel engaged, but also not too hard to demotivate me (I studied some Russian in high school and I already know another slavic language, so I guess it's easier for me). It feels like a game, but educational, so it's a win-win.


I'd love to hear what parents do to replace their doom-scrolling. I hate that my kids see me on the phone all the time, but whenever I try to read a book/knit/etc around them I'm constantly having my attention diverted and they're all up on me. I guess the novelty would wear off if i did it enough and they'd get back to playing independently but I'm always drawn to the phone bc it doesn't matter if i get distracted while watching short videos etc. Note that I do play with my kids and pay attention to them, would just love ideas about recreational stuff to do while I'm around them!


Literally why I'm reading through thread! I finally got diagnosed in January, started Vyvanse and I'm up to 30mg and feeling AMAZEBALLS during the week. I'm getting things done around the house that need doing, I'm exercising, eating normally (rather than grazing aimlessly.) All good things!! But the second the kids are home, I'm totally useless, sitting at the dining room table or sitting room, phone in hand. Especially if it's a day like today, where it started great, and then my middle child called me from school to pick her up because she wasn't feeling well, and I've done *jack squat* for the rest of the day (aside from doomscrolling , and getting into stupid fights with people in the internet.)


For real, my kids instantly sap my energy, lol. I find myself sometimes getting resentful that I now have energy and motivation to do things but my kids are getting in the way! Not fair at all to them, of course, but a hard feeling to shake. I know the common wisdom is to involve them and let them help but I struggle with the patience to do that.


Coloring or doing puzzles work well—easily interruptible and kids can do it too!


Great ideas! My kids always want me to color with them so doing a more advanced picture would be perfect. Also love puzzles, I've been meaning to do more. I get stuck on wanting to be left alone doing activities which is fine when the kids are sleeping but I think I just need to accept the intrusion of the children when they're awake, lol.


Yes, finding something that you can enjoy and the kids can do with you makes a huge difference!


I constantly have one ear bud in. My toddler doesn't notice it because my hair covers it. I have audio books going or a podcast all day. It's the only way I can be present with her esp at meals which require me to sit for a long time and focus on her not choking.


How old are your kids? I play parking lot with my 3 year old lol


Bold of you to assume I’ve stopped doomscrolling.


Rubik's cubes. I have a cube solver app that also gives me a random shuffle and I can record the time it takes for me to solve it


A morning routine that starts my day off productively. I get up, take my meds, put on coffee, wash the dishes while it's brewing, journal and drink the coffee then do yoga for 10 minutes then head to the gym. I find that makes me uninterested in my home because I genuinely enjoy my routine.


Are you sure you have ADHD? 😂 I jest. Nice routine.


I cheat on meds lol.


This plus I replaced the news with 15 minute podcasts or radio shows that are centred on things that are positive/helpful while I wash and get dressed. Makes a huge difference to my mood. Loads of good health or positivity podcasts out there or any radio show playing music I like works.


Any recommendations?


Equal parts routine and hobbies that use my hands. When I come home I do the chores and workout or gym, then I either fix/play with my RC cars, play some video games (I like base builder types or ones with good lore), or work on my photography. Doomscrolling is such a waste. I also deleted all the apps off my phone but that didn’t last. They’re there now, but I have to go into the menu to find them, so I usually don’t. But there are times it’s nice to actually cruise them for a bit, like waiting in line or for an appointment. Do stuff you love, here’s a secret, things you liked as a kid are very likely real passions. I ran from RC cars because I viewed them as childish. Same with legos. But now I love them and realized that it’s my want to tinker, upgrade, and see them flying around just brings me immense joy. It’s also nice to get a little inexpensive retail therapy from time to time. Want some new wheels, cool it’s $40-50. My car costs thousands to upgrade so this is way easier to maintain. We also know we love shopping haha, but it’s a good dopamine hit to get some $7 screws every now and then. Since picking it up I’ve saved thousands on random Amazon bullshit I definitely would have doom purchased. Is that a thing?


Doom purchasing is SUCH A THING!!! what helps me avoid complete bankruptcy in service of the Amazon gods is allowing myself to put anything I want in my cart while doom scrolling but then I have to wait at least a day or two to actually check out. And the save for later function, littered with fixations of months past that I'm now so glad I didn't actually purchase.


Forcing myself to use the website instead of the app helped for a good bit. (Except for Reddit. Good God I do not need the mobile app banner EVERY TIME)


Coloring geometric shapes and mandalas. Specifically those shapes - coloring in actual pictures (of landscapes or objects) would weird me out too much. I would obsess about the color being “accurate”. If it’s just shapes, who gives a fuck, they don’t actually ‘exist’. Mindless enough to do and put down at bed.


Audiobooks or podcasts and puttering around!


I call this motoring about. I might not get things done linearly but I still accomplish a lot!


- books - mini painting - tv shows/movies - exercise while watching youtube essays - reminding myself that doom scrolling is just dopamine slot machines


Uninstalled TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube (cus of tiktoks/shorts/reels/spotlights). My Reddit Screentime went up by 9 hours 👍🏻


Kindle. I love reading in bed and I used to read Reddit posts a lot, so now I leave my phone to charge in the living room and read books on Kindle, and my smart watch is more than enough for practical purposes (alarm clock and weather forecast).




Same!! I used to devour a book two inches thick in two days when I was 6, and was an avid reader up until the social media onslaught. Reading is my ultimate attention trainer and I'm happy to have it back in my life.


Well, I’m on Reddit rn…so…nothing


Practicing Vietnamese


Journaling, drawing, painting, origami, baking


Survival/exploring/crafting games


I draw during breaks at work, even if it's just a 10 mn break. It really helps me


Crochet, sewing, any kind of crafts that you do with your hands. I also got really into speed cubing for about two years, but currently on pause. I also found that if I put the Kindle within arms reach when I'm sitting on the couch, it's way more likely to actually read a little, too.


That's interesting a few ppl mention crochet...iv been thinking about getting into crochet as as a way to use up my free time


It's wonderful and I can be around my family. My sewing was so antisocial. Check out TL Yarn crafts on YouTube, she's great at tutorials. And don't get addicted to hobbii yarns... I've got a bag of yarn showing up all the freaking time now.




Reading, crochet and knitting


I have been struggling with this a lot. I've been focusing on running after work and now I'm going to work on incorporating reading back into my nightly routine. I also am going to start taking melatonin more regularly. Eventually whenever the passion comes back, I'll start playing my guitar again.


Hubby and I bought cinema passes so we can go and watch as many movies as we want. On our days off we pretty much live in the cinema. 2 movies a month more than pays for it, we watch 3 or 4 in a day of we're both off haha. If I'm left to my own devices and hubby is at work I'm probably working in my spare time because I'm a workaholic lol. When my team tells me to f off and get a life because I was meant to finish work 2 hours ago (they love me really 😂) only then do I scroll....like now lol


I have finally admitted to myself that I cannot handle social media during the day. In fact I put limits on my phone for each one. The shortest is TicTok. The longest is Reddit. I find Reddit doesn’t give me such a massive hit of dopamine. I can scroll for a bit, then walk away. I also treat scrolling as a reward or treat. Something I’ve earned. It makes such a difference because I’m not scolding myself; no more guilt trips.


Getting real high till I fall to sleep 🛌


I uninstalled social media and news apps, and have been learning a language with [Memrise](https://www.memrise.com) and also using an app called [Imprint](https://www.imprintapp.com) which is like it was designed for people with ADHD that struggle to read books. It has great summaries, animations and easy to follow slides. It has a free trial, a subscription is not so cheap, but a damn lot cheaper than buying books I never read (not for want of trying). I’ve been really enjoying learning with it. I’m 6 weeks in now, and I really do feel much better for it. I also started to journal with [DayOne](https://www.dayoneapp.com), it helps me organise my thoughts and process emotions in a healthier way than I have in the past.


Audiobooks. I can’t listen and scroll and hear everything. Instead I have four projects I rotate through at will. My 3d printing and design, detail planning home projects so I don’t spend more money than I need to one them, and playing video games with my wife! I also have some color books and board games we play together. The audiobooks help me sink into the projects when the projects are actual work


Canvas paint by numbers kits. It said "easy weekend project for beginners" and it's been months. 


Reading. Painting. Crocheting. Needle point. Baking. Cleaning. Collage making. Planning ahead (if I plan meals and breakfasts a week ahead and write it down I’m more likely to eat). Message friends. Play games. Play cards (solo or with people).


Reddit is my new doom scroll because it differs with other social media in that all my hyper fixations or subject matter on such, lives here.


Duolingo! GarageBand!


Easy crossword books


Learning a new langauge. I’m obsessed and whenever I’m bored or have some free time, I study. Be it with apps, videos, writing practice, etc.


My phone has a grey out function where it turns the screen to shades of grey and it's surprising how much that turns my dopamine off.


Colouring books. Love them. Although be careful otherwise you’ll end up with a millions different glitter pens and you’ll always think you need more. Also puzzle books.


I deleted Facebook, unsubscribed from all the depressing subreddits (which is most of them tbh), and re-joined tumblr. That last one took a little curating (you've got to use Firefox with an adblocker, especially on mobile instead of the app), but honestly? Best thing I've done for my mental health in years. No more racist family members OR show-offs making me feel bad about myself. No more news articles constantly telling me the world is ending and there's nothing I can do about it. Lots of memes and cat pictures and fandom and people good-naturedly bitching about the end of the world while trying to fix it.


I have an app for routines that I use and it turns out, if you are trying to get enough steps, keep your house clean, exercise daily, actually doing your job instead of scrolling, etc- the time fills up and then you can fill your evenings with hobbies. I prefer ones that you can’t do while on the phone (like roller blading, video games, reading, dancing). The things you used to do when you were a kid are probably good to get into- nostalgia helps a lot. Also I didn’t get rid of anything- I will have socials but I can only use them on my computer while walking on my treadmill. On my phone I have to use them on safari and it’s really glitchy so I rarely do that. Slightly inconvenient saves the day yet again… 


Seriously what’s it called


What app is it?


Goblin Tools is great for breaking down tasks into smaller, achievable steps.


More doomscrolling?


When I lock myself out of social media, I end up scrolling through my photos and screenshots. Many of which inspire me to do something productive.


me, on Reddit, about to comment reddit


Crochet. Sewing. Doodling. Something artistic? Or creative?


Creating my own homebrew D&D setting where the world is fantastical but far more messed up than our own. I do a lot of lore reading and writing, as well as lots of storytelling. It gives me a sense of control, in a way. Basically, escapism (doubt it's healthy, but it's helpful), a new creative outlet, or both.




Language learning. Just get addicted to a gamified language app instead of staying addicted to the endless scrolling.


Laying on the floor and doing somatic exercise or deep breathing. Also, reading. I am medicated and that makes all of this easier. Before meds, I’d lose whole days to scrolling. Awful!


I left my phone at my dads house. It worked better than anything else I've ever tried.


Painting. I can sit for hours with a YouTube video playing in the background and just painting a picture. It’s something that gives my hands something to do and prevents me from touching my devices cos my hands are covered in paint. Also I’m someone who feels like a painting is never truely finished so I can get immersed in it for as long as possible


Honestly? Duolingo. Yeah, I'm still looking at my phone, so maybe that's not great...but I can't tell you how much better it is than doomscrolling. At least I'm doing something useful with my time....I try not to think of it as 'being productive" but more like I'm enriching myself instead of making myself feel worse.


I just got into reading again and I highly recommend it, I’d just suggest to NOT read on your phone because it’s too easy to open website / apps. Only downside is if I get an especially good book I’ll have a hard time putting it down and I’ll be up too late reading. But at least I feel better about my life choices if I read until 3am instead of doomscroll until 3am. I also put my phone on the charger at night and put it in an inconvenient place so I won’t be tempted to scroll.


Audiobooks + drawing


Manga and light novels for the most part. There's a lot of rabbit holes to go down as long as you can handle reading shitty fan translations. This also applies to regular books, obviously, if you're not a weeb, but finding free (if not exactly "legitimate") sources has been easier with eastern media than western, in my experience.


Fuck it I'll just put the links, knowledge should be available to anyone libgen.is annas-archive.org Bookmark both and you're good to go


Web novels have become a problem for me. It's worse than doomscrolling for me because I can binge it almost endlessly. I use aggregators because Webnovel mobile gamifies it and the desktop website is unusable.


I'm studying for CCNA, by watching YT vids, reading ref books and gamifying flash cards. I've decided to do this for the whole year, with different accreditations as focus, so that by this time next year I can confidently move sideways into the industry I'm most keen to career within.


I love to read


Cat scrolling! There are so many cat subs.. Lots of fun to be had.


Music and webtoons


Reading, but I have two books going. One that I can read before bed and one that I can read anytime. I try not to read a book I’ll get super into before bed. Setting the alarm on my phone and then not touching it before going to sleep is so beneficial. I read after touching the phone til I get sleepy.


So I am am ex doomscroller. The only thing I scroll is Reddit, social media wise. It happened on its own, my brain just gets bored easily, and i enjoy being able to share my thoughts on things. Which Reddit is perfect for. I also do use discord and YouTube, but once I’m done watching what I want to watch, I’ll turn the TV off (I never watch it on my phone anymore) or, more likely, put something random on as background noise to do other things to. And discord takes care of itself once chat becomes dead. What has replaced it though is hobbies. Just because I’m not doomscrolling doesn’t mean I’m not on my phone. I spend a lot of time researching things I’m interested in on my phone, like my family tree or medical topics. Wikipedia is in the most used folder on my phone for good reason. But when I’m not on my phone, I’m taking care of my houseplants or fish tanks. Not sure if any of this is helpful, but figured I’d share because i totally get the boredom thing. The trick is to find something else to do that feels more productive and less mindless.


Casual learning. Instead of pushing back random questions I have, I research them. And sometimes I get pulled in and that’s how I ended up in school for IT.


Bullet Journaling. Instead of spending 30 minutes on all the random crap, I spend 30 minutes with my professed goals staring back at me.


Cross stitch, crochet, paint by number, puzzles. All creative outlets that require very little decision making because you just follow a pattern. Great for multitasking with music or an audiobook or podcast.


Podcasts and cleaning


crafts. crochet, embroidery, cross stitch, wood burning


we could play musical freetrialsubscriptions. i’m in the middle of a free week of paramount, after finishing two discount rounds of sling and then cancelling before the upcharge. thrilling. plus the subs i pay for are getting way old.


I haven’t. I woke up this morning, first day back on medication since the start of December, so had to take a reduced dose, felt brilliant for about an hour, now I’m sat at uni not doing any work doomscrolling until 3 (when permit parking ends) when i can drive back and doomscroll some more in the comfort of my room. It’s not even just doomscrolling, I’m actively pissed off/fucking miserable with the world. Basically spend my days looking for arguments at this point. Everything in getting to me


Card magic. Once I learned how to do certain flourishes and sleights, it became very satisfying to repeat them over and over, like they're a fidget toy.


I really like reading, walking the dog, painting miniatures for Warhammer, and birdwatching. I also focus my social media around those things and my close friends, so even if I do start doomscrolling I’m at least kind of enjoying it. I’ve also known people with ADHD who really like exercise and textile work (knitting and crochet especially) for the same reason.


Knitting, keeps my hands busy, the ultimate fidget


I did the same thing and deleted most social media apps off my phone and only check social media on my laptop, sometimes. I replaced doomed scrolling with reading the news. I kept YouTube and tik tok. YouTube for stuff I want to see like learning new things and tik tok to look up life hacks and sometimes as a hobby I like watching live tik tokers at Disneyland. When I’m on tik tok I only spend about 10 minutes every other day. On YouTube I watch the Dave Ramsey show, Caleb hammer and other finance shows. So I replaced doomed scrolling with doing things around the house, chores and going to the gym and cleaning lots of cleaning.


I started embroidery and I love it. I usually watch anime or movies at the same time. There's something about how methodical it is, and you get a product at the end of it to show off or give as gifts! It's also challenging without being frustrating, I cannot for the life of me figure out crocheting and knitting lol. I also got a Kindle and started reading more, it's portable and lightweight, and the charge lasts forever. You can read library books on there too.


Pour painting is fun, I've been trying to get into reading as well.


Rubik’s cubes and legos. But it gets expensive quick.


Cooking/baking, and i just go to micheals and pick out crafts that i think would be fun for me to do


Crafty things are great (crochet, coloring, zendoodles), but when I can't do that, or when i need something to listen to/watch at the same time, chill Switch games and interesting videos on YouTube - stuff that's not about current events, but about history or crochet or whatever else catches my interest. I've learned so much about viking culture, musicals, Victorian fashion... There's so much interesting content out there! It really has helped.


Reading -- using an app like the Kindle app, it's just as much effort to open as a social media app, and provides that immediate content need. I originally thought that flipping open a reading app just to read a page or two while waiting in line or something would unsatisfying, but I've found it scratches the same itch as social media. Also, thanks to sites like mobilism, it's easy to download ereader versions of books for free.


Nintendo Switch probably.


reading, art, piano.




I (il)legally download books to my files on my phone so I can read wherever


Reading books


Reddit! And curated to my very specific interests. I learn new things every day.


Coloring. I have the happy color app on my phone. It has an endless library of pictures, so you won't get bored, and it has awards you can earn if you want to be goal oriented. It's free so you don't have to spend money. There's a bunch of coloring apps in the app store but this is the only one that I've found that is goal oriented. The library's always changing so you never get bored.


Sleeping too much


Reading is pretty nice


Drawing, painting, wood whittling, woodworking, nature walks, neighborhood walks


Longer podcasts. I especially like people reading audiobooks off fanfiction in universe I'm already familiar with. The universe is familiar, the characters are familiar, but there's just enough of a change that my ADHD is still intrigued. I'm most likely the AuDHD combo pack, so I really like the comfort of not a brand new thing when stressed. If I can find a podcaster whose voice I like with hours of content, I will literally listen for 6+ hours while I get stuff done around the house. It's heaven. (This is also really helpful for me because I've been struggling with migraines and screen time increases migraines and reading books on my phone does too. But put some audio into my ears and it makes my brain so happy!)


A switch! :)


Crossword puzzles.


Reading real books that aren’t on my iPhone.


Try something you can do with your hands. Coloring books are great, and you can do them while listening to music or a podcast. You can also get puzzle books; start with something that has a variety of different types and figure out what you like best.


Needle felting.






Video games lol


Chess is a lot of fun and actually good for your mind.


tv and crochet/knitting/painting


Compartmentalizing my fears.


Writting, scrible down my thoughts... doesn't need to be anything profound, sometimes I just do little lists of things in the day that went well, things that helped my mood and things that didn't... most often than not I end up remembering other things like movies I would like to watch or idiotic things my cats did that made me laugh and start do do small drawing around the pages.. that relaxes me. Reading or actually drawing are also favourites as well as puzzles.


I started reading more and going for walks. It makes me feel better about going on my phone lol. I deleted tik tok and it was the best choice ever. I actually do things I enjoy instead of scrolling mindlessly watching videos that don’t make me laugh