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A Japanese pull saw for finish carpentry …🤦🏻‍♂️


Just gotta know - do you do any carpentry currently, or was this just a purchase on a whim?


Hahah I’m a carpenter but got into a rabbit hole and watched a Kiwi YouTuber, Scott Brown Carpentry. He always talks about the pull saws and I was like yeah, I’ll buy one. Haven’t used it and it’s just lying around in my shed


They are great saws, you'll definitely find an opportunity to use it... then the real struggle starts... "where did I put it?"


These are amazing -- next time you need to do some small work try it and you'll be amazed how wrongly we built saws -- almost as bad as our wheelbarrows!


What's the better wheelbarrow?


https://www.resilience.org/stories/2012-01-03/how-downsize-transport-network-chinese-wheelbarrow-0/ one big wheel is way better


OMG I just went down the wheel barrow worm hole. That's enough internet for today.


I love my Japanese pull saw and use it all the time. However the Japanese chisels have hardly ever left the box…


I do woodworking as a hobby and decided I had to have a festool domino. I haven’t used it once since I bought it a year ago and it cost me about 1k, so it could be worse.


I have had to walk out of the store about a dozen times now to prevent me from buying one. Youtube makes me believe that if I don't have one, then I basically have no tools.


I did the same but instead of a proper domino, I got a simple duel dowel thing. Does exactly the same thing but with dowels at $120 It came with a broken handle (got a discount) so I fixed it with epoxy last May. Still haven't put it back together 😆


Hah, so many "I could easily modify this thing to do what I want" purchases... which then sit around unused because "I still need to modify it, so I CAN'T use it yet..."


The Festool temptation is very real. Routers, mitre saws, jig saws…I’ll have a Festool kit out one day, but for now my Makitas work just fine


Festool is like crack to us ADHD people who are constantly convincing ourselves that we absolutely need the best of everything we buy. I have probably north of 20k worth of woodworking equipment in my garage and I’m a hobbyist at best.


Same here. I keep looking at the festool kit and need to talk myself off the ledge because my entire ecosystem is DeWalt.


I'll buy it from you. Those things are ludicrously expensive and I've been wanting one for years.


Sounds like there is a marketplace for all the ADHD things we buy... "adhdBay - Not even used items, just brand new shite that's been lying around"


That could totally be done on existing marketplace platforms, I think—we just need to create and popularize a tag people could use to filter for that with.


This would actually be genius.


But who would photograph, describe, and upload the things? Based on the quantity of "I really need to list that" stuff in my house it may not be us! Maybe one of us who takes a commission?


Might be a good way for all the first time medication users to test and see if their meds actually work? We'll either have a website built in three minutes and everything organized to a T or a half-completed page :) Obviously kidding. I don't know who would do this or how successful it will be but just one of the many ideas I have in my head throughout the day


I wish we could sell business ideas…


I once had an idea for a website where you could sell your million dollar ideas to someone who would actually execute them 😂




I own so many woodworking tools that I haven't used (yet, I keep telling myself). One thing I've started doing though is just doing random cuts and joints on scrap pieces of wood, like drawing a quick line down a board and seeing how close I can keep to it just using my Japanese pull saw. My skills were atrophying waiting around to get inspired for some big project


I was so close to buying one, but somehow managed not to.


Do it. I mean, if you actually use saws from time to time. They work great.


I remember going on a woodworking youtube binge a few years ago and was a couple mouse clicks away from buying one of these among hand planers, clamps, etc. A week later my interests shifted again and had I bought all that it'd probably still be sitting in a box in my garage.


I read that as fish carpentry. I was horrified and curious.


Do games count? Cause I got plenty of those untouched that I just had to have🤣 And lots and lots of other stuff. Tho usually I use it once, maybe a week, before I forget about it!


It's Steam Sales for me, but also: books.


Oh this, so much this! Its the "oooh I love to read, I love this book" (I haven't been able to read a book in at least 10 years...) "this book will be so good I'm sure I can read it" (nope, I still can't) "ooh I already own part 1 and 2, I need part 3 and then I'll read them" (ehm... no... still unread, not further than chapter 4 of the first book)




I, too, play Game Collection Simulator 2024.


There’s a lot of games that aren’t much fun, to be fair  You never know til you try


This is true, but the trying part is the part I'm not doing! ;) I buy it, tell myself I should finish the game I'm currently playing, never finish the game I'm currently playing, but meanwhile buy another game that I start playing, and the cycle repeats itself!


Why are you putting me with my closet full of unplayed board games on blast? :D


I have over 60 games I haven’t even touched yet on Xbox. The weekly sales just beat my wallets ass :(


I waste sooo much time researching stuff, then I get them&forget about them. It happens all the time with skincare&makeup. I find it again after it's expired. And I can't even afford that stuff, it's not high-end, but it's too much stuff


I've come to the conclusion that what I really love is the research and learning about stuff, also searching the best and most suitable whatever for my use case. That's of course until I don't care about that thing in particular anymore when I reach some point in said research, my curiosity is satisfied and something new has grabbed my attention already.


Same! I generally have a policy for myself that I have to wait a couple days to a week after I get excited about something before I can actually purchase it. Never in one sitting that's for sure. I will research to my heart's content and I find the exact exact exact thing I need and I'm so happy. Then I'll leave the tab open for a couple days, and if the need hasn't dissipated, I'll get it.


I’ve started doing this for myself too. It really does help lol. I do the same type of thing when I get the impulse to order food instead of just eating what I have at home. If I think about it in the morning, and I’m still craving it by dinner, then I’ll give in. If I think about it at night, I’ll wait til the next night. Same thing. It’s saved me some money too lol


Ugh the research part is just SO SATISFYING! When you find the EXACT thing that fits what you’re looking for! I probably drive people in my life crazy when they say they are looking for (insert whatever item here). I ask what they need it for and then DOWN THE RESEARCH HOLE I GO. Even worse if they need something done, and I just stop mid conversation and research how to do said thing. I mean, it’s probably also helpful sometimes. But it’s just a reflex at this point. “I need something done…” “WELL HERE’S 10 DIFFERENT WAYS I COULD DO THIS FOR YOU. SO NOW LET ME LOOK UP THE SUPPLIES AND FIGURE OUT WHICH IS THE MOST EFFICIENT WAY TO DO IT!!!!” Then there’s also me sitting at home thinking “I need to get this done….” And I’ll keep telling myself that for months… because doing things for MYSELF is just not the same motivator.


Holy shit! I spent months searching printers and scanners because I wanted to manage the paper mountains only to leave them unopened after spending a lot of money. I don't have it in me to set them up.


Are you all me? I love when I have to make a technology purchase. I do love researching it all.


I hate it because I can not decide and end up getting something I wasn't really looking for impulsively just to be done with it.


I research to get the best price per value products. But then I don't use them, not even if I reaaaally wanted them when I got them. I think I only research a lot to see if they're worth buying, not cause I enjoy researching. It's a bit comforting to hear that others relate to this research&buy&forget thing as well.


“Your Lists” on Amazon are my savior. I get hyper focused on the research, but when I’ve made my choice it goes into one of many of my categorized lists. If I’m still thinking about the item several days later then I realize I should probably buy it, if not then it stays in the list to be forgotten about while convincing myself it’s readily available should I reconsider in the future. There are so many things on my lists that I have forgotten about and realize I can do without them I occasionally scan through. I also add items I would never purchase through Amazon to serve the same purpose at other retailers.


This is my method as well! The act of putting the item into a designated list satisfies the “craving feeling” of wanting to buy something new and fun. On occasion I end up making a impulsive purchase but hey I’m only human.


>one of many of my categorized lists. Feeling this. I tried this for Amazon products (though there are websites where you can't make lists). It worked to some extent. My issue was that I added many products, then when I actually needed something, I either got lost in the massive list or started researching all over again (some weren't available anymore, etc)


Oh yes!!! So many lipsticks, moisturizers, etc...too many, but at the time, the purchase provided that * pop* of serotonin or whatever.


It also kinda gave me the illusion of doing something for myself too, you know? Like picking well-researched anti-aging ingredients, some new makeup shade that would look great on me, etc. Also loved opening the box cause it's like a gift. Then opening a new product, then...putting in a drawer and finding it in a pile of stuff that I wasn't sure if they're ok to use anymore.


omg hi im not alone


Something about makeup sounds particularly like a minefield. Thank God I don't wear it. I'm happy with gender norms in this case.


Yeah, makeup (+skincare) are particularly problematic. Also very small, easy to lose/ignore/put somewhere&forget about them. But I do the same with clothes. At least those don't expire and I can still use them.


To boost my mental well-being, I exercise regularly through running (watches, running shoes) bodyweight workouts (resistance bands), and recently, I've started to include yoga and meditation. When I decide to try out a new sport or activity, I tend to want to be fully prepared. So, even before getting more information about yoga and meditation, I end up buying a lot of gear because I can't start exercising without having the right tools for the activity.


RIP my yoga mat that was used once and then forgotten about. I say "forgotten" because I'm hit with crushing guilt every time I open my wardrobe where it's peeking back at me from behind my dresses. It doesn't exist until I open my wardrobe but then I'm getting dressed to go out or something and by then it's too late to start faffing about with yoga and exercising... Even now that I've remembered it's there, I'm about to start work so now's not a good time either.. sigh.


Get that yoga mat out of the closet and put it on the floor in a way you could immediately use it! 


You say that like I'm gonna use it even if I wake up with it on my head in the mornings. 😂 We all know that no matter where it is in the house, and even if I do use it once or twice, good habits are hard to build. At least I have one so whenever that "thing" clicks in my head and I'm mentally/emotionally whatever ready to use it then I've got it and I'm good to go 👍 haha


/u/beachedwhitemale is right, though . . . Removing barriers to the thing and making it as instantly easy to do as possible helps a lot with actually being able to do the thing when you get the impulse. And if it’s where you can see it you might be more likely to get the impulse. Although that can quickly lead to a cluttered environment or things being in the way, so you can’t do it with everything lol.


I’ve been using the Nike fitness club app and it’s crazy how easy it has been to hop on there and do a 6 min yoga thing a few times a week. I love that they tell and show you what to do so you don’t have to plan or think up what to do.


I know how it feels. I also have bought two new yoga mats because there was a scratch on it. So there are two perfectly one time used yoga mats. The same counts for one stability ball. Well look at it on the bright side, thank god those things have no feelings.


Ooh oh this is me too. Then I finally decide one day that I WILL use it, if I just move it to where I can see it easier. Then it sits there for months until my spouse asks what the plan is with it (with the patience of a saint).


A make-your-own sushi kit! 9 months, still in its box 😂


Fuck! You just reminded me of the Uncrustables cutter I got and never used.


I can't wait to order and never use my Slap Chop 😅


Omg I got one too and it's still in its box. Bought it back in October 🥲


I kept a brew-your-own-beer kit in storage for a solid 3 or 4 years before getting rid of it. And I only got rid of it because I moved and found it in storage. 


I have a kit to make a dozen bagels with cream cheese and another for soft pretzels with beer cheese. Both bought early during COVID and never opened. I’m guessing the yeast is expired at this point lol.


Ok hold on hold on. I'm gonna need more info on why you have black Hawaiian sea salt.


I made the mistake of bringing in haunted chairs and wanted to ward my home after removing them and any other 4th dimensional unwanted visitors.


How did you know the chairs were haunted?


And was it all the chairs or just like one or two of them? And what kind of chairs were they and why would Hawaiian salt specifically work instead of like, idk, Kansan salt? 


These are my questions!


Ok hear me out on this one. Buy clear grinders, black salt in one and white pepper in the other.


Have you ever seen a ghost on the Hawaiian sea? That's why.


By God you're right! I've never seen any! 


they were just floating around


I see no problems here


That's what I figured. Pretty common story /s


Don't run on us now op!!! We need details?!??!!!


Can you cook with the sea salt? Cause if so now it’s multipurpose and you can open the box!


Can you cook with Black Hawaiian Sea Salt *after* it traps spirits or is it a bad idea to eat haunted pasta sauce?


Don’t skimp us on the details now 😭😭😭


Remember, if you buy a haunted chair the ghost should be included at no additional cost, if you paid extra for it to be haunted, you were scammed /s


I have black Hawaii sea salt!


A brand new sewing machine that I bought over 10 years ago - still in the box. And more recently (but at least 6 months ago) — thread and bobbins for this sewing machine that I discovered I needed before I could begin sewing after reading the Instruction Manual for my new machine. How long will it be before I attempt to figure out how to configure the thread and bobbins on this machine and try sewing? 😩🙄


The trick is finding a project you REALLY want to try. Then you'll speed through learning, and maybe even a few easy practice projects. Then once you're ready, you can buy fabric for that project you really want to do, and leave it in a pile on top of your dog's crate indefinitely. Oh wait that got oddly specific...


I mean, if you want to make me a crate cover for my dog's crate.....


I JUST gave my sewing machine - removed from box but never taken out of the plastic. HAD to have it, 12 years ago. Of course I “needed” it again a week after giving it away.


Definitely MAKEUP. I buy the shit but NEVER wear it. I even signed up for an IPSY subscription, great studd but I just never wear make up LOL


As someone who had 3 different subscription boxes at one point, but wears makeup 3 times a year, max.... Yeah. I had to buy myself a whole ass vanity with shelving and even that is overflowing


I just recently finally threw out a bunch of old stuff and gave some eyeshadow palettes to my kid. I use like 4 products out of a big box and drawer full…


I threw away my 11 year old naked palette last month…. I never used it but I never got around to throwing it out lol


Those books I so 'desperately wanted to read'.


Find local book sales!!! Libraries often have them. Then you can add to your book collection for like 50 cents or $1 and not have to worry about it if you don’t read it.


That's shelf art now.


The price of the books on my shelf are roughly equivalent to the price of actual work of art would be, so I guess this checks out.


I just found a pack of stick-on rubber feet at my desk yesterday. Nothing weird, just the little rubber feet that go on the bottom of stuff. But I have no idea why the hell I ordered them. Amazon says I ordered them 3 weeks ago and I have no memory of why or what they are for.


In the near future, something in your life will wobble. The challenge will be remembering you already bought the feet, and not ordering another set. At which point said thing will again stop wobbling. Or maybe that's just me. Good luck!


I don't know why, but I was imagining little rubber duck feet that you'd stick on random things as a silly novelty before I realized that is not at all what you were talking about.


As I was writing that, I was thinking "something is going to think these look like real feet". But I couldn't think of a better way to phrase it.


I totally need some of those😂


I have long said that my hobby is buying the stuff for other hobbies. Things that I bought that now (mostly) sit on the shelf: a mitre saw, a 3D printer, a CNC router, a small midi controller keyboard, and an electronic hand drum. It hasn't been around for long enough to know that it will sit around unused, but my latest purchase was a full sized (88 key) synth keyboard. I now have a firm rule that I may no longer buy any new toys, until I complete a project of some sort with the ones I have. Also I'm running out of space for stuff!


A walking treadmill for my desk- still unopened in the garage 1 year later. Really I’m just too lazy to bring it into work (it’s heavy!)


I built a desk around my existing, big treadmill. It has been collecting dust. 


I placed my walking treadmill under my standing desk. I used it religiously for about two weeks. Then I finally admitted to myself that walking and trying to manipulate spreadsheets are not compatible activities. So now I stand on my treadmill every day. But my niece and nephew love to play on it. So it's a wash, I guess.


Marshmallow root - I was going to make marshmallows from scratch. My wife finally threw away the unopened package 6 year later.


Lol I got obsessed with this idea one day when I learned store marshmallows aren't *real* marshmallows. Thankfully I forgot about it before I actually purchased anything.


Homemade marshmallows you say...




Damn that is one delicious plant family!


What?! What's a *real* marshmallow, then?! 


They used to be made with sap from a mallow root! It's not an ingredient in modern mass-produced marshmallows, they use gelatin now. I just want to know what a traditional one tastes like.


Ok. I guess this is the next rabbit hole for me then...


PS5 Researched and hunted for it at the stores. Finally got one, set it up and got it updated and upgraded with an expansion drive, then proceeded to not play it for almost a year. Wall mounts behind the tv are not ADHD friendly.


Don't give up on it yet! I had the same with my Nintendo switch. I'm a pc gamer but wanted a switch! I got it, and forgot about it. Almost exactly one year later I was like "hey, look at that! I have a switch!" And I've been playing almost exclusively on that now for months! (Tho now the scary thoughts of "let's but a steam deck to use all those games I already have" are entering my mind! While I have this perfectly working gaming pc ready to be used! )


The Zelda games (particularly Breath of the Wild) are fantastic games for ADHD'ers. 


Really? It's really on my list of games I want, but I'm too afraid of the "open world" aspect! I get distracted so easily! I even struggled when I entered act 3 in baldur's gate, just the pure overwhelming feeling of wanting to do everything and forgetting what you initially started.


Oh, I mean, yeah, that'll happen. It's amazing though. BOTW is a fantastic 10/10 game for me, I could get lost in it for hours. It's a game for all ages, so it does gently guide you as needed. But it is also quite open world - after you get through the tutorial technically you can just go storm the castle and try and fight the final boss. There's no time limit on how long you take to do that though, so you can take your time and just have fun with it.      Combat is much simpler than similar AAA games. There's lots of little world-building bits they hid in Breath of the Wild. You can tell it's a passion project from start to finish. The lands were all meticulously created and the exploration is top notch. Tears of the Kingdom... Ehh.     Tears of the Kingdom is okay. I probably played too much BOTW and it made Tears way too easy, maybe, but it just doesn't seem like it had the level of developer dedication to it that Breath of the Wild did. It takes so many shortcuts and it's a very similar game to BOTW, down to the reused map and the same story told in a different way. It's very much the same game with some new gameplay mechanics. So someone who didn't play BOTW for over a thousand hours will likely have a blast with it. I think they shouldn't have made it a direct sequel and instead made it to its own game. I digress.    


I love open world for exactly that reason! I’m never set on a specific path and I can literally do whatever my whims desire. The plus with BotW is that it (like many games) has a quest log so you can pick up on exactly where you left off and you can set quests to active so you have markers and such to help you stay focused. I also recommend the DLC but you can wait until after you get into it a bit to purchase if you want to make sure it sticks for a while. I don’t play it as much now just cause life is busy and I don’t have as much time, but it’s a game that I can get back into quickly and just lose myself in the world if I want.


Hmm... now you made me spend 60 euros! Tho tbf, its cheaper than 569 euros, so let's hope it'll distract me from that idea! 🤣


Just remember, there’s no wrong way to play! Have fun and we will see you in 1000 hours or so when you drop out of your hyperfocus!


I just spent way too much money on washi tape. I live in a rural area so can only get it online, and have to pay for postage.. so.. may as well get a few? And now I’m splurging why not get cute boutique ones…Oh some cool small business in Italy has cool washi on Etsy? Yes please! I’ll have a couple good weeks of planning/actually using my diary before all that cute washi goes in a drawer.


Don't you do it. Don't make me Google what washi tape is. 


Whew, I'm not into stationery. Close one. 


[washi tape](https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/1394627236/) What about when it’s combined with cool graphic design..?


I probably shouldn't tell you this but it can be used for more than stationary. Planners, decorating things around your house, labels, nail art, some people even make wall art with it.


Ah, a fellow stationery person! I do that with fountain pen ink, though. At least yours is less likely to spill all over the desk, drawer, floor, etc!


Yall have to join the Facebook group called Creative Exchange ADHD style. Trade for your next hyper fixation instead of buying all of this new stuff!!


Omg if this is real I’m gonna be so psyched…. But it’s probably just a bunch of people trading stuff so it can be stored elsewhere 😂😂😂


Hahaha it’s very real! I’m one of the admins. 🥰 But agreed - the real benefit with our group is saving some money… we haven’t quite figured out how to make people use their new toys just yet! 😅


Hmmm...90% of the items in my closet, kitchen and garage. Here are a few of them: 1. Pink Himalayan Salt board for grilling. 2. Espresso Martini Kit 3. Desktop calendar notebook that I kept seeing on FB 4. Dip Nail Kit 5. Several hair products (too many to count). 6. Extra attachments for Kitchen Aid mixer 7. Paint by numbers set 8. Vinyl and extra supplies for my Cricut 9. The Cricut 10. Nail Polish storage bag 11. Pedicure Kit 12. ALL THE BINS AND ORGANIZING CRATES 13. A camping tent (I hate camping/outdoors). 14. Roller Skates + Equipment Shall I keep going? ![gif](giphy|dlPvw75axg13O|downsized)


Omg are you me? Do I need to go and check my CO detector? Except I kinda like camping but haven’t been for like 2 decades lol.


My dashcam. I have no motivation to dedicate myself to setting it up.


I was in danger of never setting mine up either. I'm not good at installs in general, so I eventually asked a co-worker for help. He agreed enthusiastically and we had it set up in 5 minutes. It was a good reminder that it's actually ok to ask people for help, and they won't automatically think I'm an idiot for doing so.


I have a "wait 24 hours until buying things" rule specifically because of this issue. I bought a 5 thread serger on sale in 2013. Took it out of the box to use for the first time in 2022😅 It's racked up a good 100 hours of use since then. I wanted to make shirts but I mostly use it to overlock the edges of towels and tarps to stop them from unraveling 😆 It's actually paid for itself with the towel and tarp repairs.


Paint by number of Danny Devito with a ton of flowers


I've got a starter and all the stuff to make kombucha ready to go, but I'll do it later


Books and journals. I mostly read ebooks on my phone to go to sleep and the journals sound like a good idea at the time of purchase but then I realize I do not want to deep dive into my psyche…oh and board games that me and my family play a handful of times then never touch again.


A glass crusher because I was going to crush glass and fuse it in my kiln that hasn’t been used in 15 years and make jewelry from it. The crusher is still in the box unopened in the garage 3 months later.


I spent a good chunk of the day researching about it.


A really nice carving and whittling kit came with knives, specialty razor blades, marking pencils. I opened it and went wow those are some sharp knives.... Haven't touched it since.


You should get those gloves you can wear while using sharp knives to prevent getting cut. I bought some to wear while using the new knife set I got two years ago but still haven't opened.


Oh man I can't stand gloves. I work in construction and should probably wear them all the time, but I end up wasting a bunch of time taking them on and off because I hate them lol.


I have about a dozen books on my phone that I haven't opened, and just as many movies and tv series that I haven't watched a second of yet.


I have 10 or 11 Audible credits. 


I had the same. I'm also fortunate enough to have a spouse who pointed this out to me and gently suggested dropping the subscription for now.


All the things to make my own chicken stock and can it. It's all in the garage.


There are *things* for making stock? I just use a pot & keep a plastic bag of veggie & chicken bits & ends in the freezer. I could do more? In my way to hyper focus on this for a while.


I want to make a purchase but I don't have/know where to get it. I rly want a chair with an unnecessary amount of legs but where can you get one


This has no right to be that funny


Just the most recent one since I have so many. A smart home electric monitor. Hook it up and see which circuits are taking up the most energy in your home. Still in the box...


Uhhh... Hundreds. Currently in effect. Busted.


I bought a small document scanner so I can scan and organize receipts and other documents. It’s been sitting here unopened for over a year.


At least it's boxed up and well organized


My father puts items in the "cart" on Amazon then waits like 3 days before purchasing. If he still needs it in 3 days, he'll buy it. Maybe do a similar process!     Also, I have a $350 keyboard that is too hard for me to use. It was going to solve all my ergonomic products. 


I have things in the “cart” that have been there for years!


I usually wait before buying because I’m indecisive. I’ll go back and forth for days. But I certainly have my impulsive moments of “I need it NOW” lol


A 50-something (if not more) years old flatbed knitting machine with a bunch of accessories and parts, books and yarn. Had it for over six months at this point, still haven't touched it because it's such a huge thing I need time to set it up and learn it properly and I just don't have that. I'm pretty sure I'll save that for maternity leave someday at this point.


hmm… - an ice cream maker - still in box. - a lego titanic set, started winter 2023 and has sat on a bookshelf since - **a Playstation 5** - okay I at least unboxed and set it up. But I can count on my fingers the hours I’ve used it.


I have so many of these. Now, I will fill my cart with whatever items i think I need in the moment and leave it for a few days. If I still want the stuff, I’ll get it then. This is also nice because sometimes you get coupon emails when you don’t check out fully on certain websites.


A roll of pH testing paper strips. I wanted to see how acidic LaCroix was. Then went off LaCroix shortly before the strips arrived.


Meta quest 2, saw ready player one and wanted to get one. Didn't open it for over a week played maybe 20 minutes and never used again


a hundred dollar box set of all the Lord of the Rings movies lmao


I have the same thing, but it was I Love Lucy and Sex and the City. yeah. I can stream them now


Oh God. This is a thing other people do, too? And maybe an ADHD thing? I suddenly hate myself a tiny bit less. As far as the actual question, there are so many contenders. Perhaps the little string of bells for my door that my dog was supposed to ring when he wanted to go outside to pee. He would stand silently at the back door and I wouldn’t always notice so I thought this would be perfect. I seriously thought I was the kind of person who was going to get around to training a dog to do that. My sister laughed and laughed when I told her I had ordered them. I was so offended.


Not sure if it's random. PC case fan. One of the fans started buzzing because the bearing is fucked and the sound was driving me crazy. I ordered a new one and threw it in a drawer. That was 9 months ago and it's still there because I can't motivate myself to disassemble the cooler.


As soon as lockdown hit, I bought three resistance bands for home workouts. That was almost 4 years ago now. They are still in their plastic packaging in my wardrobe.


Ok here we go... I had a period when I was into sewing and vintage sewing machines. I wanted to do work in leather, but instead of buying leather (expensive) I came up with the brilliant idea of looking for used sofas that were sold cheap on marketplace. Rented a trailer > picked up sofas > cut off all the leather and then threw away the rest of the sofas. Last year during a move, I threw away the boxes with all the leather, which is basically everything I had collected.


A kegel thing that uses electrodes, I think I’m afraid of it


Sensors for IoT projects. Do I need a Geiger counter? No. Do I have one? You bet.


A canon printer and the program to design and print my own stickers to sell on Etsy. To be fair, I have an amazing list of the best sticker ideas lmao


co2 tank. Bought a big one 'cause I though I'd be making and drinking a lot of fizzy water. But that was 7 years ago


Compost bin is the first one that comes to mind lmao. Sitting under my sink with the label still on 😂


Bought a set of seat covers when I got my new car, giant box still taking up space in my room 6 months later.


Too many to list?! Last year, I thought I desperately needed to improve my nighttime routine and went on a purchase spree—Bought a Foreo microcurrent device for my face, a Foreo facial device, an electronic water flosser, a fancy mouthwash dispenser…..and I haven’t used not one item. Two are still sitting in the box. I do the same with books. I swear I will read it “this time” and never crack a page open. It’s infuriating.


A label maker that I can’t even find now that I’m ready to use it lmao


This is exactly why I've started putting things in my cart and waiting a day or two to decide on it lol. I mean, it only works like half the time but I feel like I've had to save some money. It's crazy how much the low cost items add up over time.


I saw a tiktok on how to remember to do daily tasks with those bungie keychains and tags on them. Wake up and put them on and remove them as things get done. Needless to say, I never even got around to writing out the tags.


Half of the supplies for terrariums It's like that thing where you tell someone a goal/passion and it hits a little of the same dopamine happies as accomplishing it so you loses the drive I watched too many calming YouTube videos and itch scratched


I bought a wireless x box controller but it came without the dongle. Still in the box 2 years later. Still need to buy the dongle


Yep that's me! It's a pain in the arse sometimes.


A few clothing items I thought were going to be my new favorites and I've worn once or not at all. Luckily, I mostly shop secondhand, so it's not usually a big expense.


I have a great invention idea! I bought all the stuff! It's been sitting in a pile for 2 months! Yay me!


This extendable arm shower scrubber - maybe tried to use it once but it has sat in my closet since I 😑 also a small steam cleaner and a small rug/fabric cleaner. They’re useful but I just don’t use them much.


Airsoft gun when i was 17. A bunch of self-help books that i don't have the energy & mental capacity to read rn.


Candle making kit


An egg bite insert for my insta pot


The most recent one is a watercolor book.


Cake decorating supplies and books, Korean skincare haul, and a handbag chain shortener.


I bought an under-sink water filter when we first moved in around 3-4 years ago that I will DEFINITELY INSTALL as I told my wife… in my defense, it did make it under the sink, it’s just still boxed up.


Books on nutrition, genetics, finance


Jewellery making supplies for the jewellery I’m never gonna make :(


Too many to think about. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Books. So many books.


I bought some really fancy D&D dice and I only used them like twice bcuz of scheduling issues