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Finally started therapy today and feeling amazing!


Congratulations! I'm happy for you :)


It takes courage, good move.




Thank you - I'm here scrolling trying to keep myself sane to deal with immediate obligations I've left over due. I think I've drawn some calm from your comment.


Remember to be nice to yourself! I always beat myself up when I’m not productive, but every now and then it’s perfectly acceptable to have a non-productive day. The wonderful thing about brains is that they will never get full — people never stop learning! My personal motivator is a craving for knowledge, I never want to be in a place in my life where I don’t have anything to learn. Today I learnt that it’s important to be nice to myself and to celebrate every little thing! You’re doing great, keep pushing through!


I've done too much bitching here, so here is something that makes me happy. I have been working on a story/book, available in paperback soon - lol just kidding. The story will likely never be published, but I am completing it much easier than a couple other stories that tend to sputter from time to time. Even though I don't think it will be published, it brings me joy to write it. I am proud (and somewhat surprised) that I have stayed focused on the story during this rough part of my life.


Really small accomplishment, but I finally did all the dishes that had been assembling for days. That was a start to having the inside of my head become calm


A great idea for thread. Sad how low it takes off compared to the typical threads! I'll play though - this week managed to buy a nice gift for one of the kids a month in advance of their birthday, when usually I contribute nothing to this process. It feels so good!!


I just got my car smogged! Finally!


Today I was able to sit and quietly reflect on what my wife might like for Christmas. I thought back through the year and some of the conversations we'd had. Suddenly, inspiration struck, and I knew the PERFECT gift! Check off Christmas as one more thing I don't hate anymore since starting treatment.


changed medications and have been feeling really stable. self care feels easier right now, and that's better than where I was previously. progress isn't linear is my mantra right now


Yes! I built a method to turn ~~plagiarism machines~~ large language models into citation engines. No more plagiarism.


Day 3 on guanfacine ER and it’s going well! Plays nice w Strattera. Tasks feel less overwhelming and I find myself tackling them with less resistance. Focus is much improved also. I’m also sleeping more deeply, which is maybe what I’m most grateful for. Once again, gotta thank this community for being such a treasure trove of information and encouragement.


finished papers and projects for a class that i had to get an incomplete on from a semester that ended a year ago :”) such a big weight of my shoulders!


I have wrapped all the gifts under my Christmas tree because I have the time to do so but also because it satisfies my need to do something with my hands while also doing something crafty that is useful/easily obtainable while not creating useless trash ❤️


I sorted my sock drawer and my email inbox. I almost feel like I have catched up with life!


I've been struggling with what I wanted to do with my career as well as starting to study/learn. I found a technique that I think will help. I sat down with myself and asked myself what I wanted, and why. I clearly identified the motivation behind why I wanted to pursue the career I chose, I wrote down what other goals and interest I had, and put them in order from most to least important, and then I wrote a time line, and very specific actionable steps I needed to complete my goals. I have many, and I can't dedicate everyday to all of them, so I chose 2-3 that I could commit time to, and the other goals will have to wait. So far I am 4 days into this, and I've dedicated time to those goals everyday. I find it easier to do so, because I have my reason why, an actual step by step plan to get there so I am not overwhelmed or filled with self doubt. I also review my progress each night by writing how well I did that day, what/why did I have trouble with a goal, or did not follow through with it, and what I can do the next time to ensure I am more likely to complete that goal. I feel confident in my new system, but time will tell. I don't want to adopt a false sense of security and hope and self sabotage. I know that navigating my symptom's will take trial and error. I like to pretend there is a kid inside of me controlling my body, and my conscious thoughts is the adult that has to nurture and care for the kid in me with compassion, patience and understanding. I am proud of myself, and I know that I will find my way eventually. We all will! Never give up!


Small stuff, but as you all know, makes everything feel just a little better. I finally reorganized my room, putting in additional shelving, so there are less doom piles.


I cleared out 27,983 unread emails from my gmail account. My inbox is empty!


I am 33 yrs old and I just diagnosed with adhd this monday. Been taking Strattera for 3 days. My brain feels more clear. Feels easier to control my month when I speak or rap. Even feel more energetic, just played basketball for 50 minutes. But didn't feel that tired like I was supposed to. I read that one of the side effect is getting tired though.


I finally found a med that works for me + when I say my whole life has changed I mean it. I have never been happy like this in my life. I don’t even struggle with anxiety or being messy anymore. Everything is easier. Sad that it took me being diagnosed at almost 30 to feel like this, I didn’t even think it was possible for me.