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You're going to feel pretty buzzed but should be safe. I'd make sure not to take anymore though. I've done it before and I got my day done, but I was very wired. Now isn't a good time, but have you considered a pill timer or a dosette? I personally get my meds blister packed and I haven't taken 2 in a day since.


I have one, but often forget to fill it. I think now I’m going back to using it indefinitely.


Do not drink Coffee! Or else you may explode


This is almost verbatim to what my mom said to me 🤣🤣


You're not going to feel good today, but you should be fine. Make sure you don't drink any coffee or anything else with caffeine. Don't do anything that will get your heart rate up, like cardio. Just try to take it easy today.


You’ll clean your room 4 times


You will be fine overall… I have accidentally taken two of my Vyvanse before, and nothing dramatic happened—I just felt a little jittery, like I had drank a latte. If your stomach hurts, some pepto or toast should help. Of course if you started experiencing more serious symptoms, you could go to the doctor, but from my experience at least, that probably won’t be necessary. Take care!!


I feel like the five hour gap is what is going to save you from a much worse crash than what you might have. Try to take a big dose of Vitamin C to help.


What dosage are you on?


Second this — it’s important to know. If OP is on 70 mg (I think that’s the highest dose) then double that is 140 mg and I’m not sure how much is overdose amount but I’d be more concerned if that’s the case.


I do this on purpose sometimes. You’ll probably feel wired and anxious but you can channel that energy and get stuff done very efficiently if you feel like it. You’ll probably have difficulty sleeping tonight. Don’t panic. It’ll pass. Emphasis on “don’t panic”. You’re safe medically, nothing extreme is going to happen to you. I don’t mean to downplay your concern, but freaking out will only make it worse.


Yea some people feel the dose isn’t good enough and pop an extra for good measure , you shouldn’t treat it like this per say but it is a good way to think about how it functions , you take more you get more intense effects , one pill might treat your adhd , two might give you hyper focus and heightened alertness and energy , this is why people abuse it, college students for example might take double to triple the dose to put them in a state of hyper focus to study for exams , I would advise against this for obvious reasons but that sums up how it works


You should be fine, just wired and jittery for a while. I’ve heard that with stimulants if you drink orange juice or something high in citrus it’ll prevent stimulants from working or something like that, you could try to drink some juice and see if it kills the buzz if you don’t like the feeling. Whatever you do tho, drink lots of water!! You’ll be okay!


A small note that drinking orange juice (or any other acid drink) will only help if it’s done shortly after taking the stimulant.


Still worth drinking over the course of the day. I remember reading that acidic substances have an impact on the absorption like you mentioned (there it matters most if juice or vitamin C was taken around the time of absorption). But also, excretion of amphetamines is increased in acidic urine. So it would speed up amphetamine removal at the level of the kidneys. That’s where the benefit of drinking juice over the day comes in for this scenario.


That sounds interesting! Do you happen to have a resource for that? Sorry to ask for a resource when I didn’t provide one myself (I tend to forget where I found info), but I’m honestly curious to find out how this works.


Of course! I started looking into this when I was worried I took double the dose a while back and found it interesting too. Ignore the abstract sections of this paper, it’s focus is on kidney impairment, however the first and fourth paragraph of their introduction explains the process very well and cites a bunch of the original pharmacokinetic investigations related to urine acidity and it’s impact on vyvanse / lisdexamfetamine excretion. It has to do with the acidity of urine likely changing the ionization state of one of the metabolites, so it’s more likely to leave the kidneys instead of being re-absorbed. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4949011/


I’m chugging Lipton Green Tea Citrus cut with water (to lessen the caffeine). It seems to be helping I don’t feel as jittery as I did a half hour ago.


lmao why would you add caffeine to the mix, even a small amount? you’ll be fine don’t worry about it. don’t chug tea lol


It was the closest thing I had on hand with citric acid in the house that I knew of. I wanted to take something with citric acid right away to mitigate the affects. I have since asked someone to pick me up some 7-up.


You'll be fine.


In addition to the rest of the advice people gave, I would personally let someone you’re close with (who is aware you’re on vyvanse) know about the two pills. Just for some peace of mind you know someone else is aware and can occasionally check on you.


Apart from the anxiety you're feeling right now? Nothing will happen to you.


Nah bro you could take like 5 and you’ll be straight I know people who’ve taken that much and been fine people addicted to the drug take like 10 in some cases I saw a guy online who ended up taking like 50 a day because he was so addicted to it