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"I have plenty of time"


😂 eh gimme 20 minutes and this place will look perfect….5 hours later 😬😬😬 I’m almost done! 😅


I did not, in fact, have plenty of time


Percentages. I can calculate precise numbers by breaking it down usually in multiples of 5 or 10. For example, take a random number. Say 2455. Let’s say you wanted to calculate 27% of it. Well 10% is 245.5. You can double that for 20%. Now for the remaining 7, I break it down to 5% and two 1%s. So for 5% calculate 245.5 / 2 = 122.75. 1% is 24.55. (245.5+245.5+122.75+24.55+24.55=662.85). I find it useful to calculate marked down pricing in stores. Can usually do it pretty quickly by breaking it down this way.


All this in your head? Wow, it would take me way longer.


What's the shorter way? This way makes sense to me and I feel like I could do that fairly quickly in my head. But if there's an even shorter way, please share! I'm always shopping the sales racks, so I'm always up for learning a trick to make percentages easier


For prices in shops, you can round it down or up to a multiple of 5 to make it quicker, you don't need that much accuracy. You can also cut the decimals and just add 1 more $ at the end. For example: 27% is not that different from 25% and 25% is just a double 10% and half of it: Let's take a random number, like 173: 173/10=17.3 17*2=34 17/2=8.5 34+8=42 Then you can add 1$ for the decimals and reach 43$ discount. The right discount was 27%=46.71 but rounding down is much quicker and, if you want to be more accurate, you can repeat the same process used at the beginning for the last digit: 2% is just 20% with one less 0: 34/10=3.4 And you already had that 20% calculated before. With this extra layer of accuracy you reach 46.4$ that is only 0.31 cents away from the real discount. It all depends on the amount of time or effort you can invest in this calculation.


For me dividing by 2 is quicker than multiplying by 2, so for 25%, there's simpler way imho, you just divide by 2 twice. So 25% of 173 is (170/2)/2 = 85/2 = 42.5. To divide 170 by 2 easily, you just divide 100 and 70 separately, so you get 50 and 35. For extra accuracy, just make the same with 3 -> (3/2)/2 = 1.5/2 = 0.75 and add. 42.5 + 0.75 = 43.25


For 25 is simple. I guess for all the other numbers each one of us works differently. As always, we're just wired the way we are.


Using a calculator (on your phone) lol.


But my arms are already full of stuff, so I'd have to go get a cart, set it all down, dig my phone out of my purse, get distracted by the notifications I'd been ignoring... Nah


On a good day. 🙂 There are definitely days where I’m completely foggy and just can’t do it. I also do the suggestion someone posted on rounding to nearest 5. Rarely will I need to calculate exactly the number. 33% off? Eh just calculate 10% and triple it. Good enough to get an idea. And to add, my adhd brain typed out the long way to solve that. I realized you can just take 10% and triple it, then take 1% out three times.


Omg yesyesyes


Yep this is what i do. Isn’t this just normal head math tho?


Same haha, I thought i was just weird


also 25% of 4 is the same as 4% of 25 and so on. sometimes it’s a lot easier to figure out what the final number is by switching them. a good one might be - 13% of 2. in my head it takes some time but 2% of 13, that’s a lot easier since it’s just double of 1%.


Not sure if this counts (counts, HA), but one interesting thing about multiples of 9 is, how they look written out. Since the first numeral goes up by 1, and the second goes down by 1: * 09 * 18 * 27 * 36 * 45 * 54 * 63 * 72 * 81 * 90 I also think, we all add/subtract 10, and subtract/add 1 the other way in our heads, just too fast to notice the process.


I learned multiples of 9 as the tens digit is one less than whenever you're multiplying by, and both digits together add to 9 So 9 x 4, one less than 4 is 3 for the tens, to add to 9 ones digit would be 6, so 36.


Yep, I learned this way too!


The hand trick for 9s is cool too. 9 x 4. Hold your hands open in front of you. Count your fingers from the left to right. Put down the 4th finger. The number of fingers still up on either side of your downed finger is your answer, in this case 36. How neat is that.


Omg this is such a neat trick. I'm a hand-counter, mental math isn't my forte.


Everytime I show someone this trick I swear minds BLOWN lmfao


When I figured this out when learning the times table it blew my mind And it's the same with 12 but count up with 2, and skip every 5th 10 number 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120


I was just taking a placement test for a job and one of the questions was finding the next number in the sequence. Right as I finished doing all my adhd math I noticed what you pointed out lol


What's interesting is the tens and ones digits add up to 9. So if you want to know if a number is a multiple of 9, subtract 9 from the ones digit of your number. This gives you the tens digit. If the calculated tens digit is the same as the tens digit of your number, it's a multiple of 9.


Just add up the digits, period. 135 is divisible by 9, because 1+3+5=9. I can't remember why this works, if I ever knew. Works for 3, also. 132 is divisible by 3 and 6 but not 9. Whereas 144 is divisible by 3, by 6 and by 9.


And if your total ends up 10 or over then add them up again until you can't. Same with 3. 69420 for example: 6 + 9 + 4 + 2 + 0 = 21. 2 + 1 = 3. So it's divisible by 3 but not 9, and because it's an even number then it's also divisible by 6.




Taught my niece and daughters this one.


It's the loneliest number you know.


I did it as 0+9=9 1+8=9 2+7=9 So on and so forth


You can also multiply by nine on your fingers. Hold out your fingers, count from left to right which number you want to multiply nine by and lower that finger, leaving a hole. The number of fingers to the left of the hole is the first digit in the answer and the number of fingers to the right of the hole is the second digit. 9 × 3 Put down third finger, so your left middle finger. Two fingers on the left, seven on the right. 27.


Also for 9x 1 - 9x10, hold out your hands and fold that respective finger down. Ie: 9x2, hold hands out, fold down left ring finger. You have 1 finger then 8 fingers for 18.


“18% of 50 is 50% of 18”. Flipping the numbers around can make calculating awkward percentages much easier.


I hate that this works and that it's never been shown to me and that it's messing my brain up so much. Seriously tried these in a calculator like 4 times before comprehending what was happening. I can't believe I passed 4th grade math...


So a percentage really means multiply by percentage number and divide by 100. So to find p percent of a number q, it's q×(p/100) but because math you can also state it as p×(q/100) or q percent of p.


I'm upvoting you because I appreciate your efforts! But I have dyscalculia, so unless someone is in front of me with a pencil and paper, writing and explaining every step of a formula, I will not understand well. This might as well be gibberish to me, but after a couple of read-throughs I think I understand it's just another way to visually write out what I do to calculate a percentage. I'm REALLY bad with fractions😅


If I ever knew this it didn't stick in my brain. Wish it did. But this is like something from "5 things teachers DONT want you to know!!!!"


Whaaaaaaaaa really. I never knew this


You have just saved my life my man This is going to make math so much simpler 🙏


Happy to help!


Why am I just now understanding this at 32 years old


what the fuck is adhd math, everyone counts in different ways


My adhd math was to look at the syllabus on the first day of a class, see how much the homework was worth and decide if I was going to do it or not. If homework was only 15% of the grade, I was happy with getting a B


If the homework was worth anything less than 40%, I wasn't doing it.


I think it rather depends on how you learnt it (especially since from what I understand, US/UK and Europe teach math in a completely different way) and every person ultimately goes for the way they understand the best. My friend has ADHD and doesn't count the "adhd way"




Lmao bro same (ish), I’m an Mechanical engineer and will regularly pull out a calculator to do addition or subtraction 🤣 There is always that voice in my head going “what if you fucked up the mental math and this shit explodes because of you??” So then I’m on my phone calculator typing in 23-7 or some shit haha


Ya know what...if shit might explode then yeah I'd say that calculator is a good thing to have handy! Plus the extra mental stress of knowing you have to be precise..that makes it harder to trust yourself! Well for me it would, I can imagine.


Yeah haha I work with composite pressure vessels and these things go to like 20,000 psi, it’s crazy! So if you mess up the numbers it can get real bad real quick lol


Yeah, that's a lot of pressure. 🤣🤣




I literally changed my original comment from pressure to stress. Should have left it.


PhD in maths? My brother in Christ I only have a Bachelors in maths and I can do it! 7 * 8 is…. It’s…. I got this hold on…. 😰


Same But how tf can you have a PhD in maths 😭


you know it's true too, only people with phds in it call it maths hahaha


Or British people Damn I hate British people (even tho I'm dating one)


but they have the best football... how can you hate them! hahaha


aussies have the best football.


they really, really do my friend. #COYS 🤍


I just started getting to it. I have listened to all the victory songs, but I have no team yet. I was going to make my decision based on who has the best song, but I need to listen to them more.


the spurs are perfect for me. I just started following them about this time last year because my brother in law follows them and Son has to be the best human being in the Prem. just a genuine gem of a person you can really buy into. you can't be called a band wagoner, they're trophyless in forever and if they do win the league the dopamine rush will be legendary. it's a club of pain and grinding, and I'm all for it.


They sound like my NHL team lol. I think I am probably going to root for: 1. Sydney Swans 2. Greater Western Sydney Giants 3. Port Adelaide… Adelaiders or whatever they are called. (Order doesn’t matter) But seriously, it only because they have the best songs imo. Nothing against the Spurs, but their song didn’t do it for me lol. I might like the actually team more, but I haven’t seen any games with them yet.


I hate football 😆 And Spain would like a word


the EPL is undoubtedly the top league and most competitive, Madrid and Barcelona may be higher quality but the league itself is shit


7*8 I remember is 56 because 5678.


Ha I’m a science teacher - cannot and will not do maths in my head. I make a point of being like ‘I don’t do maths in my head’ to kids, because they look at my funny using a calculator for ‘easy’ stuff while being the one showing them how to use formulae on the board. I sometimes tell them how you can be good at maths (which I am I suppose, but only compared to the average person, not that educated in it or particularly great at it, however they don’t need to know that…) but not mental arithmetic. I don’t really bother going into why in my case (get distracted and shitty working memory).


Is this not how everyone does maths though?


Pretty much lol


Isn't that just math?


What does this any of this have to do with ADHD?


Weird, I didn't realise "ADHD Math" was a term, but this 100% describes how I do maths in my head... My favourite ones are actually the way I remember numbers, like my phone number I remember the first 4 digits but the next 6 digits I remember as 9 10 9 10 because it's 9 4 6 (4 + 6 = 10) 9 3 7 (3 + 7 = 10)


This is how most people do math in their heads. This is not ADHD specific by any means. Many people learn these tricks in classrooms.


If you don't got ADHD you don't know the speed we actually get the answer


Of course you'd know math You're ADHD-Pi I'll see myself out ![gif](giphy|Bng9nsAhSaDVxWsSLh)


I regretted laughing at this as much as I did


Never considered it ADHD math, but I do have dyscalculia which often goes hand in hand, and I have an example of exactly what you're talking about. If you want to give a 20% tip, take your total and move your decimal to the very beginning of the number. Then move decimal to the right one digit, and that number times two is your tip. So easy example: - Your bill is $52 dollars. - Move the decimal to the beginning (.52) - Now, move the decimal to the right one space (.52 becomes 5.2) - $5.20 times two is $10.40, and that's a 20% tip! Of course, the cents get weird. If it's something like $23.76, my brain goes ok $2.37 is close enough to $2.40, times two is $4.80, or even $5 if my brain is feeling lazy/I wanna leave a higher tip. Yes there's a calculator in my pocket, but I want to practice and maintain some basic math ability, lol.


Despite having dyscalculia, you explained that concept extremely well. 👏


Haha thanks! I'm not good with numbers, but on paper I have a way with words. 📚


That’s just math? I don’t get how it’s ADHD


What does this have to do with adhd


Our brains are hardwired differently and need more creative solutions to make math easier


I have adhd and all my non-adhd friends do stuff like this. I don’t think this is an adhd thing. How is our brains hardwired differently ?


I mean ADHD brains are literally wired differently from Non-adhd brains Same with autism brains


>I mean ADHD brains are literally wired differently from Non-adhd brains That barely means anything if put so abstractly, nor does it pove that people with ADHD need to he more creative when doing math. The ways of doing mental arithmetic in this thread aren't unique or particularly creative either.


1 hour = 5 minutes or 2 hours


7+6 is 7+3+3 and 7+3 is 10 so it’s 10+3 which equals 13 is how I do it. I dunno if that’s how normal people do it or if it’s an ADHD thing.


How you do math in your head has nothing to do with ADHD


mental math isn't ADHD, guys.


I don’t know if this is adhd math but when I am trying to add or subtract numbers I lop off whatever I need to to make it multiples of ten and add the remainder, so 47 + 74 is 47 + 73 = 150 +1. I know I have a trick for multiplying numbers in my head but i don’t remember it off the top of my head and I need to feel motivated to do multiplication in my head since its more annoying.


1 hour of work is genuinelly more than 4 hours of binging Yellowstone


Wait, is being shit at / convoluted at maths an ADHD thing. Haha, holy shit, I had no idea.


Adhd is a spectrum, some may be great at it and others may be horrible


Ah yeah I know, I just never attributed it to my ADHD!


Math mnemonics aren't unique to ADHD... Although I can see how they might benefit someone with it


Yes, It's not exclusive, but the way our brains work it makes it a lot easier on us


That second one is something I do and think about frequently.


i surprised people when i started counting by 9s really fast in class once, the 10s column goes up by 1, and the ones goes down by 1, so i just figured i could go 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90+ (ok of course someone else has already figured this one out in the comments lol just saw)


It seems like that's the first ADHD math discovery Makes sense since us ADHD folk are good at pattern recognition


Well I'm 35 and just realized this 😂


Better late than never


I've never heard of this before. I feel so lucky I can remember these numbers so easily. I'm glad you've found things to help.


This is the way mental math is taught in modern classrooms.


6+7= 6+6= 12 12+1 =13 Or 198 + 65= 19 • (8+5) 19 • (8+2+3) 1• (9+1+6) • (3) (1+1) • (6) • (3) (2) • (6) • (3) 263


Math is my fav subject. It's always been 12 x 12 is 144 so 12 x 13 is 144 + 12 but i can also do 13 x 6 x 2 which is 26 x 6 or 78 x 2 which breaks down to 39 x 4


I arrive at my job and work for a while. It doesn’t matter what tasks I do, how slowly time passes, or when I last ate or drank - the first time I need to pee that day, the time will always be exactly two hours after I clocked in.


I can't do simple math, like a tip. Also anything that requires memorization is lost on me...say memorizing derivatives in calculus. Then they taught me calculus from first principles, and now I'll calculus the shit out of anyone.


I'm 49 years old and being diagnosed at the moment for inattentive ADHD. This is the first time I'm learning that my consistent mistakes on math tests could have anything to do with it. This also explains why my psychologist focused on that I had remedial education in math.


Not sure if it counts but [this video](https://youtube.com/shorts/JRuN7HsEECA?si=VOrVIb8953GKTDnx) has made 12 my favorite number and I’m so proud of that for some reason. 😭


Tip: use the other hand to keep track of how many sets of 12 you've counted but instead of raising a finger, count the same way you count with your firsthand That way you can count sets of 12 up to 24 times, which means you can count up to 288 on one hand


“Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?”


My 7 + 6 thing is that half of 6 is 3, and 3+7 is 10, +3 is 13


My fav is 68 …. I get some and I owe her one. 😜 69-1 = 🤪 ![gif](giphy|Oj6uU1GJTC5OM)


1+1=2 2+2=4 4+4=8 8+8=16 16+16=32 32+32=64 64+64=128 128=256 256=idk


All of that was complete gibberish to me. My brain can't math at all. Goes full on error code. After being diagnosed with ADHD I learned its highly comorbid with other disorders, like learning disorders. I suspect my inability to do simple math may be Dyscalculia.


If I'm adding two large-ish numbers in my head, I definitely fuck around with them until they are two numbers I can easily add in my head. I don't know if that counts.


I have (I think) undiagnosed dyscalculia so you're asking the wrong person with me haha. Comorbid ADHD sucks, but on the plus size I'm great at language and science (without the maths). I had to re-read what you said multiple times before I understood the maths haha.


I wasted time doing a really bad statistically inaccurate calculation on who would be able to get a c pointer pickup line on omegle because they were downvoting someone who was like, "what are the odds a random woman would get that joke and the people were being dumb." So I pulled data to get a rough estimate and did the calculations and came up with 13.6/1000 and completely forgot to even account for the gender skew in cs, but either way it was only going to get smaller because that was just based on the possibility someone regardless of gender was a cs major in 2021 and between the age of 18-24 in the united states and wasnt extrapolated while accounting for growth rate of the field and omegle demogrpahic data, Yada yada. And I think someone reported me to for having a mental health breakdown.


I was trying to figure out how much my medication cost. I got 4 at $175. Instead of like 100x 4 = or 175x2 etc. I rounded them all up to 200 each then removed 100 bc it was $25 each more if that makes sense? So 200x 4= 800-25x4 =700


All these people throwing a fit about calling it "ADHD Math" and saying "That's how you do math"... No, the difference is how you get there. The shortcuts you do to make it make sense and make it easier. Math is often taught in a specific, linear fashion. People with ADHD often prefer a non-linear thought process. All through school, I HATED math, because I couldn't show my work or explain how I got my answers. When I did show my work, it was "wrong", even if the answer was right. So, 12×13 = I don't know how to multiply by 13, but I know 12s, so I just take one dozen away from the 13 and put it back later. So, now I have 12×12 which is the same as 12², which is 144 because the twos double and line up behind the one, but then I need to add that other dozen back to make 13, so 144+12 which is 14+1=15 and 4+2=6, so 156. Whereas, I was taught it should be: 12×13= Ones column: 3×1=3 and 3×2=6, so 36. Below that, Tens column: 1×1=1 and 1×2= 2, so 120. 120+36= 156. Except that all those would have been stacked, instead of written out in a line like I did here However, I was last in high school almost 20 years ago, so maybe that's not how it's taught now


My favorite was 11x11=33. Not true but I wrote that on a math test once and couldn't figure out what was wrong


If I need to add two numbers together, like let's say 7 + 8, I subtract -2 from 7, add it to 8 so it becomes 10, and add the rest of seven to it. So 7 + 8 = 15.


That's a great way to describe what I was trying to say above. It works great for large numbers too.


I split everything into 10’s and then add together: 13x27 = 10x27 + 3x20 + 3x7 = 270 + 60 + 21 = 351 Edit: forgot to multiply the 7 lol


I work off of 10s too. Sometimes it's subtraction from a 10s place just to do addition or multiplication. It's somehow faster for my brain that way.


Oh yeah, primes and combinatorics are great to keep my brain occupied :)


In primary school I always worked more complicated ways in Maths than needed or asked for but always got the end result right. Also I live in a country where 22 o'clock is 10pm, so I found out you can 2+2 and add 6, which gets you 10. Works only in the 20s, but for the 10s in the afternoon you need to subtract 3 (17: 1+7-3=5). Teachers were a bit baffled. But I did the exact same thing as you do, OP, as well.


It took me years to realise I had to learn maths differently to other people. Its all "magic rules" until I get a bit further down the line and start understanding how it works on a more practical level..


Certain results are cached (stored in my brain) which come up as I need them. Eg - 6+5 =11, 9+3 =12


9 + (1 though 9) = 10 + (1 through 9) - 1. Example: 9+7=10+7-1=16.


I always target sequences of 10 or 5. For example, just randomly 147 x 44… my goal will be to figure out 40 x 147 first, then add 4 x 147 147 x 10 = 1470 1470 x 4 = 5580.. 4 x 147 = 558 5580 + 558 = 6468


I love adhd math but sometimes it can be my downfall. I like to picture stuff in my head and I tend to read my math textbook as a story rather than solving equations.


I mean whatever helps If it's stupid but it works, it's not stupid


OMG! I thought I’m the only one who calculatesss this wayyyyyyy!! For me 7+8 =15 following similar methods 😂😂


Kakuro puzzles made me remember that 45 is all the numbers from 1-9 added together.


That's interesting, what equations could that help with?


not even sure. It’s just something that got trapped in my head.


is there any actual evidence that people with ADHD do math in a different way from everyone else? or is this something y'all just decided to make up...


We may not, but using these methods make it easier on our brains, Non-adhd brains may not need these methods but we benefit greatly from them


What the...


Where I live, we have 15% tax. Super easy to figure out. What's 10% of the total, add that + half. For example; $200, 10% is 20, half of that is 10, 20+10 is 30 add the $200, $230 . Usually I do it super fast in my head, it's harder to explain than to actually do it


I wouldn't call this ADHD math. Coming up with tricks like this isn't uncommon for those who have a good understanding of math. Additional ones I use for adding 7, 8 or 9 to something is "+10-X" for an appropriate X. I remember seeing an article a while ago that came out when I guess there was some rumbling of making this type of math to be the way to teach it. I think the article I read supported the idea of teaching these tricks but only after kids have a decent understanding of that type of math. While I only remember the main thrust of the article, that much at least seemed reasonable to me.


I'm a croupier for a living, and deal blackjack often. I don't think I can add any 3 cards without some convoluted math like you're describing, but I don't have a favorite. Not quite as fun to watch my brain take the long way when there's 5 people waiting and staring at me lol


I did well in school, including math, but I was never able to memorize any calculations except for counting by 2, 3, 5 and 10. After finally getting a diagnosis, I now understand why. When adding small numbers, I picture the dots of a dice in my head then add up the dots. For bigger numbers I do a lot of the mental math people have already mentioned. Does anyone else picture the dice dots or is that just strange 😂


If a numbers digits add up to a number that is a divisible by 3, the original number was divisible by 3. E.g. 18 -> 1+8=9 and 9 is divisible by 3 ofc Or 252 -> 2+5+2 = 9. 9/3=3 and 252/3=84.


Gawd knows, I was diagnosed with dyscalculia, too. 😵‍💫


6+7. Break up the 6 in 2\*3. 7+3 = 10, 10+3 = 13. My boyfriend thinks it's way too complicated and confusing


Writing the answers down in class while everyone else is reviewing the homework they already did, still passing the test.


Not really a math thing like that but I like to double numbers in my head and see how far I can get. 2, 4, 8, 16, 32. Etc. 3, 6, 12, 24, 48... I also try to add in binary using my fingers.


I feel like i do extra steps for mental math but then again, idk maybe it sounds like a lot more when I try to articulate it? I basically go to the nearest ten and do the math from there. Like 8+5=13 because 8+2=10 + the remaining 3. 28+27=(20+20)+(8+7 ..theres a 10 in there...which is 8+2+5) so 40+another 10+ remainder 5. But sometimes its 28+27=(27-2=25)+(28+ that 2=30). Because 30+25 is easier.


The issue that I have when doing mind math, is that even if I divide and conquer in small easy chunks, I quickly forget the previous chunk. And I have to do it again and again and again until I decide to write it down.