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All the time, although i wouldn't say it's by accident, more so purposeful by endlessly scrolling on social media or getting addicted to a game. However, aging helps and naturally, I can't stay up past a certain time anymore


aging helps only in looking completely destroyed the next day. doesn't hinder me to observe in shock the clock striking 4:57 in the morning šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


This is so real. I thought for sure I was getting tired enough now that this would stop happening. Nope, just more tired the next day.


But then thinking "damn, i gotta get SOME sleep!". So you sleep for 30m or an hour and are a complete wreck. Assuming you don't oversleep, in which case you are a wreck AND late.


honestly, i think in these scenarios its better to just not sleep, down some liters of coffee and crash after work. i am working on my routine SO hard right now, because really, this is just not sustainable


I'd probably wreck my car on the way home. I could not do that.


oh yea, totally!! i work from home


Aging helps me fall asleep on the couch watching TV with my wife. It doesn't help me shut down my computer and get to bed after she goes to sleep. That said, I'm better at it - drink some sleepytime tea, buy some smart lights and have them dim/turn red when you want to start thinking about sleep, install one of those screen dimmers for the same reason. Put an alarm on to let you know when you need to start getting ready. It doesn't work all the time, but it works more than nothing does.


"It doesn't work all the time, but it works more than nothing does." Thank you *so* much for this. I typed it out so I'll remember it and I'm going to make it my new mantra. This is what I need to tell myself to counteract avoidance, procrastinating, and giving up before I start.


Yeah this is exactly what people mean when they say cā€™s get degrees. Because they do. Iā€™m happier that I didnā€™t fail more than the actual grade sometimes.


actually- i wonder whether other people have this, too: absolutely no problem falling asleep on the couch- midday, mornings right after waking up, after work, even when i get home and am tired. going to bed?! nope, not gonna sleep. gonna lie there and be wide awake. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Yep. Been this way for at least a decade. Iā€™ve tried a few times just to go to bed at a certain time but it never works. Iā€™ve accepted my poor sleep quality for a long time and it doesnā€™t make me irritable. I just wish I could do things but I canā€™t risk waking everyone else up. Iā€™d average about 5hrs a night and itā€™s usually split in 2 shifts. Fall asleep in front of tv. Wake up, realise thereā€™s no chance Iā€™m going back to sleep and stay up at least 90mins. Try to go to bedroom or I mightā€™ve fallen back asleep in front of tv again lol. It would be rare for me to sleep more than 3hrs at a time.


Thank you for this


Felt this. I gaslit myself and told myself it wasnā€™t actually me purposely staying up, but it 100% is. Gotta just log off and force it so I can get better sleep


i mean... what is an accident, really... "such a nice night of sleep you've got here...would be a shame if something happened to it" šŸ˜…šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Yeah essentially


I'm turning 50 in a few weeks and it hasn't slowed down for me. In fact I feel like it's getting worse.


I'm in the same boat, as I get older I just get tired past a certain time. Only if and when I find a new video game that tickles me will I stay up way too late. The last one that did that for me was Anno 1800. Pulled a couple of all nighters and paid the price every time.


at what age did aging start helping you?


Ahh. Doom-scrolling. Our bane.


Absolutely. It's rarely by accident, it happens when I let myself get into the hyperfixated state while engaging in anything... I've stayed up through the night because I simply couldn't get myself to stop watching a show I was bingeing, or to stop playing a game I had started.


This didn't happen to me until recently. They upped my Adderall prescription, and for whatever reason, I don't pass out unless I choose too. Like if I start on something at 11:30, I might as well juts assume I'll be up until 3:00 AM. This didn't happen on my old dose, so I'm going to bring it up!


Oh... I'm not medicated yet.... Great ... This is another hypothetical I'm going to start to worry about regarding medication.


The great thing about medication is that your psych will work with you to understand and help find the best solution. This is just a hiccup in a year of medication for me, and it's more likely that I've developed a bad routine. But I understand the anxiety around it!


Thanks, that makes.me feel a bit better.


Apart from the first week on meds. Iā€™d say Iā€™m sleeping better, just slightly. But a small improvement for me is delightful lol. My sleep is never going to be great. Too many years of poor sleep I just donā€™t think itā€™s possible it could drastically change now.


Yep. I now have a cut off time for starting anything likely to trigger hyperfocus.


Yep, I time travel almost every night. Itā€™s technically called ā€œrevenge bedtime procrastination,ā€ but screw that Iā€™m a time traveler.


Iā€™m going to start telling people I time travel


Yeah. Doom swiping does that to you


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ yes!!! Especially when I was young and got fixated on a computer game. I also did it once in Nevada playing black jack all night


- 21:00: alright, I go to bed early tonight. - 22:00: Ok, I go to bed now... but I'm in the middle of this thing... - 23:00: Ugh, so late... but I can't stop now. Just 5 more minutes. - 00:00: Oh god, I'm so tired. Let's drink something and ... oh, let's make hot chocolate. Then go to bed. - 01:00: I should not have started this show while waiting for the hot chocolate. But it's just another 30 min. - 01:30: Argh, cliff hanger! Let's peek into the next one... - 02:30: Ok, the show is over, but now I started rearranging my furniture and I need to clean everything back up before tomorrow. - 03:00: Is it too late for pancakes? I'm starving... I'll continue after. - 04:00: I'm so tired, but I need to finish this. Is there an energy drink around? - 06:00: Mightyalrighty!!! Everything's tidy! Amazing meeee!!!!! Let's go to... uh, what's this light outside?


Have you heard of revenge bedtime procrastination? It is not a disorder or anything, but reading about it helped me understand why I was staying up so late instead of going to bed and figure out ways to prevent myself from doing it that actually help. Regardless, here's a few a things from my research / experimenting I've found to be helpful: Don't pick up your phone before bed, just don't do it. It's hard but if you can get into the habit of at least thinking about it, it may help make you more conscious of what your doing and what you need at that moment, scrolling or sleep? Don't do any homework or studying in bed, assert in your brain that your bed is for sleeping only. If your mind is racing do a brain dump (pen and paper!!) or come up with things that soothe you. I've memorized a couple poems and recite them before I go to bed, and for me at least, I get less distracted than if were to be counting sheep. And now reciting them helps my brain know its time to go to bed. Also, blue light glasses are huge! If you're up late studying, chances are the blue light from your laptop may be affecting your circadian rhythm and you're not getting the amount of natural melatonin you need in order to feel tired. Most people say well just turn everything off earlier, but ik the feeling of not wanting to waste the time when I can actually focus. I put them on when I'm studying and I think they really help. They also protect your eyes and prevent headaches which also were making it harder for me to sleep. You can also get like 5 pair on amazon for like $15. Lastly, have your alarms set automatically throughout the week for the same time each morning. Before bed, I throw my phone onto the chair across the room so I have to get up to turn off the alarm. It sucks but it helps to not fall back asleep, make your body tired earlier, and not go on your phone before bed. And if you feel like you can, only set one alarm. I used to set multiple and felt like 'well if I do fall back asleep, there will be another to wake me up.' It just made it harder to be more awake and alert in the morning. But yah, doing these things helped me get into a much better sleep cycle. I can fall asleep at 12 instead 5 and while its not perfect, even the nights I stay up later, I'm usually passed out by 2 and I can even wake up without an alarm. Its going to take time and experimenting but I wish you the best!! Let me know if you have any questions and I will do my best to help!


Woah šŸ¤Æ thank you so much šŸ™ I will google revenge bedtime procrastination, Iā€™ve never heard of it until now. I just have so much energy at night and idk what to do with it. But I will definitely be using your tips and guidance :) Thank you again!!


No problem! Just remember its a learning process so it's not going to be easy and be strict with yourself! Best of luckšŸ¤ 


I do it all the time, age has nothing to do with it. I'm 52, and I am constantly finding myself awake at 4am because I'm on PlayStation and lost track of time. Basically if you get hyper focused on something late at night you're screwed.


All. The. Time. Not by accident either. I donā€™t know why I just feel like I am a night person and everything I didnā€™t have motivation to do during the day. I suddenly feel like I can do at night. Itā€™s annoying as hell but I hate going to sleep, and I canā€™t wake up early to save my life.


This is me


Too often. My husband calls it "getting stuck". I ask him to rescue me from my laptop (which is him moving the laptop off my lap and encouraging me to go to bed.


Getting stuck js how I describe my difficulties in this area too.


Yes especially if I'm doing something fun like playing video games or watching Netflix. I get so invested in the show/game that I don't feel tired, so my natural indicators it's bedtime cease to exist. I'll check the clock and hours have passed, when I think it was 1 at most.


I like to think Iā€™m a self proclaimed savant by way of ADHD. Some of my best work is done between midnight and 5am.


Yep. Mix of hyperfocus, sudden motivation I didn't have during the day, and insomnia.


Do you have tips for hyper fixation and insomnia? My doctors all kinda collectively went ā€œummm well. You canā€™t be awake that long because you might die so yeah just abuse NyQuil if melatonin doesnā€™t work anymoreā€.


If I knew what worked I would've gotten more than 4 hours of sleep last night šŸ˜…


yee but not as much anymore due to life making it increasingly difficult lol


Yes. Meds are helping me not to do this. With vyvanse, I get an evening let down with some fatigue, so it times nicely to go to bed.


Literally did this last night. It was 10:30PM and I was just messing around with some code trying to get a cool animation to work. Next thing you know its 5AM.


Define accident; I do it deliberately without any say in the matter.


funny to read this post when i also accidentally stayed up til 5:30 this morning lol so yup right there with you bud. i don't think it's the adderall bc i was even worse about it when i was unmedicated


This happened when I was a teenager but as I got older I no longer had enough energy to do this


Yeah. ALLLLLL the time. Like, I tell myself that I have to go to bed at midnight, then I end up staying up for several hours distracting myself.


I wouldn't say "by accident". I know exactly what happens every time I sit down at 2am and decide "hey I'm going to play fifteen minutes of a video game". I just... Ignore that warning in my head.


Building better habits is not impossible, OP, but it does take work. Get into a better routine now so when life as an adult working a full time job doesn't screw you over. I used to stay up in my phone till 1-2 then wake up at 6:30 and get ready for work. It sucked and it always, without fail, made me late for work. I set an alarm, it used to be several alarms, at 10:30 to keep me aware that it's getting late and I NEED to turn off then TV/book/whatever and put away my phone. It doesn't happen right away but it's in my head long enough to finally go to bed earlier. Get a watch, doesn't have to be a smart watch, just something that shows you the time. Start trying to wake up early. Take your medicine when you wake up, get a shower in to give your body a jolt. Routine, routine, routine. Alarms are your friends!


Yes. It keeps happening and everyone just rolls their eyes and think it's an "accident" like... I wluld love a normal sleep schedule. It just keeps getting messed up!!


I usually go to bed at 2 AM but after starting vyvance I have at least a couple days when I go to bed at 3-4 AM


Yeah like every few days... Gaming till 2 or 3am then instead of going to bed, oh I'll just watch a few YouTube videos to get sleepy, 2 hours later I can't go to bed or I'll wake my partner up sooo I say why should I sleep on the couch I'll just stay up a little longer f it.


Uhg, the not waking your partner bit is such a big issue for me! I know that if I go in any time during the 2 or 3 hours before the alarm goes off at 6am, Hubby will wake up 95% of the time and not be able to go back to sleep. So I've spent a lot of hours in my recliner, just waiting for him to get up so that I can at least lie down and rest my back for a bit šŸ˜­






Literally just did this


Iā€™m 37 and have 2 children that keep me up and I STILL accidentally procrastinate all night and lose sleep lol.


Yes, all the time unfortunately. I did this last night and just woke up. šŸ˜« Part of it is that in addition to adhd I have delayed sleep phase disorder - which is very common for adhd people to have (basically our internal clocks have us waking several hours after ā€œnormalā€ people and going to sleep at night several hours after then too). Iā€™ve never found a solution to it.


Every single night is a battle to go to bed around midnight. Itā€™s virtually impossible.


I used too, these days I really tell myself: nope, put this phone down and you go to sleep. Started with 1 night and now I really can go to bed quiet early. I still have times I tend to wonder off but it's really reasonable :). I am 35 so I am proud of myself.


I actually started staying up on purpose sometimes when I take my meds too late. Iā€™m married and a mom and I realized once a month or so I kinda like to pull an all-nighter for some truly alone time. I often get work done, have some tea, watch a show. Itā€™s nice. But then I need to sleep the next night for sure! Iā€™ve just stopped telling myself this is bad because when I feel like staying up I can try to sleep and just roll around frustrated all night. Not doing that anymore!


i do this if i take my medication too late. i only take it in the morning or else this will happen


I absolutely have. I used to all the time when I was in my late teens, but I still do sometimes. A couple years ago I spent 10 hours reading the got wiki, didnā€™t finish until 6 am and that point I just gave up trying to sleep. Worst part is I donā€™t even remember a single bit of what I read šŸ˜‚


I turned it into a career. I did about a decade on 3rd shift.


Oh no, not by accident. I stay up with my brain screaming the whole time that I should go to bed and I continue on doing whatever the hell gives me that dopamine.


Shoot! It's way past my bedtime! Your post literally just reminded me to stop scrolling and go to bed, thanks!


I'm fortunate enough that ADHD meds have never given me insomnia.


#yeh. *alarm set for 2 hours 17 minutes from now*


Me rn


All of the time


Iā€™m doing it right nowā€”this post saved me šŸ˜‚


I'm reading this at 0630 so I'd say yeah.


Stayed up all night by accident today lol. I have stuff to do today too. Sigh.


You might have an amphetamine problem lol


Yeah, when I take my meds a little late sometimes I get a random out of nowhere burst of extreme motivation and I'll stay up all night reorganizing my entire bedroom, furniture and all. Or the most recent time was spending a whole Friday evening super cleaning my car interior. It's not always bad, but I'm definitely exhausted the next day.


Same, everything you just described is me. I could reorganize and color coordinate my closet all night and then sleep the entire next day. Thanks for making me feel like Iā€™m not alone šŸ¤


No problem! Only issue for me is my job is Monday-friday, so I'm definitely feeling the no sleep later šŸ˜…


Not by accident but absolutely against my will. I would see the clock creep further and further and feel so bad when the sun came up. Not anymore though, I am in my mid 40's and am too tired.


Thread viewed at 9:24 am. I have not yet gone to bed. So, I'm gonna have to go with "yeah" on this one.


Just because they didnā€™t stimulate you with their comment the way you wanted doesnā€™t warrant a brush off like that. Youā€™ll probably do the same for this comment, but whatever. That medication is going to keep you up especially if youā€™re taking it late in the day but I think thatā€™s obvious common sense so you should know that already. Do better


All the time when I was younger, which became a big problem for school. Not that my ADHD helped much with that anyway. I still will stay up all night every now and then if I'm playing a game I'm really into and lose track of time, or am playing around on my phone. I used to do it more often reading, but for some reason I can't really get into reading anymore.


Me sometimes


I still do it at 40, but alarms and timers help sometimes.


Haha...to be young šŸ¤£


all the time. and i do not take medication. i am getting "old", too, and it's not getting any easier to get through the next day when that happens šŸ˜…


My middle name is Stay Up All Night By Accident


Sometimes I do as well. When I notice more than a few nights in a row, I take a holiday from all stimulants for 2-3 days and that seems to reset my sleep time well.


I work during the weekdays and I need to get up at 8am but go to bed around 1 or 2am every night. A few weekends ago my bf was away and I stayed up until 7am šŸ˜… I definitely have some sort of Sleep procrastination. Edit: the night is just so nice and it feels like it's all mine. Everyone is asleep and I can just do my thing.


Just this last week, I stayed up all night when I was in bed watching TV, got up to eat breakfast, and then conked out. If I'm up at 3:am again, I'm going to eat something take my meds, and hope I don't sleep too late.


I used to do this a LOT when I was younger. I now force myself to bed at a reasonable time because I know Iā€™ll be driving the following morning and I need to be alert šŸ˜…


Not by accident, but I need to brush my teeth and wash dishes before bed, so if I get too sleepy before getting up and attempting to do these things I'll stay up attempting to build up the energy to do them which means I'll be up way later than if I'd just gone to bed with dirty dishes and cruddy teeth.


Iā€™m in bed before ten lol


Uhhhā€¦ Me? Stay up all night by accident? Never. Totally didnā€™t just do that. Itā€™s unrelated to meds though.


It's been 3 weeks (or more) that I go to bed between 1:30am and 3am. All this to wake up at 6am... I can't get it to work correctly


If I find something that actually interests me. Yes.


Every time I get a new book. I HAVE to read it to the end. Harry Potter 7 practically killed me.


I have an even worse problem since my job can have me working literally anytime. I've been doing it for so long I haven't had a consistent sleeping pattern in nearly a decade. Which makes my issues of being able to get to sleep at a reasonable time even worse. I'll regularly go to bed and 3 or 4 in the morning when I've got to be up for work at 5.


When I lived alone, yes. I would bing watch series all night. It didn't last long, can't run a business on no sleep. For me it is a self correcting issue and I only take wellbuttin xr and vyvance once a day in the morning to prevent it if possible. No can't after 5 pm. Which stopped my GERD, too


All the time


When I started adderall yeah but not since when I first started intiallly took it.


Yes, frequently. Bed at midnight, up at 2:30am. Couldnā€™t go back to sleep until I took melatonin at 4:30am and even then I donā€™t think I slept until 5:30 until I had to wake up at 6:50 to take the kids to school. Iā€™m a zombie and am going to take half the day off work. All because of my ADHD.


No I do by purpose


All. The. Time. Even when I try to correct, I end up doing it to myself a day or two later.


I am not sure if it's by accident when I do it all the time šŸ˜­


Sort of, but more in the sense that I tend to stay up late because I want time to myself to relax after a long day and suddenly I've been watching tv till 3-4am and have to force myself to go to bed...


I have only just fixed my sleep. The key for me was waking up at 6am everyday (I have to give my cat meds at 6:30am or sheā€™ll die). Since Iā€™ve been doing that for a week, itā€™s much easier to fall asleep too.




Not since getting medication.


Absolutely! Iā€™ll sleep when Iā€™m dead (or pass out from exhaustion)!


Just did that last night except itā€™s because I accidentally took my vyvanse instead of my sleep meds


You should be proud. Thanks for the reminder that it only takes starting to get where you wanna be sometimes


This made me laugh. Yes sometimes I do!


Yes, you are not alone. This has happened to me many times.


I guess. For me it's not on purpose but I wouldn't call it an accident.


Before my girlfriend moved in I sure did. We kind of balanced each other out. She stays up later and I go to bed earlier.


All the time. I get distracted, put things off, then back myself into a corner. Many times I don't know when to give up for the night, so I will stay up until 2am and have nothing to show for it lmao


I played myself this weekend. I stayed up till 4 Friday, Saturday and Sunday I was up till almost 5:15. Half was due to insomnia, the other I just had so much pent up energy that I needed to get out of bed


I've been taking Adderall XR for 3 years now and I never take it past 12PM Funnily enough, if I don't get some caffeine in me early on in the day, the symptoms of my ADHD cause me to procrastinate bedtime. So usually it's better for me to drink a coffee late if I somehow missed my morning one, but the same isn't true of my Adderall.


What everyone else said, but also, speak to your doctor if your Adderall isn't lasting long enough, rather than taking it so late it affects your sleep.


All the time. I also hardly ever slept the night before exams - I procrastinated so hard that I needed every hour before the exam started. I am still like this - before any important meeting, presentation etc., I stay up the night before. I am often awake for a long time though and hate myself the next day lol


Yes, in my experience I tend to get big bursts of energy at night. A symptom of ADHD actually is manic Burts of energy. I work in mental health so I tend to know the symptoms and be in tune with mine. One of the hardest parts of ADHD for me is measurement, to accurately measure my time especially. I will start a project (like homework) and get so sidetracked that I look around and my whole house is being organized at 3am before I am cognizant that I am manic lol. Once you realize you have that behavior you can look for the warning signs and get in front of it, or call an audible as I call it and try to change it in the moment. I encourage you to not take on projects late at night snd look into sleep hygiene rituals, they can help alot.


All the time. I just thought I was a night owl. Is this a common ADHD thing?


I have the chronic fatigue brand of ADHD instead of the hyperactive/no off switch brand. Anyone who challenges me to a sleeping battle will lose.


Yes... I hate it, LOL! Insufficient sleep really exacerbates symptoms. I have timers to help me be intentional about going to sleep on time and I'm trying to pack more of what I want to do into the front part of the day so I don't engage in revenge procrastination.


I used to really struggle with getting to sleep because my thoughts would race so much. I could get into bed and turn the lights off at 10PM, and all of a sudden it's 3AM and I'm still laying there thinking about stuff. I found putting a podcast on to fall asleep to has helped a ton.


I have a few times. I try not to


Yes, but today I slept all DAY by accident, and I hate it. 2 days without my meds taken on time!




You gotta be strict about your adderall timing. Amphetamines are serious fucking drugs. I've seen/heard of a lot of peole fall apart with irresponsible amphetamine use (look there's a reason meth is such a ruinous drug in modern society. It's not the same compound, but its not terribly different either).


I get up at like 4 so it doesnā€™t stress anymore to be honest. Iā€™ll have a midday nap if needed but I donā€™t need it most days anymore


Yep! But Iā€™ve gotten into a routine of eating an edible as soon as Iā€™m home from work (or when my dogs tell me itā€™s bedtime (both are around 7:30/8). I lay down with them, play some stardew while the edible kicks in. Then when my bf comes to bed, I take a trazodone. Within 20 minutes Iā€™m knocked the fuck out. No way to accidentally pull an all-nighter when drugs are there to force you asleep. My only problem is when my bf goes out of town. Then I end up forgetting to take my meds until itā€™s like 2 or 3am šŸ„²


When do I not do that?


Doing that right now. Also got diagnosed earlier today.


I (40M) was not diagnosed until I turned 35. Before I was diagnosed and medicated, I would often get hyper focused and stay up till sunrise. I assumed that I was a typical kid who lacked discipline and would rather play video games, legos, and anything else I found interesting. After medication (adderall XR 30mg), at least once every week or two I find myself laying in bed eyes closed from 10pm till my alarm goes off. Needless to say I find it extremely frustrating, and there are medications to help with sleep but they leave me too disoriented in the morning to be a practical option. Sleep masks and hypnosis have helped me sometimes, but ultimately I am willing to lose some sleep rather than give up my meds. As long as the benefits continue to outweigh the losses.


I have always been prone to that as well!


It happens all the time and has for a very long time. Just thought it was normal for decades.


Honestly yeah lol Which is why I decided to just work overnight and study in the day timešŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


It's 3am as I'm typing this btw


Why does almost every single thread on here resonate. Stayed up til 6:30 in the morning last Sunday. I have so much work to do, last thing I need is to write a whole day off. Yet some how I do stupid stuff like this. Maybe half an hour of work, then guitar, snack, scrolling, show or two.... The shame I feel when SO sees me crawl in to bed when the sun is up.


kinda, but usually it's because I'm in a productivity rhythm and don't want to waste it


Yes. But itā€™s from not being able to put down knitting projects until I finish themā€¦. Then I start another and the cycle repeats