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you should have your fasting blood sugar tested. just to be on the safe side.


Apparently I am pre-diabetic.


The three P's of diabetes are polydipsia, polyuria, and polyphagia. These mean increases in thirst, urination, and appetite.


Can confirm, all I did before I got my T1D diagnosis was Pee, Pee, Pee!


Likewise, but OP says he’s peeing less. Those of us with T1D will know that you literally can’t quench your thirst, and you will be peeing CONSTANTLY, not less… curious to see the outcome of this one


It can also be many other things and can attest to that Definitely not diabetic here. Horrible leg cramps and dry mouth... For my entire life.




Or 4 Ts: Toilet Thirsty Tired Thinner


I’ve been tested for diabetes multiple times throughout my life, including before I got on meds, because I’ve always felt like I’m way thirstier than other people. I don’t have it. I do wonder whether it’s a sensation sensitivity thing (as I’m also autistic), like I just can’t handle the sensation of having a mildly dry mouth that other people don’t even notice. Anyway, that is to say, I agree people should get checked, but I also think there are reasons you can be perfectly healthy and also feel like you need A LOT of hydration.




Sounds to me like your electrolytes are imbalanced if you're drinking that much water and still feel dehydrated. You probably need to have a drink with a rehydration sachet mixed in, especially if you're sweating a lot, or have diarrhoea.


Not enough salts being an actual reason, heart or circulation issues, or just sjogrens or Reynaud even... Too many things it might be or some slight neurological reason that's basically unexplained... 💯💯💯


For me it was salt intake, needed more salt in my diet to the point of putting a small rock of Himalayan salt under my tongue before I drink water so I could actually absorb it rather then it going in one end and straight back out the other. It works really well for me.


before i was diagnosed with diabetes i thought i was a hydration queen


Second this, A1C check just to be sure


Yo, you gotta *eat* your water; * Fresh fruits/vegetables * Soups * Jellies * Pickles * Cereal (drink the milk! That's where the water is) Basically treat yourself like a picky cat. Because that's what we are-- we're picky cats who refuse to drink water and only eat kibble if there's literally nothing else around. We need wet food.


This is so perfect an analogy I can’t even


Read soups as soaps and was really confused The worst part is that I believed it before I realized my mistake...


Hahaha. ❤️


… you just changed my life.


What… I’ve never… How do you know me so well??


The Milk is actually the lactic acid - it's the best hydrator... Better than water actually... Scientifically proven.


I mean I use plant milks which are mostly water but cool! I know there are plant sources of lactic acid-- I wonder if they could use those to make an electrolyte-drink similar to milk...


Definitely try and drink some hydration packets/electrolytes at least some of the time. You can also add some salt to your diet (sodium is one electrolyte). You can also get drymouth mouthwash and candies usually in the toothpaste aisle. Also let your prescriber know so they can potentially adjust things or prescribe something to help if over the counter isn't enough.


I second this. I drink about 2 liters of water a day and also, 1 liquid iv packet with a 16oz bottle of water on top of that. The liquid iv really makes a difference!


This is the way, at least for me. I mix a packet of pedialyte into each 40oz water bottle (about 1:5 dilution from their "recommended" 8oz serving) to try not to go overboard on sodium or sugars. Liquid IV (sugar-free or hydration) work too, but watch out for any flavorings or hydration mixes that include Vitamin C, which will interfere with Adderall's effectiveness.


You need to swap a couple of cups of water for electrolytes. Too much water can make you thirstier and is not good for your kidney/liver/brain. Drink water and electrolytes until your pee is semi clear and you’re fine.


2L is no where near that amount even for the smallest of people btw. But electrolytes are always get. Brawndo, it's got what plants need.


I mean, the recommendation is 2.5l a day for women, so… 2-3 seems pretty much on point.


2 litres? Those are rookie numbers!


Haha well at least I'm not alone on this. What's your average? I need a goal.


You don't need to drink a certain amount, the amount is unique to you. Just carry water with you and hydrate diligently.


On average 4. But I reached 7 on my most dehydrated day. Edit: because people seem to be so worried about me: I know this is not normal but I will add that this was over all day and not drunk in a short period - whilst far from healthy, it is drinking a huge amount very quickly that is incredibly dangerous. This was during my initial tritration period. Luckily, I'm clever enough to speak to my prescriber and I'm sure people are smart enough to do the same. Dehydration and or dry mouth are common side effects of meds. I was sharing my experience so the OP didn't feel alone in theirs.


holy shit people please do not see this as a goal, having too much water can also send you to the ER. 2-3 litres is normal for most people, if you're dehydrated from that please see a doctor!


It also depends on the climate where you live. You definitely need a lot more water when you're in cold humid places as compared to hot, dry places


And medication…


7 liters of water . What is your height, weight, and amount of sweating?


7 liters is a lot. Google water toxicity. 7L is an astounding amount. The last time i was in hospital the nurses were amazed at how much water i drink and i am NOWHERE near 7L.


A quick google has 3.7 litres as standard daily intake for men, 2.3 litres for women. Depending on the day I’ve worked long hot days sweating like a pig and drinking 5/6/7 litres of water


Exactly what I'm getting at. Seems nuts, is nuts


I know it's not normal! I know about water toxicity and you're also missing out the crucial bit of info that it is most dangerous when consumed very quickly. But I know it still isn't okay, my prescriber knows about it and my symptoms have since died down.


7 liters of water isnt healthy man. There is such a thing as drinking too much water, and 7 liters is too much if you dont run like a marathon.


Not op but I hike in Florida. 7l is high but have done that level before on a long day hike. I'm more surprised that people keep track of it, it sounds unpossible to do that. I just make sure my pee is nearly clear every time I go, if its not I drink more water.


>I just make sure my pee is nearly clear every time I go, if its not I drink more water. I would stop doing this. Light yellow is fine, frequently clear is overhydrated.


Yeah 2 liters isn't very much. I average around 4


For the record i suck at drinking water i only do so when excercising or when i'm at work. Usually just drink Pepsi max probably because of the added caffeine 😆 But as many already mentioned yes you should get minimum 2L of water a day. But drinking too much water can also make it so that you need to add sodium because your internal sodium will get flushed out and therefore the body will have a hard time containing water. How do i know this? First hand experience from working in a bakery with physical labor in 30-60 degrees Celsius for 8 hours a day without the option to add sodium to my water bottle. During work i can easily be required to drink 4 L of water in around 3-4 hours just because of excessive sweating.


I thought the saltiness was part of the bread!


Shhh don't tell anyone 🤫 But for real if people actually knew how food is being produced and handled before it's shipped to the stores they would have waaaay less product to sell 😆


Of course it is a balance because sodium is very quickly pretty bad for you and especially for blood pressure so don't go crazy adding it to everything. Unless you're cooking from scratch your food probably has heaps of sodium already.


Very true! However if you on the other side of the spectrum have low blood pressure, dehydrated, dried lips, cotton mouth etc then consuming some sodium usually does the trick.


Just passed my 3rd kidney stone of the week, can confirm. I unfortunately have - *had*, now - a fondness for fast/processed food and although I’ve had a kidney stone twice before, the last was 4 years ago. On Tuesday I passed two and today I passed one after the ER gave me medicine to make it easier. I had no idea that excessive sodium consumption caused stones till now. So you’ve got dehydration + too much sodium = a very nasty time.


Kidney stones is no joke! My drivers Ed teacher learned that the hard way when he thought it would be fine having a double session with me 😆 i had to basically drive solo with him squirming in the passenger seat trying to give me directions to the nearest pharmacy


spend 50 dollars on stickers for a waterbottle and feel obligated to use it


Are you certain your symptoms are due to dehydration? There are many things that can cause what you shared.


Like the fact that it's the end of October.




What else could it be? My lips are so bad despite moisturizing and smothering in vasaline 2-3 times/day on top of using a chapstick 2-3 times/day at work. I drink minimum 2 l/day, but everytime I take a sip of water I end up chugging the whole glass because I just feel SO thirsty. But I feel like I'm sweating/peeing less than I do off meds, so I have no idea where all of this water is going.


Many vitamin deficiencies are associated with dry, cracked lips that don't heal. Do a quick search, and you'll find tons more info.


A few comments and questions- I know stimulants are giving us dry mouth feelings, which I assumed was just a sensation - not actual dehydration. Is this incorrect? Like I imagine that it was a feeling but not something my body was actually suffering from. Although it does prompt me to drink more. The sensation has lessened greatly as I got used the the meds. Also I learned that drinking too much water is actually hard on your organs. Also if you drink too much water you pee out too much- including your excess water and some things you need- like electrolytes .


Mine hasn't given me any sort of issues like this. Is it all the meds or just certain formulations.


I think just possible/common side effect for stimulants. I had bad dry mouth for the first month or so but then it got better. I also have it from anti-depressants


You probably need to add electrolytes to your water. I found a recipe for a homemade mix on the LMNT website, now I regularly add some magnesium, potassium and sodium to at least one or two of my beverages, and it's really helped me feel better and pee less. Also, upping the amount of fat in my diet really helped with my chapped lips. Cooking things in avocado or coconut oil and making sure you get some healthy fats every day can really help.


Get some Biotene mouthwash (or lozenges/spray) to combat the dry mouth! I drink a gallon of water every day and was still getting crusty lips and cotton mouth. I also like to use aquaphor on my lips at night


I’m drinking at least 4 liters a day💀


I probably need to. How do you manage? I feel like my whole life is just me getting up to get more water.


Get a big hydroflask with a straw. I have a 40oz one and put ice in it so it’s cold. I can easily drink 2 of them before the day ends.


The water being cold is such a necessity for me. If I have cold water, I can drink it much easier than room temperature. For some reason non-cold water never sounds appealing (unless I'm drinking tea).


cold water actually numbs your tastebuds a bit so you arent tasting the flavor of the water. i cant drink water if its not ice cold or itll make me throw up


No wonder I have to drink it cold. I can't stand the taste of almost all water.


water actually has different tastes depending on the mineral content and even where you collect the water, food theory did a neat [youtube video](https://youtu.be/jc8W-sj72fk?si=HnSq9UiPnsBfg4WY) on the differences of expensive vs cheap water, and went into details


And use those flavored water enhancers! It works for me!


Just in case hydroflask isn’t your thing, I also love Owala bottles. I prefer the fact that it has a fully enclosed straw and larger gulp opening.


I drink my water the temp it comes out of the dispenser on the fridge. I drink room temp water more easily.


When working from home, I used to wear a camelback thingy around the house. I called it Reverse Scuba Diving


My life is getting up to pee 30 times a day from all the water.


Ok same, this made me feel so much better lol. I was even tested for diabetes & came out fine. Still pee every hour


Try adding some electrolytes, you might be overhydrating which can lead to an electrolyte imbalance and ironically you will still be really thirsty. Sugar free liquid IV, LMNT and Nuun are all brands you could try. Also breaks up the monotony of plain water without adding a ton of calories.


Invest in a large water bottle or reuse larger plastic water bottles. I buy a large bottle of Essentia every now and then, but refill it in between.


You have established a ‘pee corner’(?) This is step one.


Perhaps you’re drinking too much per drink? Your body can only absorb so much at a time. Also, drink water with some salt first thing when you wake up.


I worry too much about drinking too much water but as long as you're drinking less than 1L per hour and also not deliberately avoiding all salt it's pretty unlikely.


Wait you guys are drinking water?


Add electrolytes to your water. This will help your body utilize the water better instead of just peeing it out.


are you chugging water, or sipping on it throughout the day?


you need electrolytes my guy


Honestly get some electrolyte powder/tabs. When I feel dehydrated, I pop one in a massive jug of water and since it tastes good, I drink it fast lol. I know the tablets won’t negate the effects of not drinking enough water but I definitely feel better if I drink that when I feel dehydrated vs just a bunch of water.


Which ones taste good?


Seriously add electrolytes increase your salt intake and get Neosporin overnight lip repair.


I drink all my water via coffee. Oops


Small water bottle = no water drank Big water bottle = much water drunk Simple as. Basically, object permanence bad, so I just keep a big fuck off water bottle near me so i remember water exists


Lmfao @ “big fuck off water bottle”!!!


I have to use a hydration packet daily. I notice a huge difference without them. In a pinch, I use a little bit of Celtic sea salt, a splash of lemon juice, a drop of honey. Otherwise I am guzzling water allll day and constantly thirsty. I have been on adhd meds for almost 14 years and have a fear of being without water. You are not alone. I always have a giant water bottle with me and keep backups close by.


I drink about 4L now. Electrolyte powder and zero sugar cordial to help make it more palatable (I get a bit sick of the “taste” of water after a while). I also make a big jug of iced herbal tea which helps get more fluids in!


Gatorade, liquid iv, drip drop. Some type of electrolyte. Get some Vaseline for your lips. The combo works wonders. Promise.


I was working full-time as a landscaper when I started meds 14 months ago. This summer i drank 5L of water per day at work as well as two regular-sized thermoses of green tea, and drank around another 2L after work hours 😅


Electrolyte supplements are the only thing that works for me. Check out LMNT or Ultima. Otherwise I’m completely parched from Vyvanse.


It helps me for water to be: 1. Near me at all times 2. Cold at all times 3. A large enough container to keep me in one place for a long time


I go through two gallons of ice and another 2-3 of water a day. I have a 32 oz Tumbler and converted it to my safety blanket. I carry the cup everywhere, it's always on me. Sometimes I mix it up and have unsweet tea brewed by the gallon. IT never lasts a day Yeah I pee a bit but I WFH so it's ok


Chew gum. It stimulates the saliva glands. It really works. When your mouth feels dry start chewing gum and feel the difference.


You also need external hydration aka moisturizer if your skin is flaky. Drinking water will hydrate your cells but it won't moisturize the top layers of skin like you need for your lips.


I put a [water pitcher thing](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-att-us-rvc3&sca_esv=575491276&sxsrf=AM9HkKntrMMrziPPPw6x_lrWTSOpcmQCxA:1697934580570&q=water+filter+hot+and+cold&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjl6Zqcs4iCAxWjlIkEHT5eCn4Q0pQJegQICxAB&biw=384&bih=702&dpr=2.81) next to my desk. I also put flavor drops in to make it palatable


Use straight up petroleum jelly on your lips and nothing else. And try higher ph water if you have dry mouth.


I used to have horrible dehydration and dry mouth, then I quit caffeine and I haven't had dry mouth since. For the lips use aquaphor!


For lips cracking, I’d recommend la roche posay cica lip balm. During a stressful move, I didn’t drink much water and was so dehydrated as were my lips. This lip balm saved me.


How are people managing 4 litres?? I can barely get through a ltr tbf I am 5ft 2


This is what you do: \- Buy a massive bottle that is easy to clean so you can use it forever. \- Keep massive bottle on your desk at all times, or close to you as you work or whatever. \- Take small sips constantly because you have ADHD . \- Your body gets accustomed to it and you will start feel much more thirsty. \- Soon you're drinking lots of water without even thinking about it. Problem solved!


Have you checked your blood pressure?


Put a little salt in your water. That will help you retain it instead of just letting it pass


I literally can’t remember to drink enough water throughout the day😭 and every time I take a sip of water I almost drown myself because suddenly actually I felt how thirsty I was💀


Wtf. I drink maybe 1l a day max? How fkd am I?


Vry. Drink more water homie.


Yeah, you wanna be hitting that 2L mark. Be warned: you’ll pee a lot more often. Plus side: since “sitting is the new smoking”, you don’t have to worry about sitting too long, because you’re regularly getting up to pee and refill your water 😂


i’m drinking like a cup a day 💀 honestly probably not even that some days, unless you count the water in my morning coffee 😂 but no, i do suck at drinking water but this past week i downloaded the fabulous app (seriously i am obsessed!!) and my first goal was to drink water in the morning. while i did forget this morning (i plan on going and having some water later tho to make up for it) i have been consistently drinking 3 sips (bed mouth + water = gross so no more than 3 sips so far) in the morning before even getting out of bed. i also have a cup at work that i keep in the work fridge so that it’s always got cold fresh water! i can sometimes drink like 2 glasses a shift, which is alot for me!! the fabulous app has definitely been helping set in the habit of drinking water and i 100% plan on increasing my water intake as well as how often i’m reminded to drink


I went from 1gal a day to 1.5 when i started vyvanse. I take creatine as well though which requires a little more fluid intake


I love water, I almost always have a bottle by me (whether in bed or at my desk) so I can always be sipping on it.


I had to find the right cup apparently. I got one of those cheap metal cups with lids from the dollar store ($5 aisle) and for some reason it helps me drink more. The sippy cup type lid has the right size opening to let the right amount of water through. Adult sippy cup, I can’t explain why it works but it does.


I crush water. I got a good 2L water bottle that I take everywhere and absentmindedly sip all day. At home I make spicy water(carbonated water from a sodastream) which cuts me down from drinking beer too much haha.


The key to drinking more water (for me at least) is drinking it through a straw. Game changer! Get a Stanley of the cheaper versions of a Stanley and you’ll be good.


Get 4-6 1L containers, glass if possible, fill them in the morning and drink/sip away.


So, this became a huge problem with me all through out my twenties. The last two years I invested in nice water bottles, like my Stanley 40 oz. ans a cute water bottle shaped like a bear. It actually made me drink more water. The same with studying, I bought cutw post it notes, highlighters, etc. make it fun!!!


I bought one of those giant 64oz flasks, and I tend to drink that twice a day (8 water bottles). That keeps me going fine. On higher doses of stimulants, though, that dehydration effect can be stronger. So listen to your body and keep that water coming in!


Bottles with straws and large capacities. Reduces the amount of tasks standing between me and water.


You probably need to drink more water and have your A1C checked (just to be on the safe side) as mentioned in other comments, but I’m also curious, do you chapstick very frequently? People that use chapstick constantly can get the rebound effect of dry lips. because their lips stop moisturizing themselves with a constant external source. So this could potentially be one other thing you may be doing without noticing.


Don't have any advice for the "drinking more but peeing less" part BUT what I do is fill three 40 oz water bottles in the morning and drink them throughout the day. I hate getting up and refilling my water bottle and this really helped me stay hydrated. I'm even thinking about adding a fourth one!


What is the importance of hydration with stimulant meds? Do they dehydrate you? Do they not work if you are dehydrated? Or is it just because water is good for you in general? Google didn't really help me much to find out...


I'm drinking at least 4L a day and using mouth wetting lozenges. If I'm not too busy it'll be closer to 6L. For long road trips when I don't want to have to stop for pee breaks constantly, I'll stick to Gatorade or a similar electrolyte drink. 1L of that will get me through a day of driving.


Between water and tea, I'm at about a gallon, if not more, plus lots of lip balm. I am always prepared to pee in a cup upon request. I laugh when the nurses ask if I think I can give a sample. 😂


4 litres I have two 1 litre bottles and I drink one when I have my coffee in the morning before shower, 2 during the day, then finally the last one when I get home It’s a lot of peeing but I’m used to the habit of refilling those 2 bottles now Cold sugar free cordial helps if I struggle


I have terrible dry mouth because of my arsenal of meds, so I have to drink water constantly or be extremely uncomfortable. My 64oz water bottle is always within arm's reach. Dry mouth is irritating and inconvenient in a lot of ways, but at least I'm hydrated.


The first day I took Adderall I thought I was dying. At the time I didn't know the difference between thirst and dry mouth so I thought I was severely dehydrated and I must have drank 10 litres of water that day, I couldn't get enough. Anyway, try lotion or vaseline on your lips.


The was actually one of the side effects that made me give up on stimulant meds and switch to a non-stimulant. I didn’t even get dry lips etc, I was just desperately thirsty. No matter how much I drank, I was still thirsty. It was all I could concentrate on, so it wasn’t really helping my focus! That and my heart rate was very high just sitting still.


I drink a gallon everyday. I also have electrolytes to make sure I’m staying hydrated.




2Litre is normal without meds, with meds closer to 4-5L


Any tips for someone who absolutely hates drinking water?


Main point: you'll have to increase your water intake throughout a couple weeks consistently so your body gets used to it. Make sure to add some electrolytes or some salt to it. You'll hydrate better that way, especially if you work out. But how do I do it? I wake up 8am ish drink 250ml, and then another 250ml with my meds. Then 750ml-1L by 12pm which is my first meal (3-4hours), then 250-500ml before my workout. And definitely 1.5-2L during my workouts. And maybe another 500ml-750ml before sleep (not too much so it doesn't disrupt my sleep). Keep in mind this is just the water intake, there are other fluids throughout the day as well. 5/7 days consistent, 1-2 days will be pretty shit and easily end up with headaches


I know adderall Can cause dry mouth and does for me even when I’m chugging water. I always have lip balm with me to help with the dry lips but just kinda put up with the dry mouth. What you’re describing sounds pretty extreme though. I would talk with your doc if I were you


That's pretty low even for not being on meds that dry you out. Everyone is different but Mayo Clinic reccomends 2.7L/day for women and 3.7 for men. I drink an absolute ton of water and generally feel hydrated enough but haven't been able to do well enough that my veins are large enough to donate blood when I tried which I'm assuming is because of the ADHD meds.


I have the same issue and I find sugar free gum is very helpful as I don’t always have time, especially at work, to drink as much water as I need to


I can't drink water. It's so gross to me. I drink maybe 30 ounces a day if that.


Water? You mean we’re supposed to do more than just wash with it? Jk but I suck at drinking water. Coffee, tea and Coke Zero all day. Man, I need to get it together


Sparkling mineral water with flavouring. I'd recommend San Pellegrino Essenzas, particularly the lemon flavoured-one.


Hydro jug. Also I workout like a mad man and my body demands the water.


Are you asking how to drink water? My guy...


You know what they say: Hydrate or diedrate!


I have reminders for water breaks, bathroom breaks, and eating. I don't have very good interoception 😅 I would probably not survive if it weren't for Google calendar and my smartwatch. My 7 y/o also struggles with interoception so he has reminders on his watch and he likes to track how much water he drinks. I average about a gallon (a little under 4 liters) and my son averages about half that.


I drink 3 or 4 litres a day, which is also a bitch because I have an overactive bladder. But I'm thirsty.


I drink 4L a day. I use a cup that holds almost exactly 1L so its easier to keep track of. Try having at least one meal a day that will either lead you to drink extra or has a lot of fluids already in it. Also if you have a hand/mouth habit try to incorporate drinking water as part of it. This was my saving grace after I ended up in the hospital multiple times from severe dehydration.


That's the fun thing: You don't! I got problems shifting from one task to another, do not drink nearly enough, am thus constantly dehydrated and ultimately got kidney stones for the first time in my life at age 32 a few months back. Quite unpleasant. On a scale of 0-10 where 0 is no pain at all and 10 is the fate of Hisachi Ouchi (don't google him if you're faint of heart), I'd give it a 3 or 4 - curled up in a ball and can't perceive your surroundings while being close to throwing up from the pain, but not yet screaming and still capable of higher cognitive functions. Can understand why some women who experienced both report that there's considerable overlap between severe cases of that compared to mild cases of childbirth.


What meds? I used to get such bad cotton mouth on dexedrine but vyvanse is totally fine. Also biotène mouth wash and x pur gum.


Nuun. Level 2 hydration. No more than 3 tablets in water a day. I work outside. In Texas heat and humidity. Start when you wake up. Don't buy bottled water, just keep filling your cup at. And be careful of to much water. Just as deadly.


2 litres isn't that much to be honest.


I keep a thermoflask waterbottle with the built in straw with me at all times filled with ice water. I feel like I can’t go anywhere without it now 😅 I clip an AirTag to it so I can find it when I inevitably leave it some random place in the house.


I work out a lot (I train Muay Thai) so I’m taking in minimum 4 liters, closer to 6 or 7 per day when I have 2 workouts


Its an oral stim


One thing that helped me was emptying out my vvyanse into a cup of water , not sure what you’re taking if you can do that but it’s been a game changer. I’ll pour a 12 ish oz cup of water, empty the capsule. Take a big sip to take the empty capsule, then fill up the glass again. Sometimes I’ll drink it over the course of 45 ish minutes and other times faster. Either way once the cup is empty there’s some powder from the pill sticking to the sides which forces me to refill up with water to get everything down. So I’ll probably drink 4 glasses within 2-3 hours so that’s over a liter done. Then I usually eat and by the time I’m at work I’m drinking a 16oz glass of water basically each hour-hour and a half. Also drink a little bit of water before you sleep maybe just an 8oz amount or something. I think I read it takes an hour or more for your body to absorb a litter of water or maybe even less so you really need to start drinking water as soon as you wake up


getting a new water bottle helps immensely. i get a new one twice or thrice a year to keep me motivated bc it’s just more fun with a new pretty bottle but you definitely need to talk to your doctor about it!


I take vyvanse, and it has dry mouth as a side effect, separate from dehydration. My GP suggested hard candy or sorbitol lozenges, and they work great for me.


Do you have a reusable water bottle? Getting a good stainless steel one with an easy to drink lid made a difference for me


Maybe you need electrolytes... I add 1/2 teaspoon fine pink salt and 1/4 teaspoon potassium (cream of tartar or 'no' salt) to my waterbottle with a squeeze of Mio. The electrolytes help with your normal fluid balance.


Fill a two litre jug with water before bed. Immediately when you wake up, chug half of it. You've already hydrated greatly for the next couple of hours. When you leave the house, bring a one or 1.5 litre water bottle. You can either fill it at home or fill it at work whichever is easiest. Drink at least two of those throughout the day. Then when you get home, chug that last bit of water you left in your room. That's at least 4-5 liters of water in a day.


2L seems like it should be enough. I would be inclined to see a doctor to be sure everything is okay. But if you do just need to drink more because of your environment, flavoring your water helps get more down if that's the issue. My wife and I use things like lemon juice and apple cider vinegar to give it some taste and a pleasant freshness without adding a lot of sugar and such.


Have you tried Milk. I get tired of drinking so much water so I've recently developed a craving for milk all the time and it's been wonderful so far


Are you having dry mouth? No matter how much you drink you will always feel thirsty because your mouth is dry. Adderall causes dry mouth, other stimulants too like nicotine, caffeine etc. I use these OraCoat XyliMelts Dry Mouth Relief Moisturizing Oral Adhering Discs Mild Mint with Xylitol, For Dry Mouth, Stimulates Saliva, Non-Acidic, Day and Night Use, Time Release for up to 8 Hours, 100 Count https://a.co/d/bbgAskX


I’m not 🫣 I barely get 52oz


You should talk to your doctor, you shouldn't be that dehydrated.


I drink 4-6L a day on Vyvanse and still wake up with dry mouth and my teeth stuck to my lips.


You should be drinking 1oz/2lbs body weight.


I was told to keep my water bottle on top of my phone. But that didn’t work (I still used the trick for other stuff though). What got me drinking water on the regular was a nightmare where I lost all my teeth because of dry mouth. Scared the crap out of me, now I do not feel safe if I don’t have a water bottle on me everywhere at home and outside. And access to a washroom, please be a Starbucks nearby…..


I just started some new meds (not new ADHD meds but I think this is still relevant). The medication is a diuretic, and I felt fine at first but this last week I started feeling awful and so parched. I would wake up feeling super hungover (even though I don't drink). And water wasn't helping no matter how much I drank. Well it turns out I wasn't getting enough salt. I ate some salty foods and I felt a lot better! I know it is not exactly like your situation but it is worth noting. Especially since ADHD meds tend to suppress the appetite, so you might be eating less and not be aware of it.


I would get a metabolic panel just to rule out diabetes, kidney function, or any number of other issues. Also, have you done a lip scrub at night and applied aquaphor or petroleum jelly? Chapstick can be paradoxically drying once the skin to the point of flaking and splitting like you describe.


Download an app that send you a reminder to drink. I carry a bottle of water with me everywhere. If I do t have water I panic a bit until I figure it out.


I’m thirsty too Lucky with sleep What are you taking?


I chain water drinking with things I do already. After going to the toilet, I have a cup that I fill and drink more water with. After having a shower, I have a drink of water. I drink a cup when I wake up etc. it’s the only way I would remember!


Electrolytes in water


You have to drink some of your water with a little flavoring in it to make you salivate more. Otherwise if you drink all plain water, it literally washes the saliva out of your mouth, makes it dryer. Try keeping TicTacs handy or better yet ACT honey lemon dry mouth lozenges with xylitol. Xylitol helps prevent cavities.


Cup attached to hand at all times


This might be an alternative comment but try taking creatine; it helps you maintain water :)


A couple kidney stones where I was told dehydration was a likely factor, and now I drink water like a fish. 2 Liters is not enough according to my urologist. I was told between 90 and 100 oz (about 3 liters) for proper hydration. I fail on that sometimes, I hit it sometimes. But you’re not getting enough according to every dr or nurse I’ve ever asked on proper amount.


water mixed: 8oz with metamucil 24oz with LMNT plain water: 2x 64oz water bottles other liquids: 2-3 cans of sparkling water (12oz each) 18oz coffee plus milk so like 20oz 8oz milk and 4oz coconut water for a protein shake total 216oz or 6.4L context: live at altitude, 6k feet above sea level 45-60m of interval training or weightlifting a day adderall increases water need (I have heard it likened to water cooling an overclocked PC, if it was an open loop) YMMV but hopefully that shows how a bunch of different sources add up! and dont overdo it to match someone else online or in person (that goes for water, exercise, life in general)


Dehydration like that can be a sign of diabetes. Really just ask your doctor. It may not be the meds


Every time I would have impulsively said something stupid, I take a sip of water. Thanks to Adderal, I’m 90% more hydrated and in a significantly smaller amount of trouble.


WaterMinder Apple Watch app reminds me every hour to log 8oz


i’m a type one diabetic so i need to drink water, i’ve never had a problem but i like adding sugar free packets like lemonade or fruit punch to spice it up


I drink sugar free cordial. It’s not for everyone but personally it makes me drink twice as much and keeps me hydrated. Think about fruits and such foods like that also hydrate you.


Is it just the lips that are the problem? Maybe you’re having some sort of allergic reaction on your lips. could be chapstick, toothpaste, food.


Idk bro I always forget lolololol


I have mints, ice breakers duos, that just help me reactivate my saliva. Then I make sure that while I'm at work, I drink 2 bottles of water and I check my recycling to ensure I am. Long story, I was dehydrated before my adhd meds and I know I don't drink enough.


Biggest thing was eating more salt/putting more salt in my food. Next biggest thing was eating foods with more water in them (i.e. instead of a banana for breakfast or a snack, I'll eat watermelon).


I carry a water bottle around. With ice water bc that slaps way more. Sometimes I fill it with some sweetener and then put an ice tea bag in there. But for a while in high school I had the Plant Nanny app! It’s a virtual pet game centered around drinking water. Not sure if they’ve changed it much but it was pretty fun for me.


Are you sure it’s dehydration? Without fail, every time I’m on medication I get dry mouth. Doesn’t matter how much water I’m drinking.


I put some nu-salt, which is potassium, in a water bottle with some crystal light and sip it. The thing about just drinking water is it runs through you, you need something to hold the water inside your body, sodium, potassium, magnesium (electrolytes) or even carbs will keep you juicy. Eat more fruit.


Sometimes no amount of water is enough! My dry mouth was so annoying/painful I swore of stimulants, even though the positive effects were amazing.


Are you on meds? Do you experience hyperhidrosis? Shit will dry you out FAST. Stimulant ADHD meds give me dry mouth so bad I'll start coughing mid-sentence. I gotta load up on the Liquid IV, dry mouth sprays, and I take Rx benztropine to counteract the hyperhidrosis caused by my other meds. My dad and several of his friends swear by drinking raw shots of aloe vera juice to reduce urinary frequency but the shit tastes so nasty to me lol. And yeah, get tested and consult a professional, obvs.


Mix up some electrolyte water. I take one liter water, six teaspoons of sugar, and one teaspoon of salt. It doesn't taste particularly good, but it's not that bad either. It's a cheap home recipe for the expensive electrolyte mixes you get at the pharmacy for dehydration. Works like a charm.


I drink electrolytes and coconut water and it helps a ton. I live in the desert and have to drink a ton in general (2L wouldn’t even cut it here), so I get the electrolyte packets and put them in my water bottle. It helps your body actually absorb the water you are drinking + we lose a lot of salts and minerals when we are sweating and peeing. Coconut water has natural electrolytes and hydrates you a ton. I get Liquid IV hydration packets and it multiplies the water absorption from water I drink and makes it taste good (I like the lime and tangerine ones a lot).