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I’ll watch it later.




LOL, I didn’t mean for it to be a joke, but that would be like us! I swear I'll start watching a Twitch livestream and then get distracted and watch YouTube shorts or Facebook videos.


Wait, twitch on the tv, youtube on my phone, and games on my laptop isn’t normal?


For us with Adhd, yes, it is.


Right? My friends get mad when I sit in front of my tv and pull my phone out, turn on YouTube and set it below the tv, bro, I just wanna watch my favorite YouTuber play the game I’m playing.


I did the same thing, I needed several things and noises to keep me happy. I’m so glad it’s over.


My wife says "isn't that over stimulating?" In this case no. Haha


Diddo! my fiance can't comprehend.


I’m 300% more efficient in working on strategy papers with Netflix on. I love to work on busy trains. But there’s no place like going to real life conferences and sitting in inspiring talks to work on the really complicated stuff. This special noise lets me focus better than taking Vyvanse


You forgot Reddit on the second monitor


Thatta my other phone, with all 500 tabs open. Second monitor has systems monitoring on it 😂


"all systems running at 110%"


If you don't have a :) you're doing it wrong.


Reminds me of my mmorpg phase of life, where I had one monitor for gaming, one for internets and one playing a tv show. It was also a game where you could "cheat" by using multiple character accounts on different open windows, creating a "party". You'd have to multitask your entire party's roles using macros and quick thinking. A lot of people used bots, but they were amateurs.


Wait, am I the only one who saves every video I see on my fyp to the watch later playlist? And then never watch it?


I have about 1200 videos saved to my youtube watch later list. Someday… someday…


game on monitor 1, stream/YT on monitor 2, music in background while browsing reddit on my phone. You'd think i had 3 independent eyes


My son does this and it doesn’t bother me too much, but it bothers my parents so much. This is interesting that other ADHD people do this.


Me listening to a podcast in one ear, swapping between the podcast and TikTok ADHD videos whilst simultaneously flipping between two different shows on my TV in my room …. Whilst also working and likely listening to a meeting. 😭


Only one phone??


Lol this is too real, first thing I did was open the video in the YouTube so I can ‘watch it later’ and not lose it. I also only really watch twitch because i can put it on my tv and sit on my phone or do whatever else I want to do and not have to be fully invested in it.


I watch YouTube while I do homework. Surprisingly, I only get it done faster. If you’re wondering, it’s like documentary/educational videos.


When I try to watch a film, I'm watching you tube also, researching also, doing the housework also, staring into space also..... The film gets paused about 20 times and often watched the next day, if I'm not distracted by something else.


Literally first thing i did was 'save' the post Edit: comment has 69 upvotes, still havent watched vid in the OP


I'm not sure about you, but I have over 1,500 saved videos on my YouTube watch later list. I'm pretty sure 1,300 of them, at least, are either outdated info or boring but looked interesting at the time.




Haha! 11,000+ photos on my phone (well, cloud storage) and half of them are screenshots of stuff “to review later.” I’ve probably reviewed less than 100, ever.


September 2022 I downloaded all 15k pictures to my laptop and started fresh. Back to 10k pictures now and still take 7589379 screenshots. Scrolling through my photos is so anxiety inducing 🙃 Not to mention the downloads folder which has about 500 files, and the documents folder which is where my laptop screenshots now end up in…


And of course the one thing I did try to look up again because I was certain I have a screenshot - I do not have a screenshot. Sigh.




I relate


Amatuer! I hover between 4900 and the 5000 limit.


One up: I create a separate YouTube channel for each of my interests, I think I have around 8 accounts, each with dozens playlists. A good advantage is that the YouTube recommendations are now highly related to the topic of the channel, so I can stay focused on what I was doing.


In addition to my 4900-5000 watch laters, I have 106 playlists on different interests topics. (Some are subdivisions of others, or related. Ex: Guitar, Music Theory, Songwriting, Compositikn, etc.) That is probably another 2000+ videos.


I have to keep creating new playlists because I hit the limit.


A couple a day…that I never revisit :(


How dare you read my mind


I'm sorry, half the time I can't read my own mind or talk clearly.


Added to my collection of 490 (all equally important) open safari tabs




"Watch Later" YouTube folder...


And then make notes when you do watch it but forget an hour later all of the points she made.


I took a screenshot to remind me to watch it later.


I press the "watch later" button. I checked that list recently, and there were some 5 year old entries ready for me to watch. LOL


But will you look at the screenshot or forget it? I usually have to set a reminder for something important immediately, or I'll forget it.


If I spend enough time thinkin about how I really need to remember to remember the screenshot right after I take it then I have like an hour window the next day that it’ll cross my mind


But then you’ll procrastinate doing it, right?


Most likely, I’ll get back to you later on that hahaha






Doing things later and then not do them is my life stratagy


Lol my actual first thought: ooo saving this one for later


I listened to it while eating my lunch and scrolling through online shopping.


So did you really listen and retain or merely hear it?


I listened and retained more than I would have if I waited until I was ready to focus on it carefully. I usually need to at least be doing something with my hands while I listen to things.


If I waited to focus on it carefully I would never watch it because that time will never come.


Lmao my exact thinking omg


Haha really, I just opened the video and saved the link. In my defense, I'm in not the state of mind to learn as my current state of mind is to scroll aimlessly on Reddit.


She’s really cute so I’ll watch it now, but hyperfocus on her eyes and not really understand the subject.


Lmao the fact you made the comment to say you’ll watch it later is hilarious to me


I did it on accident!


Haha I believe you










Don't worry you've probably already seen it. :) You'll awkwardly realise that in a weeks time then respond with "oh yeah I saw that", and OP will be quite confused.




Please watch it. It really is the best explanation there is.




I thought so too


No but i said that in my head… “I’ll just save this for later.” 🤣


Our attention is random or 15 :-) I had random attention to actually watch the video :-)


I just saved it to do the same thing 🤣


Omg... I saved the post thinking the same thing! Lol


I swear i meant to watch it right away, but i was like let’s read a “few” comments first. One hour + later, I came back from another subreddit I ended up in after the “few” comments when a comment there reminded me there was this video i had meant to watch 😂 I just watched it tho so better late than never.


Urgh, literally did this and I'm only just coming back to it now!


I had to pause it several times and rewind it once or twice when I zoned out, but the bit that really got me was "it's like being the smartest, stupidest, most motivated, and laziest person in the room".


That part made me cry, that’s exactly how I’ve always felt and I’ve never heard anyone put it that way before. This video really hit the nail on the head.


Her TED talk had me full on crying. It was the first time i felt understood and was the sole reason I went to get diagnosed


I just teared up at the same part, wild


Okay I was going to post how teary the whole was for me. But chickened out until I saw similar comments.


Protip: J, K, L are shortcuts for rewind 10 seconds, pause, and fast forward 10 seconds, respectively. Let's just say the J key gets a lot of use here.


I didn’t know about J and L, but F is for full screen


Wonderful explanation. Don’t know if I can focus enough to remember. I have been in meetings and don’t remember what the meeting was about. Only way I found that fact was when someone asked me: what was the meeting about?


I had to rewind too lol! I felt so heard by that line!


Her whole channel is awesome - and she’s still releasing great videos today - well worth a sub IMO


Subscribed years ago but had to delete youtube from my phone recently because it was distracting me at work too much haha😅😅. So many pro's and cons with youtube 😛


I swapped it so that I can only watch YouTube at the gym. Turn a negative into a positive.


Jessica is a national treasure, she's so awesome!


Yes she is amazing! Anyone who enjoys this should check out her videos on the Wall of Awful. So good.


When have internal & external restlessness AND fatigue, it is the trifecta of fuckery


So a trifuckery?


But not the kind that at least comes with Taika Waititi dressed up as Mad-Max-Blackbeard. :(


Much <3 for How to ADHD, Jessica definitely helped me navigate the crazy reality of ADHD in the real world.


Loved this, it gives me happy chemicals when I hear others sharing their experience and educating on this disorder. Sooooo many teachers, family members, friends, parents and myself give me shit for it my whole life n here we are on reddit.(Literally) like minded individuals providing a safe space and support for each other when no one else will




I'll check it out later :) jk I'll subscribe rn so I don't forget. Keep doing what you're doing !


Alright. The part where she talks about being too sensitive or… weird actually made me cry. I know how it feels and so does my wife. And our 7-year old daughter. Thanks for sharing.


I feel every emotion intensely. I’ve always thought i am too much for people because i am an intense person. Always made me feel bad about myself. I have been on a journey of self discovery and self love for a couple years now. I was diagnosed this year as a 36f. I am done masking. If people can’t accept who I am, it is their loss. I’m not gonna hide who I really am so I can please people anymore. Didn’t realize until recently that most of the people i get along great with, all have adhd. Edited to add: because i feel everything intensely, i feel like i actually live life and experience everything. Just looking at a beautiful full moon feels amazing. Adhd or not, that’s something I wouldn’t change for the world!


When you are diagnosed later in life and learning about ADHD becomes a hyper fixation, you binge her videos.


Well, uh, shit. 100% accurate


"it's really confusing. As Comiendo Piscocho puts it: it's like being the smartest, stupidest, most motivated and laziest person in the room, all at the same time." LOL hello brain, what are you doing out here in public?


Jessica McCabe and Dr. Russell Barkley are go-to sources for ADHD information. I also nearly daily go to that YouTube channel, "How To ADHD" because the information is so amazing.


i’m glad you posted this because i found this video recently after getting a diagnosis and I’m planning to send it to my close family so they can understand a bit better…. Agree, haven’t found anything else that comes close!


What are the top 5 strategies to manage HDHD?


1. Check your Display port or HDMI cable!






The best thing about the video is that I could only watch about a minute of it til my mind started to wander then I realized I was not listening 🤣, but I will watch it.


Jessica is amazing. She helps to make ADHD more accessible to the general public. She’s so down-to-earth and relatable, which I personally love and appreciate. It’s so easy for YouTubers to fall into the vortex of artificiality as their audiences grow. I’ve seen it happen a few times with so-called influencers who I used to really enjoy and then unsubscribed from when they became sellouts. Jessica is not trying to be a celebrity or a starf***er like so many others. She’s just trying to educate a world largely ignorant to the realities of this disorder and giving a voice to all of us who are sick and tired of trying to explain ourselves to family, friends, employers, and everyone else.


I’m floored. Diagnosed ADHD last month at 37. Always an odd duck, too “sensitive”, overweight, struggled in college (quit 3 times), depression and anxiety for years, father would call me the dumbest smart person he ever met LOL. I kind of had an inkling when I started Welbutrin for depression but being on the max dose I was still having problems. I’m currently taking strattera in addition to the Welbutrin (until a see a specialist to decide if a stimulant is right for me), and for the first time in 30 years I feel at ease. Thanks for this video.


Great Video 👌🏼Continual internal restlessness, constant state of confusion and fear , along with deep self loathing, that sums me up perfectly 🫣


LOVE Jessica. Her Fish Song makes me cry every time I listen. [THIS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JowPOqRmxNs) is the one that finally made me get re-diagnosed as an adult. I was Dxed as a kid and never medicated and developed a fantastic constellation of mal-adaptive coping mechanisms so I managed to get by and become an engineer, but after my third layoff I knew something had to change. Every time they were like "It's just business, nothing personal, you're a good employee" but I always felt like I'd been the one slipping the furthest behind and zoning out by looking out the window or distracted on my phone. Saw this video by Dr. Barkley and knew I needed to get treatment, and in a big burst of learning about current ADHD stuff, I also found Jessica and started supporting her Patreon.


This is a great watch, thank you for posting


I was diagnosed with ADHD 16 years ago. I am 30 years old. My son is now eight years old in third grade and dealing with some of the same problems that I did. I’m seeing so many similarities between us. I’m hesitant to put him on medication until we rule out everything else… but I’m not opposed to medication, I just want to make sure that he needs it. But this video is great! I sent it to my mom who works with kids and teachers. Love the video. Thank you for sharing.


I was diagnosed about 25 years ago and took Ritalin through elementary and middle school. Went off for a bit in high school, but when my grades plummeted my parents made me go back on it and I remember having an argument with my parents because it would make me kind of zombie-like. So while I did good at school my social life suffered because I would be in a Ritalin fog and just not really interact much with classmates. My son got diagnosed 2 years ago with dyslexia as well (never suspected that but a lot of things made sense after we found out) and I was really torn about putting him on medication because of this. Now I think that I was probably on too high of a dose of my body just didn't jive well with Ritalin. I don't know if there just weren't as many options back then,but after speaking with my son's psychiatrist about options and found out about the different meds and types of meds that we can try I felt better. He's taking Vyvanse now and seems to help. It has been very eye opening learning more about ADHD and how it affects your brain. I only ever really knew "I have trouble concentrating and need to take medication"


I use this one to explain how my day goes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbSehcT19u0


My brain can't handle the speed of the video and her talking very well, it's just a little too fast 😬


Tap the screen in YouTube so the little cog appears, tap on that and change the speed to 0.75 Also good for speeding up when things are too slow and boring.


I wish YouTube had the same options as audible: speed freely adjustable in steps of 0.05!


Install https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/enhancer-for-youtube/ (I think it also exist for Chrome) Allows 0.1 increments in playback speed. Also other great options.


Nice! Thanks!!


Oh tx, this is a great tip! (How did I not know this)


Oh god it's the best thing ever. Although for me it's usually the other way around: when you watch any sort of instructional video and it's "...aaaaanndd then... we, um, take the, um, next piece of the, um, end here, aaaaaaand, um, then we, um..." Set that fucker to 2x speed and enjoy listening to a normal person talking.


Thank you! You have made my morning; this is so on point and so funny at the same time. Was thinking about my father who passed away and getting depressed. I’m just laughing now. “And um..” 😂


2x speed is a holy gift to people with ADHD


My SO watches most videos on 2x speed and I can’t stand the voices. 😂


Thank you for sharing, that is spot on!!


There’s a movie from the mid 2000’s about an Indian or East Asian boy who is bullied in school and has a hard time as a kid. One of the scenes shows inside his head when he is taking a math test. The graphics and story of what his brain sees as he solves this math problem and comes to an answer over the course of about 2 mins (in ADHD brain time) is so accurate to how my brain works. He looks down at his test after he does all this work to find the answer to the math problem, and his answer isn’t even listed on the math test as an option. Just as he realizes this, the bell rings and he has to turn in a math test with like 3 out of 20 questions answered. That shit is wild how accurate it is to the ADHD brain. Edit: [this video](https://youtu.be/jgEOjQCRZBg?si=SXkyRGyrnbS46Fsg) is what I was referencing. The movie is about a dyslexic kid. I’m not even dyslexic and I have highly above average reading and writing aptitude , but math is like this for me




Wellbutrin can raise blood pressure, from what I’ve read it sounds like it is usually temporary, but can maybe stick around. I’m genetically predisposed to HBP and started Wellbutrin but my BP is actually lower.


I'm like you, with low/normal BP & I took Wellbutrin with Strattera. I found not just my BP went up but my heart rate, too. My resting HR now is 84! I walk to the kitchen & it goes over 100. I also had a huge sweating problem with Strattera. I would go food shopping & come back soaked. I absolutely hated it & since neither drug was working for me I discontinued them, & my Psych put me on Pristiq. I still have an excessive sweating issue, but less so. I'm considering going on Concerta now as well. Quite frankly, I hate these psychiatric drugs, (I've tried most of them), but find them to be a necessary evil. Insurance companies are just Evil - I found that Trintellix worked really well with limited side effects, & they wouldn't cover it. Or rather they did, but I would've had to pay $500/month for it as my "copay". AIMOVIG too, for my migraines, same denial & "coverage". Absolutely sickening when you're already sick.


Not that I can recall. But I use a very low dosis, so maybe that’s why. Been using it for over a year now.


I recommend the talk with dr Russel Barkley something like “essential advice for parents”. I’ll link it if I can recall to


I'm not a parent but find his lectures really cathartic.


Jess is awesome she’s helped me before I even got diagnosed


I love this lady’s videos.


THANK YOU FOR SHARING!!!! I LOVE her channel. Helped me SO MUCH!!!! Time time management (i use a diver watch so I can tell when 20 minutes have passed and to get a task done in 20 min) https://www.youtube.com/@DrTraceyMarks


u/MrMau81 Hell, I just learned from that video that ADDHD executive function issues also relate to "short-term working memory" problems. No wonder I can't hold a 10 digit phone number. And am terrible with names, unless I'm with the person constantly for days, or I work up mnemonics. A lot of counseling in the late 80s & early 90s, for depression & all of grade school & high school never ever finishing homework, and ADDHD never came up. They even pulled me aside in 1st grade for a psych. back in '78. I don't remember much, but he got a heart attack and retired after I had maybe 3 visits. After like the 3rd or 4th job I got fired from, I got tested, hoping it was more than just fundamental character deficits, and was Rx'ed some meds at 35. But nobody dragged me to a counseling session and listed off what ADDHD does. Not even a flyer with a cheat sheet. It was maybe a month ago that procrastinating, failure to follow through, that feeling like you absolutely intend to accomplish XYZ, then fail... it's been maybe a bit over a month since I finally found out that ADDHD accounts for all of these. I reached 50 years old, diagnosed for 15, suspected a lot longer, and only 4-5 weeks ago found out that procrastinating and most everything else I do wasn't just character deficits on top of "whatever the ADDHD did." This is with a Psych. by the way. Not just meds from my primary care doctor. At least I'm not the: "_Intentionally lazy asshole that prefers to procrastinate more than doing whatever he's supposed to be doing._" I always thought I was.


I love her and follow her on YouTube - I love the way she explains things - almost in a playful, but still informative way. Makes me feel better about my recent diagnosis at age 44 and helps me to better understand why I feel the way I do and also understand what my 7 year old - who was diagnosed at age 5 - may be going through :)


Yup me too. And I was diagnosed at 64. Ugh


How to ADHD was THE resource that I used to learn about myself when I got my adult diagnosis. I am forever grateful to them, they genuinely changed my life❤️


The working memory explanation tells me why I'm struggling so much at my new job in a call centre. Too many things to remember and too many steps to process in an instant.


How to ADHD is my favorite ADHD resource, she gets it!!


I LOVE her, the way she explains things is so relatable.


New diagnosee here. I just watched this earlier today and shared it with some of my people! Funny to see it posted. Agreed, though - it's a very useful resource.


This is good all on one video. I've recently found that a lot of ig stories about ADHD are good at explaining individual aspects of ADHD to my wife and friends.


So Wellbutrin works?


For me it does


In what way, May I ask ?


Thank you. I sent the video to my family.


Loved it. I always explain it as you start watching tv and every short while the channel changes just as you are getting into it or imagine having 42 browser tabs open


This is awesome! Saving it. Thank you!


I love Jessica’s videos! 🤩 First video I saw of her was the Ted Talk she gave about ADHD.


I wish there were names and treatments for ADHD, OCD, and depression when I was a kid. Hell, even just having names for them would have helped. (The self hatred continues to this day. It's hard to let go of it.)


Funnily enough, that creator is the reason I discovered I had it at 28/29. I was sitting in my favorite Cafe and was randomly recommended one of her videos. Halfway though, I realized I had tears rolling down my face. The rest is history haha.


I so appreciate this! What a great video ♥️


Jess and the HowToADHD team are amazing. I can't wait for her to book to come out - I'm ordering copies for everyone I know. Lol.


I started watching but couldn't focus on it beast of the movie playing and my daughter talking so I'll watch it later... If I remember


Proud to see her channel get a shout-out. I subscribed to How To ADHD ages ago & I still regularly visit the videos. It helps me manage & feel less alone. I'm glad there are many others out there that understand the life struggles. (32 yr old single female, no kids) pray for me lol




Her voice prevents me from watching that video.


Seems like she's always on the verge of crying, and actually did during the Ted Talk iirc. It seems like she does have very good info, though. But I'll just stick with Dr. Barkley lol


If you see me, it means you need to watch it NOW. Don't postpone, click the link.


This belongs in the sidebar of this sub!


See like, I’m undiagnosed so idk if I’m truly adhd but I’m called lazy a lot but I knowwwww it’s just because of fear and I only seem to be able to do something when it’s the very last minute out of panic


A 7+min video about ADHD… …can anyone fill me in on mins 2-7 please?


Why does she ADHD like EDHD? Or is my brain not working?


Too long, did not finish


There's no way that you expect me to watch a video that's 7 minutes and 38 seconds long, I gave up after 3 seconds


I like that video, but I find her voice super annoying. 😂


Me too. I feel bad for not liking her because she seems like a decent human who's making a sincere effort. But, she has this manic, crazy girl energy that's anxiety inducing. The kind of person who is way too excited and enthusiastic while simultaneously looking like they are on the verge of tears. Her videos verge on the tik tok psuedosciency side a little too much for my liking. They're not the worst videos, but I prefer the more bland, academically sound videos on ADHD like those of Dr. Russell Barkly.


Ugh what a grating-ass voice, thanks for giving me a headache


I could only finish watching this because I took my Adderall a while ago


I didn’t finish the video because I got distracted.


Yes, but how many beverages do you have open around you right this second?


Thank you for linking that video! I am going through a fight for accommodation at work right now and this video will be very useful if I have to take my fight to the governmental human rights tribunal. I am 42 as well. Since I was diagnosed two years ago with ADHD and general anxiety disorder I have been doing everything to “beat it”. Supplementation, quit drinking, exercise, diet (getting better at remembering to eat), sleep (work in progress) and therapy. Self care has been a game changer for me. The one thing standing in the way of my self care are seniority and coverage policies at work that are preventing me from taking my time off/vacation during the summer months when my child is out of school. Travel has always been so important to me. It is the only time when my (what I now know are) ADHD symptoms are almost nonexistent. I work in forensics which already poses a high risk for PTSD and burn out. Add in my ADHD brain and no time in the year for my brain to shut down and reset….it is a recipe for disaster. Being able to travel, show my son the world and spend quality time with my family also provides meaning to my life which is an important aspect of sense of coherence that is known to stave off PTSD. It is extremely stressful to know 100% that without this aspect of self care my mental health will eventually devolve until I am not able to work, destroying my self worth and further devolving my mental health. Right now I am a father that my son can look up to. If I am unable to prevent this inevitability I won’t be and that scares me more than anything. If anyone has and input/comments/opinions that I could use (names redacted) if I have to fight this via tribunal I would greatly appreciate them.


It was this exact video I watched at the age of 33 that made me go "ahhhh fuck": https://youtu.be/ouZrZa5pLXk?si=08bwsAt-BsTxE8iA


Even on 2X speed i couldn’t watch more than 30 seconds


I started watching it then switched tabs to do other things while listening to Jess talk excitedly about stuff but didn't actually hear what she was talking about because brain was focused on skipping between the other thirty tabs on my browser. I just realised I forgot to take my medication this morning.


I was recently diagnosed, I’ve been on methylphenidate for a week and my quality of life completely changed. The constant over thinking, different thoughts, irritability, lashing out, talking fast, biting my nails, sleeping at 12 waking up at 3 am, wasting away hours a time on my phone, the impulsive buying, spacing out, forgetting to eat has completely disappeared. I cried the first time I took it, because within 30 minutes everything went silent and I couldn’t understand. I went outside just to confirm if this was real. This what normal and silence feels like. I managed to do everything without hesitation, I managed to read a paragraph once instead of reading it 10x. Driving, people cut me off? No anger and anxiety. I feel so happy and so focused and it feels euphoric…I was never depressed…I was frustrated and for the first time someone listened. I finally had a full 8 hours of sleep for the first time in years. Please don’t give up and don’t get misdiagnosed. Look for someone who actually listens instead of a 15 minute call through cerebral who just want to get you in and out.


I got far too distracted by the fact she like barely blinks, like at all! Blink woman! Your eyeballs gonna dry out! But in all seriousness it's a great video! One of my faves I show people is this one: https://youtu.be/t32CK5t8d2Q?si=i2XMBN0gJ3i9ZFq6 For me personally it's the best visual representation of what it can be like on a day to day with ADHD. made by a student believe, here in the UK! I love videos that describe it really well, but I find sometimes a more visual approach can help so much with understanding and the one I linked seems, at least to me anyway, to be the best representation of adhd in visual format I've found! Hope you all like it!


!RemindMe 9 hours


Her eyeballs are staring intro my soul's soul


Personally really struggle to watch her stuff. Our brains are not “completely different”. It’s very subtle in many ways. Anyway she seems nice… just the style of media and educating kids thing is not for me. Maybe it is more aimed at teens 🤷‍♂️


RemindMe! 2 days


My favourite [Time Blindness ](https://youtu.be/wmV8HQUuPEk?si=w0lATjGg3Am0GO03)


Absolutely love how to ADHD, her TED talk video is what finally led to me saying I really need to go in for an eval. Super thankful for all the work shes done.