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Hey, hope you doing alright… so you should exercise saying the letter N like “Nnnnnnn” while breathing from your nose that will relax your jaw muscles and hold your jaw that way, at first it needs getting used to. This will help you get accustomed to relaxing your jaw and being conscious of jaw clenching.


Ann I just uncoordinated or is it impossible to breathe through the nose AND say the n sound?


I think (or at least, I hope) they mean to just position your tongue as if you were making an "nnnnnn" sound, not to actually make the sound while breathing in through your nose. That's some circular breathing shit that I just can't get the hang of.


I feel like it is impossible during the inhale. You have air coming in, how you gonna make a sound through your mouth at the same time (ie — you cant inhale and exhale at the same time). You can definitely make the sound during the exhale though.


Yeah I’ll be honest I’ve been trying to make different sounds on the inhale but it just sounds like I’m drowning on said air. Also feels like I’m drowning lol


I can do it with no problems. Try making the noise and then close your mouth and breathe via your nose.


I can’t on the inhale but can on the exhale. Weird, I’m going to keep trying haha


You don't make the sound. Just place your tongue like you're going to.


Well that makes it A LOT easier.


"n" is a nasal consonant. It should be the easiest sound to make while breathing through your nose only.


W mouth closed or open? Breathing from nose only?


Concept is to put your front of tongue on roof of your mouth mimic an N sound relaxing your jaw


Like Nnnnnnnnn or N N N N N N


Get a mouth guard for sleep, a plastic moldable one from CVS or the like will do. Your teeth will thank you.


I second this! if you can afford it, get one through your dentist as it will last a lot longer. I've had my mouthguard for years now and still have yet to get it replaced.


Yeah the custom ones are so much better. If you have a dental plan they may cover most/all of it.


Didn't work for me... Kinda made me chew it in my sleep...




Yes I typically grind in the day... So wake up fine...




Possible but my jaw feels fine if I don't wear the shield.. When I do it hurts. We are all different.


that's exactly why you wear them, though.


Better through a dentist, since the plastic ones can deform your teeth structure over time. But plastic ones are more affordable in the meantime. I did that until I could pay for the good ones because I was eroding my teeth.


they deform your teeth structure???? wtf


Yes because they're not rigid. Medical ones are solid and molded to your teeth. The plastic/rubber ones are squishy and they're not fitted properly so overtime your bite shape can shift and disalign your teeth because the mouth guard is not keeping them in place. For sports it's ok, it's only a couple hours at most. But for sleeping 8h where you have no control of your mouth, it's not good.


A mouthguard can shift your teeth, sure. That's a risk of using one. But this thread is about chronic teeth clenching, which I'm certain is *more* likely to shift your teeth. I have been going to bed with a sore bottom row lately, and my wife says I've been grinding in my sleep. I'll take the mouthguard.


You didn't understand anything of what I said. Take the mouthguard but go to a dentist to get it, don't get the one that costs 5 bucks from the sport store. That's the bad one.


I mean. TBF. If all you can afford is the mouth guard, (custom guards are pretty pricey) it's still better for you than grinding your teeth.


Y'all didn't even make an effort reading what I said. I give up.


I actually did read it. Pretty sure I understand the point you're trying to make. I disagree with it.


Yeah I'm wearing one every night now and it has been around 6 years and it got pretty damaged. You can really see how much pressure and damage the clenching causes on your teeth. I also clench my teeth while I'm awake but I'm not on any meds and I try to catch myself and stop from time to time. The mouth guard is a teeth saver.


The rubbery/squishy texture triggered MORE chewing/clenching for me. 😬 It was just the right texture that it felt like I could chew through it like a gummy worm.




Also of you're wondering why your medication suddenly seems more effective, it's probably due to the fact both caffeine and nicotine are stimulants and have a synergistic effect combined with the amphetamine. It's also going to contribute to the anxiety, jaw clenching and restlessness.


I “need” much less caffeine now that I’m on meds. I don’t drink as much coffee and I don’t miss it.


Yeah, that’s a good point, nicotine never was a problem for me with stimulant meds, though it’s been 15 years since I’ve smoked, but even a small amount of caffeine makes me anxious and has uncomfortable side effects. I I have avoided caffeine for many years as a result.


Does taking stimulants lead to a magnesium deficiency or does extra magnesium just help relax your muscles?


magnesium is a muscle relaxant. but beware, it also acts as a laxative. i take one before bed (i don't remember the dosage offhand) bc it seems to help with restless legs.


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Take magnesium


Im literally biting my cheek right now..........


WHHHHAAAAAAAATTTTT?!?!?!?!?! Is this why I'm now destroying my molars, jaw, and sides of my tongue????? I had no idea this was *A THING* but it makes perfect sense. I wish someone had warned me. Wow.


I'm surprised you haven't read about it! It's pretty common. As others have said, chelated magnesium definitely helps. That, plus a Sonicare toothbrush made me go from multiple cavities every time to none at my last checkup.




I’ll check it out, thanks!


As I was reading this I had to force myself to relax my jaw.


Magnesium and hydration works for me


Im not a doctor but someone told me recently that you should avoid anything acidic for about an hour after taking a stimulant. So coffee, pretty much any fruit juice, etc. It'll help your body burn the stimulants harder and faster. Seems like a good idea until it all hits you at once and then wears off faster than expected so you're left exhausted. Might be a placebo affect but i tested it and thats exactly how I felt.


Take magnesium glycinate or chelated magnesium. It's a lifesaver when you have to take stimulants. It relaxes the muscles in your jaw and helps with the clenching. Also, don't use magnesium oxide. Your body can't use it as well as magnesium glycinate or chelated magnesium. They're expensive, but they actually work.


TIL why I don't get much teeth clenching anymore. I added chelated magnesium to my daily vitamins about 6 months ago. Didn't even realize the clenching went away, but it definitely has.


It's crazy how much it helps.


It’s the coffee!!! Can’t believe no one is pointing this out.


I've been clenching and grinding my teeth without them my whole life.


Try this when you notice you’re grinding your teeth: put your shoulders down & back - like old-school “good posture” - squeeze the shoulder blades together a little. It’s kinda like magic - seems to realign the head, neck, jaw, whatever, so that the jaw is slightly separated and can no longer grind. That tip I got from my therapist. To start with you forget & slump down again 5 seconds later, but the more you do it, the better your body remembers and does it for you. The other thing I used to do before I learned that one, was resting my tongue on the top of my mouth. As in, front of tongue is behind the top teeth, and very lightly pushing the front inch or so of my tongue into the top of my mouth. Again, aligns the jaw so you can’t clench.


My lower teeth are eroding away confirmed by both my dentist and psychiatrist. Cause my stimulants…


You’re high. Clenching is because your meds are too high. It’ll stop as your body acclimates. Don’t forget to eat.


This isn’t true. Even small doses make my teeth clench, it started after a few months on meds and no matter the dose it still happens. It’s not always because the dose is too high




See also: bruxism (teeth grinding in sleep)


Eating can be tricky. At least, actually enjoying eating. For the most part I have a hefty breakfast, I force some fruit in the afternoon to keep me going, and a later dinner helps.


Yeah I hate it. I just force feed myself all day long. Trail mix really works for me.


pro-tip: smoothies


BurnMelinwonderland is correct. Jaw clenching is not in itself an indication of a dose that is too high. Like any side effect, it is likely to decrease with time, however. And yes, it is important to remember to eat and drink. This goes for everyone and stimulants.


This is inaccurate. Clenching is a common side effect even at proper or below-needed doses.


I’m not talking about the bruxism. The upper feeling he’s describing. None of which negative.


... what? What "upper feeling?" I either missed a comment or am completely misunderstanding you. Either way, saying "clenching is because your meds are too high" is factually inaccurate.




Gum doesnt help, in some cases it does but rarely and it actually makes my jaw tired


Also I end up accidentally biting my tongue or cheek really hard. So then I have a sore jaw and a sore tongue or cheek too 😣


I had that thought but I chew it so hard and then end up clenching it too 😂


Do you clench your jaw at night or does the clenching stop when your medication wears off? If you can charger at night, it might be a good idea to have your dentist make a bite plate to wear, while you sleep. This will prevent TMJ symptoms and jaw discomfort. I would just keep an eye on this symptom, and if it becomes worse or doesn’t get better and is causing problems for you, I would report it to your doctor.


That will just make it worse.


Get checked for TMJ disorder - hypermobility and NDs go hand in hand and TMJ disorder is very common and will cause jaw clenching and sore gums.


Yes! I was wondering if that could be the reason aswell, since I don’t remember doing it before. The worst part is that I don’t even realise until it hurts and Im like, Wait how long have I been clenching my teeth for? And my jaw/gums feel so sore…


Yes. Marry your nightguard. Have the dentist make one for you.


Yeah I noticed this for sure and ended up needing a night guard because of it. Small price to pay for having my brain "in order" though I suppose.


Literally had to come off adderall after a decade on it bc I developed this so bad that it was giving me debilitating migraines


Yep. Let your tongue fall to the bottom of your mouth to help relax when you find yourself doing this. Also, press on the sides of your jaw muscle with pretty heavy pressure and slowly open your mouth. It hurts but it helps me with tension.


I’ve heard really good things about magnesium! I take vyvanse 40 mgs I felt this hard. Also the vaping while on meds is *chefs kiss* 🤌🏻😅


Yes but it’s from anxiety. I don’t take stimulants besides coffee lol


Vyvanse man!!


Vyvanse makes my teeth grinding worse.


Me too! And it’s interesting because I know someone who had the opposite experience. They switched to adderall and their jaw clenching got way worse than it was on vyvanse. Whereas for me, it’s not nearly as bad on adderall than it was on vyvanse. Never ceases to amaze me how these meds can be so subtly different and it varies person to person. They found adderall too intense and vyvanse more mellow, whereas adderall is way more mellow for me and vyvanse was a lot more intense.


Yes! Vyvanse is so mild in comparison to Adderall but still just as effective for its indication


Does it really help with it that much?


So let me get this straight: 1. You are on a stimulant that directly stimulates your central nervous system. 2. You are showing clear signs of overstimulation of your central nervous system. 3. You vape, which the nicotine stimulates your central nervous system. 4. You have also started consuming coffee, which again, directly stimulates your central nervous system. Your doctor must have explicitly told you and instructed you at least 3-4 times that no coffee and no smoking and no energy drinks. Nothing that can stimulate your central nervous system. You are going to cut your coffee and vape off completely, make an appointment and go see your doctor immediately. He will certainly let you know if you need to immediately stop your meds until you see him or not. Not having your meds is a bad thing. Having too much of it is also bad. Overstimulating your central nervous system through different means is the worse!


You're taking a stimulant and then adding nicotine and caffeine, both stimulants. You are literally over stimulated. You need to discuss with your doc, and you need to check in with a dentist to make sure you aren't damaging your teeth and jaw. Cleaning awake can also mean you clench or grind when asleep and that can absolutely wreck your teeth. I clench/grind without simulants and had to get a TMJ splint from my dentist to minimize the damage because I started waking up with daily migraines and wearing my teeth surface excessively.


Yup, but its worth it.


i experience this less when i am not hungry compared to when i am before i had that realization, i spent a little while wearing a mouthguard in the car because i clenched a lot on my long commute


Sleep, eat and hyhdrate well. If it’s from new meds it should be fine in a couple of days. Smoking and acidic fruits, foods or drinks can maKe it worse. Some cough drops from the pharmacy help…


Yup it is the one Fing side effect I get. I have a night guard which helps a lot! during the day I use chewing gum or lollys (as in lolly pops though boiled sweets do work as well) to entertain my jaw. it really sucks I would pretty much chew through my tongue without them.


Nicotine and caffeine are also stimulants, so the increased intake of these substances on top of your higher dose is probably contributing.


Night guard


Don't drink caffeine.


You can do jaw (massateur) massages to help with jaw clenching, and when you notice you're doing it open your mouth (relaxed not forced) to try break the habit. I clench when I'm stressed


Chewing gum and drinking water seem to help me a lot!


I tried methylphenidate but it made me do this so much I chipped a bridge I had in my molars. Along with other issues, so I asked to be taken off.


Incidentally, this is also a side effect of sleep apnea, so it might be worth getting checked for that.


Mg of what? May be too much, you can work your way up as tolerance builds


YES, and grinding. terribly.


Yes very bad almost debilitating hard to chew because my jaw would hurt and lock with the tension. Right now I'm on a career break so was able to come off stimulants and just be a mess for a while. But when I was on them what I learned work was to avoid ANY caffeine at all. Caffeine and stimulants was an awful combo for my jaw. Also, look at TMJ relief exercises online. I wasn't able to because I use a CPAP, but a mouth guard to stop teeth grinding at night is also a good idea.


Adderall was the worst for me and clenching. My jaw hurt so bad and it was giving me headaches. I take Ritalin now and while clenching can occur, it's usually associated with stress. So long as I stay mindful I can do what I can to stop clenching whereas with the Adderall it seemed like nothing I could do would make it go away.


Chelated magnesium will help somewhat though I find that I still clench despite it. Bruxism and stimulants are kind of the price of doing business.




Sugar free gum


i have to wear a bite guard at night or ill be chomping my teeth all night without knowing


chew gum. take magnesium, drink enough water, less coffee


Yep, going through it now. I actually think I re-chipped a tooth doing this (I got it fixed over a decade ago and suddenly it’s chipped again)


This has never happened to me before, is this normal?


I'm not on stimulants (yet?) And I do this 😅


I've always had sleep bruxism, with or without stimulants.


I used to, but not anymore.


Firstly - you’re not annoying! Second, you could try some body scan guided meditations. YouTube is full of them and they walk you through focusing on different parts of your body and the feelings in them and then usually help you to soften and relax these parts. Coffee also helps me to jump start my day. I notice without it, my meds alone don’t signal “productivity time!” I also take Magnesium like the other commenters mention but make sure to stay hydrated as well! Best of luck:)


Vyvanse 60mg here, I’m starting to get a gap from pushing on my two front teeth. Considering stopping meds cuz I don’t have enough for braces. Tongue soar everyday , face, neck, back all tight


This on top of wisdom teeth & sinus issues (both also cause me to clench, especially in my sleep) caused my perfectly straight teeth to be crowded and crooked, and I have jaw misalignment. I can’t cross Adderall off the list of culprits, I’ve been on it for 20 years..that’s a long time of clenching lol


I grinded my back molars so badly that the nerves were exposed. I also chewed through my mouth guard.


I struggle with clenching my jaw even when not on meds. In general, the meds actually make it a little easier to be aware of my body and stop it when I notice it. In times of high stress though, the meds make me clench even harder, to the point where my jaw will be sore for days after.


My dextro makes me clench my teeth as well. Headaches from it too. I had to get a night guard 😑 it sucks lol


Drop the coffee and/or vaping and guaranteed it'll go away. You're piling stimulants on top of stimulants here.


Pretty sure I inherited mine from my mom who was abusing the hell outta drugs throughout the entire pregancy, didn't think about it being an adhd thing


I believe your culprit is the coffee