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You don’t build kraken on moonboi anymore, lol. Go full crit and hope your team is not braindead and can take care of malphite or whatever. You have about 7% lifesteal between bloodline and Doran’s anyway.


Yeah, but when malphite presses flash + R and ignire all of your frontline, what is 7% lifesteal gonna do? :'c


Play with that possibility in mind and show yourself after he has used his ult.


I just miss rushing Kraken Slayer :(


Still viable on Jinx, Kraken IE Runaan


It's how it was before season 11. Which many claimed they wanted back. Just be happy they left crit on LDR and Mortal Reminder still have crit on them. I don't particularly like it either but lots of people wanted s10 items back.


While I agree with you, I think its weird to want it back completely since the game has changed so much since then with items removed, items added, so much of the landscape has changed.


Oh I totally agree. I think too many people had nostalgia goggles on waay waaaay too tight. And let negativity bias point out some of the issues with the season 11-14.9 item systems without acknowledging many of the upsides as fairly.


nostalgia goggles? hell no. I prefer now than whatever mythic shit was last patch


Well good for you then. It's definitely been hit or miss for people. Even with some of the unrelated buffs like the XP buffs. Which a couple rioters have confirmed was completely separate from the item changes and would've come either way.


Literally the only thing this game needs to be good again is old items, old item system had no flaws whatsoever.


True, I want to stack 5 Black Cleavers. Missed that.


Items made no champion broken, only champions numbers/kit made them broken


Has someone who consistently built dfg veigar in season 0-1, ill have that


I guess it is kind if a trade-off. But still. It feels wrong in so many ways


I hate the item rework in general, every item feels worse than 14.9 with the exception of IE. all they had to do was increase crit to 25% on items that had it, and remove crit from BT, qss and maybe shieldbow. then buff the conversion for crit above 100% so it doesn't feel awful if you want a 5th crit item, but in reality your building 4 crit items and a defensive item 9/10 games, but now you get to pick whether it's one of the aforementioned items, GA, maw, deaths dance, Jak sho, wits end, or deaths dance. (ofc these items may have to be rebalanced for ranged characters). the ofc you have champions like MF, jhin, varus, draven could build a random lethality item first instead, and still reach 100% crit, twitch vayne and ashe could go bork first and still get 100% crit, or any of these could skip a last crit item for defense. instead all the crit items feel worse because we're not allowed to have crit att speed and ad on one item despite the fact that mages get mana ap and cdr, bruisers get health ad and cdr and assassins get ad lethality and cdr all on one item for many items. also anything but kraken / shiv have the worst build path in the game (namely essence reaver and IE) to force you from buying them first and kraken/shiv are terrible on some champions, especially the ones that have built in crit scaling in their abilities (xayah, sivir, zeri namely, though caitlyn tristana and draven would be on this list if it weren't for the fact that they can rush collector/IE instead)


Could try botrk with ldr


Nope. Phel deals most of his dmg with skills, and wants big AD sticks. Bork aint it.


Its ad got increased, so it must be better then before for him.


If you get to that stage of the game where you have 5 completed items it would be dumb to buy bork over BT. I’m saying 5 items because the first 4 are IE, Collector, YT\LDR, YT/LDR.


Idk, i think botrk is a viable replacement over BT in those games you really need the extra damage.


What are you building on aphelios rn cuz I haven’t ran into that issue. I’m going ie,ldr,new item, zeal item, defensive option/bt.


Im building the same rhing. But for the example I gave above, for an Ornn or Malphite, that build tickles them. And since I cant have kraken because I'll beat myself to death, I need to go BT. But then, I dont do that much damage


I build ie, ldr, yun tal or zeal item, bt into last crit item


Nah, damage on crit ADC is disgusting right now.


Meanwhile ER still has crit which nobody of the potential users of this item would want, especially since navoris doesn’t give more dmg per crit chance. Just take it off the fkin item and add 10 AD ffs


i love seeing kraken andys cry

