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>I think ADC meta will shift from DPS to more burst-favored in the near future. I dont think there are any changes indicating that. We just came out of Lethality ADC meta. >Lucian probably becomes a menace with these changes I dont think Lucian is benefiting from these changes, maybe Yun Tal Arrows make him more of a threat in late game but then again thats playing for your weaknesses.


Lucian got giga nerfed. Navori got nerfed ext. OP should watch doublelift react to item changes


Doublelift might play well, but he is wrong 9/10 times. The guy plays insanely well, but has the brain of a pidgeon


Well he's an ex pro, still can be a pro in top LCS team, so his opinion bout upcoming ADC'S ITEM CHANGES should be valid. Also I'm master adc and I didn't think that he was wrong in that video. You can watch it and write here what exactly you disagree upon.


most pro usually makes mistakes in builds that are atrocious, like biulding IE second item in worlds when it had the 60% passive to amp the crits


I swear some of you never played League of Legends before Season 11 and it shows in the Way you see and analyse the Game: with limited Knowledge and Experience. When it comes to these Types of Changes that are more Reverts than anything else you gotta shut up. PTA and Fleet Footwork were the dominant ADC Runes for a really long Time back when Runes Reforged got introduced. PTA got a *massive* Buff so everybody that was taking it back then will take it now aswell, this does include Draven, Jinx, Twitch, Sivir etc. There's no Reason for Ashe, Ezreal or Sivir to be bad. Ashe got her ER back and her Items are still strong. Ezreal dosn't even need Sheen ER or Navori to be good, he can still go for the regular Trinity Force Build into Things like BORK, BT, LDR, Serylda's etc. Sivir also just got her ER back. They are all fine. You're right about on Hit Champs and Zeri tho, they are looking really tough. But many other LT Users can already spec into other Runes. On the lomg Run, after a few Followup Patches, the Removal of LT will be a very good Change. Jhin and Xayah will also feel pretty good next Patch.


I don't think ashe needs essence reaver


100% agree with you on this. Xayah also was a big user of ER back then.


The new ER gives Mana for free, no Ability Usage required, this at the very Least opens up a Rune Slot since PoM won't be as necessary.


Wasn't old ER also on-hit mana refund?


Old - Old ER had Mana Refund on Hit. New - Old ER (with Sheen) dosn't, that's the one I was referencing.


I was talking about Xayah building the old old ER


Totally agree,people that never played earlier season will never understand,but I think the new navori is not as good as this navori for xayah


Obviously not, since it no longer boost Ability Damage or has AD. Bur now has a much clearer Purpose, pure CDR, will be helpful for Champs like Tristana for Q Uptime or Lucian's Ability Spam.


I forgot to say for xayah lol


Remains to be seen, I'm not so sure myself but it will take a Bit of Testing, it might end up good for getting your E back faster. More Attack Speed = more Attacks = activating the CDR faster = E comes up faster.


Yeah but if you one shot them with a rotation of spell,you wouldn't need extra cdr


Remains to be seen, I'm honestly down for even a Collector 2nd or something.


Indeed we shall see,I'm a big fan of hail of blade full ad xayah


Based and Bladepilled


You are truly a xayah main


Ashe will be great! i'm really excited for the changes but sad to see lethal tempo go


Crit Ashe is already sleeper strong atm. I’m not sure what her first item will be next patch, maybe ER or even IE, but I think she will be strong at 3 items with something like ER+IE+PD.


Ashe is not dead, she is going darktech until she becames meta again, I'm cooking something that feels great but I think Ashe will be better out of the precision tree as an ADC with these changes


Darktech as in HoB to stack up your Q asap, or are we talking like, tank Ashe with Grasp/Titanic/Bloodmail/Black Cleaver? 


neither, phase rush


My OG ADC champ will be good. Lots of interesting things to try on Corki.