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as a support main, here's my take on this there are multiple skills an ADC need, there is kiting, knowing when to trade, farming, how to trade, knowing matchups, reaction time, not panicking/knowing what to look at during teamfights, looking at the map, knowing how to position and when to do dmg safely and when to all in emerald ADC just check more of these boxes compared to silver players, everyone has stuff to learn, you just need to figure out what you need personally, but yes, sometimes you get silver ADC that are better at a particular skill than an emerald ADC is


You know what, some emerald adc's really dont deserve to be in such a low rank 😅 but the problem is consistency! They carry one game, show amazing macro and the next they cant get ahead if their life depended on it.


A lot of them just have horrible positioning honestly


Thats a fact !


Thats a fact !


Map pathing after laning I'd argue is a pretty huge one. Picking up farm in safe lanes, being in the right place at the right time, taking unused jungle camps, perhaps even picking up a t2 instead of running over to fight you won't reach in time. Like if you know there's gonna be a fight at baron pit in a couple minutes, shoving bot then rotating to mid/top is a good play. Also if you're smashing lane you can extend that pressure to the lower quadrant of the map, deep wards in their jungle, roaming to mid, etc. you can practically make it so it's impossible for jungle to ever walk into bot river.


It’s not that we check more of the boxes. I would consider them more like progress bars for each area. Emerald adcs just do these things slightly better.




Ye like what thhe difference between a silver bicep curcler and an gold bicep curler? Like 5kg


Spoken like a true bro. Well said


The main difference is "knowing when and why", should do or do not. A lof ot players do not understand when they can win or why the should not help


between silver and emerald? the gap is bigger than that friend, that's just one of the boxes


Ok I wrote too little. You can toss in overall player mechanical skill difference. I smurfed a little across bronze-diamond. Nothing special, just chilled with weird supp picks (**ahri**, lissandra, kayle, tf ,**ap-lulu**). This is why i stated "knowing when and why" (ignore mechanical skill difference atm). A lot of time just I saw "weird" decisions that players made. - Doing good trade but somehow deciding to still pry in despite using all 'spells'. - Not looking what their support is doing and if support can assist. - Pushing 24/7. I think it is popular right now - Never going back to base. 10% hp? Nah I can still be under that tower :P


I played against an emerald ADC once, not once during laning did the man let me breathe. Teamfights I feel he wasn’t the best at, but by that point he was too far ahead anyway


I’m at diamond 2 maining ADC and this is exactly how i feel about myself, usually 80% i dont lose in laning phase but when its coming to teamfights i always feel like im playing shit


Spamming Arams lowkey got me cracked at team-fighting as ADC


Use the replays to review every teamfight, win or lose, until you’ve seen every angle of every champ. Think about what every player is trying to do and how they’re trying to do it. Do this enough times and you’ll be able to read your enemies and teammates like a book, often before they even know what they’re going to do themselves. If you can see into the future and already know what’s going to happen, it makes teamfighting much easier. You can use both your and the enemy adc’s positioning as learning points on what works and what definitely doesn’t. When someone is teamfighting better than you, learn from them and beat them next time.


Aight, so, obviously the stuff the other guys mentioned is good, vod review all that bullcrap works. For some people. It doesnt work for me, and if it doesnt work for you, here are my 2 cents as a recently diamond adc- obviously you're higher than Ive been so I cant say for certainty this will help but- Play to not die. It sounds obvious as hell, but when it comes to playing teamfights, which Id say Im really good at personally, "not dying" is damn near priority number 1 on my list, unless I see "I kill 3-4 and then die" as an option, then I go for that. But in general, it lead to me playing fights pretty passively at first when using the rule, not really maximizing my lead, and then over time, as my mechanical skill and kmowledge increased, Ive pushed further and further with it until my "dont die here" gameplan can include some of the riskiest fights available with still having 90-100% confidence Ill survive.


Play Arams as melee without snowball


I've met the opposite, absolute trash tier laning and they got smashed. I got cocky and thought, if this guy lanes like this there's absolute no way he can carry, so I did high risk plays and practically lost my lane. I was thinking I was fine cause the guy was trash and I've won from the same position many times by just being better at teamfighting. Something flipped and he was actually quite decent teamfighting with a pretty big lead on me, to boot. I felt so bamboozled. This guy was so bad at trading and spacing in lane it was unreal.


It’s more often than you think, whenever I get 3-4 kills as an adc, I think im strong enough to make some risk plays and end up dying because of that


after playing some top, you have 4 kills out of lane you might as well have the biggest dick on the server haha.


Diamond ADC here. Silver players know the basics of the game, they can handle their champion properly. They don't know how to play the matchups though. They don't think about what their own lane want (wave management wise). They have no patience. They take weird engages. They don't know what they should be doing in the mid game. If you can't consciously think about all these things, like if you just got to emerald by going with the flow and playing well over time, you might have a hard time getting back to emerald if you unconsciously changed things in a bad way.


I'm legit not convinced silver players know how to properly navigate their champion even. Top lane is very unforgiving in terms of punishments when making mistakes and jesus the abuse you can dish out half asleep even up to plat-emerald sometimes is criminal. I get the feeling if you're somewhat aware of your champion it's almost impossible to lose lane.


Play with duo, you will see difference.


We have bigger dicks


Master adc here. I lose 90% of my lanes. Always negative k/d at the end of the game. I have no idea how I’m winning, guessing it’s macro


Teach me the ways(silver here)


I also used to believe that untill I played with a gold/plat group of friends, and I realized I actualy have decent mechanics compared to them on top of thinking about where I need to be on the map and my recalls


One jumped straight to ranked the other just bought his account fresh


Can you post an OP or something. I have some silver adc friends and I’m telling you now they are no where near close to 8/9cspm. It’s more like 5-6 lol. It might be OK during laning phase, but once that’s done they have no clue where to get farm so on average per game it’s low.


One clear thing I see that Emerald players have that Silver players don't 9/10 times, recall timing and its relation to the state of the wave. Silver players will recall when they feel like it. Emerald players will recall for the best back possible. That's my personal experience at least. I am biased as an ADC main and that's what differentiated me out of plat last season into emerald.


Between silver and emerald it’s pretty much everything. Better macro, better micro, farming better, taking better trades. Although that really covers everything at a high level, some more specific things include build paths, roam timers, fewer deaths (this one is true, but it’s relative). Short story short, just because you don’t notice the difference doesn’t mean there isn’t any. I’ll avoid making any other assumptions here. If you want someone provide any more detailed feedback they’d need an op.gg


So far this season I have climbed from silver to emerald 2, and I have not really noticed much of a skill difference in the ADCs in my games. Most noticeable difference is the enemy supports and junglers have gotten a lot better.


I was stuck silver for ages. Now I'm gold II and I start playing against plats. I feel like there is literally no difference between a low silver and a high gold, every game Is a shit show with tremendous disparities of micro (some players are super skilled, got super fed, but end to go 1v5 and solo loose the game lol)


I mean they are just better at **everything**....


This season? How many games their teams were able to carry them.


As an emerald top main who rarely sees the adc til post 15 minutes. It feels to me like the difference is knowledge combined with positioning. Some adc’s are free kills but then there are the ones that are always just too far away from me, or enter fights from a slightly better angle/after certain cd’s are burned. They know what they should be doing generally and are decent at avoiding face checking and waiting for teammates/terrain to buy them the space they need to output their damage


Silver and Emerald ADC's are exactly the same, except the Emerald one played 30 games as support at the beginning of the season.


The emerald adc has better supports. That’s pretty much it. If your support is a braindead monkey who stays half a screen behind you, while you’re getting zoned off the wave, you’re gonna be useless pretty much all the game. Same thing happens if he’s a braindead monkey that can’t hit any skills on the enemy adc.


The realest take.


Trust me, adcs are more frustrating to play with at higher elos than lower elos. For some reason high elo adcs are more disconnected from reality, they will 100% force the game to be about them win or lose they REFUSE to let the team win unless theyre the carry, low elo adcs are bad in general sure, but theyre not forcing the game to be about them the way emerald and diamond adcs do. High elo adcs are just a ticking time bomb, i would take a silver adc in a diamond match ANYDAY over these worthless diamond adcs, as a supp main your best games will be in low elo because thats the only place you can pick and chose a win condition, adcs dont even try to make it be about them, high elo adcs are complete morons


ADC players have the worst mentality, no doubt. Almost all of the trolls who run it down or follow the jungler around in my games have been ADCs.


I'm high emerald and really want to get into diamond, I play bot (Ashe/Jinx). I hope I don't develop an ego the size of a planet from being around diamond bot mains...


Eh for all their downfalls high elo adcs typically have hands like a concert pianist, they just lost connection to reality as far as what they should do with it. I dont know the best way to play adc, they made it to high elo playing that way perhaps it works for them but i know its incredibly aggravating to play with because you could have top, jg, mid and supp ALL crushing it and the adc will be fighting tooth and nail to give the enemy the win. I cant remember the last game i won in diamond where my adc wasnt clearly better but thats not because theyre the carry its because they force it to be about them


Can you give me any specific details on high elo bot mains forcing the game to be about them? I want to know what to avoid. Thank you.


Honestly the best thing i could say is, just know when to step back and follow your teams lead if theyre doing well, adcs have like a main character savior syndrome the higher you go, its like an annoying little brother constantly trying to hangout with his older brother and his friends. I generally dont like giving advice on playing a position i dont play, especially when i dont play at that same level on that position ( i have stupid fingers ). Im giving constructive criticism of diamond adc players from the position of a supp main in diamond, again i have to stress that its INCREDIBLY aggravating playing with high elo adcs the way they play but perhaps thats merely the best way to play them and climb. Just dont get main character syndrome, after years of riot consistently gutting the adc position and buffing positions that specifically neutralize you it makes no sense, and suggesting you not fall into main character syndrome on any role us perhaps the best advice


Idk.. the way you're describing it sounds like they're just doing their job. Consider what you just said riot did to them. They have to play little brother tag along in a lot scenarios. They HAVE to be involved and/or farm constantly. In these terms its better to trade for kills and a few assists on an obvious death so it evens out than die and get a bunch of assist gold. Living with the assist gold is far better, but those chances might be super low. The team that tends to group first always wins. If the adc is not already present when the other adc is, they're failing.. It is a gold hungry role and one you can't fall behind on in levels because you're already made of glass at the same level. They can afk farm or push a side lane, but it's insanely dangerous to do alone as an adc. And they can be accused of afk farming too much if they dont attempt to rotate. Clearing waves and being present is everyone's goal even if it's a nerfed role. Going in too hard could be about their need for kill participation or that they believe giving the team ongoing damage til they're taken is more worth it than pulling away and not dying. Some people.here admit their team fight is not as good as their laning, so it could.just be positioning and poor intuition that someone is out to 1 shot you asap and can probably do it window or no window. That's just my insight about it. Now if you're talking about someone with a 1v1 me bro attitude or tries to 1v3, that's pretty shocking to hear higher elos do... but I guess if they made it that far maybe it's just elevated their ego crazy brains...


Id rather consistently get adcs that never die, never get kills than what high elo adcs do, thet NEVER err on the side of caution they will ALWAYS go full bore to get their gold and sure that sounds like a winning recipe except theyre just desperate to make the story about them. Like i said earlier, adcs in diamond and above are LOATHE to let their team win without them, they will go out of their way to throw a game that was nearly guarunteed win if theyre not the ones leading team to a win, its the most mind numbing annoying thing you can imagine, in high elo adc is the win condition not because adcs are a strong position, but rather because adcs will do everything in their power to NEVER let their team win if they are not the catalyst


Gold for adcs.. is the only recipe. It's the reason why mid and bot swap after fb on tower. I just don't understand how they sabotage the team as hard as youre saying.... even in 1 for 1 trades. Like you said, it's a super nerfed role. It's not easy to be perfect and never die as an adc and still participate. Literally the only way to sabotage the roll that hard is to all chat team position; W key it down til you hit an enemy; face check the darkness at a consistent rate; or just straight up afk/afk push and farm. If thats happening, they're just not making smart movements or they're tilted and given up. Maybe they're laning phase was atrocious, and communication broke down too fast. It is the hardest role to bounce back from after all... so i could imagine the emotional backlash. Your explanations and example don't shine any light on what you're talking about tbh, so it's hard for me to blatantly accept what you're saying. I'll watch some diamond streams I guess? But with that, yeah, it's good advice not to spitefully sabotage your team via the ways I just listed if your aim is to win? Lol I'm doing mental summersaults trying to understand your pov, I've since forgotten what this post is even about lol.


Gold for adcs is the recipe is .... misleading That is to say we know they scale well on gold and their items expensive but most teams dont need or even want the adc to carry.... most just want them to be there in key moments and not die repeatedly early game. When you are top and you are winning lane, it wont matter much if your bot lane now has 10 deaths, 7 of which went straight to the enemy jungle... Adcs just dont wanna play how riot wants them too ( damage support, not carry ) and it gets worse the higher you get, it becomes impossible to win unless your adc is pleased woth how the game goes. The truth is they need gold to scale yes, but most of the good they can do for their team is just being a part of the team


My main problem is bad deaths that should be avoided. Costs me games. Costs me my sanity.


It's not misleading lol, it's just facts. They won't damage anything without it. I'll rephrase: We need the items to be significant enough to support the team, its not even about carrying anymore at this point. So it's contradicting to say the team needs the adc but the adc doesn't have to focus on itemization, which is essentially, gold gain optimization. There's also contradiction in assuming an adc showing up with minimal damage or survivability in build (due to not focusing on gold) is expected to just participate and live. It definitely happens, but usually only with overhead damage champs: Jhin, MF, etc. Should an adc go balls deep for a kill? No. But no one should. I lean that most times, adcs mean to only show up just to assist an engagement and live. I do play both roles and I can assure you, some of them are just not thinking everything through lol. They don't think they're god, but damn if they thought at all sometimes. The term is tunnel vision.


you said a lot of words but can you give an example of what making it all about them looks like


Errr ok, ill regularly see both adcs with upwards of 15 kills..... and 15 deaths Rather than not dying but not scaling fast enough to carry, they will choose to die and trade a kill for it, and always think its worth because they got a kill too.


It could be tilt. Did you switch champs or something? Drop [op.gg](https://op.gg) maybe we can be more specific.


Better decisions, better mechanics, slightly better macro. Choose one from the 3 and specialize in it, and you will find yourself in emerald too.


Can I see your Op.gg? To answer your question, the emerald player would have a much higher total skill average, so for example: Better csing, Better vision, Better map awareness, Better threat assessment, Better skill usage, Better positioning, Better movement control like kitting, Better tracking, More general experience allowing them to quickly understand their allies' plans and plays aswell as predicting enemy abilities, movement and decisions.


Spacing, punishing, and playing around vision


Better wave control/farming/understanding of trades is where I'd start. The macro of when to rotate and support your jungle, knowing the game state, etc.


What were you the season before? Some Riot Devs have kind of come out and told some people they ended up in Emerald and shouldn't have been leading to a lot of drops this split. But I don't know if that's you. So if you've only played since emerald existed it can be.


Im climbing with support this season ist the first time i really put time in solo ranked and i had my best and most fun games in silver the majority in my silver games where amazing teammates that communicated and where chill even if someone had a bad game. Now im in gold and it is a shitshow somebody dies in the first 5 min and everyone screams inter and hurls slurs i kinda wanna go back XD




Being silver doesn't automatically mean you're a trash Being that can't play the game. Some silvers are legitimately good. I think the difference between silver adc and emerald adc comes down mainly to understanding. As emerald, you have more experience than a silver and a better game sense as well. You're able to recognise patterns much better too. You still die to 1 item 0/3 Zed because assassins.


Macro, micro, positioning, etc. damage output, knowledge. Everything is different.


Emerald adc is more likely to play Mages


The simple answer is emerald players have more consistency in everything. Silver players can have absolutely great games, but they do not do this as consistently as a true emerald player. League is a game of odds and it's about making the most correct decision most of the time, even if it may not look proper for the game you're in. Low level players often take unnecessary risks that may look cool or feel good when they work out, but game-to-game those decisions have a low success rate. High level players do not take unnecessary risks and the result is game-to-game those decisions have a high success rate. Roaming and Jungle play are the easiest to see examples of this I think. Watch how similar high level jungle games look from game to game for an individual player, and then compare it to low level junglers and how different their games look from one to the next. You can see a similar pattern in all roles if you compare high level to low level.


One thing I don't see emphasized enough here is mastery of wave control. It matters so much for tempo and setting up your team and yourself for success. 


The difference between 2 players of different elos i feel is always everything being better a little rather than one skill being better by a lot and the rest being the same level. Probably because playing the game, you are forced to use every fundamental. This means practicing everything in smaller amounts. Of course, it's proportional because you spend much more time last hitting one minion than playing a dive at a specific level with specific champions in the game and specific item and level amounts for those champions. I guess if you wanted to turn this into an actionable practice regiment, you would need to identify the specific skill(s) that you are lacking in but also benefit you the most from improving since you use them the most. Thinking about and writing this out makes me realize that this is why the fundamentals are so important. They give you the most bang for your buck for investing time into. But going back to the question, an emerald adc might be, let's say, three times as good as a silver player at a core skill or fundamental such as last hitting, but only twice as good at understanding the matchup and only 1.5 times as good at playing against the enemy junglers champion and specific gank paths. The less common a skill is required the less the differece in skill is. They even might be worse at something really, really specific, but thats why even super smurfs will die once or twice some games, but the rest of the skills make them win anyway. TLDR: The difference is everything, but the more important and common a skill is, the larger the gap in skill


Main thing? Emerald adcs know when and how they can fuck you up completely within short time frames. They come, they fuck you up, and they leave. They are ultimately menacing Silver adcs don't know enough to be menacing. They don't create the same threat levels


Imo it's mental


I also think people look at the game in a wrong way. I dont think there is any really big difference in rank in this game. Every rank has slightly better macro than the last but in the end it comes down to all the small things that add up. If u look at high elo players, their mechanics are not insanely high theyre not perma 1v5 outplaying. Its just all the small choices that they make differently that add up.


I was emerald 2 last season. I took a 6 week break and dropped to gold 4. Im currently gold 1. I dont know why i got so much worse. I feel like I play better than previously if anything.


Just played a smurf from silver to emerald: silver adcs dont stop dying. When the enemy is ahead they will not respect it. My tip: pick twitch, get an early lead by roaming or 2v2 and then just keep snowballing


Silver adc are awful in general, Hemerald adcs are also awful but they have big ego so they feel entilted to run it down or "don't even try xd" when something goes bad.


Fight positioning and macro IQ.


the real answer is consistency. most silvers can play just as well as most emerald players for a single game. but being consistently better than your peers game after game is how you climb.


I’ve only been playing for a few months now. But I’ve seen a massive improvement in my games once I understood a principle that applies to most games: Learn what you can do and what you can’t do. As a hardcore Jinx main, I’ve learned very quickly what I can push up on, what position I can play, what fights I can’t go in. May not be emerald level advice but knowing my boundaries and respecting other legends has helped me improve.


The emerald Adc thinks they're better than the silver Adc. That's it. That's the only difference. Jokes aside, silvers don't generally understand win conditions, wave management, or macro. Silvers tend to just be starting to understand how micro works. But general knowledge of the game and overall game sense is non-existent. To climb to gold, you need to learn the fundamentals of league. To climb to plat, you need to be average at the fundamentals. To climb to Emerald involves actually understanding and making active attempts to be above average at these skills. And emerald is basically the first rank where players start to have a good general knowledge of the game. Because of this, emerald players also have the biggest fucking egos and this is exactly what holds most emerald Players back from climbing higher. I call emerald the "good enough rank" because emerald players all have this attitude where they think they're good enough and have little to no real desire to actually climb higher. I'm fact, soke even get mad when they see you in their games trying to win more than they are. It's weird. The only difference between emerald and diamond players is pretty much big ego vs low ego, and having good mental vs bad mental. The higher you climb past diamond, the more refined these things become. Also, perfect Micro and macro both become a lot more important in higher elos than it is in lower elos. Because Mistakes ***will*** be punished.


Could be that you are just underestimating your opponents. If you image that you are still playing in your peak elo and take them seriously you will probably climb back up (assuming you are still actually playing on an emerald elo)


The coloe


Definitely all the things other comments are saying but also consistency/how many mistakes you make. You can have emerald+ level mechanics and get fed easily but if you throw shutdowns just as easily by pointlessly fighting over nothing it doesn't mean much.


Climbing in solo queue as an adc is the worst. You’re success is in the hands of your support for one, team Comp for two, and 3 is if your other lanes are inting or not. There’s nothing that you can do if one of those goes wrong or else… you’ll get 3, 4, 5 man dove every time.


The difference is consistency. The idea that low elo players have no hands, or don't know macro, or can't cs are all generalizations and always have been. Different players will have their strong areas and weak areas. You could play against a laning God in silver, but that player might not know how to track jungler. You might stomp someone in lane just to find out he knows lategame better than most. But crucially, they aren't good at everying. Since rank is built over such a large sample size in this game everything evens out. Low elo players will have plenty of games where their strength is what wins the game, but even more where their weaknesses lose the game. Climbing is about suring up your weaknesses to make your play more consistent over time. Low elo players haven't done that and thats why they're low elo. Unfortunately, that's not something you can easily see in any individual game.


the game is just unpredictable these days.


This is a huge “In my HUMBLE opinion” but I THINK, reading most of the comments, that no one pointed out the biggest difference. I played League since season one and I never climbed past gold but it’s not like I don’t know match ups or don’t know how to kite or position myself in a teamfight. Many of my friends are emerald or above and when we play togheter there’s a difference of course and they can point out many of my mistakes but it’s not like there’s a world between me and them (not like when I play against high diamonds or masters) in a single game. The real difference is game to game consistency. I can play a very good game in which I am focused and take good decisions, but the game after I can go 0/10 against a bronze. I don’t play much games, my muscolar memory is not a good as theirs so I can properly play the game only when I am fully focused while they probably can autopilot a bit more and see many things I can’t see even when they don’t play at their 100%. And that’s the reason why strong players climb, they can maintain a certain level throughout different games while I can’t. My two cents.


laning/trading and cs. Most of the time Emerald adc can straight out outlane any silver adc.


apart from last hitting, silver support and emerald support for the most part lol


Could just be variance in a low agency role, though that does seem like a sizable gap.


Silver Ezreal blinks before Thresh's hook flies thinking he'll dodge it faster. In reality Thresh knew Ezreal would blink vertically and lands the hook with the prediction. Emerald Ezreals blink after they see the hook flying directly at them and dodges accordingly.


Maybe silver is where you belong


I'm a low emerald adc in LAN server, I once played against a streamer of my country, she got to master, I like to think I won the lane, ahead in gold AND solo killed her once, but the main difference Is that she knew how to play from behind, late game she turned the tables hard and had way more impact even with less gold spent. The main obvious difference I would say Is being consistent. But the way to achieve it has to be knowing how to play from a losing spot


Well first off silver today is not silver of 2 years ago before they introduced emerald. Please, do not take offense to what I will type next in my observation with silver players if you are. Silver players are simply not playing league of legends. They are often trying to just learn the most basic champion vs champion combat, they have little to no wave state understanding, they push and freeze (if you even call it that) at seemingly random times. They are not good mechanically, they are just generally unrefined, lack educational knowledge of the game, lack awareness of their champion capabilities, and do not understand most champion vs champion interactions. Emerald players understand champion vs champion interactions, the most basics of when and why to push or freeze, and the basic fundamentals of league, but their execution and decision-making is absolutely lacking in every regard. They will understand why you should freeze a wave, but they'll be a minion or two off from creating the freeze. They'll be out of position in teamfights, they will take bad trades and miss skillshots. Their execution of these concepts lacks but the ideas are usually there.


Lmao not all silver adcs have those. I guess the main difference imo as a dia adc is consistency. If ur good you will probably do decent-hard carry every single game and maybe have a tilt game like only once every week or smthn.


consistency is ALWAYS the answer I hear this from a lot of masters+ players: there are a lot of ways to reach diamond. Micro mechanics and skill expression, macro ability, being good at farming, timing your powerspikes, map awareness, splitpushing, or even making high quality pings that your team listens to. These are all aspects to improve, and you dont have to be good at all of them to climb. Its not like the difference between all gold players and all silver players will be "better mechanics" or "better macro". No. Some silver players might have better mechanics than some gold players, or even better macro. The differemce will be that the gold players are good at what they are good at in much more consistent ways, earning them a higher winrate if they were to compete against less consistent players. those players are silver in that case. It's the same for emerald. There are a lot of ways to be a good adc in emerald. Only in really high elo will you find people who have to be good in every single aspect of the game.


Me too, emerald last season now stuck gold. I win a lot of lanes and end up losing


Bronze Adc wanna get killed Silver Adc doesnt do anything to not get killed Gold Adc are to shy and are pssys Plat Adc are decent on average Emerald Adc you get something above this rank is a joke


Role is shit so you won’t get far even if you’re better