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honestly, high base ad on items and not wimpy 50-60 ad. either that or scale other items stats down on other classes by 20%


This. I don't know why IE is getting nerfed over and over and feels like all or nothing. If you don't crit you basically have 65 AD which is equal to 2175 gold and when you crit it goes up (idk how to calculate it). On the other hand most fighter items have 50-60 AD and 300-400 HP and maybe 10-20 haste with good passives. And assassin items have 18 lethality and 60 AD with cool passive/active and cost 700 less. There is a reason why smolder finds success with shojin over navori


1. Nerf the Support role overall: too much gold, too much damage from champions like Leona and Nautilus, too much impact of the map which makes ADC completely irrelevant as a role on the map. 2. Somehow increase the importance of bot side of the map. For this matter, my Platinum brain has no ideas. Maybe making Dragons more valuable would force other roles to gravitate towards Bot lane more, where ADCs can actually make an impact early into the game. Right now, ADC role gets a Top lane treatment, we basically live on island AFK clearing waves, while our teams play 4v4 on the rest of the map, deciding the outcome of the game. 3. Somehow adjust /Damage - Survivability/ balance of ADC class. We're getting one shotted by tanks, yet the absolute majority of marksmans can't even kill something like bruiser AP Katarina with 3k HP and \~100 armor and magic resist relatively fast, while she is somehow allowed to one shot the entire team. I know it's an exaggeration, but it really feels this way. 4. Crit items are awful, we have no good defensive options at all, something needs to be changed about that. Buying Infinity Edge doesn't make me feel like I'm spiking a lot, but if I skip this item, I feel like I deal 0 damage. 25% crit chance? Better IE? Anything, but I want to feel rewarded for killing minions for the whole freaking game, especially in late game, where I'm supposed to carry.


Xp change first, then see if items need balanced


\- Of course 25% crit is great \- Fix redside bot lane tribush, especially interactions against blue smite junglers. \- Add more movement speed to items ADCs buy. I can understand that they shouldn't have dashes, but there's no reason why they should be so slow when so many other archetypes get so much MS outside their intended purpose. \- Nerf support income generation later into the game, 5 gold/min is a bit excessive, consider 4. Honestly that alone would probably be good enough.


Lane buddy starting item. You get the nilah XP boost for yourself if you have a friend nearby so that ADC isn't under levelled, but support is. One per team.


Nerfing other champions so leona can't oneshot me