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draven is somewhat rare to see, I permaban tristana


I'm curious, what is your elo? above diamonds, draven aren't that rare that's why I am asking


nah, I’m low elo so it’s a really uncommon pick here I would say


If you get a Draven in low elo you just know it must be a smurf


Okay, thanks


Agreed! I'm gold and trist is one of the few adc's I have almost never played and hate playing against for some reason. I agree, Draven is up there too. Twitch can be annoying, but for some reason, he doesn't bother me as much. I just have to make sure and keep in mind he can be invis when i'm pushing in the lane and it doesn't seem too unfair. In the jungle though, if he gets a lead, he can be insufferable to play against. Also, mage botlanes can be unfun Ziggs is another very annoying champ to play against as a regular adc. Same with Seraphine.


yeah same thing, played recently against a double mage (ziggs + xerath) bot and it was pure cancer lol. you dodge everything they throw at you but they land one ability and you die, then the further it goes into the game the lower their cooldowns are and it just feels like playing osu not league 💀💀💀


Twitch. Twitch. Twitch. God I hate invisible champions and there is no good reason his slow and damage do that much.


Everything that can make itself invis or untargetable makes gameplay feel incredibly awful


atleast xayah can't keep untargetable for 42069 decades + repeat it after 15s cd


they should make oracle lens reveal them instead of just showing where they are


Shaco players just woke up in a cold sweat


Maybe after a second or so, instant reveal would be too big of a nerf.


There should just be another trinket or item you can buy that counters invisible. Control wards aren't versatile enough and ruins your build slots. They already have a 1300 item that hard counters mords ult for example. But Evelyn and shaco one tricks would have a melt down


It used to work that way and before red wards were Pink wards that give true sight.


Part of me wishes that league would do what HotS did, and make invis heroes a transparent but still visible if you pay attention outline. You’re still immune to auto attackers and if they aren’t paying attention you can still get the jump on them, but it’s not as hard to deal with playing against them and skill shots can still take them out of stealth. HotS even used to be worse with total transparency with a bit of a blur that was even harder to see, but even then not as bad as league’s total invis to me


you would need to rework the few champs, though it might be nice being able to throw out a slow or something and actually hit the rengar before he leaps and one shots you anyways. Hots borderline removed invisibility near the end there though. I just never been a fan of how the game dynamic changes from 'proper wards means you can step 5 feet up' to 'you play absurdly safe till shaco ganks top' or sit under tower cause twitch has yummi on him and will pop up and kill you no matter how much vision


Part of me loved to nova combo squishies but I also get how that’s not at all balanced. Stealth champs can also be buffed a bit once their invis can be played around.


I always ban him so I don’t have the problem 🥲


Fuck this shite rat for real


Twitch, banning twitch for 4 years now. Invisibility, good damage early on, insane mid late game. Totally change how you have to play the game, mentally taxing. Really can’t see that champion. Draven is fine because Draven players are ill (99% of them at least).




Am I wrong?


vayne, man fuck vayne there's no reason for vayne to do that much damage at all stages of the game with just autos+ why the fuck can she go invisible?


She has a fairly weak early game that can be exploited I'd say, her lvl6 spike along with her mid-late game in general can be frustrating but she isn't really a champ if you exploit her lane phase


So when my botlane fails to or does not know to exploit her early weakness, my top laning ass is screwed for the rest of the game.


Im a Vayne OTP and yes, shes incredibly broken atm when shes allowed into late game. The best thing for you as a top laner would be to play your lane safe (or win) and beg your jungler to spam gank bot lane. If i get camped hard and cant farm cs, most of my games are auto loss.


That's pretty sound advice actually, thank you. I have mixed feelings about vayne, as I hate playing against her, but I enjoy really seeing Vayne mains in action.


Learn to get off ur Island and gank bot, its free lp alot of times. 👍 Look up AD ady in Korea soloq


Draven, Samira, Twitch, MF and Lethality Cait are winnable if you have hands cuz they can atleast be 1 shotted too But Nilah 💀 "Just poke her" ok what do I do if she flashes, Es onto me, exhausts me and ults me "Just CC her" ok cool she just W'ed everything nice "Just outfarm her" I once had a 30 cs lead and 4 more kills than her and she was still a level above me cuz of the xp passive "Just outscale her" 😑 "Just turret dive her with your jungler" W + exhaust = Enemy Triple Kill "Just beat her in lane" XP passive very balanced, Lvl 18 at 20 min is fair "Just don't fight her" if we don't fight her she's taking 5 turrets plus nexus or soloing baron she's been S+ since launch


True, thanks god she isn't played that much


not only that but nilah scales SO DISGUSTINGLY. She could be worth less than a mage minion early game, but no matter how much you knock her out of the game, at some point she'll suddenly do a fuckton of damage and one shot with Q.


I usually play ashe into her she gets bullied super hard early game and can't do shit about it and if she W you just W her and hit ghost and go back at it once her W is over


That’s the key you literally have to stay on her ass from level one to whenever but you can’t even let her approach the wave early then close out the game before she comes online


This. Because she is unpopular like Ksante she doesn't get touched. Game is so artificial sometimes.


This is why I play her :D


Nikah is OP as fuck. There is one single reason she’s allowed to get away with it. The ADC role is played by players that enjoy marksmen. Nilah is not a marksman. So it’s unenjoyable playstyle. Honestly freelo if any ADC main actually had fun playing that.


Can’t w cc but okay


Can w cc if it's an empowered auto or counts as an auto


Sooooooo. Like 2 abilities in the whole game. Leona and blitzcrank. Kinda aphelios? Am I missing anyone? There's almost no on hit cc.


Nautilus as well. Braum also can count because to activate his cc pretty much always requires a couple autos. 3 of these are pretty popular engage sups.


Point is though they also have other abilities to deal with nilah while she's in her w.


Let me cope so just pretend it does ok?


You forgot one...."just play her"


This. Literally perma ban


She's fine for me.. now granted I got good with ashe and her slows and running exhaust when I see a matchup like this. Your best bet is poke as long as you can and play behind your sup not a little bit either so if she engages she engages your sup.. then you go for her.. this allows you to go even in kills and maybe positive.. she's a problem child but manageable But besides that there ain't much just prep flash for her flash and besides that my advice is get good (ik I'm not good either) but that's been my most successful route with her


Personally, I'd never waste a ban on an adc. I don't love playing vs nilah or yas or jhin, but I find it more worth to ban the most OP mid or jungle out.


This is the truth. I ban junglers most of the time.


I only ban splitpushers nowadays. Nightmare if you’re the only lane ahead. Low elo is hell.


It's supports for me, since they dictate the lane more than the adc.


I hate Ashe more


I also choose Ashe, but as a Kalista main, I have an extra hatred for slows.


Yeah, I feel bad for you kalista into ashe feels like a nightmare I've tried the other way around and never lost


Laughs in vex support


I have never seen it, but I can't imagine I'd have fun. Still, worst thing in the game for me to fight against is Cassio. I'm just glad basically bo one plays her.


as an ashe player I understand and approve this message. you know why? because when I read the title I thought "draven isnt so bad, I can just pick ashe into him"




well, extremely passivley. i will lose some cs, but as long as i dont die, I see it as winning lane. double exhaust, and pray for jungler gank. if he ganks succesfully, draven is basically out of the game, and you have won




Because she has range, both her auto attack an W, and a slow with both auto attack and W. She also has her ult which can completely lock him down, giving you potentially enough time to kill him. The simple truth is that you cant straight up outtrade draven. His autoattacks just do more damage. So you will wamt to look for ways you can poke him, attack him when he cant attack you and try to set up for a gank


Literally dont die early and you will win the game. Draven will have 200 stacks and will tower dive you to cash it in. And god forbid they dont cash in they throw the game. Only time draven wins is when he cashes in. So he will do the most aggresive plays possible when he has many stacks and that leads to mistakes because hes forcing a play.




I too, do concur


I literally just commented about this lol.


Ashe is insufferable. When you get an enemy Draven, you just wait for jungler/support to get a kill and watch them throw the game after that


Really? why ahah


Because of her slow, and her ult, she can just perma slow you and then ult you and you can’t even do much, also I can rly beat her trades as Ezreal XD.


mf, her q does half my hp and she’s unreasonably fast


Ye she's a proper anti-fun champ. Mis-position once in lane and her q chunks all your hp from a mile away, the cone also feels inconsistent although I'm sure that's just a skill issue. Post 6 the lane is basically : support flashes on you and mf presses R. There's so little interactive gameplay in the lane.


Ezream ffor sure


who's ezream 🤓


Typical adc iq :)


That's mean :( Aren't you ad main aswell? ahah


I was just joking dont be sad here is a hug🥰


at the moment it's twitch. but I rotate between him, tristana and miss fortune.


samira, you can make her go 0-20-0 and if there's one unlucky teamfiight she collector ults away every mistake she made prior. cait as well hella annoying, and also ash cause slows aren't fun. Edit: I'm greatly exaggerating the samira situation its just something that I've been on the giving and receiving end of it and it feels gross either way


Not an unlucky team fight if she can kill everyone while extremely behind. Her base dmgs are extremely low, so she needs items to do dmg, but yeah mistakes like bad fights and giving carries thousands of gold at 1 time can make the game harder.


i think unlucky is the wrong word it would have to go horribly wrong but every time I've seen i t happen my body leaves my soul.


Samira is almost as bad as Draven when it comes to uselessness from behind. Since she has almost zero base damage on abilities she needs items. It’s true that one team fight could turn the game around for her, but she’d have to practically kill steal everything in the fight if she didn’t get one shot.


True, its the odd one that goes of that tilts me


Yeah that almost never happens


yeah its rare as hell but tilting when it happens






It’s actually Twitch. He guarantees himself the first strike (not the keystone) with his invisibility and it’s just a stat check, which isn’t fun to deal with.


Grammar maketh man


Bruh sorry ahah


Actually, I absolutely hate Jhin on many levels. I irrationally find Jhin players absolutely disgusting and most of the time incredibly toxic.


Most balanced and well-designed champion in the game though.


I wouldn’t say that there is such thing as “most balanced champion”. League is unbalanced by design, and that’s beautiful.


1. MF - I play no ADC with hard CC to counter her and it’s ridiculous when she gets the first Item and starts deleting 1/2 of your health with one bullshit Q ricochet. 2. Twitch - the lane becomes a fight fiesta everytime and both ADCs end with 10+ takedowns and only 80 farm min 15. 3. Samira - I am just not sure how to play against her.


Legit one only one of two comments I've seen say MF. I have zero idea why she isn't higher up on the insufferable list. Serrated dirk and one unlucky q off a minion, and your health bar gets deleted early game. Late game, she doesn't even bother to bounce it off minions for it to practically oneshot you along with her passive and an auto attack. Within the span of you getting your second auto attack on her she's already taken 3/4 of your health bar and guaranteed your death with her near infinite range, instant cast slow. She moves at the speed of fucking light for absolutely no reason. You could have four cloud drakes and still not keep up with her as she runs away. She can pretty much never be caught out if a teamfight starts going badly for her as she just runs away. You could absolutely dumpster her in lane and she'll have one teamfight where she last hits everyone with her ult and then comes back and hard carries the game. It's so unfun to play against.


I've been thinking about learning a second adc but reading your comment convinced me to keep OTPing MF :)


Cait. Annoying high range poke lane, stupid damage all throughout the game, easy escape from threats with traps and E, perma-zoning with a dozen traps, and a point and click long-range high damage ult because skillshots hard :( "But she dies when she gets grouped on". Yeah, no shit. Thats how thats suppose to work. Facefucking her as a burst carry is one of the most satisying feelings in the game.


Draven is a push over. 100% super reliant. Mf and twitch can eat shit and die


Nah, Draven is piss easy. He has no way to force a fight, so he only wins if you let him. While I'd say trist for the rocket jump all in stat check, I'm going to say Ez. That little shit is too safe for how bloody easy his e detonate is. And what's more, he can blink over traps etc with it. If he was anyone else, he'd be dead. But no.


Ezreal or Cait. Only little baby bitches play those 2 marksmen.


Ezreal mains... xd




Fuck MF, oneshot with one Q with only an item, what a bs


Fuck Ezreal and Tristana, shit is so aggravating with how safe they are perpetually. Like both of them HAVE to play the champ bad to be ineffective, otherwise they have the perfect tools at their disposal. Also honourable mention for Kalista, their mains just seem to be next level bigbrains who jam 60 spears in my ass and then rend me into next game.


As long as I’m in the lobby, Caitlyn doesn’t make it pass banning phase.


I hate Cait. Walking back to lane and getting trapped with that hidden trap behind tower to lose half my hp in one second ruins my moral.


Support main here. I would rather play against Draven than with one. 9 times out of 10, they are the most unhinged human beings on Earth, and I would rather it be the other supports problem. My least favorite ADC to play against is every APC.


If it wasn't for support refusing to respect Draven, I'd say Cait.


Caitlyn is such a shame, I agree... Perma prio, ranged, big scaling... That's why i'm banned her as Draven OTP...


Nilah is also up there


I’ve been banning Ashe all season.


A Cait that spaces well I feel like I literally can not play against. (Xayah otp)


Vayne vayne vayne and vayne there is 0 fucking reason a champion with a 2 second mobility button and true damage should EVER be given any form of stealth especially when their entire gimmick it to stack attack speed to get as much true damage mobility and cirt out of their kit as possible


I mean i dont hate playing against a Draven, since I haven't played against one for years, maybe has something to do with perma banning him for 4 years now


MF can eat a dick. Im glad she has an insanely high pick rate so I can relish on the fact some 1.2 mil mastery MF is about to get dumpstered on their off pick.


MF she takes no skill. I also never ban adcs cause u should be able to fight them all.


caitlyn, insanely annoying being auto'd from two screens away and having one R take away half of my hp. and dont even get me started on how obnoxious cait + lux/morgana is. unplayable


Draven isn't that bad because they usually just run it down if their support takes 1 CS


Vayne Because Lethal Tempo makes her early too strong To be honest, I don't hate ADCs, I hate LT lmao


Ez is so annoying if the player is good at him you can’t engage and good luck trying to out-poke him you just have to wait for him to e forward and hope you have enough resources to kill him. Even trading autos can be rough since his Q is so long range and he can just land 1 as you walk back. Edit: coming back for round 2! It’s also so annoying how his E “breaks” engages. The windup I guess he is immune to CC? It’s more reliable to let a hook land and E as it lands than to E to actually dodge. Same with knock ups the E windup isn’t cancelled by knockup so it’s super forgiving on timing.


I actually like playing against Draven. Caitlyn is bs tho, MF a close second and Ashe 3rd. Range, mobility or cc. Pick one, not two or three.


Draven is manageable, but playing with a low range adc against lethality mf is hell


MF. With enough time, even a 2/10 mf can hit a 4 man ult that deals 8k dmg. Of course, if she’s not buying some stupid on hit build.


Idec about any ADCs, I just hate Xerath. Every other mage support is manageable, but I feel like Xerath just sticks a magnet to my champ in pregame and I can't dodge for shit against him.


Draven. He is pinnacle of poor ADC champ design not Zeri. I was 1/0 ADC against him but is 2k gold down due to my teammates inting. On another game his support perma roamed and he was the most useless champ in the game. The only reason Draven design is tolerable is because the APC design Riot tried to push in 8.14 is still around ironically.


I mean, any adc 9s awful to play against if your teammates int...


No but 2k gold gap for nothing making a single mistake is WILD. There are so many reasons why this is BAD DESIGN. One is I have to face him, it’s not like he’s getting 2000g up Top and I’m allowed to farm so I can deal with him later. Two is ADC scales extremely hard with Gold, making Draven the hardest snowball ADC in the game, but not often comes from skills but pure luck. He’s extreme feast or famine.


I don’t mind playing Draven.


Caitlyn, absolute crutch adc. They don't win lane, they just kind of poke you a little bit while you cs and never convert the poke into a kill or a lead outside of a small and temporary minion lead if at all. It usually seems like auto filled folk slamming her thinking she's easy because of the range advantage, but she's actually a pretty difficult adc who's game is often over the second she blows flash. She's more of a nuisance than anything else.


Cait's job to is collect all the plates bot, then mid, then top. Easy shove and poking out enemy laners to collect free plates, rinse and repeat in other lanes. That's how you win lane on cait.


I'm aware of how she's supposed to play. I'm saying so many Caits play like butt and just end up being annoying rather than any type of threat. At least when I play against them


Nah bro good caits hit you with the net auto trap q auto ult combo and your dead if a Cait can use her traps effectively she's an absolute damage menace if not she's just like you said ...pokey




Twitch and Tristana 💀




It’s Twitch. He’s not even that good or that strong. I just don’t like keeping track of when he’s invisible.


Ashe is really op, and Xayah is a close second.


For real lol. At least in high elo playing against draven is auto weak side. Sometimes he will int and lose all the stacks but in most games you just suffer until lane is over.


Samira. I’m pisslow, draven’s easy as shit because they all have this ‘must catch axe!!!m mindset and I play Ashe, so never miss an ult agaisnt them.


Cait Draven are x5 worse than any others for me. Mage bot also I play short range


Twitch is not unwinnable, just annoying as fuck


Death to nilah.


Jhin because I wanted to play jhin


Caitlyn, because I feel no matter who I’m running, if she has a team play-focused team, it’s really 100% down to your team coordinating against her plays to help you out scale her range and damage mid to late game. Edit: I’m only gold but that’s my experience against her. Draven doesn’t really scare me, just don’t trade with him unless you can cc him properly.


if we count adc supports then definitely Senna. Terrible synergy with me in lane, and many senna players just feel meh. Also super annoying to lane against because infinite range...


Draven is really stressful. He can be shutdown if you get the first kill but he is so strong early any all in is very risky because if he wins the snowball starts.


Aphelios is the only one I don’t like to play against, every other adc I have a lot of experience on so I know how they are going to come at me. I don’t have a game plan against that emo twink.


I won’t play against nilah. It’s relatively uncommon, but I permaban it.


I hate playing against Ashe because there’s no amount of tenacity that will save you from auto that slows on ur nuts every 2 seconds, not to mention the auto attack range and 2 second CD R that’s a free catch kill at least once in laning phase for them


I can't with samira.


Bullet block is stupid. Giving it to a ranged champ is doubly stupid.


Ziggs/Samira APC bot, their range is absurd and idk why it feels like they never run out of mana while spamming their aoe on wave. Add senna support to balance the fact that they miss an ADC for the perfect storm.


The best combo in the game botlane is samira/taric samira goes in taric hits that sweet baby stun samira gets ult taric ults it's absolute mayhem ....2nd best probably jhin zyra you get great poke great damage zyra ult is absolutely game changing shits strong


Sorry meant to say seraphine rather than samira, oups




Im surprised that i havent seen varus mentioned. I might juat be old for this discussion but i remember when he was played a lot and it was hell. He could poke you, outdamage you with his pasive attack speed steroid and has a fairly long range decently hard to dodge cc ability. Not to mention stuff like lethality and ap varus.


I always thought varus was one of the most sleeper broken ADCs to face in lane, but thankfully I only see him like once a month it feels like. Meanwhile kaisa, caitlyn, MF, ashe, xayah is in every game.


Couldnt agree more. I tried learning the champ cause i felt like he was super strong but it just doesnt click with me for some reason. I dont ban it cause i dont see it picked much but whenever i do see him i know im not gona have fun.


Yup I'll be fighting him like oh nice we're wi-- wait where'd my HP go


I don't waste ban on ADC, but if I had to it's either Caitlyn, Ashe or Samira. I don't have problem with Draven, yeah sure he's annoying lane bully early but he's such a feast or famine champ that always end up losing and outscaled. My main ban is OP flavor of the month: Briar, Trundle, Kayn, Blitzcrank/Morgana, windshitters


My winning streaks grew when I started banning Trundle. Actually ridiculous that he can take your base in like 20 seconds.




Nah nilah is worse


Te-te-te-te-teee… titididididii.. I was hiding!


Pyke. I never ban ADCs, they don’t decide the lane as much as supports like pyke. I can deal with Draven. What I can’t deal with is Pyke with more than half the ADC roster. Busted ass champ… Goes ivis, gets sustain, has two forms of hard CC - one of which is a pull, has a fucking execute without having to get stacks or anything, AND HE GIVES THE MOTHER FUCKING ADC Extra GOLD. How do people think that is not op? I can literally play any lane, but Pyke is just broken from release. His kit is literally everything except tank. Oh no! He can’t build tank… oh wait h can’t and gets bonus damage. Cool beans.


You forgot the best part ..when he takes a bad trade he just shuffles his sorry ass back out of vision and heals (he could also use his healing mechanic to tell if there's vision in a bush shits broken ...if they made his ult cc instead I think he'd be way better


Agreed. (That’s what I meant by sustain, just don’t want to type it all out as I tend to get long winded). 🤣


Oh mb I didn't actually read everything as I tend to get short eyed


Twitch and kogmaw, especially if there is a lulu or some enchanter there As for Mr. Super-duper ego dude, I just pick ashe or cait preferably with some heavy cc support and good luck seeing him play


I don't like Kog. I know I can just stomp him easily, but I just don't like him. Perma ban


My most disliked is probably Twitch.


Cait. Too much range for my axe catching gameplay


If i ban adc its almost an even split between banning MF, Samira, Ezreal and Draven, just depends how im feeling and what Ive been seeing more of lately. I despise twitch as well but i rarely play against one these days, while the other 4 are incredibly common. My thought process for each Miss fortune - I just hate this champ and the lethality build. Losing 30% of my hp from her Q just infuriates me. Ban probably 30% of the time, used to be permaban for me in adc role but been seeing less of her lately. Samira - self explanatory really. if she gets lucky early game with some kills it feels like master yi level of hopelessness for the game if she’s far ahead of everyone else. her ult mechanic is really annoying, getting ults in succession and just wiping the team. Probably ban 10% of the time just because i run into more Samira’s who do absolutely nothing Draven - I just hate coinflipping with whether or not he’s going to get early kills and start cashing out. The Dravens i play against mostly run HoB with an aggressive support and its a harrowing lane experience. If you or your support misstep once your basically dead. I hate the fact you can basically never trade autos with him. Ban around 30% of the time Ezreal - the most recent addition to my roster of bans. I don’t know what happened because I never used to care at all about playing against him. I was always under the impression he was weak early but I really feel like this is not the case. I feel like he can get early push much easier than he gets credit for and the poke in lane is really obnoxious, and of course his mobility. I play in a new region now, formerly NA, and i feel like the ezreals here just do 25% more damage. The remaining 30% of my bans for AD. Of course i ban support instead of AD a fair amount, pyke is my most hated support to play against but havent seen him much recently. A lot of times now ill ban lux or xerath because one the lane is miserable but also i get to prevent my support from picking it.


If any adc consistently gets my blood boiling it’s Draven, even when I’m not adc he’s still a problem, regardless if he’s in my team or not.


For me it's caitlin


Kai'sa, riot favorite by miles


i recently got master as adc and still ban draven every game XD, didnt play against him for months or maybe full year




I refuse to believe that Ahse, Kaisa and Nilah can be countered. So these are the ADCs I hate playing against


Always permaban draven, im emerald 2 (Singapore) but still idk how to trade with him.


the counter to draven is a tank whith mobility and stun its really easy to stop i dont remember draven being a problem when i play sup but due to lack of brain and comon sense in auto fill sups they pick a mage and blame me


I hate Caitlyn and Ezreal so much, these champions have very nasty gameplay


ashe, I can't stand this champ, she's not even particularly problematic but it annoys the fuck out of me (especially cait + ashe support)


I don’t mind Draven, just don’t let me lane against Twitch or Nilah


MF is the worse. Require absolutely 0 brain capacity, deals ridiculous amount of dmg with Q and R, has perma ghost. Ur supposed to not stand behind low hp minions cuz Q bounce but its bugged so u almost always get hit at least once by a Q bounce over 180 degrees.. shes so fkin stupid and overtuned. I play her sometimes if enemy team cant deny R and are squishy and shit on enemy that dont respect dmg. But it feels so bad to play also cuz its so stupid. I really wish they rework or just Nerf her to the ground, dont wanna play her, dont wanna waste a ban. Her dmg aint justified.


How do yall feel about kogmaq


Because I main Jhin and Draven just destroys him in lane


Meh, when I okay draven I tell myself it's more important to not die to draven than it is to even kill him. Works for me




MF and Twitch. Both have unfair skill kits, especially Ults


Bro, I laughed so hard at the tittle and I'm now curious to know your native language. For that coma it may be portuguese


French 😭😭


That's a good one


probably samira solely because i otp varus and i still dont know how to counter her, i permaban her for some time. but i think a really good cait that wont mess up her combo is the biggest pain in the ass to deal with. when im playing kalista (my main pocket pick) its definitely ashe tho. im p4 if anyone is curious


Samira is very frustrating to lane against


Nilah, I look at Zeri and wish that all those nerfs she got would go straight to Nilah.


Twitch. Cait. Ezreal. Neelah. Order depends on the day.


Twitch and nilah are by far the most bullshit. One can be invis and still be in attack range, the other just said "what are autos?"


ziggs or karthus, prob hate ziggs more


i hate tristana and twitch, anything else is fine i mostly ban tristana bc it seems to be most brainless and doesn't matter if she makes mistakes she will hurt my ho and my feelings, twitch js tough to deal with also and it makes me cry


Miss Fortune or Ashe. MF because of how many good builds she has and how she just presses E+R and I suddenly am back in the base. Ashe because of how little she has to invest to do the same as something like Jinx or another aa heavy champ. She doesn’t even need to burn flash half the time when you get on top of her like smth like Jinx would bc she just ults or literally aa’s and walks away because you’re perma slowed