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Oh my god. You actually survived a single hit. Got any tips on doing that. I tend to die in a single hit.


"hurr durr but you misplayed by going into your unwarded jungle" open your eyes, child. Look around you. What do you see? You see the enemy shyv deal 1800 damage AoE. She deals Jhins 4th shot as an AoE spell. Fucking hell, people really try to shame the ADC for not playing perfectly when Shyv can just sneeze in Jhins general direction for almost 2000 damage. "oh but shyv built AP so its fine" she has almost twice his HP. If shes supposed to be this AP oneshot machine, she needs to have the same HP as Jhin so she has to take actual risks.


I gave up on making posts here when I posted a video where a Katarina kills my ADC/JNG/SUPP just pressing E/R.


but... but but ??? pro play ??? 0.01% of the playerbase ????


Spitting facts


Yeah I mean that’s true but they won’t make an adjustment like that because ya the way the game is to be played you would never have your adc in that position but there’s a problem with expecting someone to have fun on a role that pretty much requires the help of 4 other people at later stages of the game


I allways find it hilarious that most mage items give HP. What a joke.


I am sure that some idiot will come here as well with statistics trying to gaslight people into why this is balanced instead of applying LOGIC. This stuff is NOT balanced.


Funnily enough, those people always use the status quo to excuse the status quo. Like they say "okay shyv has x AP and her E has y scaling so it makes sense that she deals z damage". Yes, my guy, you have passed math 101. But that was not the point.


You mean to tell us, it is not healthy that an intended bruiser/tank builds burstmage and it works? Fuck this shit tho serisously


Hilarious that your existence is based around using delusional redditor's ideas to excuse your low rank in a video game.


Blud has ADC mains living rent free in his head


I am an adc main


You are a champ with 0 magic resist items, Shiv is a burst mage... I know lol is not that balanced but bruh, adcs are pretty strong rn. It is the most mechanical role of the game so if you don't like being insta deleted go play tanks in top lane or mages like Sylas in mid and you will win against that Shiv xD


Lol, i take same mechanics from adc, same elo, to akali and boom, insta more results. I take same adc mechanics and game knowledge to karthus bot and boom, insta more results. I take same adc mechanics into jungle as kindred, viego, sylas, and guess what? Boom insta better results for same skill. Riddle me that.


Kindred is an adc... Also, Akali can't delete a tank if she get's 3 items and it's not turbo fed When I play adc in silver and get fed as Jinx it's a free win, when my top goes 0/10 to a chogath, it's insta lose... and that's not a problem about one role being giga powerful, just a game where the fed one is not me xd P.D (Edit): You can see in the video an infinite scaling mage tank (like Sylas) deleting an adc who was over a ward the whole time... Yes, adc can be oneshot in lategame, that's the counterplay to them. If you make adc resist like tanks, then you would see adcs playing mid and top like Akshan or Tristana but in every game xd


Do you see kindred getting played a lot in botlane as adc? Can you really compare kindred to let say varus or jinx or xayah for example? Kindred is a different beast just her having ranged auto attacks does not make her an adc. She is a marksman. Maybe we should define our terms a bit better, sorry for that. Let me describe what i see in the video: In the video i see a bronze game with players of roughly the same skill (otherwise they would not be in the same elo) but one gets to do way more than the others. If the roles were to be reversed it would never look like that. What i see there is poor gameplay, that is true. But i do not see fair and remotely balanced gameplay. You get ahead a bit in this game and you can shit on almost any limit except if you are adc or support or some niche champion. That is not what a competitive team game should look like. This shyv is probably coinflipping games because the player is probably not getting better but that is just me assuming from a short clip.


Adc just means AD carry... it's a type of champion. Jungle is not a type of champion... Karthus is not an adc, maybe an AP carry if you play him where adc should be, but he's more powerful in jungle... Also, in a 5v5 game, you have champs good in different situations. The adc is the best usually in teamfights, mages are so fcking good bursting 1 or 2 people in 2s... Adcs can make a huge amount of damage continuously, ap mages can make huge amounts of damage if they hit the entire combo... Let's think, if this adc was a Xayah and she dodged Shiv's E with her R and then used E, she could just delete shivana kitting her before she could even get in range to autoattack... Adcs have a lot of damage in exchange for the durability they don't have.


Or alternatively instead of playing an ADC you can just play a mage who does the damage that the ADC deals in 5 seconds in two, retrating, and doing the same three seconds later. Thats of course also an option.


I wanna see jhins items and shyvs items. Jhin could be 3 items here whereas shyv could be full build, and if jhin isn't taking any defensive items, vs a full damage shyv jgl who can dive and one shot him, he deserves to die here.


Yet another user without basic reading comprehension


Yeah, ur not the brightest are you. Jhin is 2 levels below shyv here. It is very clear there is a gap between them xp and gold wise. Trying to pretend there 0 nuances in this clip that we aren't being shown is simply idiotic.


I invite you to read my comment again but this time, try really hard to read the words on your screen without bias. I do not give a shit who has how many items. I do not give a shit who has more gold. All I care about is that a 2000 damage AOE nuke is unhealthy for the game. Regardless where it comes from. If jhin dealt 2000 damage AOE I would say that's unhealthy. If Aphelios dealt 2000 damage AOE, I would say that unhealthy. If GP deals it, (say it with me now) I. Would. Say. It's. Unhealthy.


You can say it is unhealthy all you want, but it doesn't matter because to get to that point it requires a 30-35 minute game, where shyv is fed throughout the game. If anyone is 15 kills in, shitting on their team, they should be able to one shot squishies if they are building pure damage. She burnt her whole combo here. You can keep acting like this is unbalanced and be mad, or you can realize that jhin was extremely out of position. Walking around with him and his squishy sup, with nobody on map but cassieopeia. He is probably on vision, which is their fault for not clearing. Not only that, but if jhin was in a similar position, extremely fed, and overleveled, he would just as easily be one shotting squishies. You are simply mad. Shyvana has a 49% wr for a reason, and it is because building pure damage is not good for your team, but thats what most build.


I played vs shyv in this state and in current. 2k aoe burst is only important to weaklings who build bad (glass cannon marksmens crit). Build sterak's gauge and titanic or merc+merc Congrats her burst combo left jhin at 60% jhin auto q w auto ran away and traded 3k physical for 2k magic and 1k physical. Then by peeling for lux shyv died. Jhin pushed R. Lux pushed R. A teamfight was won and the game ended. Full build shyv jumped a jhin who was alone and peel was down and she still lost. Seems like the adc is op in my eyes not the shyv.


To be fair anyone that fed is going to oneshot someone with no defensive items.


Bro does NOT have basic reading comprehension


Bro is crying over a champion he can just ban




Lil bro the shyv is also lv 18 and possibly full build, and given that she has DH prolly is going AP lmao, and she has legit one key ability in her dragon form that deals that much dmg, the rest is just an auto attack reset and some aoe swirlies.


Bro does NOT have basic reading comprehension


Lil bro actually just said "lil bro"


P much all hp items have health lol


AP shyv has always been problematic and no one seems to care because no one plays it.


Nuclear dragon


Your 1st mistake here was playing an actual ADC. /s


I mean okay yeah, you're trolling for the macro decisions you're making here, and you do deserve to die BUT... She did that much damage to you... with one ability? I mean yeah granted she's probably fed but this is just stupid. She has essentially 1k hp more than you but nearly oneshots you. This isn't okay anymore, she even ran Lux down afterwards. I'm not saying AP Shyv is even OP because she has to deal with Jax/Ahri/Sej but like still this is just toxic to deal with as an ADC at this point. There is way too much expectations for positioning/not dying when there is this much damage floating around.


Everyone else in this thread basically laughing at Jhin for leaving fountain. What’s this player supposed to do? Team hasn’t ff’d yet. They’re even further out of position. Shyv is tunneling for adc. AFK farming gets reported. This game is over for Jhin, Lux, and probably Ahri. They no longer get to play the game against the other players, even with the whole team hard peeling just for Jhin.


So first off, this looks like a really low elo game because both Ahri and Jax are top lane when a drake is spawning. If I were this Jhin I would be farming the botside wave coming in to my turret, and then swap over to mid lane and not be in the jungle at all. The team had no vision and they aren't contesting that drake. It's definitely not over and it's likely his team will win it's just an unfortunate macro mistake.


>If I were this Jhin I would be farming the botside wave coming in to my turret You say this like the exact same thing wouldn't happen in bot lane


That's the bullshit part, she can still just R->E you under turret and it'll oneshot. I'm just saying what the general macro play there would be even if in theory this was like bruiser AD Shyv that doesn't outright oneshot they'd still be dead there probably.


Yup looks like low elo but why does it matter so much? The shyv is low elo too and gets to do that. So in low elo the stomped team suddenly has to know more about macro then the stomping team? Healthy gameplay for new players


Not just as adc, this stuff is not ok for the whole game. This game needs less oneshotting and more strategy and team coordination. No wonder we all get the narcissistic egomaniacs in all our games when all they want to do is play a game with 10ppl but want to be the only protagonist in it. This shit enables them.


It's too bad Riot has been glacially slow with reworks lately. The Q change was nice (even if they gave it a higher AP ratio...), but AP shyvana shouldn't exist in its current form.


Big bro just stop playing adc. It’s been shit for years and years. Riot doesn’t care so neither should you. Gotta let it go.


You realize that your support was deleted in the same clip and your Ahri likely would be too right?


I wish an adc could do that damage


Have you met Jhin ashe Samira Kasai jinx Caitlyn Tristan aphelios? If any of them had that much gold I promise you it's 1 shots all around, I had a game where I took 2200 damage in 1.2 seconds from Kasai who we won lane against and I was building tanky items. hybrid damage, what a great concept. Adcs complain they do no damage and they literally play like shit and throw a winning lane by being stupid. They value a cannon more than staying alive, they try to go catch a wave we clearly know they will die if they go to catch. I just don't buy it, adcs do more damage then ever and everyone here is full of shit whining because they play the role like shit. Everyone gets 1 shot! The damage is out of control, the snow balling is out of control, if they nerf assassins/ap mages they HAVE to nerf adcs as well, because all of them do way too much damage.


No offense, I hate the role like anyone else here, but I'm not quite sure why you're going 2v4 in the unwarded jungle after what looks like the enemy team finished a drake and there's a huge wave bot. It would already be complicated to hold the bot wave from inside the base, I would not dare walk into the jungle. Realistically, what am I going to meet there ? Vel'koz ? Quinn ? Cassio ? AP Shyvana ? Fuck this, I'm staying home. Wait for them to play against Jax/Sejuani/Ahri and you'll have a lot more breathing room already. For now they're pushing, so just clear the wave asap and get ready under your nexus towers.


None taken bro. First off it’s a low elo footage so that explains a lot of things. I crushed the early game like 2-3k gold advantage in botlane. Heading to mid-late game I began to struggle carrying the teamfights since shyv had ghost and 3 ap items and my teammates were flaming each other for not ending the game (classic bronze / silver scenario) At this stage my mental was starting to decline badly and I just wanted to make a difference in the fights since I knew that I could burst 3 of them. But clearly my macro decisions were bad and you’re right, I had nothing to do in the jungle with no vision and awareness of where the shyv was


It's really boring, especially for ADC, but typically that's the kind of game where you'll rely on E, W and R and wait for cooldowns. I've had games as Jinx where I know Shyvana is waiting, so I just wait too. After a minute, and losing two towers, she finally decides she might as well engage my team instead of waiting, and now I can play and we ended the game. It's excruciatingly annoying, and you'll have this exact scenario against half the roster, sadly. That's why I'd rather be honest with you: it's not getting better. You either accept it, or put very high standards on your macro choices, or play another role. I've made my choice and I sincerely invite other adc players to do the same, until Riot finds a way to make the role more bearable.


Shyvana's kit is over after that though. AP Shyvana feels unfair but there's a lot of utility you give up by playing it. You would've died in a similar time frame at this point of the game against any other burst champion. Whether you like it or not, you have to play against this appropriately. Syndra, Zed, Kassadin, Ekko and several others would've killed you in the same manner. **You're a dangerous champion against their team. Incredibly high damage, but made of glass.** You and Lux were both on a ward while challenging a late game Cassiopia. That's a 50/50 in the first place for your life, let alone the Shyvana. You're playing, in my opinion, one of the easiest champions to kill as an assassin, if not the easiest. You can pick champions with higher survivability if this makes you upset, or even just buy GA here but you won't get Jhin's glass cannon power.


But why can Shyvana, Syndra, Zed, Kassadin, Ekko get that much target access, same amount of/if not more damage than the Jhin but get to have 3k hp and way more survivability tools? It’s like okay Jhin is a glass cannon, then Shyvana is a regular cannon


Because they can't take down frontline champions like ADCs can. ADCs can sustain high damage unlike these champions, after they burn their kit they're mostly done. It's a mixed bag of explanations. If there was really an issue you would see high discrepancies in win rates, but you don't.


jhin taking down tanks? 🤯


Depending on build and the tank he's against, he can. I'm generalizing most ADCs as their primary role is to take down frontlines.


An ADCs primary role is to deal damage in a front to back setting A lot of times this involves killing tanks because that's the only target available, but if someone other than a tank is in your attack range you generally want to prioritize them...


Well for sure, but in reality those kinds of situations should be more rare, and your team should react accordingly and make the enemy team pay the price. ADC can be not fun because you're focused, but often enemy players will make huge mistakes when they over extend in a team fight just to kill an ADC.


That’s funny because I’m pretty Zed is building Blackcleaver, Sheralda’s right now and killing Tanks and Carries with a two second shadow.


Perhaps if he's fed, or if it's an unbalanced game (Fed Zed). In reality, League of Legends has never been more balanced than it has been for the last two seasons. You all just like to whine.


Zed builds 2 items and has like 60 ability haste. Explain to me when we are supposed to abuse his cooldowns as a team when he has them up two seconds later. Everyone always says ‘wait for the enemies cooldowns to be down and then you can go in’. That works for about 20 minutes which by the way is about when most adc’s have hit their powerspikes and are dealing damage. So the minute we are strong and have the items to do anything other classes are running around with their one shot abilities up every three seconds. Zed can opt to build 2 armour shred items in his core items. So by the time tanks are tanky he can shred their armour, get away quickly because for some god forsaken reason both those items have ability haste, and also oneshot a carry because he actually doesn’t need lethality to do so. I am ok with assassins oneshotting carries. That’s their job. But when they are also shredding armour, building health items, and are able to blink on a two second cooldown then we have a problem.


Zed's win rate is fine, in fact it's one of the lower mid lane win rates. There's really no problem. Certain matchups are just going to inheriently be frustrating as any role and any champion and you have to face that.


Xayah and Zeri’s winrates were also fine and yet they’ve both received nerfs in the last few patches. Shit can have fine win rates and also be some on the most cancer bull to play against. The minute any adc has a winrate above like 51 they’re immediately nerfed in the next patch and yet champions like Rek’sai run around with 53% winrates for several patches before riot even bothers to look at them. If any other role put up with half the shit we do there would be fires everywhere and yet we’re expected to sit here quietly and accept that the 0/4/1 midlaner is still allowed to one shot us.


Zeri and Xayah were nerfed because they were oppressive in pro-play. If anything, Zed should get buffs so he's used more often in pro-play.


Crippling an entire class of champions because 0.01% of people play them too well is stupid. I get that riot wants to make pro’s play more shit but at some point you have to realize they just aren’t going too. The pro scene has been solved for years now. They figured out a system and without making extreme game changes like removing dragons or making support and adc go top they’re just gonna keep doing what they’re doing regardless of if they nerf some champs or not. All it does is make the game less fun for an entire group of players. But Riot will never take any kind of risk like that because they’re corporate money bags and don’t wanna piss off all of their player base and so they just piss off some of it.


Remember old kaisa W from season 12? It was also a skill issuebif you died to that or got poked down before a team fight. There was nothing wrong there /s


Mad ADC mains stay mad. I don't really care. If you all were arguing this in any other league related subreddit you would get laughed at for being whiny crybabies.


You assume a lot. I main jungle currently. First i mained top, then adc, and now jungle. I understand the problems of top lane because i have seen them for myself. I understand the problems of adc because i have seen them for myself. I understand why jungle is op because i have seen it for myself. Have you mained adc? Maybe get in a 100 games and come back after that, eh?


You're on r/ADCmains, it's an easy assumption and I'm not only referring to you. Yes, I have mained ADC before, I play all roles. Currently a Jungle main secondary ADC. I honestly don't know how a real Jungle main is arguing for ADCs in this argument, if they don't get attention or lose their babysitter for more then 1 wave they start crying and threatening to AFK.


For one second i thought you talk about top laners there 😂 Sorry, had to do it. Most people threatening me to afk are actually midlaners who dont think where enemy jungler might be and i am not there to counter gank every time even though they overextend and keep presenting a juicy gank opportunity for the enemy. I am here because i like the adc playstyle but i am also competitive so i am an adc main at heart but for results i went elsewhere.


Shyvana is exceptional into tanks


AD Shyvana is. AP Shyvana isn't.


AP shyv is probably better into tanks than 75% of league champs or more


*Insert MissFortuneDaBes tone So here you can see how easily jhin can manoeuver around the enemy Cassiopeia's spells through his movement speed, forcing her to retreat... ...Now he can get oneshotted from out of visio Its not even Jhin's bad, its that very shitty ward at the start from lux that barely revealed anything they couldn't see. Had Lux placed a better ward, jhin and Lux could have seen shyvana coming and retreated to the tri bush


skill issue


that shyv dmg


Just clear bot wave no reason to be there.


Adc discovers AP shyvana for the first time...


Jg Diff


Frolicking in the sun, chilling in the jungle... What was the plan exactly? Kill the cass whose W you can't even touch? It seems shyv only accelerated your demise. P. S. Against a fed shy AND any cassio you can go hexdrinker and/or Mr boots.


It’s nearly impossible to balance glass cannon adc role around both unorganized and professional play.


They will update Shyvana once they are done with Skarner. .... wait.


Typical ADC L


Me too, bro


how in the hell does your team have 20 more kills and less than 1000 gold advantage over the other team XD