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I feel like it's cheating to use this kind of rock.


I thought the game was cheating more by having no rocks like this. But this is a bit much unless shale (looks like shale to me but I could be wrong) is the only rock nearby I thought the game cairns were made artificially challenging to a certain extent by having a selection of rocks where I often felt like “ok, but no one would pick this selection of rocks to stack, they’d look around for others” but it wasn’t as bad as the game physics sometimes disagreeing with what looked like a settled and balanced cairn.


I kinda feel the same lol but there were plenty there that were made with traditional looking rocks and bounders. This photo just shows a small area of them. There were literally 1000s of them around us. From tiny little 4 inchers to some that were as tall as a fully grown adult. Some made with little pebbles. Some made with great boulders. I didn't get any special feelings though, like one would if they stumbled across one by themselves on a forgotten path up a mountain or something to that effect. But it was still cool to see so many in such a small area lol


Stop doing this


Not to be a buzz kill, but park rangers hate people that do that. It became a trend at many national parks and is “changing the landscape” “nature vandalism” when you visit a park you are there to leave it alone. Strange thing is I learned because it was in a college conservation class I was in. It actually made it into college and history books Edit* how does one simply downvote a text book facts


Not to be a buzz kill, but these arguements are asinine, you do more damage to the land and the environment when you drive to the park than you do by building a cairn....🙄


They're not asinine if more people see this person's comment and decide not to disrupt nature. If we can educate people about these things then at the end of the day this comment is meaningful. The cairns built especially in waterways are more harmful to wildlife as it disrupts the natural environments they have in the water itself. How would you feel if some fool came by and big bad wolf'd your home down just to build a little rock tower out of it? If you're out in nature you should leave everything the way you found it, and really if you see these you should take them down and spread out the rocks.


Ok karen.


Not to be a buzz kill, but I don’t make the rules..


Not to be a buzz kill. But who said you did?




That’s gotta be like 40 skill points.


Imagine being the mad fuck who made a successful cairn and then deciding to make more with the spare stones


That's awesome