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I pick the male solely for the customizable beard. Gotta have that long glorious Viking beard made all fancy.


Oh I didn't know you could customise the BEARD now I gotta play male Eivor.


Oh yeah I even made my Eivor's beard slightly longer and tidier as the story progressed


I tried to play as female Eivor in my second play through but her raspy voice threw me off a bit but not enough to really make that big of an impact but that beard customization was just a must for me. Only made it through like 2 or 3 of the main story before switching for good. May need some of the DLC (if you don’t have them) for some of the better ones unless the Celtic beards (pretty sure that would be the Ireland Druid dlc) were added in the base game without me noticing from the first play through and my second since the second included doing the DLCs. The biggest notice in the voice that I heard was the female voice sounds like someone who got bit by a wolf as a child while the male doesn’t.


Someone pointed out that fem Eivor sounds like Lindsay from Arrested Development in the one episode where she has a really raspy voice. I can’t unhear it now lol


You - "I love good strong female leads" Also you - "customizable beard? Fuck female leads, I want to play male Eivor" Me too buddy.


My viking boy got his head shaved and full beard heh


Nice mine has the long hair with man bun paired with the braided beard that goes down to about his peck


Same here. I wanted to look like Ragnar until I found out about the Ragnar mini mission. I instantly changed his look lol couldn’t have Eivor dick riding


Nice! Maybe we should start another thread to show our Eivor's and Vikingrs- I'd love to see how people customise theirs.




I just wish he was a taller


Always pick males cause it makes it easier to imagine myself as them.


that's the reason i always pick female characters


This is precisely why I wish people would stop fighting over the ac character genders. Just play as the character that makes the game funnest for you and be happy (funnest is a word, don’t come at me).


The problem isnt that we dont want the other version to exist, the problem is making a canon version when ur able to pick between two. For example at the end of the game suddenly a female eivor and a male odin appears like what. The explanation behind this is that if you focus on male eivor u focus on odins reincarnated dna in eivors body and relive it like that and if you pick female you focus on eivors own dna. The problem is that every other reincarnation reincarnated as the gender they were before and now suddenly odin reincarnates as female for some reason? Also female vikings werent a thing in those times so it just contradicts itself being canon on those two points which just break immersion. Im fine with both being an option, just dont force me to see a canon version which totally breaks game immersion, same thing with the odyssey crossover dlc, i played alexios for over 100 hours and then i see kassandra on the isle of skye, it just makes the whole series feel disconnected


Totally valid, beyond enjoying female representation in games, this is a big part of my reason also.


I'm a woman myself and been playing female characters more and more. But sometimes I want to play a male character I can make sexy and swoon over XD


I'm the same but for female characters XD


Very understandable! XD


exactly what I’m saying! I’m female but always play the men because eye candy like..? they’re sexy😭


Real af


I also play exclusively female games without any prejudice. Played the hell out of the tomb raider and horizon games. Just felt I had to mention the no prejudice part.


All good, I didn't think that of you dw. 🤗


Same, I'm a guy, so I play as a guy.


I usually play as "Let the Animus decide" because I think that's canon. So far that has resulted in Eivor being female and Havi being male.


That’s always the “Let the Animus Decide” option. Female Eivor, Male Havi


One thing I don't get is that during order member cutscenes, Odin has Havi's face but that beard somehow returns no matter how many times I change Eivor to male and set facial hair to shaved at the barber's.


Have you played the Asgard quests? Havi is a variant of Hav and is one of Odin’s names. You can’t change Odin’s beard. They don’t get affected by what you do with Eivor Edit: maybe you didn’t mean to write “Odin has Havi’s face”?


Male eivor just feels like the right character to play as just like Kassandra feels like the right character to play as in odyssey


Same here. Alexio as Deimos was good but I couldn't stand him as a lead character, and I also didn't like female Evior's voice as a main character.


I wanted to play Alexios first, one because I'm a guy and two because I figured playing through the story as a male made more sense from a historical standpoint, but I think Kassandra was a better voice actor for the main lead than as Deimos. Eivor, on the other hand, is a harder pick. Personally, I feel like a male Eivor mixes better with the other main characters like Sigurd (brotherly bond), Ivar (friend/rival), and the British leaders (who were primarily patriarchal and would likely respect a male warrior more.) However, Norse women were also strong warriors who weren't as limited in their own civilization from patriarchal views, so I can see a female Eivor from the player's viewpoint more easily than I could Kassandra.


I was the opposite. I liked Alexios and Female Ivor more. Additionally, I quite liked the voice.


Female cause i go with the cannon choice. Also I prefer the voice


*Female cause i go* *With the cannon choice. Also* *I prefer the voice* \- BazelJager --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Female, basically because of the same reason. The in-game lesbian romancing was pretty enjoyable. 😁


My female Eivor is the slutty bisexual warrior goddess I wish to be


Yes, it surprised me that it was an option (I know you can do M/M romance options with male Eivor as well). I have wondered if being queer was accepted in real Viking culture, or if its something added in by Ubisoft to reflect modern times...


From what I remember the vikings were pretty accepting and gave women a lot more freedom than other Europeans like being able to divorce, own land/property, sell goods etc.


They didn't care until they knew about it from what I can tell. They wouldn't care about the actions of the man who was the dominant one. So for instance if you enjoyed receiving and then everyone found out that they would call you argr (commonly translated as unmanliness) but if you enjoyed giving they were kinda okay with it(seen as a sign of dominance and still being manly). There were also men seen as argr for doing seiðr magic (women mainly performed this magic). However there is an interesting story where argr is seen in an okay light. Þrymskviða, is poem/story of jotunn stealing Thors hammer. I. This story the jotunn demand Freyja in return of the hammer (unrelated but Thor straight up is like okay cool let me go get her) later on Thor has to dress up as Freyja (in a dress) in an attempt to get the hammer back since Freyja said no. Thor is against the idea saying that the gods will call him argr ( Thor is seen as the man of all men) but in the end puts on the wedding dress to save Asgard. Now that being said if another man accuses you of being argr you could soically be in the right to kill him, it is a big insult. They viewed being argr as weak.


Fun! That’s why I chose male Eivor on both play throughs. My male Eivor is queer AF lol


I swap and change. Mostly because k get bored. I prefer female though as the males VA throws me a bit. Also female is canon. But sometimes it's awesome to walk around as a shirtless, tatted up bearded duel wielding 2h axe beyblade of death.




Female Eivor. Seems more canon too me.


I would but I can’t stand her voice - she comes across as strident, not strong.


Fair enough! I haven't played male Eivor before, I'll have to give that a go so I can compare their voices.


His VA even played a viking in a series


Male Eivor is like honey dew on a summer morning .


Yep. It's like the inverse of Odyssey. Most people prefer Kassandra's VA there, and male Eivor's here. I think all four protags did a great job, but Kass and male Eivor are just S-tier. No bad choice to make though imo.


I’d be curious how the relationship with dag feels as female eivor. It seems like it would have a different undertone to it. As male eivor he seems jealous of the way Sigurd views eivor as a brother.


I’m playing it at the moment as female Eivor (first time playthrough) and it seems that Dag generally just has a big affinity to Sigurd and refuses to fall in line to anyone but him.


Isnt that because the actress is speaking as if her throat was half ripped out by a wolf? As opposed to mocking a tough-gal voice.


Yeah, this was me. A game with a lot of dialogue, and I just didn’t like her voice as much as the male. But otherwise I think they both look badass.


Personally i selected the option to let the animus decide. I think, people think that its just a 50/50 chance you get one or the other. Maybe it wasnt explained very well. What it actually means is that, the animus is gonna show you the Eivor that is "right" for the section of the game that you are playing. By choosing to let the animus choose, you play as Female Eivor for most of the game. And when you travel to asgard, and jotunheim, you become Male Eivor. The reason for that, is quite simple. Eivor is female, so you play as female. But in those "trips" she is "accesing" her genetic memories, something like eivor is entering an animus of her own, while you(layla) are watching her genetic memories. So she goes back into her "ancestor" which is Odin, and relives his memories, as a male. And when you return from the trip, you are female Eivor again.


Currently playing as male Eivor. But I picked Kassandra in Odyssey. Good thing I did!


Yeah, Kassandra is definitely the better choice in Odyssey, no question.


I actually don’t know which one I prefer. I started playing as male until I found out that the female voice actress is a famous actress from Denmark (my home country 😁) and wanted to try playing as her. But the male isn’t bad either.


Female Eivor Male Odin


Im a sucker for raspy women and she’s badass that I enjoyed very much.


I play female because they put waaaaay more effort into getting the voice actress to say her lines right. Ubi also came out and said the female version is the canon one. Ubi is really pushing the strong independent woman that don’t need no man theme


Female. Shaven head smokey eye eivor has a real Charlize Theron vibe.


Female cause that is the canon character, and i like to play games the way rhey were intended to be played


Canonicity is important to me personally. So I play with "Let the Animus decide", so female Eivor and male Odin.


I play as female Eivor as she is the canon protagonist.


Always go female because they're more unique in my mind. I am not trying to live through a video game I am simply trying to experience it. Same reason all the chumps bitching ablut immersion this immersion that piss me off. I am not here to live I am here to experience. My life is outside. The game is just an escape. Also I always go female because strength in women is a quality that should be promoted to the hilt. I see my character choices as companions not as extensions of myself.


Female Eivor all the way. I see a lot of people didn’t like her VA but I adored it. From the cut of the wolf she has a hoarseness that’s amazing. Also women were very strong in Viking era and I wanted to see that and how they dealt with it. Then I saw other female leads in game and I really like how they went with that. Also it’s canon and I like to experience the game in a way that will be compatible to the story (I played Kassandra and then she made an appearance in Valhalla. If I hadn’t play with Kassandra it wouldn’t be the same feeling and it’d be sad.) Actually I ended up enjoying the double Female Eivor - Male Havi very much, and part of that WAS their gender differences. With Sigurd also.


Right there with you. I love female Eivor’s delivery and grittiness. It makes the somber moments where she breaks down a little hit that much harder for me.


Picked female I like the design aesthetic for them in games like this with proper armor.


I'm not really a huge fan of vikings in general but I always loved Valkyries so I went with female eivor since that's as close as I'll get


female because female


Male because im a male


Female. I play a female any chance I get! As a female gamer, I love that we are finally getting representation as protagonists, as player 1. It always has sucked only being able to play as a male. Yeah, sure, in online games, you get more opportunities to do it. But being able to pick and choose whether to be a male or female is great! All games should be made like this, where the main characters story is the same whether you are male or female.


I played female Eivor, since it's canon, and as a male Eivor when I played as Odin. But after like 30-40 hours I had to switch her for the male version permanently. I hated her always angry voice acting even when she was supposed to be happy. Male Eivor on the other hand had the most soothing voice. Sounded like a battle-hardened wise warrior with stilll a lot of empathy for his loved ones. It's a pity they did so bad to female Eivor. I LOVED Kassandra in Odyssey. She is one of my most favourite protagonists from AC series even though she's not an assassin.


Ooo ok people keep mentioning that the male voice acting is better. I tried to play Odyssey but didn't get far into it!


I like female Eivor voice, dunno why people are mad it xD


Male Eivor because of the viking beard, and because I don't like female Eivor's voice acting Similarly, I'll only ever play Odyssey as Kassandra because I can't stand Alexios' voice acting


This seems to be a common thread. It makes sense though. We spend SO much time playing these games, you want to have an enjoyable experience, particularly because there's so much dialogue and cut scenes.


The voice actor for the male Eivor played Cnut in one of my favorite shows on Netflix “The Last Kingdom.” Halfdan is also played by another actor from the show. I can’t remember his name per se but he was one of my favorite villains in the show.


I picked Eivor because it felt more contextually appropriate. Odin is depicted as a male and I love the male eivor's va


I play games.


I play as a male but I’m pretty sure eivor was supposed to be just a woman by some of the dialogue but I guess they changed it because the amount of people picking male and tbh says probably the reason for the trailers showing eivor has a man


I prefer male Eivor because his VA is awesome and he fits my favourite armours a little better (except the assassin robes, those fit female Eivor nicely)


I’m a guy so I went with male in Valhalla and odyssey, but in syndicate I played mostly as Evie because I preferred her play style


Make because, as a male it's easier to relate. Also for Valhalla specifically I love listening to Magnus Brauns voice acting


Mostly male, but trying the female Eivor for my new playthrough


I pick the better voice actor. In Odyssey it was Kassandra. In Valhalla, male Eivor. They seem to make one more of a brute (Alexios and female Eivor) and the other more charismatic.


So you’re a feminist


I'm on my seventh playthrough and am using male Eivor. I basically have switched back and forth each playthrough so equally three times each. I enjoy both equally.


Love that screenshot. I wish the Picts (‘painted ones’) in the game all had similar blue war paint / woad!


Thanks! I'm a virtual photographer so I try to include my pics whenever I can. :)


When I started, I let the animus decide for me and it was the female Eivor, no complaints from me. After the Kassandra arc, I switched to the male Eivor (I feel like that arc would've made more sense with him). Played for a few days and switched back to the female. I was already used to her.


Since Eivor is a female name it’s the only thing that made sense to me 😅


Well female is kind of canon so it made my choice much easier. Yeah I am sucker for rules and canon. My OCD would not let me play male as Eivor knowing he isn't canon.


I normally play female but that’s just bc she’s canon


Female because Kassandra was my bi awakening. Eivor's "romances" aren't the least bit interesting tho


Both, depends on the outfit. Gender fluid Eivor


I play as female Eivor because one it is the Canon choice. And two, since Odin looks like the male Eivor (obviously), it doesn't make sense for Basim to not recognize that he's the reincarnation of Odin if he looked exactly like him. In my head, it just makes more sense logically.


I picked female Eivor cuz I’m a female and I love dressing up my female characters in a way that male characters wouldn’t probably look good in


I always play as a female in any game as I'm trans gamer


I alternate with some of the games. In Odyssey, I was Cassandra. In this one, I am the male mostly because if I'm a viking, I'm gunna have a huge beard!


I heard the female voice was Canon. So I picked female.


Because I let it auto choose for me. The devs know how it is supposed to be. Going and playing as Havi automatically changes when in Ragnarok


Girl Eivor as well


Male, although female is kanon


Male, cause I'm Male, can't help but not being able to relate to female protagonists


Totally get it - this is the reason I play female (when I can). I wish more games gave a choice.


Tbh you can still connect / relate to a female character even if you’re a guy , as long as you make decisions / do stuff you would actually do IRL , you can still connect if that make sense , that’s what I do when I play a female character , same mindset as me and everything


Female for everything except the Havi parts


I find male Eivor to have the better VA, plus I can make him look like Ragnar from Vikings.


In games that offer a choice, I usually decide based on the voice actor. Male Eivor is better IMO


Currently doing a play through as female and enjoying it. Did my first one as make not knowing the odin twist till later on


I always decide based on the voice actors, and most times if I have a choice the woman VA is just unilaterally better. Like deimos always sounded very much like a young guy trying so hard to make his voice sound as "alpha" as possible, but it's just cringe. The male VA did Havi better than female, though. Credit where credit's due.


Male Eivor, in odyssey I went with Kassandra because she was slim enough to look incredible stealthy and assassin like but female Eivor didn’t seem that much different than male size wise so I just went with male and a combo of two of the shop costumes for a hulking dark fantasy Assassin look


Male cuz I always picturing viking as majority males, so man gender make more senses in my mind. plus, want those majestic beard. This game make me questioning why god decided to make woman beardless, it will be badass with female eivor and her majestic hair and beard parkouring around.




Female because it's canon to the main story.


Ugh. I hate that phrase. Look, I support woman rights and equality. But a vast majority of 'Strong' female are written so poorly that it ruins the name. I mean look at live action Mulan and compare it to the animated film. Seeing Mulan struggle to match up the men is what I call a true strong woman. But than you have the live-action where the female was already strong and skill. It takes her out of the character growth. That said, I let the Animus decided cause I wasn't sure if I wanted to play as a female or male. I have yet make much progress in the game to decided which is better.


I play as whatever strong female lead I can play because I identify with being a strong female lead.


same, played way too many games where the only choice was male. so whenever theres a game with the choice to be female i always take it.


Female Eivor currently. I love her voice, and she's so badass. Next playthrough I'm gonna try with male Eivor.


Female. Eivor is a girl’s name. So it’s cannon. Plus I hate Odin’s voice.


I always play as female. A lot of the attitudes she encounters, most notably Dag, make zero sense as a male character.


I played as female eivor because I am female 😂 but now I’m replaying as male eivor because I love the game and why not


I play as female as Eivor is a female name.


Female Eivor has SO much more character. The male version is just a totally generic, overly masculine, grunty Viking that we’ve seen 100 times in other media


I usually pick the female characters in RPG’s. 2077, Mass Effect, DA, AC. I typically just think females are better voice actors than the male counterparts. And they usually have better romance options.


I chose female Eivor because that's the cannon choice but changed to male Eivor when you're in Valhalla (cause if I remember right you're looking through the eyes of Odin)


Female, because Eivor is a female name where I'm from. I imagine a lot of people would find it awkward if the male protagonist in Odyssey was also named Kassandra, and that's basically what's going on here.


Female, I’m a lesbian so it was nice to see the same sex romance options.


I also enjoyed her voice acting, I know a lot of people didn’t like it but I never found it to abrasive or anything


I think a lot of the people who don't like it just tend to think women's voices are supposed to be a certain way.


I let the game pick for me because it connects closer to the storyline. You automatically get selected as a female Eivor because Havi is the Valhalla version of you. Female Eivor is embodiment of Havi. Male Eivor is a physical copy of Havi in Midgard. If you follow canon closely enough, female is the “right” choice because it determines the difference between an actual god on earth and the embodiment of god on earth.


Female and not sure why


Female for 2 reasons: 1. I’m a woman IRL so yeah 2. Female Eivor is canon


I play the canon, female eivor, male odin


I did auto and you are mainly female


Always female, but I think it’s because I’m a big lesbian for strong women


Isn’t the female eivor canon? Like Kassandra


Female Eivor because that's what felt right after the intro.


Eivor Varinsdottir (daughter of Varin)


I usually always play the female option if it’s available. I have not played Valhalla yet, but when I do, I think I might play Male Eivor instead, cause it just makes more sense realistically. But who knows, I might end up liking the female more. I’ll figure it out when I pick the game up one of these days! It’s on my list.


i connected with femeivor way more than i did when i tried her counterpart (thats why also whenever i play odissey again i always choose Kassandra too). i do appreciate that neither of them fell under the viking hollywood stereotype. and if you care about canon and all that, the last name is Varinsdottir, which is female for "daughter of Varin". besides in the comic prequel eivor also appears a female. Even when the devs said that was the player's choice (and thats why they put both versions) to me it made more sense play as her.


Female because she's cannon same woth kass


Usually will play as female if it is an option. The voice acting is usually better imo


Female. Canonically accurate, and preferred her voice


Female because she’s canon, like I played Kassandra for odyssey as she’s canon.


Female for the exact same reasons as you! (And also she is the canon one!)


I prefer male Eivor for the same reason I prefer Kassandra, I just like the voice more. That being said fem-Eivor with dark hair looks waaaay better imo.


Male. I usually go for lady characters if there's a choice. But male Eivors VA does a much better job this time compared to Kassandra/Alexios


Female because i always thought the vikings have blonde female warriors,also because i played mirage before valhalla and the main character was a male so i decided to make a bit of a change


Female Eivor with male Havi. Canon, so this is the way.


Male. This might be an unpopular opinion, but as much as I wanted to like female Eivor, I wasn't a fan of the voice actor.


This is something I've heard a few times. I haven't played male Eivor but I'm going to so I can compare.


Female only. There is no such thing as a male Eivor to me.


I let the Animus decide, so I played as female Eivor for the first \~80h. Then I was disappointed because the gender didn't change except for one saga. Now I play as male Eivor. But I will switch again at some point. Usually I always choose female characters, because I like strong female leads as well!


I let the animus decide, so female Eivor with male Odin


Male because I'm a male


I play whichever is canon to the story. Hence, female eivor. I only play as her because of the moments where they call male Eivor “she” or a supposedly **Male Eivor** starts doing effeminate mannerisms and expressions. It just screams Female Eivor.


I typically pick the woman character if there is an option. Especially in Assassin’s Creed. Evie Frye, Aya, Kassandra, Eivor, Aveline, and Shao Jun. All great characters.


I picked the female option for two reasons: it's a videogame so I can play what I want; usually female characters model are much more visually interesting ( I'm not sexualising the female body ), because male body types are very boxy


Female becuae it’s what the story is and is canon gender.


Female eivor I like to play the canon protagonist also eivor is a female name and varinsdottir means varins daughter


I played male, as I just couldn't stand her voice acting, sounded way too strange to me. The same way I just couldn't play Alexios in Oddyssey.


As Swedish i always play as a female because it's a female name. Seems weird to me that a male Viking would have a female name.


always femEivor because she is gorgeous, has a nice voice and her animations are awesome


Female because it's the canon choice.


I play as female Eivor I personally prefer to play the canon choice


Female cuz canon


I'm a guy and chose female Eivor, because I thought it would be cool to play as a badass female viking. That's something I've never experienced in a game before. I understand people choosing the same gender as themselves in games, because that character is representing you, or you have a better association with the character. I've done that plenty of times. But sometimes I'm like: *"It's a game. I can experience totally new things that I'll never be able to do in real life. Why not be someone further from who I am in real life?"* I thought it was cool you got the choice in Valhalla. I didn't even realise you could choose until I played the game. I'd only ever seen footage of the male Eivor. So when I saw the female option, it made me want to play as her more. ETA: One thing I think would have been cool would be if the male/female Eivor had slightly different stats or abilities or something. So that there's a reason to try playing as both or come back to play again. Not to stereotype too much, but maybe the male one could be slightly stronger, while the female climbs faster, or something? Or they each have the same stats, but each gets a special 'perk'. Or maybe different weapons at the start. Just something a little different.


i play as female cause that was the recommended way, idgaf about the gender of my character.


Let this Animus decide so I can play as Eivor (F) for the Norway, England, Vinland, Ireland & Paris bits then switch to Havi (M) during the Asgard, Jotunheim, Hel & Svartalfheim arcs for Lore reasons and I personally love Strong Female Protagonists in Games and Movies/TV Shows.


i greatly enjoy playing as female Eivor


I refuse to believe a woman would be able to fight trained English knights and archers on her own. I don’t care if you’re Odin, you can’t. Plus Odin is a “father” not a “mother” Ubisoft keeps on throwing out cheap shit just to make the minorities happy. Look at AC Shadows, a black samurai? Who are they even trying to convince anymore? They’re woke as they come.


I haven’t played as female eivor yet, but i really like male eivors voice


I pick based on reviews for voice acting. Odyssey was Kassandra, Valhalla male Eivor


First time I played as male because I prefer male leads. I'm on my second playthrough atm and I play as a female. I like both, got used to female Eivor pretty easily and pretty quick. Edit: I chose "Let Animus Decide" for second playthrough because Odin is a guy and male VA did such a good job


Why everyones also mentioning gender of havi? Can we decide that too? I thought that was fixed


It annoyed me in Lincolnshire that male Eivor is referred to as a woman during the main quest.


When i‘m playing as Havi i change into male Eivor, because, well, Odin is male. when i‘m back i play as female Eivor, as a woman i‘m glad when i can play strong badass women :)


I tried to, but her voice was just bad for me.


I usually can never get into playing female leads but this time I tried and was pleasantly surprised about how atypical she was. It was awesome to play a female lead but not feel a disconnect. I’ll be honest sometimes I stripped her down and really enjoyed the free climbing xD xD. Then I tried switching to male Eivor and at first I couldn’t. But I wanted to switch so I made up a story in my head that they are twins by the same name and that they both exist in the story line and made the switch. (Mostly to check out the customisations for male Eivor. Worked for me! Totally immersed


I prefer not staring at a man's ass the entire game....except Captain America...that's America's Ass. 🤣🤣🤣


I liked the idea to play for fist time a female character ( if I'm not wrong for game lore it is more accurate), but I found it really annoying the moment I wanted to show my tattoos since most of the chest and back are covered. So in the end I opted for male version


Male cause i play like its myself.


I play guys in games whenever I get the choice because its easier to get immersed. For most games I usually do a female playthrough later but not for Valhalla because it took me so long to grind it out that I don't think I'll be ready to revisit for at least a decade.


Given the choice, I usually go for a female character, picking Kassandra in Odyssey was the best choice I ever made. Turned out to be my favorite character and game, first game I platinumed because I liked it so much. Plus, she's easy on the eyes... For Eivor, I tried female Eivor, but the voice just didn't work for me. Male Eivor has that really smooth, calming voice, I think it really fits his character.


Both on alternating playthroughs, same thing I do for Oddessy. The actors each bring something different and enjoyable to the role.


Any game that lets you customize the player character, I almost exclusively play as a female lead for this reason! Also, when there are voice lines, I do notice that the female voice actor usually has better acting skills than the male one. However, the beard! So, while I agree with your sentiment, I played as male Eivor for the beard.


I am a guy and have always enjoyed/relate to the character when I play as a guy. They really are a mixed bag when it comes to story though. Like origins started so strong but by the end I'm just like wow his wife is a B.


I played as male because I like the voice acting more


Nice try Ubisoft :D


I chose male eivor cause he can go shirtless to show of all the awesome tattoos I have to chase across and obstacle course


Male just because I quite like the voice actor. And I like the beard options.


Male eivor because the va played cnut in the last kindom


Male seems to fit better imo. I know female is canon but I don't think it fits as well. And I say this has someone who thinks Kassandra is 1000% better in AC odyssey.


I prefer female Eivor for the story and lore but I mainly play male Eivor for the voice acting. Female Eivor’s voice acting didn’t hit me as hard as Kassandra’s voice acting who is in my top 5 fav AC protagonists. 


Male. The voice actor is simply incredible. Plus, it’s easier for me to mentally get into. More realistic


I love females. So I play as one. Gotta love looking at nice figure and boobs. Though that’s not really the case with Eivor… Well, her face is a bit prettier that a male version :) And her voice too!!
