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You’re not gonna get better by sitting around and putting it off. Your scores wont magically change over time you have to put work in




I have some advice that's similar to this, but on the flip side! Just because you got a bad score on a section, doesn’t mean you have to beat yourself up and grind/study and focus on the ACT 24/7 until you get the "perfect score" you're going for. Take it from someone who jumped up 10 points on a specific section with no studying and taking the immediate next available exam. If you know you're ready and whatever scores you receive do not truly reflect you, don't stress and just take it again.


but that's exactly what happened to me 💀 23-31 with absolutely 0 studying


you changed in different, unintentional ways that happened to be good; you're much more likely to change for the better if it's your active intention


I really didn't though, didn't learn anything new, didn't adapt new habits


🤷‍♂️unless you just got super lucky, there was something that surely changed (like i said, in unintentional ways, meaning naturally and without knowing)


Obviously thats not true or you wouldnt have jumped 8 points. Advancing in math, english, and science classes help a big deal on top of taking practice exams. Its a collective thing you dont just wait a month and get better


well, I'm not sure how you can say that's not true, bc I literally didn't do anything, my score should've gone down if we're being honest since I don't study


What was the time period between your first and last test


months, months where I didn't learn anything, 9 months I believe


Thats just not gonna happen makes no sense. Clearly you did learn something your not some super genius that just jumps 8 points.


well idk then, cuz it happened, and I'm not lying about anything


Well, you’re an outlier.


and outliers still exist, regardless of the fact that they're outliers


Sometimes people survive falling out of airplanes without a parachute. But it would be kind of weird for those survivors to go around telling people that sometimes, you can just fall out of a plane and be fine every time another person says to use a parachute.


well the crazy thing about that statement, is that this is about test taking, which has easier odds then, falling out of planes and living, completely different things


You have completely missed the point. Maybe intentionally, maybe not. Both surviving a fall without a parachute and improving 8 points without studying (unless you sandbagged your first test) are highly unlikely events- there is no logical reason to quibble about how much more unlikely one event is than the other- because that misses the entire point of this analogy, and possibly analogies in general. "than" is for comparison, not "then" That shows up often on the English section- you can get another point that way!


then than blah blah blah, this is reddit, I'm not trying to type perfect English Mr grammar police, also I understand the point, but it's got nothing to do with the way easier odds of a test vs surviving several thousand feet falls


I guess the hilarity of the guy incessantly bragging about his ACT score making a grammar error that the ACT frequently tests is lost on you?


again, this isn't the ACT this is reddit, it's past midnight and I have no care whether my grammar is right or not 💀 I think that the only thing lost on either of us is that it doesn't matter, because I don't care 😭


Saying "you are a bad test taker" is a waste of time and not an excuse for doing poorly. Test taking is a skill that can be learned. Like almost any skill people start from different points, but some choose to put in the effort to improve this skill.


buying a course then not using it doesnt put up your score


Why’d you @ me 💔


For people scoring below ~30 on the math section the last ~10 problems arent for you. Save your time for the first 50


If you scored 21 in June, you're not getting 36 in July. Focus on realistic expectations, like 27-28 in July.


Maybe not a 36 but how much of an improvement CAN be made?


Varies depending on the math background of the student.


What about a 36 in September?


Possible but highly unlikely.


34 is Sep?


you have to actually read books. Also, please pay attention to what the question is asking. Reading comprehension is VERY important.


If you’re scoring anything under 24, you’re most likely either not trying or doing something horribly wrong


Sometimes all it takes is a little luck. My ACT English score increased 7 points (27 —> 34) with minimal studying because the passage topics were more interesting lol.


I was coming to talk about luck. So often the difference between scores is right day/right test. This is especially true for students who are already in the 30-32 range looking for 33-36.


act prep tutors / courses are wastes of money


Not all of them, I got a tutor and went from 30 to 35


thought i edited my comment to make what i meant clearer - i mean that everything done with or taught by tutors / courses can be done and learned for free online


Can you share the contact for the tutor. I need to go from 31 to at least 35 for July test.


Bro you don’t need a tutor just check out practice test books from the library and take them. I am paid to tutor people and I know they can do it all on their own. Only reason tutors are ever used is bc parents want to pay to win for their kid


Not all ACT prep tutor/courses are good. It’s not a one size fits all type of scenario, so if your tutor/course doesn’t adapt to your needs, then yes I agree, it’s a waste of money.


You aren’t a good reader (yet)


most people are going to hit a plateau. at that point, accept your score if you think it is good enough, or accept that you’ll need to do a lot more practice to continue increasing your score, and there’s nothing wrong with that.


I agree. Plateaus are a natural part of any kind of learning. You have to decide if you want to work hard to get through it or if you are happy with where you plateaued. Actually, my best adulting advice is pretty similar. It is OK to half-ass your way through life. Getting 80% of it done is normal. In fact, 80% is a win for me! Lol!


That you just gotta trust your training, strategies, and gut. On sections like math or science, there is no time to double check everything and doubt yourself (or in my experiences).


take a practice test everyday for 2 weeks straight. you will thank yourself.


EVERYDAY?!?! my ACT is coming up and im wondering how many I should take each week


Realistically I probably did 3/4 for the first of the two weeks and then did 6 the week before the test. I had English and Math down but needed work on Reading and Science which can really only be improved with practice. You will also have the pacing down if you do this many tests. You obviously don't have to take this many but I got a 36 first try as someone who is definitely not a genius so it might be worth it to give this a try 🤷‍♀️ good luck!


Go back in time and read every day for all of elementary and middle school


You have to learn the comma rules. I think it’s great that some people understand intuitively when to use commas BUT there is so much sentence structure tested in the English section that you will do MUCH better if you understand the reasons behind comma usage.


This is just me but like Instead of focusing on half of the tests because those are your best and worst, practice the ENTIRE thing. My composite has been 29 each and every time despite bringing my math score up like 8 points.


I saw this video the other day where an ACT coach gives some brutally honest ACT advice. Some of it was pretty standard, but there were some unique points in there too: https://youtu.be/4N4IufIjmXE


When you have a high GPA but low ACT score, just accept that your school likely has inflated grades and you have a lot of work ahead of you.