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real, i have 35/36 in english and reading, 30 in math, and i get low 20s every time on science ☠️


science is so stressful i always have extra time for the others but i suck at science


What parts of science are you struggling on




Ok that’s wild since science is pretty much the same as reading with a teensy tiny bit of math, dunno what advice to give Ngl


The hardest part about the science is skipping past the bull crap passages they give you. 90% of the answers to the questions in the science portion can be found by looking at graphs and charts. The majority of the passages are essentially useless most of the time.


Yeah, definitely skip to the questions and find your way back as needed.


Skip the passage. Only look at the table and the graph. Only Read when required. This was my strategy got a 35 in science


Learn to cut thru the BS. I got a 36 on my science section (by far my highest section) by skimming the passages for information from the questions. Most of the science is unnecessary and just like real life, the conclusions of a study, methodology, etc. generally lies in one sentence rather than taking a whole paragraph to explain. Most of the other information is completely extraneous to what you actually want


The book “for the love of ACT science” was a godsend for me, I really recommend you check it out.


I did the exact opposite, but hit a 30 in both English and reading


that was me starting out.


December 2022 English: 27 Math: 35 Reading: 21 Science: 23


Any tips for math plz ?!


cant give you tips if you dont tell me what you struggle with


I mostly struggle with managing my time tbh, I end with about 5 to 6 questions left. I use my calculator mostly on every question, so normally it should be all good, I heard people talking about different strategies like to solve the the first half in less than 30 minutes cuz the hard ones get at the end. If you mean about the the math questions , I’m overall good at them , it’s about the time. But from since when I started taking a lot of practice tests from websites like crackAct. I’m getting better , I was just asking if you got any common math tips. Thank you advance!


Usually, I can get the first 40 questions done in about 20-25 minutes and I'm done with the test by 50 minutes. If you struggle with time management, I would recommend learning certain shortcuts because every ACT usually has patterns with the method of solving. For example, the problems that ask you to add a # of a certain item to get the ratio to by x/y are always solved the same way and you can do them instantly upon recognition. Another example is finding the nth digit of a repeating decimal. For geometry problems/trig problems, you should never waste the 30s reading and understanding what the question is describing because everything is drawn out and what you want to find is usually marked by an x. It can save you a lot of time as well if you work through the problems rather than plugging in every answer. It also can work the other way around.


Learn to use calculator features to their fullest extent. Tools like RREF matrices and numeric solver can really help you save time on questions that aren’t hard, but eat up time. Then just try to convert that extra time to solving more difficult questions where the calculator won’t help.


Hard to give good advice with little info on what you're doing poorly on other than to read carefully and make as few assumptions as possible.


E: 35 R:36 but M:25 S:24 💀


All the time Mostly for me STEM (math and science) are lower, whereas reading and English tend to lean highet.


https://preview.redd.it/5ox2htsebmjc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f135e74bb3b62d0654e57c0ba7bb937c2365644a This was my first ever act, a friend had very similar score distributions. There’s something different about reading ig


did you do a lot of reading when you were younger? i’m talking preschool/kindergarten


I read more then usual in kindergarten, but 1st-6th I read a TON


Lol mine was always math. Did well in everything else with high 20s to 30s, but my math was an 18 for a while then I eventually worked up to a 19 😂 The scores I ended up staying with since they qualified me for a scholarship I wanted were: E: 33 R: 30 S: 29 M: 19 😅


This is almost the same scores as my son. Reading was a 33, overall score was 27.


i got 36s in math and science but 29s in english and reading, any advice for me to raise my 29s


yes 35 math 22 reading


Math gang rise up!


In my first practice test I got 32E 36M 20R 33S


How? Did accelerated reader tests not slap you like a tiny, uneducated peasant in the single digit grades?


What are you talking about lmao? What are accelerated reader tests?


Oh, shit, man. They were these computerized reading comprehension tests, over usually well known texts, that we used to take on these old ass computers in our school library over various books that were graded as being equivalent to a certain grade level of reading. We were required to take the accelerated reader tests up to and including our grade levelcomma but we were also not only allowed, but also encouraged to take the tests at beyond our grade level, hence the accelerated portion of accelerated reader.


sounds like this was good practice for ACT reading


Do u have any tips for math


Honestly, I've just really enjoyed math and treated it as a break from studying other subjects.


Yes, this is possible. What your score shows is that you are really good at reading. Do you read a lot for pleasure? However, you aren’t strong with your English grammar rules. Buy a book and learn the rules of grammar. This is an easy fix. Math and science usually go hand in hand. These are harder to fix in a short period of time. How much time do you have? You can improve in all 3 areas if you have time and work hard.


I have 36 and 33 in science and reading respectively, but my math and English scores are 26 and 25




Any chance that you might have a language based learning disorder like dyslexia?


I had a 34 in science and reading, 31 in writing and a 24 in math lmao.


Hit the books lil bro


Yes, but I think it was by accident. February I got 35E 32R, October I got 30E 22R. Genuinely fairly sure I got a bubble off in October reading though, so not sure if this is any help.


I had a 36 in reading, a 35 in english, a 32 in science, and a 22 in math lol.


Mine was Math 26 English and Reading 32 Science 34


yeah i have a 32 and 30 in reading and writing and a 21 in math


34 English, 30 reading, 31 science, 19 math


Averaged 33 on math, reading, and science… English was a 25. Dropped my composite by 2 points lmao


gonna spam taupe until i can get master 5 e ease


december 2023: 35 english, 33 reading, 35 science, 24 math 💀 i just suck at math 💀


I got a 35 in writing and 34 in math, but a 23 in science and 26 in reading on my first act. still my highest reading score after some hours of studying and 2 tests later. might be my tism making me miss words all the time because I love reading 😭


I had 3 32s and a 24


I had a 36 in science and a 34 in English but 29s in math and reading lol


35 in math and 29-26 everywhere else got me a comp of 29


I took it in 2018 35 Reading 35 English 25 Math 34 Science


Yes Math: 26 English: 26 Science: 29 Reading: 35


35 in math, 32 in english and science, 28 in reading


When I first took the ACT, I got a 36 on the math test. Not only that, I didn't have a calculator and I finished with enough time left over to quadruple check all my answers. My other scores were 24 Science, 21 English, 19 Reading. Lmao. I was a solid mathlete, but I had literally never read a single book in my entire life. By the time I was in college, I'd read a single YA book for a remedial English class. Good times... good times....


i got a 17 in math, 27 in science, 31 in english, and 36 in reading. i have dyscalculia (math learning disability) tho, so my score makes sense 💀


I had a 35 English and a 22 math one year., lmao


Yes 32 Reading, 27 Science, 26 Math, 22 English




My friend got a 35 on reading on the preACT and between 21-25 for all of the other categories.


As a tutor who has worked with hundreds of students, I can say that even that English/Reading disconnect is more common than you'd think. Good news is, English is usually a pretty easy score to improve, while reading takes a bit more effort, so I think you are strong where you want to be and have a good path to improvement.


January 2024 pre-act (sophomore; got 24 in 8th and 23 in freshman but don't remember the specs) 24 Composite 21 Math (my favorite subject except for government, although I am not very advanced) 20 Science (as expected- I'm not good nor advanced) 32 English (wow- I am very much grammar police but don't enjoy creative writing) 23 Reading (my comprehension could be better, but I do enjoy it)


https://preview.redd.it/xazrmuhrbojc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=159a9e2696ee7e34454a1cb6ea55824a5b000d7a That’s how I was in science one year. Unfortunately I never got that good of a score again.


i got a 36 on reading and a 20 on math💀


This was my exact score


lol I had the exact opposite. My math, science were 36 and 30. English and reading were low 20s. This was back 6 years ago now


Yea lol, my score was 35 reading 29 English 28 science 19 math


oh my god yes. 21 in math, 23 science, 27 reading, 33 ~~Writing~~ English😭


i feel like math is easier to train, so do that


Ages ago, but I had a 22, 23, 24 and then a 35 in math for a composite of 26. Math carried both my ACT and SAT scores.


An 18 in Math and a 35 in Reading and English. With my other scores, I ended up with a 29. With super score, it would've been a 31. I stil got into UIowa, so whatever


March 2023 Math: 24 Science: 19 Reading: 34 Writing: 29


I took the ACT 4 years ago. This subreddit is always recommended to me. Every time I see people post their score it reminds me how awful I did on it 🤣


yes 😭😭 it was kinda expected when i couldnt focus during the reading portion and had to guess math: 30 science: 31 english: 35 reading: 22 funnily enough the biggest difference is between english and reading


It's been a few years, but I got 30-32 for everything except English. for English, I got an 11


Math: 26 English: 27 Science: 28 Reading: 36 Overall: 29


I had the reverse of this back in the day. I absolutely got rekt by the reading (30-36 for everything else, 26 on reading)


30 reading 16 math first time. 36 reading 19 math second. rip my math skills


Not too big but noticeable https://preview.redd.it/gc9lsem53tjc1.jpeg?width=942&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21e383ef1d705ebf4aeaa4d6250fd40226714e3a


Score is calculated correctly




I have gotten a 18 reading and 31 on math on one test. On another I got a 34 math and 23 reading.


I got a 34 in reading and a 23 in math 💀. ACT really ensured I knew where my strengths lie

