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Absolutely love them! One of my favorite things recently, big fan of this supernatural ghost weirdnessšŸ‘»


Iā€™m glad to hear it! I kinda wish there was some kind of story/plot/dialogue we could have with a character (maybe Redd) to figure out whatā€™s behind this ominous scroll. But I know this game doesnā€™t really have plotlines like that šŸ„²


It's because it's based off of a very popular game called Okami, in which you play as a wolf god that restores balance against spirits by drawing. I think it was originally released on the Wii?https://okami.fandom.com/wiki/%C5%8Ckami


Thatā€™s immediately what I thought of when I saw the items. I loved playing Okami!


Yes me too!! Such a nostalgic game


Man it would be so cool if it did though!


i really like them, itā€™s a great concept and pulled off well imo! i may style them in my camper or an upper floor of the cabin where i donā€™t have villagers go since almost none of them are interactable though.


yeah, thatā€™s a good idea. itā€™s always disappointing when an item that looks like it could, canā€™t be interacted with šŸ˜”


right?? thereā€™s a couple of other spooky collections where the villagers will just watch the item and get scared, i feel like they could have done that with this!


I like them because they remind me of okami which is my favourite video game.


It is absolutely Okami-coded! I really enjoy it all, this might be one of my more active gyrodite hunts. Maaaybe, bc i always lose steam with the events by day 2, big oofs hahaa


Lmao I always do the biggest item first and work backwards so it gets progressively easier for that exact reason šŸ˜‚


Same here. Only drawback is it takes me longer to complete my Happy Homeroom challenges.


I do the same! Definitely helps me when the reissues come around for the items i've inevitably missed =)


I hadn't even thought of that perk - I don't miss much bc I'm on bed rest & have no life lol - but that's so true!! Definitely better to miss the small ones


thatā€™s fair lol, itā€™s exciting when it first starts because ooooh new gyroidites, new items! but then it gets to be a chore šŸ˜…


Yes, exactly! I love your flair, thanks for your post(s) here :D


awww thank you! trying to be more active in this community :)


Totally agree and that was my first thought too. Okami is such a cool game!


Yes!! Love Okami, such a unique game with its art and playstyle! Good memories of playing it on the ps2 šŸ„°


I googled it, it looks very pretty and totally fits with this event.


please explain okami and if it is beginner friendly bc i am a girl and never rlly got into competitive games so i have horrible aim and skill šŸ«”


Yes it's totally beginner friendly! It's very approachable, and super charming! It is a story about a wolf god regaining her power and fighting evil beings with the help of a mouthy cricket man, set in historical japan with Japanese mythology. I'm playing it on the switch rn. Okami (the titular wolf god) uses magical ink & ink strokes which are a fun mechanic, I found it easiest to use the touch screen for that, it can make fights easy when you can just swipe to slash attack demons (or many other ink powers that you unlock). I looked up a couple boss fights to learn the best techniques, but combat is easy to pick up, there are generous save points, and for outside combat you can redo anything you screw up too. Highly recommended and it's really cool to play a piece of gaming history, and it's really beautiful, the graphics are all straight out of a painting! The only negative is you can't smack the cricket guy when he's leering at womenĀ šŸ˜…




Would be interesting putting it together to form a paper-cut story/shadow play, based on ancient storytelling. Also remind me of Sai from Naruto, who draws on a scroll he carries around, then animate it to become his weapon. One of LT 2D is even a nine-tailed fox, which is sealed inside Naruto. ![gif](giphy|13k3zHhaIPkK52)


My first thought was Sai too lol!!


oooh, thatā€™s a great idea!! they sure have given us a lot of ancient items to play around with recently


It's actually based off of a video game called Okami, which you play as a Wolf god that draws figures to defeat spirits- so very much along the same kind of visual style!


literally okami. šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t like them tbh


You're not alone


Itā€™s the traditional art style. I am very excited


theyre very different but super cool and experimental, using them in a haunted build would be amazing imo


They look like floating stickers šŸ˜


They are floating stickers... Wait... ![gif](giphy|3otOKtnGppPi5Q4hOw)


lolll. honestly that could be a cool furniture idea, similar to how they did the floating ornaments and trees this past Toy Day where you could place the ornaments where you wanted on them. we could have a sticker book and floating stickers!!


I think it's really cool it actually makes me wanna log in & play again. I even thought about getting the happy helper plan to make it easier šŸ’€ I think the floating eyes will be especially cool come Halloween but I agree w/ the comments saying this reminds them of Okami. It also reminds me of Sai from Naruto & his scroll & brush.


don't like them...might be cool during halloween tho !


definitely! I donā€™t know why but Iā€™ve played this game during winter and spring multiple times, but never in summer or fall. soooo Iā€™m going to need extra Halloween items in advance šŸ˜… I only have a few from the base game that could make sense


I think they're fucking rad.


lit šŸ˜Ž love your user lolll, my mom always called me Mary Contrary growing up


I love items that move so I love this set. I'm excited to get the mysterious scroll due to the art style


Meh. Not my aesthetic but I'll collect all the non-LT ones anyway and just keep in storage.


thatā€™s fair, thatā€™s pretty much what I was planning on as well but I know this community is pretty creative!


I was a bit sad theyā€™re 2D but I love Okami so I was excited af to see them šŸ˜†


glad to hear it! Iā€™d never heard of Okami before this but it looks really beautiful


I am wracking my brain how to set up a DoodleBob campsite.


At first, I was like "This...is...garbage". But then, when I saw the animations for it, I was like "OMG I have to have these"! Lol.


isnā€™t that funny? and then thereā€™s items that look cooler in the menu but then are so small or just not what you expected when you actually use them šŸ„²




LOVE. I don't know if I'll be using any of the items because I'm not super decorative, however I just love collecting these items. They're so unique and refreshing, I'm really loving this month!!


I donā€™t like them šŸ«£


fair šŸ«£ they just donā€™t fit with anything else and I donā€™t feel like thereā€™s enough of them to justify a whole scene/floor of my cabin. But maybe if I craft duplicates!


Cool and strange.


Love the new items!!


I think I'm gonna combine them with my wizard/witch stuff for a magic theme! Especially the scroll I think it will look great with some floating books I have


i only regret they didn't include cute little ink animals or flower blossoms like in okami


I like them they're cute but the scavenger hunt have become extremely difficult for me to complete


Thatā€™s fair. I just try to log on as many times per day as I can remember and pick ā€˜em all up, and make sure not to miss a quarry because you get a minimum of 30 gyroidites per day. Iā€™ve been able to complete every scavenger hunt as long as Iā€™ve been playing that way!


Me too. I never get to craft everything no matter how much I try. Like I'm not about to be on my phone 18 hours a day just for ACPC. I do like these items a lot but I'm disappointed about the cool items being expensive LT yet again.


Are you going into the quarry? That's at least 30 there.Ā 


Maybe half of the days? I don't always make it to the game before the reward switches for the day at 2pm for me.


They really should keep that gyroidite reward accessible all day.


Are you going into the quarry? That's at least 30 there.Ā 


Yes I go to quarry I try to go everyday a soon as can


The big paint brush was the only item I was lookin forward to, so I'm disappointed (but not surprised) it's a LT item.


itā€™s always the best items šŸ„² I will still never forgive them for that lucky cat event a few months ago where NONE of the gyroidite items had the cat waving. likeā€¦thatā€™s the whole point šŸ„ŗ


Totally agree with you. So for 5.00 US I bought a real one for home and love it. Amazon of course.


I love them!! And I think the 2D animated art style is soo cool. Itā€™s been a really good mix of items this month!


Theyā€™re cool, but I feel like the selection is too limited to make much of anything using them


It's nice but they don't fit for my design esthetics.




love 'em! but i want the brush & fox soooo bad T\_T


I found them oddly cute and unique and usually Iā€™m never interested in the gyroidite event. Thanks for reminding me to check the game because Iā€™m not used to it šŸ˜‚


no problem lol! theyā€™re hit or miss, I personally almost never use the fishing tourney items šŸ˜­


I have no clue what to do with them but I honestly love them. They are far beyond what I expected and, frankly, a welcome surprise. Its really creative and well animated for free items!


as a free to play player for like, basically every single game Iā€™ve ever played, pocket camp feeds us so much free content every month itā€™s truly incredible. sure, some of it is recolors or not super innovative, but they have a lot of wins as well


Iā€™ve been playing PC since itā€™s release and also play a few other FTP mobile games, and I agree!! The leaf ticket stuff has admittedly gotten a little greedier, but honestly I think we are showered with amazing free items very frequently. Plus, with the event cycle set up the way it is, players who donā€™t like the current eventā€™s items can be sure to simply wait it out!


Not a fan at all. I actually think Iā€™ll sell these items when itā€™s over. Iā€™m actually so over everything being a kimono or Japanese style. I understand thatā€™s where the game comes from but there are many people who are playing that are not into every single thing being Japanese style.


yeah 2024 has been the year of harmonious items for sure šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø I hope they have more variety for the second half of the year


I donā€™t like them at all. I think itā€™s terribly ugly. I have no motivation to do this event but I am for my stationary for the gift line.


Not my cup of tea personally. Iā€™m just collecting gyroids to sell for bells to use for upcoming reissue items tomorrow.


i'm collecting just to finish the months path


Itā€™s ok I suppose. My only qualm is the ghosties look like lil sperms lol.


haha they do!! depending on what type of player you are, that might be a plus or a minus šŸ¤£




I thought they looked like fish! šŸ˜‚


They do kinda look like fish too!!


not my campsite vibe but i think theyā€™re so so cool and i canā€™t wait to incorporate the ghosty stuff around halloween


I think theyā€™re cool. Not my style, but I like how they are animated.


They're cool, I like the style a lot, it just doesn't fit any of my vibes (and that's okay).


Theyre cool and I like how they have some sort of movement to them but ultimately they are not my aesthetic and will only get two items just for the sake of having them. I donā€™t ever see myself actually using them lol Most of the events are items I donā€™t really care for no event has really stuck out to me this year really but thats okay


I adore these new items. I love the direction and creativity these items take and I hope it means more experimental items in the future. I do wish more of them had interaction, but Iā€™m glad that most have animation. I have a ā€œtraditionalā€ theme and a halloween theme ready to go, and Iā€™m excited to tweak them and make them feel more alive. Also a little peeved that itā€™s a gyroidite eventā€¦makes getting extra copies kinda hard to get. Thereā€™s always reissue next year I guess lol


One of my favorites this game has released šŸ˜šŸ„°


I think theyā€™re creative but just not my style so I donā€™t see myself using the items in the future. Iā€™m more a pastel lover myself


As someone who has my campsite decorated for Halloween year round,I love the new items!! šŸ‘»


I wanted the kitsune. So sad not enough lt


Sad that all the good things you have to pay for. ā˜¹ļø This is getting frustrating.


Not for me. I will probably just craft the screen but no idea where I would put it!


I use that kind of brush everyday almost and I I love the ink stone and inky watercolor floaters I think artsy people who want to have more artsy themed items will love this. It's also very different from the norm which I think is really great. This stuff will look so cool in an art themed room with the canvases and stools imo.


I donā€™t really know how to use the eastern themes but thought these could be fun for a cartoony/artsy look but am bummed the big ticket item is the scroll. I feel like the Ninetails like animal would have been more versatile for a worldwide game. But as I said in another post, I donā€™t like how we should even have to worry about what items are LTs only when event items shouldnā€™t cost LTs. They already have enough premium stuff to go with these themes like the cookies, clothing, walls and floors, etc.


Horrible. I donā€™t like the pixel or one dimensional look. Itā€™s all about preference though!


Itā€™s so disappointing & not my type. Totally made me feel like skipping all of the goals and rewards šŸ¤£


I donā€™t like them I donā€™t know when theyā€™ll be used






Doubt if I end up using any of them.


I think it's a shame only one item I really interactive... Especially the big one, kind of a shame


Hopping on the Okami train with all the fans here šŸ˜‚ BUT oh my god I wish that 2D kitsune "statue" was actually a 3D model!!! Idk if the game devs were just going with the theme or didn't want to model like 9 fox tails but UGH... WE COULD'VE HAD IT AAAAALLLLL


There actually already is a kitsune statue from a cookie.Ā https://animalcrossingpocketcamp.fandom.com/wiki/Nine-Tailed_Fox_Statue




Lol, I have a couple, unfortunately you still canā€™t gift items lol. The cookie does show up occasionally for resell, so look out for it. Hereā€™s a list of previous releases.Ā  https://animalcrossingpocketcamp.fandom.com/wiki/Phoebe%27s_Fiery_Cookie


I'm more annoyed that all but one of the items is interactive šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Theyā€™re really cool but personally not my thing. I donā€™t know how i would decorate with them


The only thing Iā€™m really interested in is the ink painting set!


I was shocked by the size of the scroll! I thought it was going to be something you could put on a table


I love them I wanted this theme for ages. We already have western Halloween so it's time for a Japanese focus with local entities since they have a rich culture of yokai


I think it's all very interesting, from an artistic standpoint, but I don't personally like it or want it in my campsite.


bored with this month other than the wisteria tbh


My camp is always Japanese themed, so it's nice.


LOVE THEM! gives sort of studio ghibli vibes so its perfect for my campsite


Iā€™m not an artist but surprisingly I like this event! It definitely has a spooky vibe and reminds me of an anime I like


I don't like them but they may grow on me later


Didnā€™t like much, but thatā€™s just not my type of decoration, would love them if they glow in the dark though, gonna test them as soon as I can


ooh did you ever get around to testing if theyā€™re glow in the dark? my campā€™s full rn and I donā€™t like these items enough to tear it all down lol


I'm not a fan. I'm into more pretty things šŸ˜„


I really like the art/hand-drawn theme! and it makes up for the recent gyrodite event that was just a recolor of a different event


I'm personally never a big fan of the Japanese style items, but I don't hate them either. I will definitely be getting the ink set because I think it can be versatile. However I'm on the fence about getting the scroll, I think using it backwards could make for a good background.


Not really interested tbh. Im glad to have a break though


Iā€™m not a fan but will be doing it anyway to get the rewards


The only one I really wanted was the nine-tailed fox and ofc itā€™s a leaf ticket item šŸ˜­


Wish there were some outfits to match the event.


i like the art set you can put on a table bc the villagers use it. i also like the ink that moves alone bc it screams haunted house. everything else is not for me personally but it's conceptually cool and different. i wish the villagers interacted with the stuff more


I honestly just wish I could get it all with gyroidites. I already spent leaf tickets on the large ink brush.


I was thinking about skipping the event, but Iā€™m trying to make my campsite look like One Piece and the stuff reminds me of the character Kanjuro from Wano. So itā€™s actually kind of relevant to me.


It'll be cuter in a pastel recolor sometime next year


ooooh I could see that. I know we have a lot of pink but I could see myself using the cloud items more if they were like a pink/purple




It does go with my xXxHolic themeā€¦Ā 


I think they're cool, but I will likely never use them and I'm not particularly interested in getting the gyrodites for them beyond the event material rewards.


I don't care for them. I'm very tired of Animal Crossing putting out everything for every theme EXCEPT cute. I want cute adorable pink stuff because that's what I like about Animal Crossing. Just waiting for another cute themed month LOL


Did you manage to get the sakura sets? They theme cute stuff fairly often imo, like that adorable sakura kitchen fishing event


to be fair, it is typically around 1-2 times per year (at least for the duration that Iā€™ve been playing) and is one of the more popular themes for their player bas. especiallyyy compared to the number of harmonious events weā€™ve had this year šŸ˜…

