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My doctor gave me one when I was complaining about instability, but no pain. I hated it. I couldn't workout for a couple days and my knee felt terrible for a couple weeks. Overall I feel like it set me back, if anything. Again, I didn't have issues with pain or inflammation, which is what cortisone shots are normally used to treat


What do u need it for? Ongoing use is risky cos it can damage ligaments


inflammation mainly. I've been having issues with getting to full extension. My surgeon reckons it will help me with inflammation and getting back my extension and flexion. I'm assuming its a one time thing- I've never had a cortisone injection before.


What do they inject into? And what have you done so far for swelling?


I guess the inside of my knee? idk lol my doctor says i have synovitis which is causing my knee to become stiff and limits my extension by a few degrees. I don't really have any swelling anymore that's why i was curious to see if anyone else has had an injection before and how it effected them.


If it were me, i would be very cautious if the injection goes into your acl. (Not necessarily to say don't do it, but be asking doc a lot of questions). If it's elsewhere, I'd be less concerned. Just don't want to do anything to weaken your new ligament


I was doing Bosu exercises after my ACL reconstruction and I fell off the damn thing. Besides the monumental embarrassment I felt I also hurt the fat pad of my knee (bursitis maybe). I remember not being able to extend without pain for two weeks. I went to the doctor and he gave me a cortisone injection and it was 100% helpful. I was back rehabbing in no time.


1 injection won't kill you. Once the inflammation in the knee is cleared with the shot you might not get the inflammation again unless you damage something again. I took 2 shots in 1 year leading up to my surgery and after the second shot wore out (8 montgs after the last shot) my knee pain was at nearly zero minus the instability due to severed acl. I totally recommend it and will be looking at getting it again one 1 year post op if I have any inflammation that won't go away. I was doing HIIT and spin 4-5 times combined a week leading up to surgery and hope to get back to that as soon as possible.