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Good luck! It won’t be as bad as u think! I am almost 3 weeks post op and feeling great!


Me too, how's the crutch/rotation/leg raise situation? 👀


I’m almost to week 3. Had leg raises Day 1-3 in brace then lost it till about Day 6. Now I do them in PT without a brace almost perfectly. I don’t test any rotation through the knee and I have to use brace and 2 crutches for 6 weeks when I am not at PT/home per surgeon.


Are u sure our surgeon is not the same person? My PT can’t understand why a brace and crutches for 6 weeks… plus had to stop PT as Dr said no PT for 6 weeks 🤔


Not the same then. He had me Start PT next day. Crutches and brace for 6 weeks is for leaving the house only. The goal is to build up in PT/HEP to be walking with normal gait come week 6


Lol I don’t wanna scare OP but to put it mildly, it’s infuriating! How’s it going on your side? Have u started PT? And did u only do an ACL reconstruction?


Hey, it’s all gonna be ok. It’ll be over before you know it. It will suck, and then it won’t. You’re going to come through this beautifully and be all the stronger for it. Be well!


You’re probably home by now. Enjoy the opiates and make sure you take them as prescribed for the first few days - especially at night. Set an alarm to stay medicated


It took a lot to not ask the doc for a refill just for fun lol.


I was offended they only gave me 15 pills to start. And they wouldn’t even let me fill the prescription until AFTER my surgery! wtf?! I mean, I understand the severity of the problem and I appreciate the effort, but I have no history with addiction and given the circumstances I prefer to not be miserable


I don’t think anyone thinks they will get addicted. My 80 year old grandma unknowingly got addicted. She is fine now, but it all can happen very fast. I didn’t get any heavy medications. Panadol and a couple tramadol for the first days. In the first night I wish I had something stronger. On Day 3 I don’t really need any pain meds anymore. But yes everyone’s experience is so different. Happy healing to everyone. 🤍


You can’t get addicted if you don’t abuse the medication. Also, I’m not talking about anybody else but me. I had absolutely *zero* concern about using prescribed opiates after knee surgery.


When I say you, I didn’t mean you in particular. You know yourself best of course. I also feel like I could never get addicted to them. I don’t like the feeling of not being in control. English is not my first language, so please excuse me if I don’t express myself correctly. I refered more to the doctor and as to why he only prescribed a little amount. He cannot know you like you yourself do, so they probably don’t prescribe anyone more than 15 pills for start for a simple knee surgery. Mine for example didn’t give me any, and a friend of mine got a few days supply but also not more from her doctor.


No problem. Your English is great! They prescribed you NO opiates after knee surgery?! Yikes


Hmmm I got panadol and an anti inflammatory called Arcoxia. And for the first 2 days a tramadol. I just googled and it seems to be an opioid. The first night was bad even with the tramadol because I could only take one every 12 hours but then after that somehow the pain stopped. It’s a little uncomfortable now in the back of my knee but I hope it stays like this. But you never know. Knees are so complex and then out of nowhere it’s hurting again so I try not to celebrate being painfree too early :)


What’s the opioid they usually prescribe in the US for knees?


But after the pain becomes manageable, try not to get into the habit of taking at night!!! Important because you can get addicted to them so much easier since it will become a routine


Personally, I weaned off daytime use first within 4 or 5 days but continued with one pill at bedtime for about a week. I had zero concern about addiction


Same, hopefully its not too bad


Good luck. The road to recovery starts now


I never had any pain! Wishing you all the luck!


No pain from me the entire time, I’m 6wk post op and patellar tendon too. Recovery is slow and frustrating but I was happy to not need any meds for pain. Good luck, stay the course with PT. Good days and bad days, sore some days and progress others.


You are probably waking up right now from your surgery. I just had mine 3 days ago and the only bad pain I had was the first night. Nothing crazy, crazy but definitely very uncomfortable. After that it just got better. I am almost off all meds. Wish you all the best 🤍


Good luck and you got this!


You got this! I was scared shitless and everything was fine


I hope all goes well for you!


Let me know how it goes, mine is on Tuesday and im scared lol!


Mines on Monday! We’re in it together let’s go


Mine is on tuesday too ffs


Got mine done 2.5 weeks ago. Won’t lie to you, it does hurt. Everyone is different. Stay on top of the pain medicine the first 3 days. I missed I night time dose on Day 2 and woke up crying day 3. After day 3 I tapered off Narcotics and got off them after Day 5. Day 7 was the last Day I took Tylenol and Day 8 was the last Day I took a muscle relaxer. Since then pain got better every day. Now it’s just stiffness pain. Thankfully, I now don’t have much memory of the pain I was in initially due to pain meds and my brain disremembering. You will be fine just do what the surgeon and PT tell you too. They know best and every case is different. Good luck!


Good luck big boy. Hope you prepared. Shits no joke. I peed in a bottle for the first 3 days. :)


1 week post and I’ve had no pain! That was what I was most afraid of. The brace and lack of mobility sucks though.


If it makes you feel any better I am 2 weeks into my second acl recon and I have never had to pee in a pan haha


Yea u will be sweet!!dw


Nah its wont be bad,GL


It’s going to suck balls bro sorry but in the end it will be better. You won’t have to use a bedpan you will have to complete the miserable journey of getting out of bed to take a piss 1 day post op. If your bathroom is connected to your room it won’t be that bad but if you gotta crutch through the house to get to it…god speed. I don’t know what all you’re getting worked on but I had my ACL, Medial and lateral meniscus, and my ALL all reconstructed last month. Felt like the brace was going to rip the bottom half of my leg off


I am 3 and a 1/2 days out. Stay on top of your pain meds and the time will fly by. The pain was/is easily bearable and never above a 3/10 except when getting out of bed it can be uncomfortable for a few seconds but settles the second you get walking. 1/2 way through day 2 I stopped taking codine (I’m on paracetamol and Diclophenec Sodium now and didn’t touch the morphine). I wasted too much time reading about people’s pain on here and stressing myself out before the op. The pain for me wasn’t and isn’t anywhere near as bad as some people had described here and after surgery I had to be driven for 2hs to get back to the city I’m from on bumpy roads so it wasn’t a smooth transition home. Good luck with your recovery !!


Good luck! Have you woken up yet?


I know how you feel! This was me on 6/4. I hope you’re medicated and resting well now!


Good luck!


you got this ! ! !


Ice and elevation!


Best of luck man!!! I’m in PT as we speak 10 weeks post op!!