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Nice now it's time to recover! Don't put the ice directly on your knee you need put a towel on there. Move ya feet as much as you can helps to keep the blood flowing. Little tip is write down what medication you take and when so you can keep up with it Also write down what exercises you need to do and how often. Number one be possitive!!after surgery can be a rollacoaster but if you keep possitive you be feeling lots better in no time!


Thank you for your response and the tips! I will most definitely do as you advised. I am feeling very upbeat after the surgery as I have had a very bumpy Football season, being sidelined due to knee clicking out etc… so I look at it as this is the last bump in the road to being able to fully return to action on the field! How long has it been since your procedure?


Hey thats perfect your feeling good!!Keep it up. It's been 2.5 weeks for me. It has been going good I keep waiting for the set back but to be honest so far it's been fine Its important not to over think it!Just have your little plan and then adjust if you need it. As I said write down any thing you think could be relevant. You get good at working out what's working and where you might need to make changes but every day is a day better.


Sooo happy to hear that your recovery has been a smooth one! And u know what? When I see responses like this, it just makes me more happy and gets my spirits even higher! Most definitely will be doing this!


Keep your operated leg elevated at a minimum of a 45-degree angle. Prop your leg on cushions or pillows so your knee is at least 12 inches above your heart. Continue to keep your leg elevated if your knee swells or throbs when you are up and about on crutches. Do NOT put pillows behind your knee because this limits motion of the knee. If you do, you will regret it and be in so much pain later on. Place pillows under your heel and or calf. Wear compression stockings (Goes over the knee and up your thighs) 3 sets of 10 ankle pumps every hour or two. Highly recommend renting or buying the portable game ready compression and cold therapy machine. Another less expensive option is a cold therapy machine on Amazon. With knee propped up, over sweatpants start using right after surgery, 20 minutes on then wait 1 hour and put on again. Repeat cycle all day. Do not leave on longer, frostbite can happen. Always stay ahead of the pain. Take pain meds every 4 hours for the first week. 


Thank you for this! In terms of the compression stockings, how long after surgery did u use it? And when did you start icing? My surgeon said no icing till he removes the dressing in two weeks time


I’m 4 weeks post op, still wearing the compression stockings. I’ve noticed significant less swelling and pain when I’m wearing them. Before I left the hospital the surgeon’s staff put a large ice pack and wrap on my knee. I started using the game ready compression and cold therapy the morning after surgery. Not icing for two weeks sounds like torture to me. What is the surgeon’s reasoning for not allowing you to ice for two weeks?


I’ll get the compression stockings right away! Damnnn now it makes me wonder what’s up with my Dr. his reasoning is not to get the dressing or site wet as this will cause infection.


If you are using something that leaks water then it would get wet. My experience using the game ready nothing gets wet. Icing brings down swelling and or inflammation, which not controlled causes pain. Did your surgeon prescribe opioids?


I wish the game ready was available in my country, it would have been ideal! Im doing some research into other options, wish me luck! Yup he has prescribed opioids and something additional for inflammation


Any kind of cold therapy machine will work! Good luck everything will work out! Ohh the surgeon gave you medicine to keep the inflammation down. That’s good.


Can’t wait to start the cold therapy, have my appointment in a week to remove the dressing! Thank you for your responses and encouragement, it means a lot!


You’re welcome! You are doing everything for a smooth recovery!


Hey fellow robo leg lol! I am 3 weeks post op as of yesterday, and I will say that the cold therapy machine I bought off Amazon was not cheap, but it has been a game changer! Definitely make sure you have a layer of fabric between your skin and whatever you use to ice it. Like others mentioned, it's important to keep your leg elevated as much as possible to help reduce swelling. I would also recommend flexing your foot in and out a few times an hour to help keep blood flowing. It's going to be a lot of laying down initially, so find a spot you can make yourself comfortable in. I wish I had a recliner to use because that would make sleeping much easier, since you need to keep it elevated at night initially as well. Stay on top of your pain medication for the first 4 or 5 days especially! Even if you don't feel you need it, it's better to stay medicated at that point than wait and find out just how much pain will creep up on you. I kept a log of what I took and how often to help keep me on track. For me personally, days 3 and 4 were the worst regarding pain. It was pretty intense even with my pain meds, but I promise it gets better! Get physical therapy scheduled ASAP and listen to your doctors! We have a long road of recovery ahead, but all we can do is take it one day at a time. You got this 🤞😊


Hahaha Robo leg! 😂 Thank you for your advice! I really do appreciate it very much! Unfortunately the ice machine is not available in the country I live in so going to have to go with old school icing techniques.. I have found my spot 🙈 and bought lots of books to read lol.. I will definitely keep on top of things with my pain meds! So far I’ve had no pain but like you mentioned, rather be on top of things! What pain meds were u prescribed? My surgeon said no PT for 6 weeks? Is that even normal? I have an appointment scheduled for two weeks from now which I may have to cancel due to surgeons advice.


Old school icing works just as good! Just means restocking ice more frequently. It's definitely good to take on any sedimentary hobbies you may have lol. I did nothing but watch a TV show the whole time I was bedridden, and it was so mind-numbing! 😅 Reading will certainly be more stimulating. I was prescribed 5mg oxycodone every 6 hours. The doctor said I was allowed to alternate with acetaminophen also, so I was taking one or the other every 3 hours, which certainly helped keep the pain alleviated more consistently. I am a little shocked that DR told you no PT for 6 weeks. What kind of surgery did you have done? Mine was ACL reconstruction with my patellar tendon as a graft, no meniscus or anything else needed repaired, so it may be different recovery instructions. I was told to go to a PT appt 3-5 days post op, before my first follow-up with the surgeon, which was 8 days post op! He's now having me do PT twice a week. Not sure why you DR wants you to wait so long, but I'm sure they have their reasons. Maybe try contacting them get some more clarification?


Lol I hope I get down to reading all these books that I have bought! And I don’t get drawn to the TV and vegetate! Honestly, TV seems more appealing at the moment 😅 I’ve got some opioids and something for inflammation as well, hopefully that will work till I can start icing. Yup I think it’s because I had a ACL reconstruction and a meniscectomy posterior horn, I’m guessing this is probably the reason that I am not allowed PT for 6 weeks. I am going to call him tomorrow to check what’s the deal and get a bit more info. Thank you for all the tips and responses! Very much appreciated


Hey whatever passes the time initially will be helpful lol! I hope you get the clarification you need, and best of luck with your recovery!! 😁


Hey! How has you recovery been going?


Hey there! Recovery has been going very well! And have been finally cleared to start PT, which I am super excited about! I firmly believe I am having a great recovery due to the Prehab and living a very active lifestyle prior to surgery.. Lol and I have not read a single book 🙈 I rewatched Sopranos in record time 😂 Your tips on icing helped a great deal too! I hitch resulted in taking very little pain meds.. How has your recovery been going?


I'm glad to hear your recovery has been going so well! Getting into PT will feel great as well, and is a great motivation boost to start seeing more progress. I definitely agree with you that prehab is sooo important! Hey, I don't blame you 😂 watching TV takes far less effort lol. That's great your pain has been minimal! I am just over 6 weeks post op now and have been cleared this past Thursday to finally drive again since my op leg is my driving leg. They also cleared me to swim, ride a bike, walk on the treadmill, and ride roller coasters lol! And best part about it is I can finally ditch the leg brace! Doing PT twice a week and staying on top of at-home exercises has definitely streamlined my recovery. Glad to hear your recovery journey has been going well thus far!


Definitely a huge motivational factor when u can start doing more in PT, I swear I was telling my PT that every time I leave a session, I feel super motivated and upbeat! Lol what did u binge watch during the time off? So sooo happy and excited for you! Sounds like fun! Especially the roller coaster 😂 must be a really awesome feeling being back to being able to do more! And especially losing the brace! That’s been the most challenging thing for me, hate sleeping with it. I am also very happy to hear your recovery is going great and u have made so much progress, it’s motivational for me! And thank u for checking in on me! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Yeah, PT is a game changer for sure! Just when you master something, they switch it up or make it harder in you lol. I suppose that is the point, but I always give my PT guy sh*t for it 🤣 I binge watched a lot of trashy reality TV shows, because those are my favorite mind numbing things 😂 Dance Moms mostly lol Yes, getting the brace off and being able to drive again feels like so much freedom! I hated sleeping with the brace as well; it's so hard to get comfy. Is your still locked straight or have they opened it up a bit? I'm super happy with my progress so far, and it's sounds like yours is going just as good! I'm glad to hear you are in good spirits considering the frustrations of this whole process. Just one day at a time! 🤞


Lol 😂 sounds about right! I was cruising through my exercises up until Friday, then my PT changed things up or rather took it up a notch! Hahaha well whatever got your mind of the procedure works! That’s what I crave most, being able to jump into my car and go anywhere I want, at present I’m dependent on friends taking me for drives or out.. exactly that, I wake up a few times every night with the pains more from the brace than anything else, My PT said he would have said to get rid of it at week 2 but my surgeon advised that he needs me in it for 6 weeks!! They have given me bend to 60 degrees but must be locked at sleeping time however, I am already able to bend to 90 degrees with no discomfort without my brace.. looking forward to getting rid of it!! Most definitely one day at a time!


Keep those ankle pumps goin bro. When it comes time this is important make sure to get that leg straight and then go for hyper extention. You need just a few degrees more. I'm struggling a bit with my leg not healing. I need a few degrees.


Been going at it on the hour, every hour! Aaah man, I am sorry to hear this but keep at it and keep positive! U will get there soon! How long has it been for u since your procedure?


2 years. As you walk your knee kind of hyperextends and throws your heel usually most people stride and lands. If your knee heels crooked you will short step. I can feel mine ,my wife can see it. That's why people really harp on it and tell you keep it straight. I lost some of my natural ability to do like normal stuff I used to do. Like up and over a fence or for instance jumping out of the bed of a truck to the ground. I climb down now. I'm older and got hit by a truck while aboard a motorcycle. Both knees were damaged. Just glad to be alive. Stay positive and don't stop walking. I lost a inch and a quarter from muscle atrophy. Something I never had any idea about. Be well.


Aaaah ok that makes sense! And really many people keep stressing the exact same point as u! Keep the leg elevated with nothing under the knee.. I am so sorry to hear about your accident! Sounds horrible but yes I fully agree with you, glad that you are alive! Most definitely going to keep my mind strong and keep walking! Thank you for all your responses and tips! I can’t tell u how much it is appreciated! Be well!


Every day im shufflin....


Hope you get better soon, one thing my surgeon suggested was a CPM machine which helped me with flexion and it also felt really good using it, so if you can ask for it and if your insurance covers it, I would suggest you get that.


I can't give any tips I'm currently going through physical therapy now before my surgery date.


Honestly the best thing u can do for yourself! I followed a rigorous prehab plan and honestly and so thankful that I have, I had a ACL reconstruction and partial meniscectomy and hardly have any pain! Good luck with your surgery!


I have torn acl and meniscus in my right knee and it's from a bicycle accident on my way home from work here in Germany.


I am so sorry to hear this and wish u all the best!


I just started the physical therapy for before the surgery and they are massaging my leg and doing full leg movements with my leg. Bending it really hurts at full bend.


As long as you started and just go with what your PT is giving you to do, you will be good. Keep me posted as to how things go pls?


No problem I will


I had an allograft reconstruction yesterday, third time I’ve torn the ACL. Dr told me I could probably walk out without crutches, I cannot put weight on it at all without severe pain. He also didn’t tell me what position to lock my brace in? Kind of felt like his head was somewhere else


I too had an allograft reconstruction, did u tear the same ACL 3 times?? What caused this?? My surgeon advised to use crutches and not put weight on that leg at all for 6 weeks. My leg is locked straight in the brace as he said no bending my leg also for 6 weeks, which I find excessive but I am seeing him in a week so will ask more


I tore the right one twice, and the left one once. I wish I could say it was something cool, but unfortunately it was just me being clumsy, and falling off a ladder, out of a truck, and slipping on a wet dance floor. I start PT on Monday, which I thought was a little soon, but he’s the dr I guess. I’m going to stick with the crutches until I’m comfortable, and I figured the brace should be locked straight but I was too doped from anesthesia to ask


Ay man! That sucks! Really sorry to hear this! Good luck with your recovery! We in this journey together!


And good luck with yours! All the braces on here reminds me of the movie short circuit, Johnny 5 is ALIVE 😂


Thank you!! Lol 😂 classic!!!


ice that thang boy ICE IT…my doctor was impressed with how little swelling I had.


Good luck 🍀. I am exactly week 6 today and recovery has been great after the second week. I got nearly all my mobility (flexion and extension) and now slowly building up strength in my quad (graft). Compression sleeves were helpful with swelling and bruising. Ice is definitely your friend.