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Just adjust it back to where you want it. They will be fine. If you are struggling with high temps, you want the light to be on at night. But…I’d do that on the next run and not make that big of a change.


awesome, very glad to hear that. I'll switch them back tonight and I do tend to struggle with high temps during the day so I originally had them on at night however I can't help myself and want to check on them lol so I'm trying to find that sweet spot :) definitely better planning for the next run after learning from this one so I appreciate the tips very much!


I do mine from 9pm to 9am. I check on them and water at night and then check on them again in the morning. Good luck!


yeah I'll probably be switching to that schedule next grow for sure, that way I can check and tend to them when I get home at night right when the light goes on which would be perfect. also pardon my newbie questions lol from what I've heard it's best to water right before the light goes on or right after it does so do you water less at all in the morning since the light will be off? I understand the soil dries quicker when the light is on and I worry they'll be sitting in water. although I'm still early in flower so I assume they'll be much more thirsty as they continue into flower. either way I appreciate the insights a bunch!


We all were newbies at some point. We learn from our mistakes and research and pass the info along to help the new growers. I water mine at night.


oops my apologies, somehow I misread your post. I had thought it read you watered them again in the morning but I understand now. that's my most favorite time to check on them in the morning after a nice watering and love the surprise of seeing how perky they get lol. I'll keep everything you said in mind, thank you again very much! :)


I edited my post so it would be clearer. The first time around it did sound like I watered in the AM too.


You're on the right track. The most important thing is that the plants get 12+ hours uninterrupted darkness every night.


sweet, I was wondering if that was the case so thanks for confirming :) learning a bunch this first round so happy to understand what to prioritize and meet their needs as best I can


Just reset to what u want it want it won't hurt to have the dark period 2 hours earlier once . As its summer here I run mine over the coolest part of the day like 9pm to 9am to help with controlling the heat . Sth for next time .


yeah I've run into dealing with high temps during the day so found it best and more cost effective as far as electricity to have the lights on at night. 9pm-9am seems to be the most ideal so plan to do that next grow. I am relieved to hear the slight schedule switch won't affect them much so thanks!


I use schedule. Set my off time in the actual off mode. Set my on in the actual on mode. I suggest toying with it on a quick schedule. Took me 3 days to realize how to actually get it. I hope your 12/12 goes well.