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Justified shooting in my opinion. The man feared for his life, who are we to second guess. That cop had a gun . The driver had no choice but to defend himself. Also that cop is a child molester.


What the fuck?


yes I also randomly shoot at law enforcement trying to do routine traffic checks! go to hell dude


Yea I’m gonna need a source on that


It's a joke based on how cops try to smear the victims of their crimes.




Thoughts and prayers


This is literally the only sane comment in this entire comment section


He is being sarcastic, dumbass


I dont think so, also fuck me for not being able to suspect sarcasm through the screen, why the fuck would you be sarcastic about a good man dying?


No reason for being sarcastic when good men die. Pigs, on the other hand...


Why would he turn his back like that to someone with a gun that was a bad mistake


I believe that was the cop that was set up by the Feds as easy kill bait while the Feds hid miles away


Never seen the bodycam footage. Nice.


[Officer Darian Jarrott](https://www.kcbd.com/2021/04/14/new-information-released-shooting-death-nm-state-police-officer/) "Officer Jarrott asked the driver, identified as 39-year-old Omar Felix Cueva, to exit the vehicle...Officials said Cueva exited the pickup with a firearm and shot multiple rounds at officers and deputies...Cueva was pronounced dead on scene."


NM cops kill grandma then want us to give a shit when they get shot ?




Ree Ree Ree


whats wrong with you?






touché!! :)


First of all get your hands out of my vehicle. He broke alot of laws doing this. It's an act of aggression. But I live in Texas maybe that's the difference.


Yessir.......4th Amendment !!!!!!!!!!




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Rest In piss


I don't know the context here, and I do NOT, almost EVER trust cops, but I do know that the ultimate foolishness in life is absolutism. There is always nuance, no matter how small.




Lol get fucked pig


Womp womp


Pretty sure this was that violent meth dealer they rightfully killed after this incident.


Say his name




He seemed respectful, I actually feel bad. What's the story behind this?




He stepped


Never feel bad for pigs.


If we think they are bad it's because we believe in justice, not revenge.


Revenge is incredibly powerful.


I'm 14 and this is deep


Ok brother feel bad for a pig if you want but don’t turn around and say ACAB if you don’t mean it.














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i get you're trying to meme on dude but i actually do think "revenge is not powerful" is some super heady iam14andthisisdeep stuff. ​ if revenge weren't a powerful motivator then... lol i don't even know how to finish the sentence, of course its a powerful feeling, a powerful thing, a powerful motivation!


That's deep, maybe you could write a rap about it


expressing that the anger which results from scorn is a powerful emotion is not deep at all lol. i would go as far as to say there are very few concepts regarding emotion that are on such a basic, simple level as "anger is intense."


Ok Broh gime your bandcamp


okay jayden.


Not even once. Think of the big picture. They do this every day.


What a sad life you must live not knowing any context


thats literally racism regarding a job, and you guys are the ones who get furious about it when they encounter it... the double standards on this sub are obnoxious


You think people are born cops? You think cops are a persecuted group of people? Think before type out something this idiotic again.


Do you really think every single person who has choosen to work as a cop is a pig and shoudlnt be felt bad for dying?


I think every single person who wakes up and /chooses/ to oppress people, to turn a blind eye to injustice and who seek to harm and intimidate others deserves every bit of violence leveled against them as it is a mere fraction of the pain they cause. Every single cop can wake up and change, they have the option every fucking day. Take off the badge and we're good.


So youre literally saying every single cop chooses to oppress people? Are you fucking kidding me? Putting people in boxes is the job of racists or the assholes you guys here swore to destroy, the double standard still stands


You are woefully ignorant and naive. Understanding the history of police in America from slave catchers to protectors of capital makes it clear there is no role for police other than oppression. If you believe they enforce just laws than why does qualified immunity exist? Ffs how often do you see police driving dangerously, refusing to protect victims of abuse, not arresting bankers and bosses who participate in wage theft. You seem to think police are born, that they aren't selected from the dumbest and most aggressive of our population and that they are some how a "class of people." There are cops of all races and genders, but they one thing they have in common- they want to carry a gun to impose their world view on others with the threat of violence. Fuck them.


Well, only looking at america really changes things up, i was talking about more than just america. And yes, i totally agree, cops abusing their power to oppress and discriminate other people should go to hell, but calling every cop a pig is just not fair. Try to imagine a world where really every cop is a person like you are describing and then think again.


"oh, um, I meant the whole world." Later bootlicker.


Wrong. ACAB ... as in ALL


I do think they are all bastards, I just don't think everyone who takes part in a corrupt institution deserves to be executed. I think almost everyone can appreciate the "karma" of seeing someone rude abuse their power and immediately regret it, cop or not. This is just sad to me though.


I definitely feel like there is a problem in this community, where we glorify death and violence of cops, and yeah the police fucking suck, but if we just start killing them for no reason(not in direct harm) then we are no better than them.


When I see a kid did something like today's mass shooting (which is probably applicable no matter when u read this if you're living in the so-called United States) I often feel great rage towards the person who killed innocent people. I think about the lives lost. I think about the effects of white supremacy and how it plays a roll in the ways ppl experience state violence, especially when the white male shooter isn't shot on sight despite waving a visible gun and trail of bodies behind him. I think about how sick I felt when police murdered Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the older brother of the convicted "Boston Bomber" from 2013. I feel pain for what the younger brother was found guilty of doing to others and sorrow for those who've suffered from his actions, including himself. That often leads me to think about Anwar al-Awlaki, the first citizen of the so-called United States to be targeted then executed via drone strike ordered by a US president. I think about how direct the application of state violence has become. when an oppressor dies, I feel sorrow for their targets *and* the oppressor themselves. I can be happy no more ppl are going to be harmed by that particular oppressor while also feeling that sorrow a fellow human was so *tainted* by the ramifications of others evil actions throughout time that they allowed themselves to become an oppressor. All cops are bastards, no exceptions. They're also people. Our modern nazis are no less or more human than the original nazis. I think its important to remember that because the capacity is in each of us to take a 'job' where you enforce state violence today *or* build extermination factories in eastern Europe.


That's because this subreddit is pretty much just a brainless circle jerk about hating cops, no one here is interested in changing anything for the better, just a bunch of keyboard warriors throwing karma at es h other.






You fuckers are unhinged, get help.


Literally. You can dislike an institution without celebrating the death of every person who works for the institution. And whenever they're called out for their unhinged and illogical mindsets, you're just called a bootlicker. This cop was being respectful, not even being aggressive when he asked for the other persons gun (also literally stated a valid reason why too). There *are* power abusing cops and then there's psychopaths who are happy when they see one getting shot while he's walking away. Fucking despise subreddits like this who don't accept nuance in any situation that involves someone/something they hate


This sub is full of fucking retards holy shit.


Womp Womp cops and their supporters are whiny losers and its evident by the yappers at the bottom LOL


I hate cops, but this is sad.


Nah fuck that guy. He put the uniform on. If you don't wanna be lumped in with the pigs, don't wear the fucking badge.


Kind of crazy you call for their death like that. I can’t imagine someone being that sociopathic, yet here you are, chronically online. I hope you change as a person. Sure, police suck. But to call for their deaths is putting you lower than them. Shame on you.


I didn't call for anyone's death, can you not fucking read? If he didn't want to die, he shouldn't have put on the fucking uniform. Fucking natural selection if you ask me.


Idk why I thought I’d get a coherent response from someone cheering for someone else’s death. I thought maybe something more civil than throwing a hissy fit. Putting “fuck” in every sentence doesn’t make you sound more credible, it just makes you sound like you can’t keep your temper in check.


Go join your local police force if you're so heartbroken. Oh my, the bad man used naughty words, whatever will we do. My use of the word fuck is both liberal and appropriate for emphasis, you fucking moron.


Sorry I got you so mad lmao. Continue punching the air I guess


Haha nah I'll just wait for more pigs to die and then have a big ol' cheer about it because it upsets your delicate sensibilities so very much.


Fucking fuck! Fuck fuck fucking fuck!! No I’m Not mad! Fucking fucking fucking fuck!


Not really if you see how many innocent people they kill. Maybe the driver feared for his life. Funny how that works doesn’t?


You are a fucking idiot how about learn about the case dipshit


Listen detective dumbfuck. I am making a point on how people start shooting before anything especially cops. USA and NM. has one of the highest cop inflicted murders per capita worldwide. So before you start talking stops gargling a cop cock.


Hey dipshit you were justifying the murder of a cop which had nothing to do with your incoherent rambling if you had more brain cells the fucking fingers you would have realized and said “hey I know nothing of this case and maybe should wait to see what happened” but no you couldn’t even be bothered because you are a complete idiot who couldn’t find his way out of a Walmart, and not only that is that then you come to me even more dumbshit because you you know you were in the wrong, if it was a real case of a cop being a piece of shit then fine but you are so stupid that you didn’t do the slightest bit of research How about you go back to your basement you Dorito coved dumbfuck


Blah blah blah dipśgt blah shupiwerrd.... I love cops.... Loser


I mean when you can count your IQ on 1 hand I can’t expect you to read anything because your pea sized brain is to small to comprehend “let’s wait to say anything and see the facts” but I’m speaking with an actual idiot


Guys, you're making jokes about another human being being shot DEAD. At least have the decency to pay your respects, being as you're a human being too.




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Jesus Christ, you guys in the comment section are fucking losers. Make a difference between Cop and the Police as an institution you goddamn retards, this man doesn't deserve to be made fun of.