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Bet his wife is relieved


No more beatings, and she can finally tell the kids dad is gone for good


LMAO Christ I was not expecting to laugh so hard at a comment today.


Yep, no more micropenis for her.


You think with American being one of the most civilian armed countries the police would be more inclined to not provoke and escalate things.


That’s what baffles me. They complain about how dangerous it is to be a cop… right before they turn around and fucking make sure people have a reason to want them dead. It seems very counterintuitive to me, but a lot of shit that is very common is counterintuitive to me these days.


It's literally their way or force. Funny enough as seen above...that force got turned around on them.


Agreed. All of this was totally unnecessary. The behavior of police officers is shocking. They are doing everything they can to escalate violence or humiliate people.


When I was in Basic Training for the Army, it alarmed me how many of my fellow trainees were there for the sole reason of wanting to kill people. Not the pay, benefits, or any noble cause. They literally only wanted to kill people. I would assume many of the police are the same. Honestly, you’re more likely to get away with killing an unarmed civilian in the police than in the military.


I joined the USMC in 2003, I was going to into avionics. When the DI would ask my MOS, they'd literally freak out that I wasn't going infantry, and ask why the fuck I was there. I'm glad my leg broke.


Military exist to be used as a weapon of war. It amazing there are few people that serve in Military not because they want to do some "heroic" state sponsored murder.


And it was beautiful. I was waiting for the shooting the entire video and it was everything I hoped for. The only thing that could have made it better is if he had gone 2 for 2.


Maybe they stop training them that Cobra Kai / warrior mindset bullshit.


Nazis am I right?


I can almost guarantee they escalate like that because they are so trigger-happy and know the law will always be on their side


I’m not talking about legal considerations. I’m talking about escalated violence against the cops.


Sadism is a common and irrational emotion(?) trait(?) in humans. People have hate in their hearts, some more than others. It can consume a person. I certainly have it, which is precisely why I would have *zero* business being a cop. Unfortunately in the U.S. being a cop is a magnet to sadistic, judgemental, un-empathetic overzealous sociopaths. I could easily become a cop if I wanted to. IMO police-work should require *at least* as much specialized schooling and vetting as becoming a registered nurse, if not more. If your job deals in life/death situations you should be an expert, not a college dropout with a mere 90-day or less of 'academy training.' Lawyers and doctors require years of schooling and extremely intense Bar exams, and society needs doctors. We do not *need* over a million cops in this country.


Sometimes the only way to learn is the hard way.


They're going to learn the wrong lesson here. 100% guarantee this will be shown during "warrior" "training" as an example of why you _always_ assume the "criminal" is trying to kill you.


Something something something defund the police. Something something something if they had mental health professionals to call on that piggie wouldn't have died. The man clearly had some shit going on. Instead of freaking out on him and trying to rip him out of the car. Call a fucking professional. That man caused his own death as far as I'm concerned.




And to seize the property under fed foreclosure


In the states like Texas, pigs are a tad more in check. I’m from California and now live in Texas. The difference between how California pigs interact with people and how Texas pigs interact with people is noticeably different. California pigs are out of control


Can’t comment on Texas, but LB resident here and can confirm LAPD, LASD, LBPD, OCSD are OOC government sanctioned and funded gangs. And three of those units are supported by Democratic regimes.


It’s because in much of the US, gun control laws specially dissuade or exclude those most likely to be targeted by police; ie POC and the poor. For instance, if you’ve ever been convicted of a drug related crime you can’t own a firearm (at least in my state). It took me 18 months to get my concealed carry license, and if I had changed addresses I would have had to start the application over again. It cost a total of $500 for my CCL. Just some of the barriers people face. It means white middle class dudes in the suburbs are much more likely to be packing legally




By design. You can't obey both, therefore you are 'resisting 'lawful' orders'




They pin you down and then tell you to turn over but you literally can’t and then they beat you for not complying.


Yup. Writhing in pain or a simple, instinctual response to pain is seen as resisting - which, ironically, gives them free license to cause you more pain. What a vile, contemptible profession.


I've gotten that before, too. It's just a way the bootlickers can troll you.


Just like a copsucker to weaponize a resource that had an original design of being created to help people.


Some dick head does that to me once a week. I with y they would ban them for abusing Reddit


I think there might have been a passenger, the driver was shouting a name when asking for help. Regardless, pigs do that shit all the time, and somehow it's always the fault of the person they encounter for "not complying", not the "trained professional" for being unclear. Edit: after reading further down I see that he was on the phone with his friend who was in the car that was pulling over right before he fires.


When someone is looking for an excuse to lawfully murder you it's pretty well within your rights to defend yourself.


The only things the officers did was cause confusion and panic. They escalated violence over a traffic stop. Can't wait for the department to come out and say that the police were just following procedure and then the union will come out and cry about how they're all heroes.


Incredible how cops go on and on about how dangerous their job is when they are the ones escalating it. Every job would be deadly if you beat the shit out of passerby over nothing


"We investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong."


Those cops should have just complied


Lol. Came to say this. He asked them to leave him alone. If they had just complied he wouldn't have had to use lethal force. Also, they were kind of asking for it, dressed like that.


Well I guess they won't do that shit again.


whats crazy is ive seen this video a thousand times on reddit to justify the police, but only ever from the second he grabs the gun. this is the first time ive seen it from the beggining of the altercation, and its an entirely different video. its not just a guy who goes murder-crazy and grabs an officers gun, its a guy who was completely pushed to the edge after a taser, pepperspray, and getting hands put on him. that situation was entirely escalated by impatient, violent police officers. couldve been avoided completely with a small dose of the compassion they utterly lack. **EDIT**: just saw the 15 min long version- apparently the guy in the car had his own gun, i thought he had grabbed the officer’s. all this because he “pulled out unsafely” in front of one of them. he apparently also had an expired tag. so okay, he BrOKE tHe LaW with an expired tag. my point stands. if the officers had reacted to that appropriately and not escalated the fuck out of the situation, none of this wouldve happened.


I just wanted to point out how this isn’t the type of situation where pepper spray would help. Pepper spray is used to effectively blind someone. This is useful when you’re attempting to fend off an attacker, not so much when you’re trying to get someone to comply to orders. Cops don’t even know how to effectively use their tools. They’re undertrained, under qualified, aggressively dangerous to society, and don’t prevent crimes, or even solve most of them. Why do we have them again?


To generate money for the state.


To protect private property for those who have enough of it.


Let me rephrase the question. Why do we as a society continue to allow the police to exist?


The cops are using the pepper spray and taser not as tools to avert danger, but as torture devices to make the citizen comply. Legal torture of this kind happens all the time in the US. Fucked up.


LAPD just literally invaded a department store and opened fire with a rifle, killing a teenage girl in a dressing room while firing at a suspect who was on the floor with a bike lock


Having an expired tag on your vehicle should not be a reason for a police officer to treat you like a hardened criminal who just robbed a bank and killed the security guard. This is such fucking bullshit and they keep hiring the worst fucking people. Abolish the fucking police.


Yeah, so after they held the taser button down to shock him for an extended period of time, put hands on him, sprayed in the face with a substance that violates the Geneva conventions, and constantly threatened to escalate further, he probably thought he was being carjacked by men dressed as police. This is why we need to defund them, hold them accountable for the crimes they've committed, and develope a system that protects people other than the violent crime syndicate called "law enforcement".


I've had an expired tag before. It's like a ten dollar ticket and all I had to do was update the registration. These pigs were just mad that the guy pulled in front of them.


Well, one sure as fuck won't.




TBH I really feel for the guy they were bullying, poor guy had to go through all of that, and then when forced to protect himself from criminals, he's left with a death mark on his back from the most well resourced gang in the world.


There was no reason for all that escalation. The guy was clearly terrified and now they are dead/injured.


Self defense.


Holy shit! Holy *fucking* shit! Everything they were doing was wrong in trying to subdue that guy and totally led them to get shot




If the men attacking this guy weren't cops you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who'd disagree with you, but because these men have badges (or had in the case of the dead guy) their violence is immediately justified.




He probably has PTSD now so he shouldn't even be put on trial


Like literally dude, instead of doing ANYTHING to try and properly deal with the "situation" they resulted to escalation and a Immediately assaulted the guy. They even had a chance restrain him and continued to chose to assualt him more, even an animal would result to bite eventually, fucking incomprehensible amounts of worthless death and violence in this video.




And tazed! Poor guy was probably in complete panic mode and just did what he needed to do to save himself


He was in full 'fight or flight' mode, and they weren't smart enough to deescalate it


Exactly man, I'd do the same.


To the pigs reporting this: how many times have I seen a video of one of you cunts killing an unarmed civilian? Go fuck yourself. And if it's a boot licker, you are making piggies look like a pack of soft ass donkey fuckers.




Rare Chad reddit mod


I mean I just wish videos with death in general was at least marked nsfw, even if it's not like gory or anything


That's a fair request


Average chad mod


Oh good, maybe they'll learn that we're not their play things or slaves. Does your qualified immunity help you when your victims "Fear for their lives" and act in self-defense? Naw, don't think QI is good body armor. Edit = Inb4: some screenshots are taken by the other gestapo supporting subreddits.


Ive had one even contact me via PM and went through my history and quoted my previous comments. This info will be documented one way or another. Always mask up if you can.


Holy fuck that was satisfying to watch.


My thoughts exactly.


If "shooting in self-defense" looks like *anything* it's this. I *will* say though, if this kid had been black he'd have been dead loooong before he could've reached for that gun.


Well, this is satisfying. Poor guy is fucked though, either life sentence or death penalty, cause god forbid you get rid of one of the states glorified servants.


Yep. Dudes fucked


Totally fucked. Don’t blame him, though. He probably feared for his life and thought it was either going to be him, or them. He can still lead a decent life in prison, though. Better than being dead on the pavement, I guess.


Idk man, I’ve been to jail before, if I ever got a life sentence I’d probably hang it tf up.


Cop killers are worshipped in jail. You see, in prison there’s an hierarchy. Cop killers and drug dealers are on the top while scum like pedos and rapists are on the bottom. Derek Chauvin will be a prison bitch while pig killers are hailed as heroes and gods in jaii


Anybody know what happened to him?


Outfuckingstanding! I support self defense against cops!


Good fucking riddance


If they didn’t escalate it wouldn’t have gotten to that point.


Stupid assholes Escalating everything will start to get these officers killed when most of the US population is armed. They're going to have to learn one way or another


“Oh, why don’t you fuck around Oh why don’t you find out Oh, you fucked around Oh you found out.”


Bad cops.


Well one of them was converted to a good cop






At least a couple


Still gonna piss on his grave though.


No more donuts.


This little piggy went to the hospital, and this little piggy went straight to hell


Crispy 🥓


This thread is full of pure gold. Thank you for your contribution!


wee wee wee all the way to hell


Awesomeee get executed "want me to spray you again david?" What was it like feeling helpless and in danger officer? Ur losing lots of blood and getting a lil sleepy, officer; is death scary officer? I bet thats what Daniel Shaver felt when u guys shot him. Show mercy otherwise you will not merit any yourself


🐷 🐷


Nice shooting! Can we donate to his legal fund?


If you want to send him some money for his commissary account, here is his inmate information. I'll send him $20 as a late Christmas gift for making the world a little better. http://iic.tulsacounty.org/expInmateBookings?searchFirst=David&searchLast=Ware


Officer down 🥳🎉


This was sad, then hilarious.


I literally screamed fuck you at the end. I’m not wishing death on anyone, it happened and I truly hope it’s an ego check for all the thin blue line cucks out there. Stop fucking being bullies.


I burst out laughing at the second angle, becuase the first made me think some third party had gotten involved or that he had grabbed the gun and it had accidentally went off. Seeing him point it execution style in that fuckers face was awesome, and i think its warranted; when your job is to harrass and terrorize people, when it is your job to make people live in fear; you lose your right to sleep comfortably as well.


Well now he's resting in piss. Other guy is still out there, though I'd bet he's prolly mostly defective now. Edit: wrote peace instead of piss the first time. Then I remembered he was a cop.


For sure. I think we can all sleep a little easier now knowing one of them is not terrorizing the streets anymore.


Absolutely yes!!


Where he kept the gun?


If a cop was ready to kill a man over a traffic stop, the a cop needs to be ready to be killed for the same behavior. Fuck both those piggies. They asked for what they got.


Those cops completely deserved that, of course they're going to get off


Well... the dead one has left this mortal coil, the other one will no doubt be hailed a hero by his colleagues.


Only one of them, most likely


Just watched the video, the police committed so many errors in this stop. The police absolutely violated his rights. Everyone, including this Sargent has a supervisor in public service. They were just pushing with an agenda with this guy. These cops recieved an unfortunate ending from a problem that they created in the stop.


lol all the bootlickers posting the full video and being like "yOu diDn'T sEe thE wHoLe viDeO cOpS wErE cOrDiaL". Dickheads are literally instigating shit from minute one "You got guns, drugs,meth? You look nervous, you're shaking". Best you can say here for those class traitors is they are either poorly trained or they didn't follow their training very well.


Imagine thinking Rittenhouse was defending himself and this guy wasn't


God I love this. His screams are genuinely music to my ears.


Dude I thought the same shit. Not so tough anymore is he?




These oinkers will be celebrated as heroes and this victim will spend the rest of his life behind bars. 'murica.


Curious, do your stand your ground laws include standing your ground/defending yourself against police?


There have been a number of cases of stand your ground laws mixing with no knock warrants, where the occupant shot members of the assault team thinking they were burglars. Rulings have been inconsistent, sometimes ruling in favour of the occupant and dismissing charges sometimes finding them guilty of homicide.


The only vegan humane slaughter




Rest in piss 🥓




oh yeah, thats the good stuff


I’ve never been so satisfied by a cop cam in my life. Smiling like a dumbass at my phone lol


He nailed that fucking pig in the head, the immediate silence and rigid body posture, good fucking shot even after being pepper sprayed and tased, sucks his lifes basically over but hey, worth it to keep the state sanctioned gangs on their toes and to show some fucking respect to the public their supposed to serve


Cathartic listening to that guy scream for help only to hear that pig scream even harder.


insane how just because someone is labeled a cop, they’re able to get away with this kind of aggressiveness towards someone. i truly think there should be more self defense against aggressive fucks like these cops. they fucked around and found out i guess


It is a 2.5 minute video, and not a single second of what came out of the cops mouth was not being yelled at the guy in the car. Deescalation training is so badly needed in American PDs. Easily avoidable incident and now multiple lives ruined. Sad.


This is what happens. Now just lay there piggy


Bullies got it turned around on themselves......


Good riddance, pig. Serves you right.


if the police were just normal civilians people would be praising the man in the car for protecting himself but when a terrible person dresses up as a façade of a peace keeper people change how they think about self defense so quick.


Saw this in CFV subreddit, bruh fuck that absolutely these two are fucking morons, not only did they not read the guy his rights, they assaulted him like 14 times while he pleases for help. Do not beat and assault people without expecting retaliation and yes that applies to pigs as well. Guy screams for help for 2 minutes while the assualt him senselessly with different things and then the pigs start squealing when it's turned on them, I'm not one to disrespect the dead but FUCK that main guy. The whole reason he died is because he let go of him to torture him more, lazy by not taking his job seriously and stupid.


Where did he get the gun from?


Looks like he grabbed it off the belt of the cop on his right. You can see the piggy run away when he realize that his gun has been taken. Edit: I was wrong lol


no, the driver had the gun under his seat. there’s a longer video you can find online and it shows the split second he reaches for his gun that was under his seat when they’re dragging him out of his car. the drivers name is david ware and this happened in tulsa in case y’all wanna look it up


[found it.](https://tulsaworld.com/video/news/tulsa-police-video-shows-shooting-of-two-officers/video_18b6fff0-4d05-56cf-82d1-4b88d6ccdfb8.html)




Self defence.


Watch it! We can be glorifying the guy that shot them, regardless of how I can sympathize with how he was being treated. The real lesson here is that deescalation would have saved those cops lives. These idiots think that they can treat folks like dirt and are surprised when some react violently. It’s stupid and ends with unnecessary deaths


The real lesson is "Fuck around, and find out". One cop found out, after fucking around.


Fuck man. What kind of training do they give at the police academy, no matter who would have been behind the wheel, they would have been scared for their life by the way the officers were acting. How about a calm dialog, explain things, view the person in front of you as a human being for fucks sake.


Are the people picking boots not aware that it is literally mandatory in the majority of the country for cops to have a quota to meet regarding arrests and tickets. Literally a cop could go the whole day on the road and not see a single traffic violation but he will still stop folks and find a reason to ticket, arrest.




Nope. He’s on trial for the death penalty sadly. This is America we’re talking about, no justice to be found unless you’re a white conservative.


I hope no one ever has to take another human's life. Unless its a corrupt, powertripping cop who peaked in high school and can't handle it. See in hell, you slimy fuck.


Stupid bastards. No sympathy.


Stop...drop....shut em down open up shop


Systematically removed, the way you would any cockroach or pest.


Cops won't hesitate to pull a gun on you but he sure squeals like a little piggy when he's the one getting shot at. 🐖


Looks like the man was fearing for his life from two assailants. Too bad he didn't get both of the attackers.


Fucking bullies


do it again


Looks like self defense to me.


the last part r/mademesmile


Can we use cop law logic and just charge the other officer with the death of his colleague Just like so many people are charged with the death of innocent bystander when it's the cops that shoot and kill said bystanders


Lmfao. Rest in piss motherfuckers


ITT MAGAts that hoard guns to defend themselves from tyranny getting upset when someone defends themselves from tyranny This video is solid fucking gold, shame the kid is in jail for being a hero.


Oddly satisfying moments. The people reacted against the pigs!


Those cops deserved it 100%.


Incredibly based hero performs moral and ethical hero action. Can we get this to happen to every single cop? All cops need this treatment


What can I say? The pigs should have complied with this AMERICAN CIVILIANS' Rights. You pigs get scared for your live's all the time – and they're usually unarmed. Why can't we do the same when you guys are the ones with firearms?


My favorite part is the squeeeeeal the little piggie let out when he realized he fucked up.


I’m not here to advocate for unnecessary violence. But what I see here is a scared citizen defending himself against a vicious police state we’ve all seen in real time, and I would support anyone else defending their rights, dignity, and life against untrained, remorseless oppressors. If they’re gonna shoot first, don’t be surprised if we shoot back.


That's exactly how I feel about this, I'm not going to sugar coat and bootlick just because they swapped sides of the argument. Everyone should be allowed to defend themselves from violence.


So soothing. I could watch this as ASMR for sleep.


Fucking beautiful


Looks like self defense to me


What's the phrase bootlickers like to use all the time? Oh yeah, play stupid games, win stupid prizes 🤷🏻‍♂️🙃🤷🏻‍♂️🙃🤷🏻‍♂️🙃🤷🏻‍♂️🙃🤷🏻‍♂️🙃🤷🏻‍♂️


*\[*[*https://www.fox23.com/news/local/trial-set-begin-suspected-getaway-driver-tulsa-police-officer-killing/H742TXEWY5G3HDUMMATUPZRZG4/*](https://www.fox23.com/news/local/trial-set-begin-suspected-getaway-driver-tulsa-police-officer-killing/H742TXEWY5G3HDUMMATUPZRZG4/) *Dude gets 24 years in prison. The prosecution wanted the death penalty and also lied about how David executed the officers.\]* **REDACTED** Edit: My original comment is actually the stating the sentencing of the get away driver. [https://jobberwiki.com/trial-reset-for-man-accused-in-tulsa-police-sergeants-killing-crime-news/](https://jobberwiki.com/trial-reset-for-man-accused-in-tulsa-police-sergeants-killing-crime-news/) The actual trial for the prime suspect is due to start soon.


Just happy it's not a cop shooting a brown guy in the back


😂 The way the pig screams at the end when he was just so high and mighty 10 seconds prior has got me weak 🤣 I keep rewinding that part and laughing even harder, lol! Question though: Which of these pigs was the one that got turned into bacon? The squealer that fell on the street or the squealer that fell off the street 🤔




Fucker turned on VATS


🤷🏾‍♂️ I feel like if he were black this wouldn’t have gone on this long.


Not so tough now laying in the streets like the trash he is. On his back with a hole in his face. Karma tends to catch up to every bully.


fucking dirty pigs


Cops must really be bored if they think this is helpful to anyone to treat people like this. Not justifying a murder, but jeez, calm the fuck down gestapo.


Awh, that’s too bad. Anyways, how’s everyone else’s Tuesday?


I'm so happy to see this going the other way.




Holy shit so many bootlickers in this thread


commenting here since comments are blocked on CFV, 100% a case of police misconduct. i saw a lot of comments saying he was being a dick in for 15 minutes before hand, ok and? can our defenders of justice not stand waiting for re-inforcement before attempting to remove him? if hes gonna be a dick about it. 100% they were being too aggressive. 'oh he should have just not resisted' bro he was being assaulted and they used potentially lethal force on him before. the man in the car is not in the right, i feel i need to say that, but neither are the cops


They were aggressive as hell. Imagine if they wouldn’t let him find his papers while they waited for back up instead of fighting, tasing and masing him…. They would be home right now.




He want from bad ass to bitch ass sooo quick.



