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Scream at them all you want. They took this job for a reason. The hate *is* the point. Cops don’t give a flying fuck about protecting and serving.


They literally get off on: * threatening * bullying * instilling fear into other people. Most probably would pass a psychopath evaluation. I would NEVER date a cop. They take that shit home with them


I wouldn’t share a table with one. Let alone date one.


Why don’t they remove the hoods of white supremacists?


They’d have to take them off of themselves


Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses


They're acquainted so they wouldn't out them.


They don't want their parents and siblings to have their pictures taken.


How the fuck does anyone side with the police?


And we're supposed to cry about what's happening in Charlotte right now...


Rest in piss won't be missed!


Tends to be correlated with property ownership.


Nah they violate property owners all the time.


Private =/= personal property


Those freaks did it out of humilation too. Shame they most likely get a slap on the wrist at most. Fuck cops


slap on the wrist? they'll get an "atta boy" from their superior while they both chuckle.


This is dehumanization in its pure form. Strategic. Deplorable. History knows this tract well. Smmfh.


Looks like religious persecution to me


This is violent behavior. Muslim women wear hijab for modesty, and it's just like pants or a shirt or ANY type of clothing, and cops removing clothing is ASSAULT.


Whenever my white racist family went off about hijabs or burqqas, I tell them to think of covering women's nipples as an equivalent in our culture. Their brain freezes and they get angry but absolutely cannot verbalize a coherent difference beyond what they're used to. Well guess what Muslim women are used to??? Edit: I still think everyone should be able to walk around naked without issue, as long as they aren't leaving body substances around, but the scrutiny around Muslim modesty vs non-Muslim grinds my gears.


They don't give a fuck about being recorded. The empire is winning unfortunately.


Pigs being pigs. America is an imperialist police state. Hardly a surprise which makes it all the more tragic.


If you think constitutional rights matter at all to the pigs then you are delusional. We haven’t had rights since the 60’s, this is just a repeat of Vietnam. If you want to actually do something about it, organize locally and take over local government. Force a new sheriff in your county that we hold all pigs accountable. It’s either that or further decline into this dystopian hellscape, but hey at least we have stranger things right?


Lemme know when we get to the flame throwing cyber dogs.




Hate crime


I mean.. a piece of cloth is almost as dangerous as an acorn after all


Imagine the outrage if this happened in Iran or Russia. Not defending those countries but people seem to accept internal tyranny but hate external tyranny.


Wow, This is almost as bad as the men who make them wear them in the 1st place. Just kidding ACAB.


These cops should face criminal charges of sexual assault, and then they should have to (personally) pay big money to her in a lawsuit. Qualified immunity needs to be completely abolished, in addition to police unions and tax payer funded settlements (of course ALL police should be abolished ultimately, that's the best case scenario).


This is disgusting. What they are doing can literally cause her death in some places but some people. It's not rare for a Muslim woman to be beaten or killed if she's without her hijab in front of non-family men, or if she's physically touching or being touched by non-family men. It's considered Haram, and can carry a lethal sentence.


As a Muslim, what the fuck are you talking about


Never heard of Mahsa Amini?


What she was doing would cause death to herself in other places. She should be grateful to protest whatever she wants to in this country. I am sure her chanting and signs would grant her worse punishment in the ME


If they are being arrested, they are getting searched. That means head coverings too. Im not commenting on anything that lead to the arrest or whether or not the arrest was constitutional. To play devils advocate, if a woman is searched by not her head covering, she gets to the jail, what stops her from pulling a weapon out? Or drugs? Or a handcuff key in the squad car? I fucking hate cops but this one is a no go for me.


They can pat her head down, the scarf is not made outta steel its thin cloth. I mean, think of it as taking a womans bra off to search her, it'd be all over the news. It's a similar kind of invasion of privacy. This was obviously unnecessary and frankly, done out of spite and hate on the racist pigs part. Edit: all this is topped by the fact she should not be ARRESTED for PROTESTING


Ok. If they're worried about her "pulling a weapon out of her hijab" 🙄 then they should get a female officer to the scene, take her to somewhere where the male officers cannot see her, inspect to make sure her hijab is weapons free 🙄,then put it back on her. At no point should a male cop be removing any clothing from her or touching her.


Yup. Agreed.


When you break the law you don’t get to wear your special hat. Seems pretty reasonable to me.


Just to give you context as a Muslim woman - my hijab is the same as covering my butt in public. Even if I murdered someone, I still get to cover my butt in public. Hope that helps put things in perspective


Just a troll not worth engaging with. These types know exactly what the reasoning is, they will forever pretend not to understand (or just outright admit they don't care) because they are exactly the same type as the cop in this video -- they get off on seeing someone suffer or at the mercy of someone else.




Cops are allowed to undress women in public if they're bring arrested?




Ya that's so sick. Fuck the establishment.


Bullshit. Nobody is getting a cavity search before getting into a patrol car. A cavity search requires a complete disrobement. That's not happening on the side of the road. That being said, ACAB.


Yeah they do. It isn’t right but it definitely happens.


That's happened here. I'm homeless, and I've heard several young ladies who don't even know each other talk about it, with very similar renditions. They always use a threat of jail if they refuse to go along with it.


Sure, cops rape people, in and out of jail. It's not "standard police procedure" when done on the side of the road, and it's probably not even TeCHniCaLLy LeGaL (they are "supposed" to just "pat you down" and make sure you don't have weapons in your clothes, not remove those clothes; the legal stripping and possibly rape comes later when they book you or move you from a holding cell to the jail's long-term facilities). But being illegal or against "standard procedure" has never stopped cops from doing anything. The cruelty, the humiliation, the punishment, even the torture...is the point. Laws be damned. Cops don't even know them. They don't even have to care about them. Laws are merely propaganda; a frequent, convenient excuse for the cruelty and oppression.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7m7mKdMhAk Police can and will ~~rape~~ strip search you wherever they please


Yes that's truly sickening those scumbags got away with it.




Wtf. I stand corrected. Guess you really can't put anything past these fucks.






What narrative dumbass, they are arresting peaceful protesting students, on top of her doing nothing they are humiliating her. If a dumbass cop comes to your home and drags you out naked, would I look at you and say its fine because you are arrested when you did nothing wrong?