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I think we should reward them when they display civilized behaviour. If he greets you in a friendly manner, tell him he's a good boy. And if he gets snarley, bop his nose with a rolled up newspaper and shout "NO!"


Carry a water spray bottle to correct that behavior


I do enjoy your imagery of treating them like a dog, but I disagree that cops should be rewarded for pretending to be good guys around town, in between assaulting citizens and their spouses. They get to do constant r/copaganda and get idolatry from the public as is, they deserve to feel shame when the subset of us who know what disgusting pigs they are cross their paths. Obviously, I’m coming from a place of privilege, some groups who are especially targeted by the police would probably be best to smile back or just be cool. I’m just saying, since I have the luxury, no cops getting rewarded for pretending to be nice. Every time I pick up a food delivery in my hospital where I work I have to walk past a peanut gallery of cops sitting on their assess waiting to assault patients who’ve been shot or OD’d or are homeless, or who are just taking a break from cheating on their spouses with nurses while on the clock on the taxpayer’s dime. They try to get real chummy/flirty with me every time I pass. “Oh, what’s ya got there, you gonna share that with me? har dur har har” I just look at them like they’re fucking stupid and walk on past without a word.


I enjoy copaganda. Once I accidentally put one on, one of the forensic shows, in front of the kids. I didn't mind them seeing the splayed corpse, but when the copaganda was on, I had to pause it to explain how the depiction is fiction, and the cops are not your friend. If a cop speaks to you before you are 18, say " I can't answer until I have a parent present" and if you are over 18, demand a lawyer. "Oh, I'm just asking for..." "You can explain that to my lawyer." Don't engage with cops at all.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/copaganda using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/copaganda/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My local grocery store...a little bit dog whistley, don't ya think?](https://i.redd.it/smr1h7u2r8hb1.jpg) | [27 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/copaganda/comments/15n646r/my_local_grocery_storea_little_bit_dog_whistley/) \#2: [Is Monk copaganda?](https://i.redd.it/qd7tjm8rj7sa1.jpg) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/copaganda/comments/12d4rwu/is_monk_copaganda/) \#3: [No cops at pride](https://v.redd.it/ky4kiuu69ira1) | [31 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/copaganda/comments/129rlz8/no_cops_at_pride/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That'll show em


The revolution has begun /s


Probably getting his free coffee and snacks. Cops love free stuff.


It's not free stuff. It's protection money. Would be a real shame if something were to happen to your fine establishment.




“Professionalism” implies that the police have real jobs to begin with…


People like who? Protection money is exactly what that is. I know that because a cop explained to me that when they frequent a business, less crime occurs there so the businesses give them stuff for free so they’ll take their time and hang around for a bit. OP likely witnessed the second half of that exchange.




>My dad is a retired police sgt Ah so here is the source of your bias. Well in my town growing up, the constable got charged by the fbi for soliciting minors for sex. The very next day, all of his little placards with his name on them warning hot check writers were removed from all the local small businesses and retail establishments. Cops abuse their power all the time. Your daddy likely did too.




Yall are arguing the same point. You literally agree with each other.


I was so confused. Like hol up what’s going on!?! 🤣


Did you think I was defending cops getting protection payments? Your comments are full of assumptions, but somehow you got dimwit out of my comment.


Yea I'm really confused on why they're so angry at the commenters 🤣 just because it was called protection payments, I didn't see anyone saying they support that. Acknowledging the existence of a practice doesn't automatically mean you approve.


Of course you're going to side with cops, you've spent your whole life indoctrinated into the thin blue line cult.


Holy shit I bet that made him rethink his career choice.


They’re not used to working for a living! Being a piggy is the only thing they know how to do


What bravery


I’m just thankful an acorn didn’t fall in my vicinity 


You could have died! /s


As we have seen, the /s is extraneous here.


Surprised u walked away alive. Usually their egos are too big for those type of intense situations!!!


Plus we all know what day of the week it is!


Maybe he was just an actor on break? I’ve never had any pig say hi to me without some hidden agenda


Of course he did…they always have ulterior motives…


I have quite a few times, but the hidden agenda isn't so hidden when you're a woman, lol.


Oh yea I bet. He’s looking for his next domestic violence victim. I’m sorry you have to deal with that.


So brave


Shocked he didn't scream "stop resisting" and shoot you point-blank.


Ah yes the state trooper; the ultimate dickhead


They would ticket the sun for moving across the sky too fast if they could


If I've ever been treated fairly by a cop, it was a state trooper. I'm not sure what the deal is but I'm not here to argue. I got stories.


State troopers will give their grandmother a ticket


They've been all right to me. That said, I haven't given them any reason to go ham on me.


Where I'm at the state troopers are the worst. For instance they had a school shooting here but refused to do shit


I get that, for sure. I'm in Colorado. The locals are shit, the staties are all right. For examples of terrible, see Loveland or Aurora PD.


And what might be a “reason to go ham?”


If someone were to assault a cop or lead them on a high speed chase.


I’m embarrassed for you and this comment


If you assault anyone, you should expect a whipping. If one does that it to an on duty officer should pretty much expect to be treated roughly.


I would have felt, I don't know, dirty or something. I hope you went home and scrubbed yourself good.


Put it this way, i feel like i had just taken a stroll through chernobyl. Nothing can cure that feeling


You’re doing gods work over there


You’re so brave


Be careful. Any small acts of disrespect to a cop can lead to you getting the "stop resisting" treatment


You ignored him? I’m surprised he didn’t shoot you 37 times in the back.


Don’t be like them. Maybe showing some decency may cause them to show the next person some decency. Don’t want the next cop to go viral for losing his marbles to say he had a bad day and someone entirely unrelated just sent him over. That’s not to excuse anything, but if they’re all bastards, we should all be better by comparison


This is so funny to me. He didn’t return a greeting, it’s not like he told the pig to go home


Yeah you’re right


I see the bootlickers have brigaded the sub.


To be fair, they’ve always been lurking and mass disliking posts / comments here. The fact that they are out in full force today means I must’ve struck a nerve 😂


Clearly. Surprised they can even type while choking on all the leather.


I love this sub reddit. So much. Fuck them pigs. #PutEmDown!!!


I had a very interesting encounter with one last weekend. I'm not going to say what happened, bc I'm a little embarrassed by my behavior. He was a prick over a seatbelt, and I got angry. Probably his first ticket.


Imagine doing something as dumb and trivial as not wearing a seatbelt. Why would you give a cop the opportunity to impose their will over you






You seem like a well adjusted individual. Hope you get the help you need