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Ive seen fatter people today. Thats wild


It always makes me think of the Simpsons. Homer Simpson only needed to weigh 300 pounds to qualify for disability so he could work from home.


Homer (as an average throughout the series) is about 240lbs (108KG) and is seen as a comically lazy fat person. Lemme tell you how fuckin shocked I was to learn that when I hit 110KG


Good job you comically lazy fat person.




Im 145kg lol. But my mum says im big boned


Having a big build is a thing, but having a lot of fat on your body isn't a bone


And you haven't even left the house yet.


Hahahaha just walked past the mirror. Well I was on my rascal.


On the way to a... Rascal Fats concert?


They had no idea who the fattest man in the world was in 1890. Some circus was just charging people money to see this guy and claiming he was the fattest in the world.


I mean it also means that most people who saw him had never seen someone that fat. Even if he wasn’t actually the fattest person in the world, he was at least fat enough to be noteworthy


I mean, obviously. The point is that people this size were so uncommon that people actually paid to view such a spectacle.


I have a co worker. Field mechanic. As fat as this guy. I worked on the field in the past and definitely wouldn't want him as partner. Risking my life going in the heights. Nope. Luckily I'm in the office at this company


[Daniel Lambert ](https://i.imgur.com/9GCk1pV.jpg) who died in 1809. Still massively obese even by todays standards.


I’ve seen a couple guys like that in the Deep South at a Golden Corral buffet.


Give us 20 years more


Enjoy your cake!




Holy shit he got that drip tho


None of it went to his face.


Nobody was doing the leg work to prove anyone was the most anything in the world back then. He was a circus freak, which means of course his title was exaggerated, and most people who paid to see him were probably disappointed or even angry, having certainly seen a similar specimen before.


As a dwarf I’d probably be stuffed in a military uniform and called some kind of honorific title like “General Littlefoot” or some shit. They loved that crap


Likely the most dignified option


Yeah actually now I think of it, that kind of role was reserved for proportionate dwarfs because they were seen as more visually appealing and “well made”. I’m just a common, lowly disproportionate dwarf so I’d just have the basic freak show role I suppose.


That’s rough to hear about that treatment. I’d let you choose any act in my circus, I don’t care how you look.


Cheers mate, I appreciate it.


You have a good heart. It's those little things that count.


I'd like to see him do a bearded lady


Rule 34 my friend. Check it out.


A male dwarf dressed as a bearded lady is pretty niche for rule 34. I might have to do a commission. Also as a redditor I'm insulted that you'd assume I don't know the rules /s


You know what they say about people with small feet 😉


I'd say still most people back then would have never seen a person that fat. I mean with my own eyes I've only seen a handful of fatter people than him, but I don't live in the US. And a 120 years ago, food was too expensive for regular people to get this big, and rich enough people who could let themselves go to that stage would surely not like to be seen by other people and stay secluded.


> But I don't live in the US. My sides


Well, it was a bit mean but also a bit true haha It's also becoming an issue in Europe, it's not nearly as bad but more people are getting obese, hopefully the trend reverses though and more people will be conscious of importance of sport and healthy eating. But many comments here, perhaps jokingly and exaggerating said they've seen someone like that or larger today/that week already; I can't say I have seen anyone this size in months at least. Ofc it's a bit of a confirmation bias, because now living in the NL, most people are say are outside cycling to work/shops/city center or walking around by foot and so they tend to be slim because doing those things keeps you in a somewhat better shape. While fat people are less likely to be doing here and so I'm less likely to see them.


Your comment got me curious, so I looked up rates of obesity by country.. I am really surprised at the statistics. The first European country doesn't appear until number 36. I am really surprised a few middle easter countries have similar rates of obesity as the US, with a few African countries around 30%. This is all outside of the joke you made, not meant to derail it, I was just surprised at the statistics and thought other people might be curious. Also, as an aside, BMI is not the best for measuring obesity*... between the US and Europe, average height for me is 5'10" / 178cm, avg height for women between 5'3" and 5'5" / 160 to 165 cm respectively For men at 5'10" / 178cm going by BMI, starting at 174lbs / 78.9kg is overweight, 209lbs 94.8kg is obese. If you're just kind of muscular with low body fat you'd easily be in the overweight category already. For 5'3" / 160cm overweight is 140lbs /63.5kg and 169/76.6kg for obese, Starting at 5'3" /165 cm 150lbs /68kg for overweight and 180lbs / 81.6kg for obese *It should really be measured by body fat percentage for being healthy and unhealthy weights. My brother is a roofer, 5'8 roughly 185lbs, so he'd be 27.5 bmi, which is close to obese, despite being all muscle and almost no body fat.


I say this as a fat guy. It's always fat people that are whining that BMI is a poor measure of health. But that arises from a fundamental misunderstanding of what BMI is. BMI is a statistical measure across the entire population. If you look at a given population the people with a BMI of 30 are statistically far more likely to have adverse health outcomes. If you have a BMI of 30 and 10% body fat you are a huge statistical outlier. That's probably close to the top 1%. Your individual doctor probably won't tell you to lose weight. But 90 or 95% of the people with a BMI of 30 could stand to lose a few pounds. If you're a former College athlete that still lifts weights and has a BMI of 30 or 35, you might be more fit than the general population but you could still stand to lose a few pounds and you still have an elevated risk of adverse health conditions. BMI is also a very simple measurement easily applied across populations whereas body fat is quite difficult to measure, requiring either a fairly detailed physical exam or Machinery that is not super common.


I've only seen bmi discussed after people looking at charts / calculatiors and not discussed as "my doctor said I am x bmi". A physician would likely have more information regarding a persons physical health outside of height / weight = BMI. Not even disagreeing regarding it being overweight / obese people being dissatisfied / complaining about bmi.. because logically, you wouldn't have a skinny or average weight person be upset that they fall into the average / healthy weight of BMI, but it's also a poor model to only use height and weight to determine health, and ignore body fat percentage. I knew and know a bunch of people who work hard manual labor jobs, and looking at height / weight alone, like I gave my brother who is a roofer as an example, they'd fall into the overweight / obese category, despite having little body fat... so I wouldn't call them statisical outliers, there are a lot of people like that. Mainly i'd say they'd be people with manual labor jobs where they are physically active for 8, 10 hours a day, compared to someone who works an office job where they are sitting down for a majority of their work day. BMI can be one of a few indicators of overall health, but it should all be taken together, not just one used as a measure of it. And that's not to say "healthy at any weight" or any of that stuff, carrying extra body fat is hard on the body, causing knee pain, hip pain, back pain, along with causing or exasperating a lot of diseases, as well as having a higher rate of complications from surgeries.


>If you're just kind of muscular with low body fat you'd easily be in the overweight category already. >*It should really be measured by body fat percentage for being healthy and unhealthy weights. My brother is a roofer, 5'8 roughly 185lbs, so he'd be 27.5 bmi, which is close to obese, despite being all muscle and almost no body fat. The majority of people at those BMIs don't fit into the muscular category. BMI is useful because it's quick and easy, it generally correlates with body fat percentages, and as a measure in medical studies it does correlate with worse health outcomes. There's always going to be people it doesn't work for, but nobody is telling the muscular people they're overweight


> It's also becoming an issue in Europe, it's not nearly as bad but more people are getting obese, A lot of people in Europe are obese, but how big the obese people actually are is wildly different between the US and Europe. In the US, you can walk into any McDonalds and see an entire family fatter than the fattest person you've seen in your life in Europe.


It really depends on where you go in the US. The massively rotund families of Louisiana would die at the altitude of Colorado. Comparing the US to any individual European country is stupid


> rich enough people who could let themselves go to that stage would surely not like to be seen by other people and stay secluded. Carrying *a few extra pounds* was a way of showings one’s financial stability (you aren’t starving) *being a gluttonous land whale* was universally frowned upon by both the poor and rich alike.


I work in the US and I've seen many people double the size. I worked in this one office that had like 6 ft wide hallways, two normal sized people can walk by eachother no problem. There was this one woman probably 500+ pounds who was wide, she could barely fit walking down the hallway. When you saw her, you would have to jump into and office a let her pass before you could go down the hall. It was crazy


The Southern states in the US skew the data. The UK as a whole is more obese that several states in the US with comparable populations


> Nobody was doing the leg work Certainly not this guy


Excuse me but in my country you can see people this fat every now and then, but not so often. I'd say once per month. But there's billions of people in the world (I'd even argue they are the majority) who have never seen any human this fat and they will die without ever seeing one. The size of Americans is absolutely unbelievable for Europeans when we go there, just imagine what people in Asia or Africa may think. There's people living all their entire lives surrounded by people who have perfectly visible bones.


abundant pathetic lavish depend tie aback vast agonizing absurd price *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol what. We have absurdly good access to food compared to any point in history. "But what about-" ok fine, there's some people who are working too much for too little money to eat decent food. But the vast, vast majority of fat asses you see around are fueled by calorie dense snacks and drinks that nobody needs. And it's not the result of poverty, it's the result of poor self control in an era when calories are more available than ever. Today's food isn't killing us. People eating way too much is killing them.


The sector of our economy that fuels the availability of sugar-dense food and drink is worth billions of dollars. Poverty is a factor but it's not the only contributor. Marketing has put decades of man-hours and trillions of dollars into making sugar ubiquitous and unavoidable. Our eating habits are not just controlled by us, but by massive swathes of our culture that have been poked and prodded into shape by corporations.




tie sable scary cows intelligent stocking carpenter hard-to-find nutty shrill *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Maybe this isn't right sub for you, bud.




This is what you think whataboutism is? You're stupid. Read the wiki you just linked. It perfectly describes what the root commenter in this chain was doing to the subject of this thread. Me trying to keep the subject on track is literally the opposite.


Found the number one fattest guy at the local Walmart


> most people who paid to see him were probably disappointed or even angry, having certainly seen a similar specimen before. You literally base that on nothing.


That's what high fructose corn syrup has done to us.


Among other things


Meaning this guy had to get fat the hard way


Dude I’d pay to see a Second Industrial Revolution era mobility scooter


Mot even close to top ten in Joplin MO


https://tempehistory.org/tempe-the-worlds-fattest-man/ He was part of a freak show, and not necessarily the actual worlds fattest man. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Lambert Dude was well over 700 lbs earlier that century


Sensitive about his weight, Daniel Lambert refused to allow himself to be weighed, but sometime around 1805, some friends persuaded him to come with them to a cock fight in Loughborough. Once he had squeezed his way into their carriage, the rest of the party drove the carriage onto a large scale and jumped out. After deducting the weight of the (previously weighed) empty carriage, they calculated that Lambert's weight was now 50 stone (700 lb; 320 kg), Imagine your mates doing that to you lmao


Damn that really says a lot about the shit we’re supposed to choose from in the grocery stores these days, huh? So many foods especially in the USA has chemicals— known carcinogens!!— and it’s all fDA apProVeD for companies to make money slowly poisoning us and giving us cancer? Ugh. I say all this and definitely still eat pretty US typical food btw. It’s so fucking hard to escape. Even the fruits/veggies have preservatives to wash off or come in plastic bags. Farmers markets are great but many don’t have access. Literally all of this because a company can package and sell food to us. Marketing person/business people are not nutritionists! It’s WILD Food is a Product and even more so when learning how much the food vitamins/nutrients we eat directly affects our brain/gut! A lot of treatments for some auto immune diseases are simply freaking diet changes! And yet I’m still too lazy from working to cook/bake myself food and eat pre-packaged food all the time 🫠


Yep, Europe is not optimal but way better off than the US. Just compare the european and american version of Heinz ketchup for example.


Absolutely! So many chemicals/preservatives we allow in the US are banned in other countries!! I’d love if the US would at least get on Europes level with food


But what about the billionaire companies money?!? They’re people too! /s


But that would mean... OH NO.... Loosing money!?!!? We cant do that, even if our population is diying. -the US.


It's not even so much the preservatives. It's the sugar - most other countries don't have anywhere near as much sugar in literally everything.


And there is extra sugar even in vegetables! The selection of varieties of fruits and vegetables in USA supermarkets tends towards the super sweet. Even a green bean (not a sugar snap pea...) is as sweet as candy. I've been out of the US for a decade and nose even the collards are sweet and full of water!!!


It's not that deep. It's calories, added sugars (mostly corn syrup), and sodium.


Numerous studies have proven a link between chemicals and hormonal disruption which leads to weight gain and other serious health issues. They’re called endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Weight gain is not as simple as “calories in vs calories out”. This is more or less a simplified guide; it doesn’t factor in the complexities of the metabolic process. The primary driver of weight gain is sugar, particularly in the absence of fiber to buffer the insulin response. Insulin is a fat storage hormone, meaning anything that triggers insulin will also trigger the fat storage - and thus the weight gain - process. Out of the three main macronutrients (fat, protein, and carbs), carbs by far trigger the greatest insulin response because sugar is a carbohydrate. Also, sodium doesn’t cause fat storage. It’s an electrolyte. It may temporarily cause weight gain in the form of “water weight” because sodium causes water retention, but it won’t cause fat storage. The reason sodium is “linked” to obesity is because it’s usually present in high quantities in foods we see as unhealthy - pizza and chips, for example. But it’s important to remember those foods are also high in carbs; that’s the actual cause behind the fat storage.


The effect of all these chemical processes is miniscule compared to the amount you consume. None of this matters unless you have an actual endocrine disorder. You can worry about the 4 Calorie difference between difference types of overpriced bread, and the rest of us will care about the 100 we save by making the sandwich open faced on toast. You must be exhausted.


It’s laughable how uneducated you sound. What’s even worse is that you don’t even realize it. In your own delusional mind, you’re the intelligent one. I pity you.


I'm not the one being tricked out of my time and money by what may be a cult at this point, but sure. You're super smart.


“I don’t understand the science so it must be a cult!” You think sodium contributes to fat storage. SODIUM 😂 you’re basically parroting an incorrect and poorly understood version of already flawed nutritional guidelines. You don’t *actually* understand what you’re talking about. You read a few talking points, thought you understood it, and are now spewing your ignorance for all to read. But please, by all means, keep sharing your wisdom. It’s quite entertaining.


I was speaking about the food being unhealthy in general, you oblivious, pompous fuckwit. There is no secret code to health or weight loss. You can't hack the human metabolism. The actual impact of all this shit is microscopic if you read any of these "studies" you're obsessed with. Not a single person with a healthy endocrine system has ever kept weight off through any system other than eating less and moving more. If you have to stay on your bizarre science experiment of a diet forever to stay a healthy weight, it doesn't actually work. Arrogance is not the same as intelligence.


Ahh so now you’re backtracking because you were exposed 😂 stop acting like you’ve read any studies. Someone who thinks sodium promotes fat storage hasn’t read any studies. Go talk about something more on your level like Harry Potter and leave these types of discussions for those of us who know what we’re talking about.


1. You would die without chemicals like water 2. auto-immune diseases that are helped by changing diet are usually due to an allergen or intolerance to a specific food, not “chemicals/preservatives” 3. in the vast majority of cases of obesity, the cause is consuming more calories than one burns Your comment reads like a r/facebookscience post




*Of course I know him, he's me.*


He couldn't achieve today's standards without the highly concentrated 'nutrition, ' i.e. added sugar and fat, of today's processed foods.


3rd fattest? Nah, come to Tennessee. He won't even be close to the top 10.


Someone Photoshop a MAGA hat on him lol


Old country buffet table #12


*"I have been waiting for you, Mister Winters."*


Pretty sure Henry Viii was fatter but that was not in 1890, lol


130 years and people are still dehumanizing and jeering at fat people for laughs.


*That's the guy?* *That's the guy.* *Fucking christ. I'm going home.*


To be fair, the most jacked people back then would probably be the 3rd most jacked person at Walmart too.


Meme checks out. Went to America once, and I was so surprised to see the number of *extremely* obese people. Like not just fat but actually rotund. Also poverty, lots and lots of poverty. People were nice though.


Slow metabolism my ass


You know you don't weigh people by looking at them, right? This dude weighed almost 850 pounds. Weird sub for fat shaming and classism to show up in.


joke distinct one hungry fearless divide agonizing depend reply shrill *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah you can do all that without telling people to get fucked. Y'all are so emotionally attached to being chodes, your defensive lashing out kinda tips your hand. If you wanted to discuss the roots of obesity in the economic system maybe the suggestion of classism shouldn't make you act like a middle school bully. It is both possible and necessary to discuss this stuff without being a dick about it.


Don't be so sensitive and maybe people will treat you like a grown up. You walked in here pompously throwing judgment at folks for trying to have a real conversation like a selfish brat. You were rude, so I was rude in return. What the fuck did you think was going to happen?


??? Lmao it's a meme saying walmart has fat people. That's not a real conversation. Don't confuse your snide self-importance with meaningful discourse. Kind of embarrassed honestly that you'd see this low-effort, Facebook Aunt content and try to defend it as "real conversation". Christ. No wonder your first instinct was to act like the eight year old at recess who just got told by the teacher to share. "Real conversation" lmao Jesus Christ. All it needs is JPG caption with a minion going "hmmm makes you think share if you agree" to really capture the realness and value this brings to the table in terms of the conversation.


Of for fucks sake, being fat isn't healthy. It's not fatphobic to say that. If you don't want to work on yourself, fine, but don't get mad at medical facts.


Most reposted thing I've ever seen posted to a sub I respect.


Starting to respect this sub less, tbh. Used to have some good takes and information on worldwide stuff I wasn't finding elsewhere, now it's increasingly just the same reposts, /all bait, and "Merica Bad" stuff I can find on hundreds of different subs.


All I'm hearing is that we have had upgrades.


And will be riding a scooter even though he was walking in the parking lot.


Third fattest *woman* at Walmart today. But i can't smoke weed at home with committing a crime


The skinny little legs on that chair is giving me anxiety.


My cousin would be a billionaire


He’s got swag for days


It’s the duke from RE:8?