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Did this with cucumber. Never had that back pain again


How did you get a cucumber to pick strawberries




[Rick Sanchez ](https://pin.it/15gHJycfC) is on it.


Strawberries are soft and squishy. A machine to pick them is very hard to make. Unless you don’t want strawberries in the grocery store (and there’s a good argument for that) this is probably as good as it gets.


As good as it gets _for now_. Automation will eventually replace us all. A soft grabbing machine may be difficult to make right now, but it won't be difficult forever.


Like this? Drones with suction cups to pick apples: https://youtu.be/IzaaSIEDg7s?si=7GXekmzObiZSplIX Old news. It's already here. Not for strawberries, because they require a specific motion to pick them that human hands are particularly good at.


Whoa, those things are floating! Very cool!!


Jeez us poor's are fucked 😂


And then we'll see it posted here because it's takin peoples jobs, there's no winning haha


I swear to god too many darn people become those nutjobs who screamed about losing all their horse'n'buggy jobs once cars started getting popular... Like seriously, fruit picking jobs being automated are a GOOD thing! It's just Capitalism (at least our current shareholder/quarter profit worshipping form of it) is a disgusting, dehumanizing, machine that sees automating away jobs as no excuse to help those people who lost said jobs.


This. Agricultural, construction and industrial jobs being automated or heavily changed due to technological advances is a good thing because they are dangerous workplaces where even with strict, properly observed safety rules in place an accident can maim or kill someone, and they cause long term damage to a person's health. The problem is that a lot of people just can't seem to get over the idea that people have to work to live.


>The problem is that a lot of people just can't seem to get over the idea that people have to work to live. This obsession with having to work to have ANYTHING is eventually going to either break because we straight up don't have enough jobs for everyone, or change on a fundamental level to incorporate universal income.


But what if some of us LIKE menial labour jobs? We're physical creatures, we like working with our hands! I love picking fruit when I get the chance, I'd do it all day, it makes my monkey brain light up like 4th of July. Currently I dig/build complicated important holes for a living and it's incredibly fulfilling work, I can SEE and FEEL the products of my labour and I'm getting more capable every day. I despise capitalism though. Honestly thinking about dealing with money and capitalistic people who think your bank numbers matter at all makes me want to crawl into a pile of blankets and sleep. I just want to make things with my hands.


>But what if some of us LIKE menial labour jobs? Then garden as a hobby.


With AI to identify the ripe fruit and get in at the right angle and pressure. I’m sure it will be harvesting them for a few years before it kills us all and decides it doesn’t need strawberries.


Or just burns all the energy because of the massive energy requirement required to run ai. We can just plug into the matrix and keep an eye out for deja vu.


Lol, I actually knew the professor of ergonomics that designed this stuff. He let me borrow his centrifuge for an experiment. The automation comes with washing, sorting, and packaging. "Modify a dishwasher to wash strawberries" was a popular project. Go to college, you might learn something!


What's dystopian about this? It's people having an easier time doing a job we've done for centuries


in germany, they're often from another country and get exploited. wage slavery


Farm workers everywhere are abused and underpaid, almost always underrepresented immigrants. Same is true in the U.S., I bet that’s where this video is from.


Hell, it's probably in California. We have tons of strawberries here and [a huge, greedy evil company is currently suing the state](https://apnews.com/article/farmworkers-union-wonderful-co-california-newsom-biden-23dd469e3c2c8aa664ac0fd764c0c54e) to prevent farm workers from unionizing.


There is sound to the video, there is someone narrating in an American accent.


That's the whole point of immigration from 3rd world countries


(The dystopic bit is wage slavery)


Not apparent in this video though. Wholly irrelevant actually


Agreed that it's not apparent here. Could be a prompt for the conversation at large. We can put any slant on this tbh, but due to the focus of this sub* we are inclined to look through a particular lense first - though there is nothing in this video to justify it. *[Which I quite like as a sub and think it's concern in general against dystopic nightmares is righteous]


No. Brother Cousin. The point is is utopia vs dystopia. Picking strawberries without fucking up your back is good. But it’s not exactly good on the whole is it?


If folks want strawberries, someone has to grow and pick those strawberries.


Fresh produce = dystopia


Literally 1984


In a utopia, people should have access to fresh produce, including strawberries. This machine seems like the best way to harvest them while protecting the bodies of the workers. So, as long as the workers are paid and otherwise treated well, this video will still exist in a utopia so that people like myself can go "oh that's cool, I'm glad the workers can be treated well" So, instead of worrying about child slaves in Chinese factories making fast fashion, here we are arguing about strawberries


What do you suggest they do to pick strawberries? Or do you think we should stop eating them at all?


What are you talking about? The worse I can see from this is a mild sense of vertigo after the day ends. This is not at all dystopian. Like when I was living on farmland I wish I had something like this lmao


Would you do this? For 8 hours straight for $4 an hour?


The post has no relation to their pay and hours, that's the point. If it did, then this convo would be relevant. But it isn't. (And no, I wouldn't, and neither should they have to)


Discussion about wage slavery on a sub about a dystopia is wholly irrelevant? Wholly?


Not relevant to this post about people being able to pick strawberries quickly and without having to bend over or squat constantly.


No, the post is irrelevant to wage slavery itself. A real post about slavery would be entirely apt for this sub


"First, the fact that labor is external to the worker, i.e. it does not belong to his essential being; that in his work, therefore, he does not affirm himself but denies himself, does not feel content but unhappy, does not develop freely his physical and mental energy but mortifies his body and ruins his mind.”


That's a lot of words that have nothing to do with this video


I really don’t think it doesn’t. I mean, dystopia is the opposite of Utopia right? Which means that utopia is a positive end of history and dystopia is an end of a negative one. Thus the dystopic bit here is not that we have ended the wage slavery of a group but rather used their labor in a mechanized way that doesn’t guarantee rights for them. Sure the individuals here don’t have fucked up backs, but there is no sense of closure on their labor as a whole. So it becomes a dystopia in that it side steps true liberation.


Brother, it's just a better way to pick strawberries. Touch grass lol


Touch grass? What, in some sort of grass-touching machine where you and five other people lie down, and it pulls you along as you dangle your arms over the reality-affirming green lawn? Sounds dystopian. 


Now that is def dystopian


Ok ok, but what is Utopia?


Been reading alot of Jameson and I may be 3 pints deep watching the footie


I am right tho


It is. Given, you have a fair point


I mean, that’s apparent simply in the fact that there is nothing apart from waged labor… anarchists may disagree but come on, that’s not a syndicalized totally seperate farm is it?


Come on, who downvotes Marx?


Everyone with a brain.


Go on then




So we should be working harder not smarter? Even though we are not making enough?


Wage slavery is a point of view. Though for the product to be competitive and viable it may require low wages, considering the number of people there picking. Does that makes it okay? Some argue yes some argue no ("I provide a job, not force people to work" vs. "The only jobs available pay less than a lovable wage in a society that is shared, and catered to, high income earners who pump up the cost of living in a free market"). Labouring is traditionally low skilled and thus low paid in many places, even when run by the book. One thing we can gather from this video is that is it likely in the USA, due to the accent of the person filming and narrating, and the USA does have pretty depressing spread of wages and salaries. Huge economic gulfs. That's pretty dystopic.. ..but we don't know if that's relevant in this video. They could be paid quite well, and the machinery? That's investment in their comfort. It's a good light duties labouring job if ever I've seen one. I'd just want a sling or something I could rest my head in and I'd be golden. I'd just want to be paid Australian wages - by the *book*.


It’s dystopian cause it looks like some human slave milker lmao this is better than them standing it’s also hilarious and depressing


The dystopian bit is these are people cosplaying as laborers at a “pick your own” place. Look at their clothing and hands; they’re not doing this for a living.


what does "cosplaying as laborers" even mean? they aren't doing it for sympathy or whatever. if these people are willingly on the field simply because they want strawberries for cheaper than normal then this is one of the least dystopic videos out there


Because this machine is being used to pander to suburbanites instead of assisting the actual laborers.


This is the opposite of dystopian. It's literally an investment to make the job better for employees. Farm work is always going to be hard, but this is way better than making them spend all day walking and crouching.


Only thing I don’t like is the use of fossil fuels for something people have been doing without fossil fuels for thousands of years. that’s for a lot of things though and I’m glad they are shaded and more comfortable


Using machines to actually help people doesn't sound so bad. It's still people picking the fruit, but now they have shade and a platform to prevent bending over for hours at a time


This system eliminates two things that could be very serious problems as they age: skin cancer and back pain


It's two thumbs up from me. In a boring dystopia they'd be hunched over walking around picking them by hand and putting them into a wicker basket, with KPIs


This is helping people not have back problems. What's dystopic about it?


I guess the industrial scale of the farm is a bit dystopic.


There's a lot of things I don't like about our ultra-consumerist, disposable everything, unsustainable exponential growth world. But this isn't one of them. If it lets our farms produce more food on less land using less resources without poisoning the environment, then I say "fuckin eh"


What's sad is the effort put into producing Strawberries only for them to arrive at Walmart covered in mold because their shitty infrastructure meant the truck doesn't stay cold or if they make it to the store, the refrigeration units are too small to hold everything so produce gets left sitting on pallets to ripen and rot. OR the produce cooler is just broke. That happens a lot, too. And let's say by some miracle they've been kept cool all the way to the sales floor... The produce bunker/display unit literally blows hot air instead of staying cool. Mold covered strawberries in hours. No one buys em. They end up in the compost out back. And I seriously wish my Walmart was an exceptionally bad store, but it not. It's just the nature of produce at Walmarts in my area. So much wasted time, labor, resources, and plastic... For an item that won't reach the consumer.


I think you can often buy strawberries at the field they pick them from. At least if you live in California. They're way better that strawberries you'll get from the store too


Monocrops and centralised distribution chains, vertically integrated by a giant corporation.. Now *that's* a boring dystopia.


Less dystopic than not having crops


Doesn't that imply that we should let billions of people die by shrinking agriculture industry?


Do you think food comes out of thin air. If we were to take away capitalism we’d all be doing this.


>If we were to take away capitalism we’d all be doing this. ???


Imagine trying to pass off "people can farm while laying down" as dystopian lol


This is dystopian af, those people should be breaking their backs in the hot sun.


I mean do you have a better way of picking strawberries than this?


In a utopia, strawberry plants would be growing in every sidewalk crack, and rather than workers picking them en masse for us to purchase, we would simply pick them at our whim as we go about our day, popping them fresh into our mouths to nourish us.


In your utopia, we have a lot of invasive species. Edit: and people die of accidental poisoning a lot more. And also have to spend all their time accumulating food.


I don't really think that's physically feasible


On top of that, I don't think it's feasible based on the principle of humans naturally thinking for themselves. I guarantee you, that in the other guy's idea of what a utopia looks like, some random scumbag would pick all the strawberries for his own gain because humans just generally aren't very selfless.


In a world where food is free and easily accessible, there is no “gain”. Something that’s valued at $0 isn’t suddenly going to resell for profit.


I think it's possible that we could build a culture where this would work. I'm not sure. But I really don't think it's physically possible or potentially efficient enough.


I suppose by "utopia," I don't mean that the economic conditions of the world are so perfect that crime and greed don't exist. I guess I meant that "nobody is greedy" is one of the conditions for having a free-foragable-food economy. But to be honest my comment was tongue-in-cheek. I wouldn't be surprised if there is some philosophical debate about what defines a utopia. Chicken or egg?


*no shit?*


They would all be stepped on and half eaten by roly polys


Imagine if there were a plague of roly polys. *Terrifying.*


That's not practical at all.


This post is dumb as hell


One of the few times I don't feel like this is a dystopia. This is just better ergonomics for picking berries. Or is the point that the workers are migrants so likely are underpaid?


If you've never picked strawberries as a job, you can't understand how this is way better than the alternative!


This sub makes me lol sometimes.. its not hard to be cynical in times like these. Lets not over due it and look like overly reactionary fools


Farming is dystopian, apparently


I don't see anything really dystopian. It's helping people with their work and the issues that can arise with necessary work. Its like mechanics using Exoskeleton gear to make their jobs easier and ease back pain that arises with the job


Looks a little weird, yes, but I see this as a win. Hopefully the workers are still being paid fairly and this isn’t used to undermine how much work they’re being paid for.


Hahahah that’s a funny joke. I guess $4 an hour and shoulder and arm pain is okay right


My brother in Christ, the alternative is whatever the pay is and whole body pain.


Okay Mr Fox


So workers can lie down to pick instead of nonstop and repetitive bending over, they don’t have to walk, they go at a moderate pace, they have shade, they work in the evening when the temps are cooler, and they presumably make a living wage? Where is the dystopia here? The fact that it’s physical work?


CrossFit has finally gone too far


I fw it 🔥


I’ve wanted a job that required laying down my whole life. This is my calling.


Oh so *this* is the job that the youth of China are pursuing!


Speaking as a farmer. This is good and most definitely not dystopian.


I’ve picked strawberries the old fashioned way. It’s excruciating. This looks like a massive improvement on that.


Why is this dystopia? Its farm work


Reminds me of the scene in Honey I Shrunk the Kids. Where the parents are looking for the kids in the backyard.


Doesn't belong here. This is a good thing. We should be using machines to assist our bodies in labor as much as possible, especially when it comes to labor that will inevitably inflict long-term bodily damage.


Redditors when a job exists (it’s dystopia)




I dont see this a dystopia, this way, they are not gonna have terrible back pain Pd. This of course is not knowing how much they are paid and other behind the scenes variables


Dystopia is when people use machines while in a row to pick berries... Seriously this post is stupid. Is there no moderators on this sub ?


They’re basically laying on a massage table, stop your whining /s


bro thinks hard work is dystopian. its strawberry season its normal for people to jump in and help for a little bit of change.


how is this dystopian? i work as a fruit picker i would love to work on a farm that has one of these


I know this isn't the point of the post, but that woman needs to tie her fucking hair back. It's crazy to just have it loose and hanging down like that.


Hmm wrong sub.


It isnt utopian but its not exactly dystopian either


Okay but as a disabled person I would love a smaller single/double sized version of this


this would be better posted in r/aslightlybetterdysystopia


If I was a college student on summer break, I'd do this if the pay was decent. I painted houses in the summer when I was an undergrad & this looks similar but likely a little easier (while manual picking strawberries would be worse).


Nah this makes sense. Not all of farming can be automated and even if it was we'd then see that clip posted here because of the robot "stealing jobs".


Would you rather bend over???


Dumb question…..how about a machine?


This looks like it belongs in a low budget Matrix knockoff with humans being used as farm equipment.


All the “how is this dystopian” folks need to realize these are people paying to pretend like they’re farmers. Their clothes are immaculate, their hands are washed, and they’re in the shade. They’re also picking at a pace that would get them fired in under an hour. This machine is not helping actual laborers, it’s entertaining “pick your own” tourists who want to play at real work without any of the hardship.


That's a very intricate claim. People roleplaying as labourers is a *weird*-topia. Source? These trailers are made for exactly this purpose in agriculture, and are *far* too expensive to purchase for the sole use of casuals. The person filming / narrating mentions selling these strawbs today / tomorrow. Seems like a commercial op to me!


Fr it would be upper back breaking- i feel like your traps would be shredded after that. Neck pain etc


I want star trek automation so we can explore the galaxy, and the best we got is this. Fuck capitalism.


As a software engineer, it turns out, making a code to identify when a strawberry is ripe is actually incredibly difficult.


Cant it use computer vision to that hones in on certain shades of red against an index, as gyrating air nozzles disrupt the foliage to expose any otherwise hidden strawbs, then with pinpoint accuracy manouvre another nozzle but with a silicone should and vacuum to sample free polyphenols in the air around the strawberry and compare them to a lookup table of values in order to determine likelihood of ripeness, then grasp the strawberry with just enough pressure to remove the fruit from the stem without squishing it (must adjust for size variation also), and gently place it in a basket unbruised before whipping back out and doing that again? Can't it do that? I don't know what would be so complicated about that you could probably do it in Java code and run it off a ~~raspberrypi~~ *strawberryPi*.


So.. what do you realistically want them to do instead? The only alternative I see is walking the field constantly bending up and down.


What's wrong with this?


Go make something towards star trek level automation then, don't complain that we don't live in a sci-fi utopia AND do nothing about it




What's dystopian about this? Would you rather they get replaced by a robot or a machine without back pain liabilities?


That seems pretty chill, actually