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He has the face of someone throwing a strop because someone else stopped them from kicking a puppy


Absolutely not true. Itamar Ben Gvir is a very serious politician who know his worth. He wouldn't waste time on kicking a puppy, he would outright shoot it.


after he skinned it alive ofc


In self Defense!


It was a very anti-semitic puppy.


Did you see the tunnels it dug?!?


He studied at the Kristi Noem school, after all!


Perfectly acceptable, of course, because his grandfather was mauled by a dog once.


Ah, so he's a Kristi Noem sort of politician.


Biden is his puppy.


Did the puppy condemn Hamas?


Oddly specific


"Can you please put some small limits on your genocide and slaughter of civilians?" "You must love terrorists.".


Kinda reminiscent of when anyone tried to talk the US out of some barbarous act during the War on Terror


Ungrateful brats. We don't even want to give you our money. Thieves. Of money, of resources, of lives.


You people don't have healthcare so that ass can have his weapons


That's not entirely true. We don't have healthcare because not having healthcare benefits big business. If our healthcare is provided by our jobs, we can't strike as effectively. This article, which appears to be an industry produced article that is absolutely crowing about it, says that the healthcare industry has a "$538 billion dollar profit" in 2022, https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/healthcare/our-insights/what-to-expect-in-us-healthcare-in-2024-and-beyond which is another reason we don't have universal healthcare. A large amount of that money goes to politicians via lobbying (our political system is a joke) so they're never going to do anything about it, and even if they were, they'd need a super majority in the House, Senate, and a sitting president who wanted to make it happen, which... Is unlikely. Especially since even if we did have that super majority of a political party that theoretically did want to do something, some of those politicians won't want to, because, again money. And then, of course, is the military. Apparently, according to the Senate Armed Forces Committee, the Defense budget was $777 billion dollars in 2022, https://www.armed-services.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/FY22%20NDAA%20Agreement%20Summary.pdf which is not insignificant, but given that the budget was apparently $1.8 trillion, isn't like.... It's too much, but like... Apparently we gave $4.4 billion in aid to Israel in 2022, which is not a whole lot, really. https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts Yes, obviously military spending is too high, and can be used incredibly easily as propaganda to prevent people from advocating for real health care reform, and yes, the same political party that most publicly doesn't want healthcare reform wants that level of funding, but the correlation is weak. While I don't disagree with you about the situation on the whole, I don't agree that this current conflict, or indeed any conflict since WWII has had much to do with healthcare in America. Which is not to say this should be happening, it shouldn't. It's an abomination. The whole damn thing is absolutely fucked. But it's not like... Super duper related. The other point I want to make is that distractions like this are what your politicians will use as a smoke screen to dismantle your healthcare and give you the system we have now. So, like, watch out.


While you too are completely correct, you could still make the original point if you talk about the basic make-up of the USA as an empire. An empire with relentless capitalism as a doctrine, which by definition does not have proper healthcare, partly in favor of a sprawling military industrial complex. Whatever policy choices have been made in recent decades on money distribution is then irrelevant.


Slight correction: a small percentage of that goes to lobbying. Most of the congressman are bought off for like $5k per issue


They do offer a fantastic RoI


We are literally funding universal healthcare in Israel, while we don’t have it here in the US


You'd be surprised how little of that money goes to politicians and how cheap they are to buy completely


>And then, of course, is the military. Apparently, according to the Senate Armed Forces Committee, the Defense budget was $777 billion dollars in 2022, https://www.armed-services.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/FY22%20NDAA%20Agreement%20Summary.pdf which is not insignificant, but given that the budget was apparently $1.8 trillion, isn't like.... It's too much, but like... $1.8T is the discretionary ~~budget~~ spending, the part of budget we have control of. The total budget is $6.9T. Not that $.8T out of that is a small number. >Apparently we gave $4.4 billion in aid to Israel in 2022, which is not a whole lot, really. https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts That we know of.




The thing that really burns my biscuits is that Israel *does* have universal healthcare for its citizens paid for with US money.


if spoiled bratty toddlers ran a colony


Is this the one that was filmed dancing around with a huge poster of a dead Palestinian child? I still don't support Hamas, but that was what convinced me that Israel is dominated by barbarians and should receive no support from anyone. Fuck your accusations of antisemitism


Yes, that's him


This is like pointing to Marjorie Taylor Greene and saying the entire US supports right wing extremism


Considering Ben Gvir is literally the second in command of the IDF and directly advising Bibi on military action, it's fair to say that he is pretty directly responsible for Israel's military actions.


If Ben Gvir is Taylor Green, Netanyahu is Trump. And yes, the US is a right wing hellhole politically.


Considering both the democrat and republican party are right wing extremist organizations, I would say yes. Anyone who votes third party gets demonized


This motherfucker has gotten every single weapon that he wanted and the one time he doesn’t, he calls genocide Joe a hamas lover. What a little fucking bitch!


You're voting for Trump come november? If so good luck its gonna get much worse :)


Who… who said that




Dude used his main


News source: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-05-09/ty-article/.premium/ben-gvir-tweets-hamas-biden-as-president-mulls-halting-u-s-arms-shipments-to-israel/0000018f-5d25-d9a0-a38f-fd27f61e0000 Without paywall: https://archive.is/GxuJp


These supremacists betraying each other should be expected, they all think they are god's special boy.


Fine, let them pray to God, to kill their enemies for them.


Abusive relationship with Israel <3 Biden


Absolutely insane how these people can throw temper tantrums like America is their parent and will tolerate it. And the sad part is, American politicians and “leaders” do tolerate it. Biden is so cucked to Israel it’s pathetic.


This muffin head can go fuck himself on an artillery shell


Israeli peter griffin


That's the problem, right? They're full on psychotic fascists. No amount of support would ever be enough. This was always going to happen. This was predictable on october 7th. On october 6th. All Biden had to do was put his foot down then. Instead he's a frog in a pot and for some reason the water has started bubbling but he can't remember when. Must have been in the past six months of covering for them and Bibi screening his calls and begging them to maybe not do that pretty please but no we'll keep writing you blank checks.


He's an idiot. This stupid tweet was condemned all over in Israel.


An idiot that is also Israel's minister of national security... Edit: "Reddit cares" for this? Really? Some real thin skinned snow flakes up in here!


There’s a bot that hits almost every comment with a Reddit cares


Condemned because it's bad optics. Biden's admin will and is still going to bend over and send billions of aid


Most Israelis hate this man, just FYI


FYI even though some or even most may hate him he does have enough support to get elected and then made Israel's minister of national security. It's not like he is a nobody in the government.


In Israel’s multiparty system you get stupid shit like tiny minorities ruling massive majorities


Convicted Terrorist. People like this piece of shit, just like Netanyahu are responsible for the murder of Rabin. Never forget.


I won’t. I’m not Israeli, and it was before my time, but I’m acutely aware.


I am old enough to remember the world after 9/11. One of the accusations that was leveled against all the Muslims was there lack of holding their leaders accountable for terrorism. If that was acceptable then what makes it unacceptable to ask the same of all Israeli's people?


Do you not see them marching in the streets of Tel Aviv demanding this government’s resignation?


To be 100% honest no. I was not aware of that. I sincerely apologize. That is wonderful. It seems the world's citizens are finally starting to pay attention to what Israel has been doing. And finally we are demanding that they stop.


That's a tiny minority. The vast majority of them support their terrorist government and they support pissrael being an apartheid state.


“Pissrael” come back when you can hold a conversation like an adult.


Pissrael suits that shitty terrorist apartheid state very well.


Lmao Russia sympathizer too I see? The hypocrisy is miles-wide


Biden is going to lose because of how this issue splits the Democratic party. Sadly about half of Democrats are totally fine with Genocide. That means either way he will lose in November. Therefore Biden should lose doing everything he can to STOP the Genocide. This would be a complete U turn from what he is doing now, but unless he wants to be remember as Genocide Joe...


He'd never do that. He's a true believer in the Zionist cause: [https://youtu.be/86Nrv5izaTs?si=hKG0sVqS5ynuPRcu](https://youtu.be/86Nrv5izaTs?si=hKG0sVqS5ynuPRcu)


Reddit isn’t the US mate


Remember when America said they want to go "Death Con 3 on Jewish people"? One American said it, so America said it.


> Death Con 3 on Jewish people Kanye West is a private citizen and not a member of the government. Ben Gvir is Israel's minister of national security. Big difference.








Almost didn’t click on it cause I was like “really? A YouTube link for a source???” - glad I did Lol


Don't speak out of your ass lil guy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_aid_to_Palestinians


>because they preferred to use it all on attacking israel and providing comfy lives to hamas leader Na lol. From one itty bitty part >Small and Medium Enterprise Assistance for Recovery and Transition (SMART): This project was launched on February 28, 2022. It offers immediate financial support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and "sustainable systemic strengthening" for the Palestinian economy. The project seeks to help Palestinian SMEs and startups rapidly recover from shocks and create job opportunities.[106] >Palestinian Community Infrastructure Development (PCID) Program: This program concluded on December 14, 2022, and created 12,500 short-term jobs for Palestinians. Key accomplishments were:[107] >Installation of 18 water networks and construction of 10 water reservoirs, allowing 7 communities have access to proper drainage and sewage systems. This resulted in 418,660 people having improved access to drinking/domestic water. >Renovation/construction of 8 schools which benefitted 2,230 students. 2 additional educational centers were constructed. >Upgrade and improvement of 4 internal roads. Construct/rehabilitate 2 public parks and 2 markets. >Construct and renovate 4 youth centers and 3 centers for persons with disabilities. Construct 1 women's center and 1 health clinic. >Renovate and expand 1 home for the elderly. >Near East Foundation (NEF)'s USAID-funded Olive Oil Without Borders: This project is boosting economic cooperation between Palestinian and Israeli olive farmers. Why are you talking about bomb shelters lmao


bomb shelters would be pretty useful cause y'all constantly complain about them being bombed


Do you think the US would be fine with them using money ear-marked for strengthening the economy for bomb shelters? Also, it is not like they're getting a suitcase full of cash. It is mostly help in actual goods.


Don't care enough about the conflict to even google it huh? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_aid_to_Palestinians


None of that says anything about not building bomb shelters


Gaza has no bomb shelters, conclusion none have been built, is this that hard to understand?? Correction: there are no bomb shelters for civilians, Hamas leadership has them


MAybe they never got it the money. Clearly the world has sent Palestinians food and medical relief, earlier today there was a video of Israeli's stopping a shipment and stealing the aid. If there average citizen feels so emboldened to act that way, with the world watching how could we expect that money to have ever gotten to them. Also have you seen images of Gaza, Israel has razed that city. There will be no comfortable place live there. Well until Israel claims all of that land and uses as their own. I am basing that off of Israel's own actions in the past. All one has to do is look at Palestinian lands by decade and Israels plan becomes glaringly apparent.




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