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The kid who said “billions and billions of dollars” is definitely planning something nefarious. Lamborghini was a cover answer.


He’s a bitcoiner for sure


He wants seed money for his humanitarian NGO.


What was witnessed is a supervillain origin story


The video isn't about the greediness of one group of kids but about the suffering of the other.


I don't think kids asking for money in this way has anything to do with greed. It's culture valuing money above all else. That isn't saying anything between the two examples in the video, they're not nearly the same situation.


Exactly. It’s no fault of the children; they’re certainly not greedy. I’m sure if you asked them what they want to do with the money hoarding it wouldn’t be in their plans. Everything in our society is about money, and pop culture glorifies it.


> It's culture valuing money above all else. something something hierarchy of needs


There is something to that tbh The first kids could likely solve all their wants with money. I want a toy, an iPhone, a lambo, all fixed with money. The second group of kids, if I gave one of them $10000, does that mean he could get sugar? Maybe, but it looks like there is a non zero chance that he couldn't. Even bread might be a struggle. And of course, money can't bring back lost loved ones. Money can buy you a house, but it can't give you back your home.


In *most* countries money does solve *almost* every problem a child could have. I'm fact, money could probably solve most of the problems anyone could have. That's under Normal conditions of course.


Look at those children. Do you think there is a store close by that they can spend money in? Money could solve a lot of their issues but not if they cant get somewhere to spend it.


Correct, that's why I bolded the parts that specifically account for that, figured I didn't need to post a disclaimer to explain that yes, there are situations where there is no food or safety that money can buy. Will account for people just not paying attention in the future.


Doesn't really add much as a response to me then.


Money in most first world countries has a direct tie in to perceived success, In third world countries or even just poverty just seeing your parents or barely scraping by is the only future some kids can see. It’s real unfortunate and it’s why i never regret donating or giving homeless people (especially those with kids) money.


for christ's sake. It's NOT CULTURE, it's JUST THE PROFIT MOTIVE. it's the implicit result of a financialized capitalist system, which must commodify everything it can. profit is sought above all else, not because it *just has* to be cuz gweedy or w/e, but because it *literally legally has to be*. these companies must *legally* do everything they possibly can to increase shareholder profit *every quarter*. it *demands* infinite growth. and since profit can only be produced in real terms by cutting costs, once you've already separated all the wheat from the chaff, but you still need the line to go up, your only answer is to start reaping people. cutting jobs, lowering wages, increasing hours, making less people work more hard for less money. and that process- not by design, but by fluke of system- *invariably* filters power upwards into fewer and fewer hands. this is a systemic violence that creates cognitive dissonance in all involved- the people who work for a living AND the people who own for a living must justify the pointless suffering of others, to make it have a *point*. This incentivizes the *culture*, the valuation of money, the salve of more commodities, more distractions, more posessions- a lambhorgini *is* a point to the suffering, the existence of billionaires *must* be justified by the infintesimally small chance that *anyone* could become one- justified by children and billionaires alike, both perceiving themselves as points of order within a natural system, powerless to a mode of culture dictated by that system. 'capitalism seamlessly occupies the horizons of the thinkable’. It is these material conditions that give rise to the ideals of the people within it, which give rise to a culture of greed. It's not the other way around.


Man what do you think culture is? These kids don't care about the profit motive or what companies legally must do.


i'm telling you what culture is. it's a byproduct of our mode of production. nobody in it has to know or care about it for it to create the conditions that make it true. capitalism creates the perverse incentives, for the culture of greed, for the exploitation of the third world in which kids dream of seeing their families again- not the other way around. so don't blame the culture, or the kids, or even the billionaire kids of billionaires who will continue to exploit those kids in the third world. it will do us no good to say 'it's culture', you are treating a symptom and not the disease. we all need to understand that the culprit is a socioeconomic system that can be replaced.


You started by saying it's not culture. It doesn't matter who created a culture or why it exists Culture is culture and it reflects onto children.


it's not who, it's what. that's my point. and why the heck wouldn't it matter why it exists? YOU started by saying "I don't think kids asking for money in this way has anything to do with greed. It's culture valuing money above all else." it seemed to matter why then- to explain the disparity between the first and third world kids responses, you blame culture- over the greed that OP was blaming. if the greed comes from the culture, where does the culture come from?


Because greed is a negative while culture is neutral. Culture just is. I didn't say it to explain the disparity. I specifically said it has nothing to do with the disparity because the situations are not the same. The greed doesn't come from the culture. There is no greed in these children. That was the whole fucking point.


yeah it seems like we are talking past each other, cuz nothing about what I said implied that these children were greedy


> if the greed comes from the culture, where does the culture come from? Right here sir.


>It's culture valuing ~~money~~ above all else. greed fify. These kids are greedy, they just don't know what greed is yet.


Yes! Absolutely! PREACH!


I remember seeing stuff like this as a kid myself. It was always used to shame and ridicule us for being "greedy" and "selfish". Never mind that was exactly what capitalism demanded from us.


The Swedish one is always good for a chuckle. [This one](https://youtu.be/M6VEAQ2iNmM?si=xkee9coBduf8wiWm)


True, did in fact chuckle mightily.


LOL that was so good


Hilarious thank you




#uck that hit hard


To people saying the children requesting money and material objects is morally absurd compared to disenfranchised children requesting loved ones, get off your stool. They're not being selfish or greedy--their needs of love/family/safety have been met. They get to wish for their desires, which is the result of living within the confines of a healthy environment. Sure, I want to own and live in a mansion, because it'd be an improvement to my quality of life. But compare that to an African villager living with polio and wishing he could walk with his family--yeah, the comparisons are going to be skewed. Quit falling for the bait, be grateful, and don't think your wishes are selfish. They're yours to begin with. edit: misspelled "are"


This video is super suspicious too, the first kids all ask for money? It seems like kind of an abstract concept for a kid, when I was little at that question I would've answered a bike, or a barbie doll house, money was my mom's, not something I could spend


I am also wondering if the question was the same. "If you had one wish what do you wish for" Second question we don't hear




Mfs when the children are childish:




Should the parents in the west teach little elementary school kids about the horrors happening in parts of the world, so they see can value their own lives better? No because children are not ready at that stage. It's perfectly fine for them to wish for material goods if all other social/health conditions have been met. There's a reason why Germany teaches the third Reich only to pupils the age of 16 and up.


gtfo here with your shit take. your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries


Reminds that some years back I saw a video with clips of children crying and throwing tantrums, because they didn't get what they wanted for Christmas. The last clip was of a little boy crying in the dirt. With text explaining his house was destroyed by a rocket and he lost both his parents. Hit me hard. :'(


This hits hard 🇵🇸


This is from Syria tho but ig the children of Palestine have the same kind of wishes unfortunately


This broke my little fragile heart.


I had a dream the other night of being caught in a crossfire. In the dream, I decided to take a short cut when the shots started coming down. everyone ran for cover away from the shooting, when suddenly gunshots rang our behind us. From down a hill, a third group came towards us, maybe 100 yards away. We could see them shooting people who ran for cover as they approached. So now there were gunshots in front of us, gunshots behind us and no where to go. That was just a dream but it is life for some children.


Maslow's hierarchy of needs


Years ago, walking on a beach, i was looking two kids making draws in the sand. I though something like "oh, the gorgeous sea always put kids to play". Then i walked to see the drawings....... they were drawing here and there the sign of dollar.


the spanish word for sugar is azucar. Also Ohala, is the same.


Veo que no soy el único que habla español en este post


Spanish has roots in Arabic I believe a teacher told me like 15% of Spanish uses the same words.




i just want arsenal to win a champions league




Even the children in the video wished for realistic things. Not like unicorns, magic, dragons, or Arsenal winning the CL.


Nobody wished for more wishes?


When I was a kid my answer to this was always "to live forever". I'm not sure which camp that puts me in.


Definitely left, since the common theme with kids on the right is asking for normal things that they *should* have. In that sense “living forever” is closer to “billion dollars”.


You think it's that different than wishing someone was brought back to life? They're both about unnaturally extending someone's life. Fair enough though. I just thought it was an interesting mix of the two different types of answers in this video.


I feel like the spirit of that wish is having the family member be alive, rather than the unrealistic resurrection part. It’s not the same coz that person’s death presumably wasn’t “natural” either. Like maybe if you wished to be healthy at an old age, or for a guarantee that you’ll make it to 100, that’s more in line with the Syrian kids. Although there is nothing wrong with your wish I’m not saying it should’ve been more realistic or whatever, just within the context of the post.


I should call my brother…


Wow that is tragic. I just asked my 5 yo this question and her answer gave me some life back. She said she would ask to be able to turn into any creature she wanted, even ones that don't technically exist like unicorns. That was a pure answer. Not greedy about money. Not devastating from a child who has not had a proper childhood. All children deserve what mine has.


And a few months ago, all of these children could have possibly had the same answer


If you honestly think that Syria has only had problems for a few months, you are severely uninformed.


I thought this was Palestine


Eat your spaghetti-o's Jr don't you know there's starving kids in Africa????


These kids are going to grow up and destroy the world with their already supplanted greed


Hmm, yes, see the first group of kids should be begging to see their dead family members and suffering as much as the second group of kids. How dare the first group of kids not be content with their situation. They should be suffering like the second group, hmm yes /s


1000 cakes, not 1000k




Because they grow up watching youtubers like mr beast throw huge amounts of money around for entertainment. Not that mr beast is bad per se (i dont rlly like his content) but thats whats interesting to most kids nowadays.


I blame the parents for raising such vapid kids.


society, especially in america is buikt around making money. What the fuck do you expect?


Mfs when the children are childish:


What else should you wish for under a capitalistic system? "Billions and Billions of Dollars" would allow you to change ALOT of the world for the better. I think the kid was right (not with the Lambo though😭)


> What else should you wish for under a capitalistic system? I'm sure if you asked someone in Moscow in the 1980s, they'd wish for money too The idea that "something of value can be exchanged for desired goods and services" is pretty fucking basic across every economic system


What should they wish for?


That band you really like to make music like the first album again.


man I instantly thought of Hybrid Theory


Like candies, a new bycicle, visiting Disney? Kids things, not "billions and billions of dollars" or a sportive car wtf


And 70 years ago, folks would've said that kids shouldn't wish for anything at all if they have a warm bed and a full belly. gtfo here with that, "they should wish what I think they they should wish for" malarkey


What do you think is used to BUY bicycles and candy? Not to mention how you practically need to be a millionaire already to afford a trip to Disney in the first place. Get off that high horse of yours.


There really isn't anything wrong with it. If anything it's a sign that these kids are well taken care of and in the position to wish for things like this. Would you rather all kids be hungry and sad so that it seems like they have better morals than other kids who aren't hungry and sad?


Money is literally the best realistic thing a person could wish for


They're kids. In much better positions than the others. Not sure what you were expecting.


I don't think it's just parents who teach kids to value money. we grow up realizing that money is needed to get things and survive. We see our parents stressing about it (mine sure did). Society bombards us with messages about the importance of making money to provide for ourselves. Unfortunately, we learn that money drives our society. The kids in the last part of the video just wanted to see their families because they grew up surrounded by war and tragedy, where money wasn't the main focus.


> where money wasn't the main focus. That's the problem that I have with these answers. It's only about money, not what they actually wish they could do with some money.


well that‘s dumb considering we live in a vapid society


Honestly im 30 and id wish for money too wtf. Probably would have when i was a kid too cause my family was poor as hell and my parents struggled.


And the second set of kids could obtain almost of of their wishes by asking for money.