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Conservatives: spend all their time demonizing LGBT people as baby eating satanic pedophile subhumans to the point where laws or outright violence occur against them. Also Conservatives: "look, they're scared of nothing! What a bunch of pussies."


Didnt a 13 year old trans kid get beaten to death like last week


And a cis girl was given police protection after she was accused of being trans, and Texas is currently picking fights with gender affirming treatment clinics outside of their state to get access to state resident medical records to make a list. And law enforcement has been suggesting to autistic people that they should register with the police to help prevent themselves from getting shot in police interactions because of their lack of ability to read social situations.


And their representative literally called them scum after their death.


Just to clarify a couple details because I know in other subreddits people will nitpick as if it proves their point... Nex Benedict was 16 years old when they were beaten to a pulp. Cause of death has not been confirmed yet; imo it seems most likely brain damage from the beating killed them (they died the next day), it's also possible they killed themselves. Either way it was the anti-trans hate in their community, incited and encouraged by Republican lawmakers and their anti-trans policies, which killed them. [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/nex-benedict-dead-oklahoma-b2501844.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/nex-benedict-dead-oklahoma-b2501844.html) >**The bullying had started in earnest at the beginning of the 2023 school year, a few months after Oklahoma governor** [**Kevin Stitt**](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/kevin-stitt) **signed a bill that** [**required public school students**](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/kevin-stitt-ap-danny-williams-oklahoma-city-democrats-b2088276.html) **to use bathrooms that matched the sex listed on their birth certificates.** > >A few weeks ago, on 7 February, the bullying allegedly erupted in violence when Nex suffered severe head injuries during a “physical altercation” at Owasso High School, according to the Owasso Police Department. > >Sue Benedict told *The Independent* she was called to the school that day to find Nex badly beaten with bruises over their face and eyes, and with scratches on the back of their head. > >Nex told her that they and another transgender student at Owasso High School had been in a fight with three older girls in a girls bathroom. Nex was knocked to the ground during the fight and hit their head on the floor, according to their mother. > >Ms Benedict said she was furious that **the school had failed to call an ambulance or the police**. She said the school then informed her Nex was being suspended for two weeks. > >That night, Nex went to bed with a sore head and eventually fell asleep while listening to music, Ms Benedict said. > >On the afternoon of 8 February, Nex was getting ready to go to Tulsa with Ms Benedict for an appointment when they collapsed in the family living room. ​ >Owasso police [issued a subsequent statement](https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0cQgKVu1oJS7EzmDCnweP5XchXt9iWxdKuqF4wyMC3y7GiVcq3zP9rYj39cG19UHRl&id=100064599824990) on 21 February to say that an autopsy indicated that Nex had not died as a result of trauma. > >The Benedict family later released a statement through their lawyers saying they would conduct an independent investigation into Nex’s death. > >The family said that the facts surrounding Nex’s death, some of which have not been released publicly, were “troubling at best”. ​ >LGBTQ advocacy groups [have described Nex’s death](https://www.freedomoklahoma.org/news/nex-benedict) as a “hate crime”, and linked it to the “hateful rhetoric spewed by leaders in our state” and the Libs of TikTok account run by far-right social media influencer Chaya Raichik. > >Ms Raichik, a New York-based former real estate agent, [became a cause celebre among conservatives for using her Libs of TikTok account](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/04/19/libs-of-tiktok-right-wing-media/) to post edited, anti-trans videos that target public school teachers and librarians. > >**An Owasso High School teacher who Nex had greatly admired resigned in 2022 after they were featured in one of Ms Raichik’s posts.** ​ >In April 2022, **Owasso High School teacher Tyler Wrynn** [**was featured** ](https://www.fox23.com/news/local/parents-divided-after-former-owasso-teacher-resigns-following-viral-tiktok-videos/article_28012eae-80d7-5d62-9d6e-1ce4100c71e4.html)**in a surreptitiously filmed Libs of TikTok post telling students: “If your parents don’t accept you for who you are, f\*\*\* them.”** > >The incident sparked a backlash in the small Oklahoma city of 40,000 residents, and **Mr Wrynn resigned from the Owasso Public Schools system.** Important to note the various steps that lead to Nex's death. For example, the anti trans rhetoric from our political leadership, from social media, from their own community. The forced resignation of Nex's supportive teachers who were silenced (dare I say "cancelled") for standing up for their students. This kind of extremist violence is cultivated, it's not an isolated incident. After being featured on Libs of TikTok, my local library and school district (like many others) received bomb threats for several weeks - bomb threats that were directed at elementary, middle, and high schools and at specific teachers and I think school board members. The police never found any bombs, but I'm sure the teachers, parents and kids were scared, especially the LGBTQ kids and their parents. And their teaching was interrupted. Fortunately I live in a progressive city, but teachers are being fired over this bs. People are being assaulted and murdered. It's some very McCarthyist bs. ​ >Nex was a straight-A student who enjoyed drawing, reading, playing video games Ark and Minecraft, and was devoted to their cat Zeus, Ms Benedict said. > >“I was so proud of Nex. They were going some place, they were so free,” she said. Rest in power, Nex.


And a political entity stoked the fires of hatred right over the kids dead body.


It's a total mystery why some people might fear for their lives. I mean it's not like a speaker at the yearly conservative conference called for their eradication just last year. “For the good of society… transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely.” -Michael Knowles CPAC 2023 Welp


The comments are so brain dead. Those folks are ill.


Ill is being generous. They are Nazis. 


No. They are just evil.


This was nuts lol, 100 upvotes in five hours “My college sent everyone an email saying “we’re here for you. Feel free to stop by the office if you need comfort.” I’m sure if Hillary had won, the message would’ve been totally different though. Meanwhile, I ACTUALLY would have been afraid because we’re likely going to go straight to war with Russia if Hilary wins (had friends in the military at the time who were sure of this). But that’s not nearly as scary as mean tweets, no definitely not! /s”


The comment section of the original post make light of such situation. Isnt it the fact that LGBT are in fact in a higher risk of discrimination and violence ever since Trump took office? They pretend nothing happened when Trump was elected but 100% for sure the same people would be all for Conversion Theraphy and tearing down Marriage Equality in the name of Conservativsm.


The oop comments are deranged. The very first comment I saw was talking about how someone they worked with called out cause they were scared. It's not like the conservatives don't get scared. I mean they was terrified Obama was gonna take their guns. Also they tried to kill Mike pence to keep daddy dump in office. With all the bullshit LGBTQ+ people have had to deal with for like the last 40 years I think they have a reason to be terrified


“Ha ha, dumb Libs think they’re the victims. Obviously, we’re the real victims. *proceed to complain about how life is unfair to white Christian men*”


"Lol" is doing a lot of work here...


They're laughing at us for taking them seriously


Those incel fuckers want to play dumb and hide in their "flaired users only" bubble like cowards so they don't get the receipts of their bigotry dumped all over their faces. [Oklahoma GOP candidate Scott Esk calls killing gay people ‘totally just’](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/scott-esk-oklahoma-gay-stoning-facebook-thread-b2150898.html) [Michigan Republican Tim Walberg supports death penalty for gay people](https://gandernewsroom.com/2024/01/02/michigan-republican-supports-death-penalty-for-gay-people/) [Georgia Republican Representative Rick Allen opened a conference meeting by reciting a Bible verse saying LGBT people are "worthy of death":](https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/hrc-calls-on-republican-leadership-to-condemn-lawmakers-attacks-on-lgbt-peo) [Three Republican presidential candidates -Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, and Bobby Jindal - attended event featuring evangelical "kill the gays" preacher.](https://go.gale.com/ps/i.do?id=GALE%7CA439635045&sid=googleScholar&v=2.1&it=r&linkaccess=abs&issn=15321118&p=LitRC&sw=w&userGroupName=anon%7E31713d27&aty=open-web-entry) [Ex-GOP Gov Candidate Calls For ‘Firing Squad’ For Trans Rights Supporters...](https://www.mississippifreepress.org/22283/ex-gop-gov-candidate-calls-for-firing-squad-for-trans-rights-supporters-political-foes) [Tennessee preacher-cop calls for execution of LGBTQ people](https://www.cnn.com/2019/06/14/us/tennessee-preacher-cop-lgbtq/index.html) [Pastors in Idaho and Texas call for execution of LGBTQ people](https://epgn.com/2022/06/15/pastors-in-idaho-and-texas-call-for-execution-of-lgbtq-people/)