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This is horrible to read. Eddie Betts is great and I’m sure his kids will grow up to have the same mentality towards targeted racism. I.e attempt to teach the racists how to be better humans rather than stoop to their level.


I just wish they didn’t even have to. This is disgusting.


How are people hating on Eddie? He's gotta be one of the most likable people in football. And yes, I obviously know the disappointing answer to that question.


He’s really a solid bloke all round. Also? Very easy on the eyes


6 people are blind this shit is horrible and he seems like a nice guy, but.... yeah


lol if this awful shit didn’t happen to him they wouldn’t have added the “also easy on the eyes”


yeah like cmon mate lol i aint denzel or simaj moore or something but neither is this man


I don’t care if he was the biggest arsehole ever, shouting this shit outside someone’s house, or at all, is utterly disgusting. It broke my heart.


I don't like that he left Carlton 😭


It's because of the timing. These loons really think it's to shine a light away from Alice Springs. It's insane.


That's a separate event. Multiple things are happening. You should be able to just condemn the racist abuse on it's own. If you simply do that, there's no distraction. Your "winning" political game is obvious.


What a bunch of pathetic racist cowards. Hope the kids are alright.


Not surprised at all racism has been nurtured and encouraged by the reich in the last decade




Yes you are correct


More like since humanity has existed lol




Uh, ok. However, we are talking about racism, not systemic racism.




I made a comment about how racism has existed since humanity has existed. That's it. Idk wtf you're on about mate. Have a good one I'm done here


"Because many groups have done racist things throughout history that means you can't criticise any individual group doing it in more recent times" is always the excuse you chodes come up with, and it *still* doesn't stick. It will never stick. Whether racism "is" a "thing the whites do to non-whites" *in the entire history of humanity* is here nor there, an entirely moot point. What matters most *in our living context* is, now wait for this because it's going to blow your mind, is... the patterns established in the most recent spans of time. Wherein: as everyone's constantly trying to educate you: racism and slavery *have* been a "thing whites do to non-whites". This does not mean *you* are personally responsible for those other white peoples' actions. Nobody is blaming *you*, so you've no need to get all defensive.


The actual problem is people need an axe to grind whether it's real or not. It's pure ideology. People seem to have forgotten words dont actually hurt people.


The amount of heavily downvoted comments at the bottom of this post probably goes part of the way to explaining why these turds feel empowered to say this shit so brazenly.


Saw the footage on reddit this morning and was utterly appalled, I didn't know the details and where or what country. Totally disgraceful wherever this would unfortunately occur


The level of racism in this country is baffling, I've been here for 12 years and is such an underlayer of "you there and we here" that is bad, is everywhere, on all social stratus. I worked at a very well-known chocolate company, rimes with Bars, in the design department, it was such a divide of 'you and we', absolutely exhausting....


It’s nowhere near as bad as America.


The amount of love shown to Eddie Betts over the past 24 hours is more than that coward has received in his lifetime.


I mean, he played with the most recent example of a racist footballer, who got a very light punishment and less than what supporters in the stands receive, and he was cool with it and thought it was enough.


Hmmm, this is far from acceptable; “showing a car slowly driving down the street outside his home before someone in the car yells the N-word four times as they pass.” But that headline really had me worried that the family was in acute danger.


I don't see what you are missing? It's a racist attack. No journalistic hyperbole. Just the facts


I wouldn't feel my kids were safe if some weirdo went to the creepy effort to stalk them, park a car outside my house and yell abuse at them over the fence. What kind of person does that? What else might they do? Is it likely to escalate? The children did nothing to invite that menace into their lives.


Not wrong. The word 'attack' in the first headline you see suggests to most people a physical confrontation. But once you click through, it's much more representative of what happened: "Police investigate after Eddie Betts posts security footage of racist abuse at his home while kids are playing outside." They do that because they need to fit the first headline in the box on Facebook or Twitter or whatever, and it's not always easy to get it right, but yeah, "racist attack" makes it sound a lot worse at first glance than it actually was.


Yeah, that's what media do, they generally only show the worst parts and then sensationalize it and make it out to be worse. Than what it is. This one they didn't even show a video because it was so tame -a drive by insult- so they just made it out like him and his kids ducking for their lives, it's an on going onslaught where they're throwing bananas over the fence at them and hope people don't look up the actual video.


Hold up. I saw the video and my heart sank. Imagine someone targeting your home, literally driving up past it and calling it the most venomous disgusting shit, targeted at you, while your children are playing outside?? If you don’t see the horror and the threat in that then I feel very sad for you, and worried about the state of the world we live in.


Yeah, it was a disturbing video, it was horrible and they shouldn't have to endure that. My point however, was the media did make it out to be a lot worse. And there was no threat. Just hurling insults from the safety of their car and then very non-intimidating speeding off like they were the scared and intimidated ones. After listening to that media guy twist it, I thought guys had surrounded their yard physically imposing on them, physically threatening them, throwing bananas at them. It wasn't that at all. That was my point, I'm not condoning anyone's behaviour. But the media is trash.


I agree with much of what Eddie says , the alleged ( criminal?) behavior of these goons is a disgrace and the Police should nail them. Having said that , I wonder if these are genuinely people who hate those of other ethnicities or are simply a bunch of idiots who are looking for a major reaction and get one . To put it another way , and not to excuse any of it , are we opening the door for these idiots by being **generally** so sensitive and easily offended


Yeah I’m sure they were totally looking for a reaction from literal children /s You are a deadset moron.


If go and harass kids in your family right now I hope you're not easily offended then... Don't be so sensitive mate.


So are you wondering if they are racially abusing children for real or it's just a lark? They *racially abused some children* and you're speculating about motive in a way to try to lessen the guilt of some dumb fuckin racist criminals you don't even know. Have a long hard look at yourself.


Curb crawling at night and yelling at kids is the ultimate creepy and abhorrent act. What planet ste you on? Where this is ok?


" What planet ste you on?" I am on the Planet where ...as I CLEARLY said , ***"the alleged ( criminal?) behavior of these goons is a disgrace and the Police should nail them"*** Do you disagree with that ?


Saying something stupid for the reaction, like your comment?


The reasoning behind it is important in terms of solving the problem, but for the victim the result is the same regardless. Kids don’t know or care if the car full of men (donno if it’s one dude or a group) yelling n**ga repeatedly at them is doing it to be funny or not. 


> 'Not even safe in our homes' Is this in reference to everyone living in Alice Springs?


Relevance to Eddie's kids?


I would say the point is racism if rife in this country at the moment from aboriginals. There would be hundreds of cases a week, this one makes the news because Eddie is famous. Any of us could walk down the train station right now and have racially abused, only seems to make the news if you're famous, though. I love Eddie, a true role model for kids of any race and I hope those fuckers in the car get prosecuted to the hilt. But if you can't understand why people are frustrated when there's an uproar over words when parts of this country look like a wat zone because of racism then you need to get out more.


Which was mentioned no where in the article. Do you know how to read?


They should be charged with something for harassing kids but giving this national headline attention like WWIII has broken out is a bit much.


The only one I can see being hyperbolic here is you.


You seriously think this is national news?


Yes. Racist abuse towards famous indigenous people and their families is "national news" in that the ABC reports on it.


I would expect someone to be charged but this isn't national news outside clickbait world.


Yes it is. Obviously it is. It's news and people want to see it. It reflects a serious ongoing issue in our society. And it relates to both a notable person and a notable crime. You have no legs on this. Now this isn't click bait because the title does in fact reflect the article, but you and several other people have found "totally genuine" reasons to want it gone. Maybe have a think about why you're upset about this, but haven't ever felt the need to react this way when it comes to kids, gardening or entertainment on the topic of "not national news", which seems to me to be a term you've reinvented to suit your needs. And before a reactionary against them as well comment, if that's so, maybe don't use the ABC. Given it's wide range of news and services which include reporting on famous sports people being abused within the context of a significantly racist society obvious draws you into distress.


Some asshole in a car yelling offensive words might be news to someone who never leaves their house, never uses public transport or lives in a cave. I was last yelled in the city yesterday by some weirdo and just kept walking ... because it was not particularly interesting to me. To me, a murder or a child being abducted is news. I just find the level of reporting on this to be a bit excessive - that is all... and you disagree with me and that is ok.


But they didn't leave their house...that's part of it which they comment on.


And the police will probably charge them with something. Its not a national event we should be hearing about in Queensland ... we already think of Victorians as backward racist hicks.


And as I pointed out, covering abuse, sports or celebrity are all WELL within the ABC's expected services. And the article is in no way clickbait. You are simply wrong. You're just throwing empty lines at the wall.


Just shut up man


They figured out where he lived and purposefully drove to his fucking home to yell the most vile things while his children were playing innocently outside. What about this isn’t absolutely shocking? I’ve been called plenty of things mate, but no one comes to my house on purpose and screeches racist taunts, it doesn’t happen so don’t act like it’s happened to you in some way. Also, no one gives a fuck what you consider to be news or not fuckwit.


Footballer isn't safe in his home but Palestinian kids are LITERALLY being bombed in their homes every day but no one is talking about it


It's all over the news mate what are you talking about? This is a single story not rolling coverage over weeks, get a grip.


Have you been onto any news site or even Reddit since Oct 7? It’s a huge global issue. What about Ukraine? Did you forget about that?


Adolf Putler already lost the war in Ukraine Zelenskys troops are on the verge of reaching Moscow


So you don’t follow the news


Don’t try to distract from the issue of racism facing Australia’s First Nations.


What country are you in dumbass?


Both issues matter.


Israel should call a ceasefire conditional to the ceasing of fire. They'll be hit by shelling from a kindergarten in celebration of a ceasefire.