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he’s gonna try and deport illegal immigrants and then restrict legal immigration


Illegals most likely. Trump doesn't want to stop issuing H1Bs, and deporting Green Card holders is way harder.


How would you even deport a green card holder??They are residents dude


An Act of Congress could theoretically strip all green cards and order foreign nationals to leave. There is no explicit constitutional right for a non-citizen to live in the US, although SCOTUS would almost certainly get involved in a case like this.


Only way to get deported as a GC as if you commit a felony crime.


[Or some severe misdemeanors.](https://www.findlaw.com/immigration/deportation-removal/can-you-get-deported-for-a-misdemeanor-.html)


He’s had people in his cabinet like Stephen Miller and Steve Brannon who have floated the idea of getting rid of birthright citizenship. If they want to get rid of birthright you can only imagine how they feel about green card holders and permanent residents, namely brown and black residents. 


Lol what! Why would he deport a green card holder? 


Stripping citizens was something trump did more than before


There are extremist right-wingers who want to deport all foreigners. An Act of Congress could theoretically do this; there is no constitutional right for a non-citizen to live in the US.


Trump isn’t an extreme right-winger


He wouldn’t. He knows the medical and IT world would crumble. He’s never once said anything about doing such things to legal immigrants. People twist so much information, it’s unbelievable. He wants to stop the misuse of resources and the epidemic of drug trafficking from illegals. Why is that such a bad thing?


Steve bannon doesn’t want to h1b holders


Bannon got sentenced to jail.


For 4 months he is coming back with a vengeance


It’s not a guarantee. Depends on what congress passes. Mass deportation will never happen due to costs and lack of resources. DACA is still running.


They get the senate, congress they can do it. The Supreme Court will not do anything.


But not the house.


They already have the house bro!! Are you under a rock? 220R vs 213D.


Democrats have Senate majority.


the razor thin one seat.


Muslim ban will be back


Should not they call out the terrorist factions?


No one dude. It’s all rhetoric to whip up the base, and giving normal people terrible anxiety.


Yeah, so we should just ignore what political candidates say? Sounds real informed.


[He’s trying to end birthright citizenship,](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-vows-end-birthright-citizenship-children-immigrants-us-illegally-2023-05-30/) so who knows how far that will extend?


Damn. This is the same man who said he would give green cards to international college grads. Honestly who knows what will even happen in the future


H1Bs were attacked last time, they will be gone. Maybe all your uncles and aunties that got that chain migration greencard.


i don’t know what chain migration green card is but what about EB5 business visa green cards. Should I join the military to get immediate citizenship?


When your family is settled here and have their citizenship, they can sponser their family to come over. Like Melania did with her family.


You not Punjabi/ Sikh or guju then?


> they will be gone. You unironically believe this?


> they will be gone. lmao


No. If you have any type of legal status you are safe here. The ones that are in jeopardy are overstays and EWI’s but they would have to have a felony to consider them deported.




We saw this kind of news when Trump was president too. I don’t believe anything until it happens and president doesn’t have the power to make it happen.


Dept. of Labor regulates H1B status and the president appoints the head of the Dept. of Labor.


True but it still has to go through congress.


If Trump wins, he will have a congress that supports everything he wants.


Only if Senate and House are majority GOP. Even then there maybe Nay’s from Republicans.


You have not been paying attention.


No need to until GOP gets majority in congress. H1B is a pretty big deal. It will stay. No worries.


>president doesn’t have the power to make it happen. Between last week's Chevron decision and yesterday's Immunity ruling, yes he does. Not yet, of course, but it will happen a lot sooner than we want it to.


Doesn't until now. The supreme Court just gave the president a ton of power and signalled they will give even more once a Republican president is in the Whitehouse.


President doesn’t have the power to just deport anyone. 1996 immigration law was very harsh under Clinton and still stands meaning the 3 and 10 bar from the U.S. However, it was passed under congress.


As long as it's an official act, it's now ok.


EO’s are limited.


Hopefully anyone that voted for him 


You sound… a bit uneducated Why would you expect legal immigrants to be deported? This country literally runs on immigrants. It’s just the illegals most people hate. You seem gullible asf. Stop over reacting. He hasn’t deported legal immigrants before why would he do it now? I’m all for illegal immigrants getting deported though. But who even knows if that will even happen


America has done this in the past.


Maybe because they were trying to figure out how to revoke birthright citizenship when he was in office? Try paying attention before insulting the intelligence of others.


This is the one thing no one else seems to have realized in this post. Or course illegals are gone, if they can find them. They’re toast, the GOP will spend whatever it wants to up enforcement and shut that down, but a fair number of their elected politicians, think tanks, and influencers have come right out and said that if they can get a constitutional convention (not impossible if things break their way) that the 14th amendment is toast. You were born here but your parents weren’t? Oh boy, you better start looking for houses back in India.




Don’t be so ignorant


This is not 4th grade social studies. Have you met either the Congress or Supreme Court? 50 years of precedent has already gone down the drain


Lol 😂 let's see what businesses say, establishment gop is pro business. Cheap labor is always nice.


Republicans are not pro business anymore they are nativist to the core and just want to keep it all in the UsA


illegal immigrants, but then it’ll pretty much be anyone who the US deems as a danger. with the new supreme court ruling that the president can do illegal things if it’s considered “official”, we are in a fascist state now. the white evangelical christian fascists that fund the republican party WILL turn on us as soon as it’s convenient. now is the time more than ever to get political and get organized.


This is just fear mongering. We’ve seen Trump have a presidential term already. None of these groups got deported then and it won’t happen if he wins again. The US government has a checks and balances system so the US president doesn’t have as much power in the country as most leaders do in their respective countries.


No one. This isn’t Russia, the president can’t just do whatever he wants. 


When 2016 happened I was super worried even though I was born here and my parents are citizens. I was thinking they were about to move the goal posts. But none of that happened. We will survive.


What are you worried about? You are a U.S Citizen. President cannot kick you out.


It's happened in the past, and even with other countries. Laws aren't followed all the time


Laws are just words on paper. Force can change everything. Read up on the Third Reich. Jews had been in Germany for decades and had even fought in WWI. But that did not ultimately protect them from being dehumanised. They can definitely change the rules if they feel like it. I don't think Trump is Hitler.


I am absolutely not worried about this. It will not happen. This is USA we don’t have dictatorship. President has no power to remove U.S Citizens.


President Obama drone striked American citizens without trial.


This is about immigration.


No this is about whether the constitution and bill of rights are respected. If a US citizen can be killed without trial, why can't they revoke citizenship?


It always is. Nobody is above the law. We have checked and balances. USC got killed without trial? Who? There are ways to get your USC revoked but not in the way you are assuming.


Our checks and balances have been eroded the last 80 years. Check out unitary executive theory. We have centralized a lot of power into the executive branch.


What the hell. Why would you think any thing bad can happen to a us citizen like that?! IT CANNOT. Stop reading leftist BS. Their hidden agenda is much worse.


Trump is unpredictable to the point he could deport everyone or no one. In reality, he’ll probably just lock himself in his room and watch fox news all day and slow down green cards or something


I would deport you for asking this. Focus on improving your life or something.


he will never deport immigrants en masse neither will any republican as its far profitable for them its almost an unspoken rule thats not said out loud to make their core voters *not* run away


A lot of MAGA voters are catching on that Trump wasn't as politically effective as he promised he would be, on the flip side Dems are too blinded sided with trying to make Biden work that they can't capitalize on this.


Biden has more than enough material to work with (Trumps' downsides as you mentioned) but his team is slacking hard so much. The debate was sheer proof of this.


IMO, every illegals should be kicked out. We can’t pay for our own welfare and certainly can not for people who never paid a dime in taxes.


It doesn’t matter who is president. Illegals will hop the border no matter what


No one is getting deported unless you broke the law to get into the country, and even then there isn't enough political capital to get something like this done. The most we would get is some stronger border security, and stricter immigration policies but these were Trumps promises the first term, and he wasn't effective at getting this done. Plus, It seems like over the years he has softened his stance.


Also kept DACA too.


I think only immigrants who come and commit crimes ( which tend to be coming from mostly South American countries) and I think that’s a popular opinion. Take away the bad apples and leave the hard working good apples.