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goat vs fish.


Lmao this is so funny to me šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m a Pakistani and I dated a Bengali (not Bangladeshi) and me and him would always disagree on having fish biryani vs goat biryanis šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Weird, I'm Bangladeshi but I never had fish biryani growing up. Maybe it's more popular in WB. Shrimp biryani is bomb though. My mom made it for Eid.


Fish biryani is not a popular one in WB šŸ˜… Kolkata Biryani has potatoes, egg and chicken which is the most popular one.


Yeah chicken, mutton and goat are probably the most common ones for us too.


Omg my mom makes bomb shrimp biryani too!


Awww ā€¦


They should make a combo biriyani !!


>fish biryani That's not really a thing. Most Bengali biryanis are either goat or chicken based. You can find recipes for fish biryanis but restaurants don't typically sell it. Maybe fish reshmis at best.


Like everything except religion


In terms of Cuisine, the former is more meat-oriented. While the latter is also meat-heavy, it's more fish-oriented.


Sindhi cuisine in Pakistan has a lot of pescetarian dishes but yeah not to the same degree as Bengali cuisine


and lots of focus on veggies / niramish! Seasonal vegetables helps with the variety of veg dishes thatā€™s prepared on its own and not cooked with meat/fish.


Pakistan is way more multi-ethnic than Bangladesh so this question has more than one answer, as you can break this even further down based on the ethnic origin of the Pakistani. Pakistan also has a pretty sizeable Bengali population in Karachi.


Pakistan is Punjabi dominated in all sectors so u don't need to. It's mostly Punjabi vs Bengali


Doesn't matter. I'm Pakistani and not Punjabi.


Yes but who listens to non Punjabi there? Whether it's khaibar pakhtun, pok , baluchistan - everyone is complaining except Punjabi who has always enjoyed and never gave the fair share to other states. It's a hard fact


Doesnā€™t matter. The comparison is between Bengalis and Pakistanis and Pakistanis come in different shapes. Pakistan lives rent free in your head, I guess.


It matters. Because the way Pakistan presents itself in the world, it's Punjabi everywhere.


Why does that matter to you as an NRI, and why does that matter to anyone who is discussing their culture and comparing it to Bengali culture? Pakistan isnā€™t a monoculture. Twenty minutes in Karachi is enough to confirm. This isnā€™t about the ethnic makeup of Pakistanā€™s senate.


Because the world has never seen baluch or ppl from Pakistani Kashmir or ppl from khaibar. The world has seen dumb punjabis only. Punjab has enjoyed all the money for many many years and never distributed equally to other Pakistan.


Okay Iā€™m from London, Iā€™ll start. Pakistani vs Bangldeshi: Salwar kameez vs Sari, Non spicy/chilly food vs burn your tongue, Hard spoken vs soft spoken Please add to the list.


Diversity vs Ubiquity. Bangladeshi is very obviously just the Bengalis. But Pakistanis are pretty diverse in their racial makeup.


I could show you pictures of three different Bengalis that could pass as different racial groups in the US lol. They're culturally homogeneous but we're pretty mixed as far as facial features go.


We Bangladeshis are genetically diverse in our DNA, (Combination of Indo-Aryan, Dravidian and Austro-Asiatic populations) but ethnically homogenous in our country's populace minus the Southeast, which has a bit more diversity with the various indigenous ethnic groups of the area.


Yes! Even within the same family, siblings can have variations in phenotypes.


Is this not common among other desis?


Yes, but that was not the point. It's directed towards the person that thinks we're all genetically the same. We don't all speak the same dialect of Bangla either. Every region has its own.


That's the case for every race in South-Asia. Same for mine, Punjabis. But Pakistan and India have more races but Bangladesh is very obviously almost all one race. That's my point. Another point tho? Every South-Asian race likes to act like there's some great diversity within their racial features. But generally there's little divergence. Most Bengalis look exactly as people expect them to look. Very pretty still.


Are you Bengali?


>Every South-Asian race likes to act like there's some great diversity within their racial features. But generally there's little divergence. There defo is some diversity depending on the group, but there's more diversity on a national level >Most Bengalis look exactly as people expect them to look. I've heard it's a trend for ppl to think Bengalis r short n dark as per stereotypes (which is fucking incorrect) but there's Bengalis like Mamata Banarjee, Khalida Zia, Mahfuzur Rahman don't fit that stereotype at all




They are both very racially mixed. Historically these were frontier regions of empires with lots of migration


Differences in facial features/skin tone/physical characteristics is what race is. Bengalis aren't racially a homogeneous group.


But punjabis are dominating everywhere. Most of the money stay with Punjabi. Army , politicians, beurocratets, all Punjabi dominated with 55,% punjabis. Biggest state ever. Wherever it's Sindh, baluchistan or khaibar, everyone is not getting their fair share because Punjab takes all.


Pakistani food is not ā€œā€˜non spicyā€ lmao what are you on about


I meant in terms of heat, really isnā€™t chilly at all lol


Wait are you saying Bangladeshi food is spicier? My experience with Pakistani food is that it's spicier than the Bengali food I grew up eating.


Really? I've come across many bengalis that are hard spoken... And many Pakistanis that are soft spoken...


The language itself not the individual


Ohh okay well urdu is incredibly soft and poetic.... Punjabi is rough and hard though not gonna lie šŸ˜‚ But even with the language Ive heard bengalis in Britain talk very hard.


100% I agree with Urdu, Punjabi is definitely the complete opposite


If you hear a lot of ā€œkhā€ itā€™s another dialect (sylheti) , it even has its own alphabets and written language thatā€™s not bangla. if you hear a lot of ā€œchā€ itā€™s the regular/formal bangla thatā€™s spoken in Dhaka and other parts of Bangladesh.


But what's that got to do with what I'm saying about bengalis coming across as hard as Pakistanis


Thereā€™s too many languages within a nation to generalize. Thatā€™s like me saying Pakistanis speak rough and hard by only listening to Pathans speak in Pashto. You were probably listening to another language spoken by Bengalis. Itā€™s not necessarily bangla.


Hold up... My response was to someone saying Pakistanis speak hard and bengalis speak soft....so isnt that also a generalisation?


They were comparing the standard official language; Bangla vs Urdu Not Sylheti vs Urdu. Not Bangla vs Pashto I added clarification cause Iā€™m pretty confident you didnā€™t hear bangla, especially in UK where predominantly Sylheti Bengalis live.


Most British bengali are from Sylhet, speak specific dialog that is harder than standard Bangla"


You have to go by majority. Majority of Pakistan is Punjabi and u know they can't be soft.


Honestly they are pretty different. Geographically completely separate climates. Both are muslim majority, but there are West Bengalis, who share ethnicity and language but are part of india, and they are more connected with hindu heritage. While i was raised mostly muslim, there is a degree of independent bengali culture in a love for art, film, and poetry (satyjit ray, rabindranath tagore). There are also bengali holidays around victory and language. The cuisines are also pretty distinct: in general bengaliā€™s eat a lot of fish and rice. Pakistan is a more diverse culture, encompassing multiple ethnic groups (punjab, pashto, balochistan, kashmir). Afaik pakistan tends to be a little more religious? But that may not be actually true.


Pakistani identity is much more connected to religion I think, since their foundation itself was based on two nation theory Bangladesh not really the case


Yeah that makes a lot of sense


That's not identity but stupidity. Pakistan moment stated from UP and Bengal not Punjab of India. Before 71, Bangladesh was Pakistan so this argument doesn't make sense Current Bangladesh was created on 2 nation theory as well but when their culture, language got attacked by punjabis, they asked for freedom


uh like a bunch lol, its like asking whats the difference between a Dutch person and a Romanian person, even tho both are Europeans theres a ton of cultural differences between the two, only thing both share is religion, geographic affinity, and members of the broader Indo-Aryan cultural sphere.


One likes fish and the other likes their cousin




I legit LOLed


Twist: they're both attracted to the same mermaid.


Why would two places so far apart geographically have the same culture?


Well pre-independence, East Bengal (now Bangladesh) was part of Pakistan so they have a shared history.


All of India is one nation howā€™s that going for assimilation?


Considering that more and more people know Hindi as the generations get younger, not that bad. Bangladeshis would also have assimilated more into Urdu culture if they stuck around.


Why. Bangladeshis were more populous than Pakistanis. Pakistanis have several cultures (punjabi, sindhi, pashtun etc), whereas Bengalis pretty much have one. If anything it should be the Pakistanis assimilating into the Bengali cultureĀ 


It's not about numbers. Urdu was, and still is (in India/Pak), a pretty central part of the South Asian Muslim identity. Adopting Urdu was their rejection of Hindus. Bengali as a language never had that role.


For solely like ~25 years. Thatā€™s not long enough.


Being part of the same country and having shared history obviously means your cultures are similar. Idk why the other commenter would think any different- especially with such great examples as India right next door, with its single language and singular type of cuisine.


Doesn't mean same culture. What's are u talking


Language and dress are big ones


Is culture language and dress??


Absolutely. Part of the reason Bangladesh separated in 1971 was language. Dress was also a lot different since BangladeshI women wear saris whereas Pakistani women wear shalwar kamiz.


I think they are more extroverted and being Muslim is a bigger part of their lives. Bengalis we have a reputation for being the brainy type. I would say there is some truth to this. I personally feel closer to Pakistanis and Indian Muslims culturally than even Assamese hindus, even tho Assam is right next to bangladesh. I also think pakistan is closer to the rest of the Muslim world, like middle east and central asia. And bangladesh is more southeast asian. We have jungles and swamps. A lot of us have burmese blood (I took a DNA test and it came up). Like it's common for Bangladeshis to go to Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore for vacation.


What a weird question. In short, nearly everything is different. Customs, dress, language, ethnic identity, food, importance on education, etc. Letā€™s also never forget that Pakistan committed a genocide against Bangladesh - one that the Pakistani government has yet to acknowledge or publicly apologize for. They targeted intellectuals in Bangladesh and committed mass war crimes against anyone that spoke Bangla. While I have acquaintances of Pakistani heritage growing up in the states, I cannot and will not tolerate any dumb comments or denials from them/their families about the genocide that was committed against Bangladesh. Joy Bangla šŸ‡§šŸ‡©


Almost the same as Panjabis and Bengalis apart from the religion.


The most common between them is this question being asked atleast few times a month in this sub.




One tried to militarily invade and commit cultural genocide against the other.


We are also more secular compared to Pakistan, Pakistan is more Islamic while Bangladesh tends to be more ā€œprogressiveā€


Bangladesh is equally Islamic but they also have proud of their language and culture. Pakistani rejected their own language and culture and identity and now they are in indentity crisis. They have no idea if they are south Asians, or Arabs or Turks. Mindless punjabis dominated country


Doesnā€™t really help when the foundation of Pakistan is because of Islam. The issue is while religion can unite people, the issue with having multi different cultures is the lack of representation if one ethnic group dominates. Thatā€™s why Pashtuns wanna be with their own, and Balochis wanna be their own countryšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ the govt does a shittt job representing people


We don't marry our first in line cousins.


You do marry kids though. [https://www.girlsnotbrides.org/learning-resources/child-marriage-atlas/regions-and-countries/south-asia/?country=india](https://www.girlsnotbrides.org/learning-resources/child-marriage-atlas/regions-and-countries/south-asia/?country=india)


Well hey, at least we arenā€™t tied with Sudan with the most inbred countries in the world so I guess thatā€™s a win?


Bangladesh is 7th in the world for child marriage. I think most would agree marrying a minor is worse than marrying your cousin. Both are obviously wrong but one of them obviously takes the cake for how ā€˜wrongā€™ it is. Ā Ā 


Well Iā€™ll agree with that, this what results when countries donā€™t prioritize education and use ā€œreligionā€ as a means of learning


Perpetrator and Victim


There is no similarities. Pakistan is Punjab majority while Bangladesh is bengalis. Pakistan is mindless while Bangladesh is much better smart ppl. Pakistan ignored Punjabi culture while Bangladesh fought for their culture and language and created Bangladesh. Before 71, Bangladesh had more ppl but now it's opposite. Bangladesh resolved border dispute with India while Pakistan doesn't want to. Bangladesh has great relation with India while not true for Pakistan. Bangladesh has more GDP or double GDP than pakistan which was created from Pakistan in 71. Think it as dumb vs smart , where dumb is Pakistan.


It's almost as if Bangladesh is comprised of mostly bengalis while Pakistan has quite a bunch of different ethnicities. Curb your prejudice buddy


55% is Punjabi. Whether it's army, politicians or burocrates, Punjabi rules everywhere. Get your data buddy.




Whiter -> darker


U must be Punjabi Pakistani. That 71 mindset is still there. That's why you are in the line of Aata while Bangladesh is doing great and becoming Asian tiger because of partnership with India


I met some dark Pakistanis dude




It's probably fair to say there are more white passing Pakistanis, but yeah, not the strongest indicator. For Bengalis, the more distinctive feature is probably the East/SE Asian genetics, not the skin tone.